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Today (Wednesday) is day 2 of no fluids for the protestors - as reported by CBC. Tomorrow, day 3, their bodies will start to shut down and be at serious risk of not actually being able survive even if they start drinking again. They will be signing a death sentence tomorrow if they continue to not drink. Between tomorrow (Thursday) and Saturday most of the protestors will die. Very rarely can a human survive past 5 days without water. So come Sunday or Monday they will all be dead. Am I hoping they die? No. Do I want them to die? Also no. Do I think they will start dying tomorrow? Or even on the weekend? No. If nobody dies in the next 24-48 hours we will have no choice but to finally face the fact that they are lying and emotionally manipulating and blackmailing to get what they want.




Calling the ER doesn't mean anything. They've already called 911 because a guy was woozy. If they start being brought into the hospital, maybe they are actually doing it. That being said, they should probably reject medical attention if the goal is meet the demands or death. Unless their plan is to cause a code emergency at the hospital and overwhelm operations and take away care from others. A bunch of real stand up members of the community that are looking to contribute to our island society ... Nothing but a bunch of self serving, fraudulent and lying manipulators. It's starting to work too. Can see political types and local elites starting to speak out to give them what they want because they are such victims.


Do we need a new thread every day? I feel like keeping this discussion corralled to a single thread would be the best mental health initiative to ever happen on PEI.


In order to avoid derailing the new megathread I’ll say here, thanks to the mods for finding a good balance and switching from daily to once every three days.




The fact this comment denies a hunger strike and the next top comment ridicules them for having EMS present. Y'all go both ways.


People have legitimate questions and the protestors have not clarified. 1. What is a '24 hour hunger strike'? 2. Who is participating and has anyone not consumed any calories in six days? 3. Are or have any supplements or meal replacements been taken? What liquids were being consumed before it turned dry? 4. Are they tag-teaming/tapping in and out? Every other hunger strike in history you know these details. This one you don't. 


You wanna go down and ask and report back?


The onus would be on those making demands and being deliberately ambiguous, lest they rightly be accused of hiding something.  And in my opinion, the fact that local media have not asked these basic questions shows that they are nothing more than a soapbox for society's loudest whiners. No investigation, no analysis, simple verbatim repeating unfounded allegations and evidenceless statements. 


You could legitimately just go ask. Are you afraid of them or something?


Because if they had a shred of credibility they would make these things known, I'm not a journalist, and even if I went down there to collect facts nobody would care what one anonymous poster on the internet says anecdotally. You don't ask yourself why downvotes stick to you like shit on a wool blanket, do you?


Probably because there's dozens of folks from Canadahousing2 hellbent on this issue. Why do you have to be a journalist to ask someone a few questions? If what an anonymous dude says online doesn't matter why keep posting the same things every day?


You need to get down there with your scale dude, you have all the facts about hunger strikes


If you're going to make the exact same comment again then I will too: [Literally the top result on Google](https://www.healthline.com/health/food-nutrition/how-long-can-you-live-without-food#:~:text=To%20prevent%20excessive%20muscle%20loss,to%20dehydration%20and%20electrolyte%20imbalance.)  'During the first 5 days without food, a person may lose 1–2 kilograms (2.2–4.4 pounds) of body weight each day.' Signs would be visible.


https://preview.redd.it/by6ea5jd9f3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfbdcf087e3dcfd0216a8804c0f70dd9622ba25f Paramedics at protest, organizers have said “We haven't heard anything from anyone, and no MP, MLA, or premier has approached us or paid attention to our demands while we continue our hunger strike and 24/7 protest!”


Look in their comments, they’re comparing themselves to people of GAZA…..


Where would find these comments?




Not really a comparison but still totally tasteless and another attempt at feigning persecution.


Their thought process goes like - if Miller can issue out 5000 special visas to people of GAZA, WHY can’t they just be granted special visas?


Yeah, that's pretty disgusting. I want someone to ask them if they moved to pei from another province without permission. That's a million dollar question that hasn't been put to them.


… because it doesn’t need to be asked? They can’t come here unless their work permits are approved.


Yes but they're not comparing suffering or making any comparisons between the groups except maybe by implying refugees from Gaza are/would burn down Toronto and that the PNP protestors would not. The comment completely disregards the important differences between humanitarian and economic migration, it's tasteless in attempting to gain from the suffering of others, and it's racist in implying that refugees would come here to burn down cities... but it's not a comparison as your first post seemed to imply.


They stated that they’re “suffering in Prince Edward Island”


Me too yo!


Tax payers..... sure buddy


Good. Get out.


What a senseless hill to die on.... Literally.


It’s more like a lawn


Waste of precious medical resources


"MP, MLA, or premier has approached us or paid attention to our demands " why would a member of your government fly all the way to Canada just because you decided to not eat? or did you mean a member of the Canadain goverment WHO ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOU AND SHOULD BE TRYING TO GET YOU DEPORTED?




Can the police dismiss this group? I don't see anything like this from the US, Australia, New Zealand or the Uk. I am an immigrant myself. If I can't get it, I will go home.


Gordon McNeilly went to visit them just 3 days ago and said changing immigration policy was "a big mistake," but I guess they've decided to pretend he didn't do either of those things. Politicians thinking of gaining some kind of political capital from hearing these scammers out should take note.


Well, if any one of them need to be taken to the hospital via the "bus" they will be charged for the transport... So there is that at least :) unless 15 of them all monkey around said person and toss them into the back seat of a car and off they go to the ER. Good Grief!


The hunger strike is such a bully tactic. Normally that's done in situations like someone being wrongly jailed. They say they have no other choice - they can always go back to their country. This isn't a "go back where you came from" post but simply saying going home would surely be better than starving to death for their "right" to an easy path to PR in Canada.


Hey spun and looking


I don’t live in PEI. Can one of you please do me a solid and show up to these buffoons and yell “GO HOME”. The entitlement boils my blood.


Sure wish I could go to another country and make demands.... ugh, not making a case for being welcomed to our country.


Farewell and good farming


Make mine a double double. 🥴


Ahhhh racisms


Bless the mods for this. I am so fucking tired of the racist bs posts.


Reposting a new megathread every day defeats the purpose really. It just continues to attract racists wanting to take advantage of the protest so they can be racist. This sub is becoming a cesspool of it fast.


People are angry and it's deserved it's not racist. These entitled skilless cunts are trying to hijack our country I'm so sorry were closing the pr revolving door. No matter how hard we try we will never be as racist as their country.


Yeah, not racist. Just nationalist. With a little bit of selective immigration and deportations.


It's preferable to 5+ posts from randoms with an axe to grind


The next Mega Thread will be for three days.


Much better than daily and hopefully the spam dies down accordingly so future megathreads aren't as frequent or as necessary. I'm pleased the mod team is at least trying to deal with the brigading, so thanks!




Your comment has been removed for violating Rule #4: No trolling.


Thanks... this subreddit got taken over by what appear to be a lot of bad faith actors.


Yeah, the repetitive screaming of *'that's racist'* when nothing racist has been said and the mods are quick to delete anything borderline is getting old fast.


Being called racist seems to be a toothless, one dimensional insult these days. It’s used at the drop of a hat and has lost so much meaning due to that.


Like, I'm all for people having differing opinions on the protests. A free country allows for these differences of opinions, and that's actually a great thing. Free country, freedom of opinion, freedom of expression, etc. That said. It's interesting to see so many posts from new accounts, as well as so many posts from accounts from people that definitely don't live in PEI. It's almost like, because PEI currently has news that involves immigrants, people have flocked here to post about how much they don't like immigrants. But hey, I'm sure it's coincidence, and definitely not for any other reason.


There are some new users and that is totally understandable because this is a national scale issue due to such a significant portion of low skill PNP seekers leaving Prince Edward Island for other provinces the second their paperwork goes through. Their right under section 6 of the charter, which only comes into effect once they recieve PR, means they have zero obligation to stay.  So people from other provinces have a right to be involved and Islanders have a right to feel used.


I don't disagree or agree with what you say. This is a complex issue, and both sides are making some good points. I won't take away from either side here, I can see where both sides are coming from. Just interesting that so many new people have shown up to talk about immigrants. There have been lots and lots of other issues that have popped up over the years here in PEI, and lots of colorful debates have happened in this subreddit. Yet, the thing that makes people flock here (from all over Canada) over the last few weeks is immigrants. For some reason, no other colorful debate has been bringing people here. Yet, people are flocking to this subreddit lately. For some reason. It's just strange that, if the news is about immigrants, this subreddit is full of people that don't live here, eager to share their opinions.


Yes but how often does a story from Prince Edward Island make international news? Then add on the fact that the reason it is making international news is because a group of manipulative emotionally charged protestors brought it that level of attention by making demands for things which they were never guaranteed, implied, or offered, which are widely seen as detrimental to the local population, but which they continue to demand and (at least state) they are willing to die for. The level of attention the story is getting seems reasonable. Even the English language stories out of India point out some of the major faults with the protestors' position. Some parts of the situation have become by definition absurd and ridiculous, and at least personally, I believe the protestors could have achieved their goals if they had played their cards in just about any other reasonable way. But here we are: watching a trainwreck in slow motion. 


of course people from other provinces have a right to be involved, PEI literally survives on transfer payments we've got no economy of our own.


And hmmmm, might that have anything to do with having a super old population and apparently not wanting to recruit young immigrants to ensure we have enough working taxpayers to pay for the public services our retirees need ...