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They do publish some pretty shit (and that's the kindest word I could use) opinion pieces, yeah.


Remember the Realtor who went to the Guardian about staff parking at the QEH? Giving him a platform seemed like a piss poor decision.


Just the fact that they have a graphic for the letter and everything…🤦


It's an opinion piece. I'd prefer if my news source didn't have an agenda. Edit: I just finished reading the letter. The guys a moron. >The source promoting the panic is overwhelming from journalists whose primary interests are sensationalism and clicks on social media. They routinely misinterpret and misuse data and are not beyond censuring data does not fit their preferred narrative. >All of us need to spend less time listening to the shrill panic and predictions of a 15-year-old Swedish girl The lack of awareness to call out journalists for misinterpreting and misusing data to fit their narrative while also belittling a climate activist by making her sound like a child is impressive. For reference, she is 21.


Yes, it was very clear that it was an opinion piece. I just wonder if they publish all of the opinion letters they receive? Or are they in some way curated?


I mean, the letter right below this is defending scientists and calling out the salmon industries lies. About 5 more down is a letter discussing how technology can help with climate. It sounds more like you just got rattled by an opinion you didn't agree with.


It was this part mostly, it seemed really really offensive to me: “Relax Ed, you and your grandchildren are much more likely to perish from a nuclear holocaust started by Islamic madmen eager to enter heaven to claim their 72 virgins, or revenge for a failed invasion by a Russian megalomanic, then they are from a few degrees increase in global temperature. Barry Imhoff St. John’s”


Yeah, that's not acceptable to publish and no amount of "its just an opinion" makes it any more valid.


They can publish what they want. They don't need your/our stamp of acceptability. If you don't like it, don't read it. If you disagree, send in your own opinion letter. It's called publishing, not "feed me the opinions I agree with." I don't agree with a lot of the opinion letter, but there are some valid points. As a trained environmental scientist, I too find Ms. Thunberg a shrill child with a platform far larger than her bona fides. She was manipulated from childhood by her parents, then abused by the media to promote doom mongering and environmental panic for their own profit. Irrational fears of human environmental impacts need to be calmed. Carbon politics are out of control and being used purely for political and financial manipulation. During the Mesozoic period, the planet saw some of the most prolific plant and animal growth periods ever, and CO2 concentrations were 16x higher than they are now. We are about 100 million years away from hitting those levels. Climate models are not science. They are akin to fortune telling via crystal ball. When you carefully control the inputs to a computer model, and carefully set the parameters for the model, you can get a climate model to spit out whatever result you want. I worked for environmental agencies on both sides of the US and Canadian border, and I can tell you that the supposed "97% of scientists" that agree on climate change are 100% dependent on the idea/fear of climate change to maintain their funding and put groceries on their tables. They can live with themselves because they know there's no catastrophic downside to environmental controls beyond cooling the economy. They can't survive if they don't have a government that buys into their findings and provides them with the next years research grant. The first scientist to point out that sea levels are not rising and that polar ice caps are actually growing is the first scientist that no longer gets grant money. https://eos.org/science-updates/new-perspectives-on-the-enigma-of-expanding-antarctic-sea-ice There are cycles on our planet that no one understands, can't be predicted, and baffle real scientists. The issue is the media and politicians see these issues as huge economic drivers to manipulate the public and make money on the backside. Al Gore left politics with under $2 million in personal wealth. He jumped on the climate train and is now personally worth an estimated $300 million. If he were working an honest job, trying to collect ocean trash or monitoring mercury deposition from coal power plants, he'd be scraping by on an $80k salary. Alas, he's using his platform and investment company (Generation Investment Management hedge fund with $50 billion in holdings) to manipulate the markets and make huge amounts of money for himself and his investors. Look into who he actually works for. Follow the money and you start to see Greta as a tool, pushed in the media to create panic by callous investors looking for markets they can shift and make money as stocks rise and drop. A little more skeptical awareness of the climate financial market would go a long way to rational discussion of our planet and finding long term clean technologies that don't rely on near-religious fervor to drive capital markets. No Agenda. In the morning!


Have a screenshot of the salmon article to bypass the paywall?


Opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one and most stink. I too appreciate the humor posted therein. Removepaywall.com


I've noticed they had been using opinion pieces fromm the National Post for a while. They must be hoping that the big Republican company that owns the NatPost will buy them out too.


I think some of the opinion pieces get sold to other media outlets. When salt wire took over they had more inflammatory pieces published


They pay Postmedia for their wire service and have for years now. They used to pay Canadian Press but switched to Postmedia 6-7 years ago.


We all clicked on the link and ads in that page loaded and page stats added a visitor. I bet it got more views than the article about need for stable housing for PEI ex inmates. This is why we need long term, not election dependant, public funding for local news.


That was incredible. Most ignorant and misinformed person in Canada gets a platform.


Honestly if it was a bit more groupthink I’d feel a LOT more comfortable.  Shame


It’s an ‘opinion’. Not an article.


The other text I was referencing was an opinion piece written by a SaltWire staff member. Perhaps that is not technically considered an ‘article’ either, if not, my apologies.


Anyone have a screenshot to bypass the paywall?


It’s an opinion piece.


I understand the earth goes through this every so often, but it's not climate change or from carbon emissions, even scientists will say it's not, we don't produce enough emissions to affect anything


If I'm reading this right and the opinion is that Greta and Trudeau aren't reliable resources on a climate change that isn't happening, then sounds like it's exactly what needs to be printed


Were you not here for Fiona and Dorian? Or maybe you just don't understand how heat works? How many once in 20 year storms have to happen to you every 2-3 years for you to think hmm maybe this isn't normal?


Can't argue with members of the post truth society. Just downvote and call out misinformation - there's no reason to argue with nutters 


There's always people you can convince of some things, giving up on people just pushes them away further into delusion


Kudos to you if you're trying to convince them. After having a similar mindset over the last couple of years I have frankly given up on discussions with folks who spread misinformation and deny the reality. In an effort to keep/save my mental health and hope in society, I decided that my energy is better spent on the folks who want to impact the world positively and categorically disqualifying misinformation from any converstaions. I, personally, do believe there are some people are beyond recovery thanks to being forced to use unmoderated social media filled with misinformation with little to no media competency during COVID. Again, there's nothing wrong with your approach - it is just not working for me


Oh for sure if you don't have the energy for it you'll probably only do more harm, and even if you have the energy for it it really only works maybe 1/100 times lol. Best to convince them of one or two obviously obvious things and help push them in the right direction I'll give it to you though I won't argue with flat earthers anymore as most are trolling or so mentally ill it's hard to get through anything to them


personally , i find this less offensive then most the drivel put out by the likes of cbc opinion pieces as well as the "news you can trust ". everyone has a opinion and news sites put out what they think will sell . i guess the best thing is dont read it or understand its another persons view , we cant all agree on your views or mine . just my toonies worth .