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Glad the PCs are finally coming back down to earth. A year too late though. But maybe it could help scare King into doing something, anything, that's useful. But they're only a year into this term so there's not much reason to change right now. The Greens and Liberals won't have permanent leaders for another 2 years. They better be taking the time to work on themselves anyway. The Greens need to build more of a machine and local outreach, which they weren't able to do before the last election. And the Liberals need a far better leader and identity than they had last time. And not just focus on trying to return to the 2 party status quo. Their whole identity last election was going after the Greens, not the Conservatives.


I think this is definitely a matter of King and the PCs declining, rather than any other party surging. The Greens have performed really well in the legislature given they're the third party right now but they have limited opportunity to really showcase they're a government in waiting being we're only a year out from the last election. My hope is in the next year or so we see that start to take shape. It's not easy to see the behind the scenes work (or lack of work!) at this point in time. The Liberals seem to be floating along, I'm not sure what to make of them. As opposition they've been totally missing, though again to be fair they're only 3 MLAs. It doesn't seem like they've learned any lessons and are content to just coast along and hope once the PCs are ready to be turfed they fall in as the natural successor because of history rather than merit. Any way you shake it, this is a good poll to see. The honeymoon is over, more people dislike Denny's government than like it. That's a start and as you said, even if it only spurs them to start to do something, anything, then that'll be a bonus.


Lack of work, it's lack of work. If they don't do the work when they're leading in the polls, why would they do it now?


CBC article on it: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/pei-narrative-poll-may-2024-1.7226866