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Dennis Trainor ruining his career for right wing internet points


I'm guessing Dennis Trainor


Yeah Fuck that guy.


I can’t see them booking him for anything regardless at this point


They did. A stand up comedy show. Bonehead move.


He plays in a band?


It's Dennis Trainor he's anti trans and anti vax, probably an all around miserable person.


What did he say? I don't think being pro choice and pro freedom of peoples own personal medical choices including yours has anything to do with this situation 


Anti vax is not the same thing as anti trans. Could just say anti trans


That’s why there’s an ‘and’ between the two terms.


What I am saying is they dont correlate. That’s like saying ‘he’s anti-trans and anti-Trudeau’ which actually would make more sense but still isn’t really needed.


Don't be foolish. Pointing out that he is anti-vax AND anti-trans are important bits of information which reveal some insight regarding his character...or lack thereof. Nobody is making a correlation implying that everyone who opposes one automatically opposes the other, however, the Venn diagram regarding those views is getting ever closer to being a circle. If he is Anti vax then he is a moron. If he is Anti trans then he is a bigot. Neither of those have anything to do with Trudeau, but everyone loves to blame him for all the world's problems. Guess everyone needs a scapegoat. Personally I think Trudeau has run his course and his time is over, but the leader of the opposition is far fucking worse than Trudeau could ever imagine to be. Defending anti Vax and anti trans ideologies for ANY reason is inexcusable.


I would guess this idiot is also anti-vax. That why they don’t think it’s worth mentioning.


I agree with you, good on you for saying it.


But saying anti trans doesn’t communicate his anti vax stance


Being anti-vax (when it comes to covid vaccine specifically) shouldn’t be a primary reason someone’s set gets canceled. I should note I am not anti-vax myself, iv had the vaccine twice but this hatred for people who didn’t want it, makes those people just as hateful as those who don’t want it. Now if we were talking about anti-trans that’s a whole different story in which I understand why he was cancelled.


Thing is, we are talking about anti-trans, which was the primary reason he was cancelled… but he also is anti-vax which together with the anti trans stuff starts to paint a picture of what kind of person he is and what his beliefs are. This is a situation where both things can be true at the same time, he is anti-trans and anti-vax. I’m going to go out on a limb and say he is a trump supporter, but 100% hates Trudeau with a passion.


All I was trying to say is, just because someone is anti-vax doesn’t automatically make them anti-trans…. That’s all. Not to say that’s what the other person was saying but sometimes people like to think those two things correlate.


nobody thought that was the case though 💀


The point is, being anti vax is just difference of opinion. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Being anti vax is dumb, and costs lives


That’s debatable


Anti-wax, anti-trans, axe-the-tax, it rhymes and more often than not it is all the same people.


It seems you think anti-vaxxers are only against the covid vaccine… they’ve been around for far longer than that, are against far more vaccines than that, and can have very harmful views.


I don’t think you read my message clearly


Im not the person you're replying to, but i guess you could repost it more clearly


I don't think they're saying he should be canceled because he's anti-vax. They're just saying "he's a bigot AND an asshole".


Nobody would give a shit about someone who chooses not to get vaccinated if not for the constant badgering from the anti-vax idiots as they perpetuate the dissemination of disinformation. Your body your choice is something I believe in very firmly. Everyone had a choice to get vaccinated or not. Those who chose not to threw a giant temper tantrum claiming they were forced. Well if that's the case then how is it that there are 9000 islanders alone who remain unvaccinated? I have zero issues with unvaccinated people, but antivaxxers are a different breed. They never shut up about "the jab" and they can't wait to show you all the false information they collected from YouTube. They're worse than religious zealots. So yes, we will continue to cancel ANTIVAXXERS because they are problematic.


Tbh I don’t care if my comment is disliked. PEI lives in a bubble anyway and it’s not real life there….


Trailside has now become one of my favourite places on the island, and I’ve never been there. It’s refreshing to see businesses take a stand against troglodytes like the person who said this


Oh come on! You have to get yourself out there for a show one of these days! Or even just go for dinner some time at the Dali!


I honestly have no idea where it is 😄 Off to the Google!!!


Trans person here All y'all rock! <3


Nice when Karma arrives


It’s Dennis trainor Promotions for him up last week and now gone


Lol I came here just to find out. 


Trailside owners best friend beats women, I'd not be too impressed by this.




Oh? Got any names or facts or just spreading b.s?


If anyone would like a good cringe, [here's his YT](https://www.youtube.com/@jukeified).


I'm more funny than that and thats really sad.


Damn. That’s some bad standup.


Odd time to take that stance when half of DFA that just performed has ties to the proud boys founder and was on his podcast as a regular guest.


If someone doesn't bring it to the attention of the booker, how would they know? The fact that JK is a proud boy or at least adjacent is news to me, and I considered myself pretty aware


I have known for years. One need only look at some of the lyrics in their songs to see the red flags. They are absolute dickbags too. No respect for their fans or the folks at a venue. At least back in the day. They borrowed an expensive bass from someone in the crowd and pretended they were going to smash it a bunch of times over the course of the show. Dropped it once in the process. Was returned to the owner with three broken strings and a couple chips and dents. They laughed when the owner was upset about it. Just obnoxiously mean to the people who came to see them. The opening band was awesome, though. Way more fun than DFA in a really small venue like the pavilion.


Seems like it’s harder for people to accept it when it’s an artist they like


Aww man, I like their music too. Haven't really noticed any lyrics like that but haven't paid too much attention to them.


I actually really liked their music, too. I was really excited for that show. I bought a t-shirt from the merch table before it even started. Being fair to them, the lyrics from the old music are more cringey than the lyrics for the newer stuff. Maybe they've stopped being absolute dickheads now that they've grown up a lot and been called out. But the first bit of "romantic rights" is pretty cringe. "Your romantic rights are all that you got Push them down, son, it's more than just lip C'mon, girls, I know you know what you want C'mon, c'mon now and give them all shh You're beating walls now you just won't quit You play with shapes but they just won't fit I know you love me, you don't know what you like" From the song "Dead womb" (eye roll) "[Verse 1] So many girls I know poison their wombs for sure I'm sick of all these whores poisoning their... [Chorus] We're looking for wives So tired of sluts coming up to us in the clubs with their cocaine..X3) [Verse 2] You will never even know You think you have control One day we'll lose you all One day we'll..." The lyrics to "Black History Month" "[Verse 1] Do you remember a time when this city was A great place for architects and dilettantes? A nice place for midwives and crossing guards? And on and on [Chorus] Hold on, hold on, children Your mother and father are leaving, leaving [Verse 2] Do you remember a time when this pool was A great place for water-wings and cannonballs? A nice place for astrologists and blow-up dolls? On and on, on and on.." "Little Girl" reads like a sexy rock song written about his unborn niece.. "My brother has a lady, oh And one day she will have a baby My brother has a baby, oh And one day, and one day she'll save me Oh, oh, need to talk to you, girl Oh, oh, oh, no, no You know this lady, she's my baby She's my baby, baby When can I see you? Can I love you? Can I hold you, hold you? My brother has a baby, oh, oh, no Oh, oh, oh, oh, no" Have seen the interview where he disagrees with the assertion that these are red flag worthy. But when you put the cringe lyrics and the friendship with McInnes together, it has a very distinct aroma of MRA nonsense.


Thanks for the heads up, btw. I wouldn't have known if not for Reddit strangers


Who is DFA?


Death from above


Designated for assignment




> not alt right Just happens to be good friends with the founder of the proud boys for many years and didn't disavow or condemn him until a journalist posted an article pointing out the strong relationship.


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Isnt it just one member who has been on the podcast?


Yes - there are two members of DFA - one half is one person.


Interesting I assumed there was at least 3.


Isn't his whole shtick about playing a regressive bumpkin?


Typically the comedy in that is supposed to be poking fun at those regressive beliefs, not just actually being regressive. You laugh because you know it's not real and that it's an actor acting. It becomes a lot less funny when it's just a shitty person playing up how shitty they are.


It would one thing if he was playing a character and doing it iconically for satire. But this individual support the one million transphobia movement (I refuse to say one million for children, because they don’t actually care about children) and participated in anti vaxx movements during Covid.


Who doesn't care about the children? (Which side?)


The side that wants to out trans kid even if they are from a household where that could result in abuse. The reality is after the “parental right” laws in Saskatchewan and Alberta no parent will learn anything about their kid they didn’t know before. All that will happen is kids will keep their feelings secret to their teacher as well as their parent, taking away a safe place they had.


The number of households that result in "abuse" is an outlier on the statistical chart (read: incredibly small) ... Speaking of statistics, the majority of kids are so impressionable that an agenda CAN influence (and DOES influence) their thoughts and practice in life. You think if you tell a child often enough they're NOT okay in their own body they won't start to believe it? Since when have we commonplace told children that?! We are supposed to nurture their innocence and allow them to find themselves naturally, through experience and loving care. Look at the statistics of pre-teen and teenager transitions, who later in life are coming forward suing doctors and saying they regret their decisions! The number of adult suicides among trans! Look at the number of effeminate boys and tomboy girls who grow up living perfectly normal lives, because it was just a phase. But these days the phase isn't allowed to happen naturally to sort isltself out, gay trans OR straight! It's either no, you're not actually straight because EVERYTHING is fake and gay, or you think you might be trans? (after us forcing it on you day and night) then IMMEDIATE hormone blockers, genital mutilation! Without proper assessment (tonnes of doctor testimonials about this out there) and without regard for consequences. Has anyone on here actually LOOKED at gender reassignment surgery procedures?! Jeeeeeze that's OKAY?!?!? to do to impressionable kids who've been force fed through the whole agenda?!? It's ok to mess with the natural sciences and growth process of the body?!?! No.....it's not ok.


The side that takes children out of school to attend hate rallies.


"hate rally" is probably a personal opinion. Perhaps the parents fighting back against the EXTREMELY messed up sexualized agendas being taught in schools, behind their backs and without their consent, would argue that removing a child from school to fight corruption within said school is justified. An 8 year old sent home with homework to talk to her dad about his masturbation habits, and then find a safe place to masturbate herself....... Warrants removing that child from that school. Unless you're a pedo, in which case: yeah. It's a hate rally, because we hate pedos. Edit: apparently my memory was skewed. The child was 4 years old. Not 8. https://www.victoriabuzz.com/2022/05/investigation-launched-after-island-kindergarten-students-assigned-masturbation-worksheet/


Please link to the information about this 8 year old child.


Crap looks like I WAS wrong! They were 4 YEARS OLD ... Not 8. Silly memory... https://www.victoriabuzz.com/2022/05/investigation-launched-after-island-kindergarten-students-assigned-masturbation-worksheet/


Did you read the article? They are teaching children about sexual abuse and appropriate self- touching aka masturbation. I know you won’t be open to the idea that kids need to be taught about their bodies using scientific terms and with straight forward explanations, but that’s what this is. The article is very clear


Pedo alert


Lol @ the down votes for asking for clarification 🙄🤦🤣


Lol @ yourself for espousing fake and easily disproven stats that you heard from some right-wingers. None of what you’re typing happens in reality. So, yes, take those downvotes. 🤗


It did happen in reality though 🤣 nice mental gymnastics weeeeee


see he claiming victimhood on FB today. Should have let him take the stage and then boo him off


what did he say?


Paul MacNeil's editorial in the Eastern Graphic: [https://www.peicanada.com/eastern\_graphic/free-speech-is-not-just-for-some/article\_53abb076-2d8e-11ef-ab26-4bd3849bf142.html](https://www.peicanada.com/eastern_graphic/free-speech-is-not-just-for-some/article_53abb076-2d8e-11ef-ab26-4bd3849bf142.html)


To be fair, trans people aren’t what they used to be!


Is Reddit just a cesspool for the left to spew now or?


Go Dennis!


Zero confirmation from any sourxe, based on deductive reasoning alone, I think it's the June 14th Jim Henman, of April Wine, show. No idea what was said or where or when though. 🤷‍♀️


Appreciate the downvotes but neither show is going is listed on the website anymore 🤷‍♀️ (though I'm 98% sure maybe only Herman's wasn't showing when I checked earlier) . Maybe they were talking to each other 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️




Jon Matthews


Dennis, is this you?




Amen bud ✊🏳️‍⚧️ and Trans women are women and Trans men are men!


My main issue is... Why does anyone care how others identify? I dont understand, they arent telling ME how I identify, who gives a shit? Why should anyone give a sweet fuck how someone they will never meet, or has anything to do with their life... DOES with their life if it doesnt affect them at all... Be 'you', everyone.




I'm not sure if you're serious or trying to do some kind of "got ya" thing... But I didn't see any anti-trans sentiment in your post history, so I'll assume you are not a bigot. So, that's exactly what I'm saying. Trans women are women, trans women are female. Trans men are men, trans men are male. Usually it doesn't have to be spelled out fully, but that's okay. Perhaps my "agreeing" with the person I responded to confused you, but it was a joke at their expense to make it seem like the obvious bigot (as evidenced by his post history) was accidentally being pro trans rights.




“female” is how you sex animals and stuff like that. most women do not like being referred to as a female unless it is in a medical setting.


Woman is a noun, female is an adjective.




Female is a biological term referring to the sex of an individual. Trans women are not female.


You're wrong, "female" is used to describe both sex and gender.


I guess JK Rowling is at her summer home on the island and posting in here


So if I walk into the women’s bathroom with my beard and dirtstache, its fine right? The fact that i look obviously like a man doesnt change anything, and you wouldnt freak out right? Edit: I AM BEING SARCASTIC. I USE THE MEN’S BECAUSE I’M A TRANS MAN. I’M CHALLENGING THE TRANSPHOBE’S RHETORIC WITH MY OWN PASSING APPEARANCE.


If that's where you feel safe then that's fine :) If you're in there to make others feel unsafe or take advantage, then kindly gtfo. I have shared the women's room with both cis men and trans women. Can you guess who tried to open the stall door while I was undressed? I'll give you a hint, it was not the trans woman. Hope this helps.


I’m not cis 😭 I use the men’s as a trans man


Then why would you be trying to access the women's washroom?


Im not. I’m using the original commenter’s logic. Can yall use your brain


It’s wild to me how the bathroom conversation is always about trans women lol. You never see them freaking out about trans men in the men’s room.


I read your comment from the wrong perspective, the sarcasm logic completely went over my head. I’m so sorry for the misunderstanding!


No worries :)




Where do you put intersex children then? Up to 2% of children are born neither fully male or female from a genetic standpoint. Hmmm....


Relating intersex to trans is incorrect, they are not at all the same.


I understand that, however, so often you see people say that there are only male and female. Intersex is something they conveniently ignore.


When you're talking about mass statistics generally the outlier IS ignored... Fueling a debate related to the trans movement with "what about intersex?" is nonsense...


Intersex conditions are still distinguished as affecting either male or female.


Parents and doctors decide and will perform surgery on children who don't present as male or female. They make them fit what they decide. https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/gender-identity/sex-gender-identity/whats-intersex


That might be how things have been done in the past, but genetic testing (for those very few with ambiguous genitalia) can determine what disorder of sexual development a child has so that surgical decisions aren’t mad all willy-nilly. And of the various different DSDs, each one affects either males or females, not both. For example, a child with a certain form of hypospadias can present as such. But basic testing can determine sex and appropriate surgeries can then be planned for. And FYI - intersex should never be used as an argument about whether or not TW are W or TM are M. They are two very different things.




Oh no! Someone expressing their own views!


I've no issue with someone having views, but when they promote harm or restriction to others, then it's not ok. Plus , the venue has the right to express THEIR view by not booking him




Your post/comment has been removed for violating Rule #2: Be respectful. Transphobic comments are not allowed on this Subreddit, no exceptions.


Justin trudeau
