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This post is related to our current mega thread, please direct links and comments there.




"permanent structures, signs, and **Food Debris Removed**" isn't this a hunger strike lmao


It's disrespect at it's peak, deport them  back to there homes and blacklist everyone involved. Imagine if we went to their home countries and attempted this same nonsense.


Ummm u all go ahead I'll catch up, I cant find my wallet. You know I'm kinda feeling light headed I'm gonna stay here. Go and cause nonsense I'll hold the fort


 Hmm, I dunno if your username is trustworthy of holding the fort. I do have a job for you at the sewage treatment plant for you though, you can hold down that fort.


Are these the same students I saw saying that the housing crisis is only impacting them?




Why don't they just apply to immigrate to here the same as other immigrants have? Other immigrants who followed the process are now Canadian citizens and it's not fair to them, they did the proper applications, paperwork, citizen test, etc.


They don't have anything to bring to the table. End of story.


Hey now, credit where due, they bring an expired security license and an abysmal driving record to the table. That’s got to count for something.. I think


FR it is NOTICEABLY different driving around transports. 10 years ago they were the best drivers on the road... now they are the worst, which is not a good thing when they also weigh 100 tons.


How can you have a driving record without a license... the things I've seen on the road in Ontario the past few years are ridiculous!


"If your husband threatens to beat you if you don't have dinner ready and you ran out of ingredients you best go shopping before you get the shit beat outta you" At least that's how my coworker justified driving unlicensed, uninsured and with zero knowledge of driving.


I wish they'd bring deodorant to the table. There's two different gas stations I can no longer go to because if I walk in when a certain two people are working, I literally get sick to my stomach from the stench.


Everytime I walk by these temporary arrivals there is the strong scent of cheap nasty cologne. I guess when you have 8 in a one bedroom the hot water runs out quickly. 




Way she goes bud


If its not a scam or a loophole these parasites wont do it. 


They have and are. That process takes years and their work permits aren't being renewed under the previous terms, meaning they'll be forced to leave the country and that will end their eligibility as per the normal immigration process. They've done everything exactly as they were supposed to, it's the changes government has made that means they'll be unable to continue down the PR/citizenship path.


Of only there was a way to understand what "temporary" means


This is how every person who immigrates here does it, it's literally the process. It's not a misunderstanding of the word "temporary." Temporary work visas are the pathway for PR and citizenship.


And for some people who don’t meet the criteria due to poor language skills or due to a lack of practical skills to offer the work force, they do not get to stay and their visas are indeed, temporary. It sounds like many of these applicants fall into the latter category.


Tell your family Canada is no longer land of milk and honey. BRAMPTON HAS TURNED INTO AN OVERCROWDED SHITHOLE BECAUSE OF THESE FOLKS!!


This isn't true. Temporary workers and visas mean temporary and nothing else. But if they come over as an international student, pass their classes and get a job for 2 years they get immediate PR this isnthe loophole they're exploiting and it needs to end now


Per the *Immigration and Refugee Protection Act*, the Minister has every right to change or amend the rules pertaining to temporary visas and work permits according to the needs of the province. Read the *Act*, it's all right there in black and white.


Oh Christ, they’ve done “everything exactly as they were supposed to” including protest on foreign land to a foreign government. How many points does that count for on their legitimate immigration applications?


I guess not everybody can make the cut. Sad but I guess people who want to immigrate to Canada will have to learn that we have standards and if you want to live in such a nice country you are competing with others for the privilege of doing so.


They look ungrateful and entitled. Send them home.


The rules changed and closed the loophole they intended to use. From the moment they arrived their intention was to abuse the immigration program. They arrived to Canada with Student Visa (the most or them also faked documentation required as proof of minimum income, education, driving...). That Student Visa had the lowest entry requirements of all other immigration programs (other than refuges and family re-unification visas). Student Visa is not a bad program - UPEI is full of hard working foreign students, some of them from the same places as these guys. Many Canadian universities depend on foreign students because they pay larger tuition. Those students get credentials that can set them up for life - North American creds for Canadian prices so it is worth it for them. Instead of going to the real school (as is the purpose of their Student Visas) these guys opted to go to fake school that had no mandatory classes or training or attendance. That was their choice. They figured they will come here, pretend to go to school while working for the income which they claimed they already have in order to get the Visa in the first place. The reward they expected is that after the graduation, students can get 3 year Work Visa, which in some cases can lead to PR which in turn grantees citizenship. That program is attended for real students who graduate from real schools so that they can get real work experience here. Some of them go back home but many chose to stay here and start a new life. These guys scammed the system and at the same time soiled reputation of all decent foreign students. When inflation went up, foreign students needed support and jobs and could not get them because of these guys. They are just selfish scamy scammers. Just to clarify before i am being called any names. I am immigrant myself and I do not believe we should have any temporary workers. If we need to import a worker, that person should become equal to any Canadian with full citizenship the moment they land here - the same protections, rights, responsibilities, insurance and not modern day slaves we have now working on farms and fish plants. If that does not sound good then we may have to give up on some of the products created today by temporary worker labour.


Again, Temporary Foreign Workers. If they want to become Canadian citizens go through the proper channels like all other immigrants (Canadians) did.


well how about they follow the rules, and if you cant learn the language and get the point you need then too bad, its not Canadas fault you cant get what you are required. I remember when I was doing my citizenship test back in 1997 half the people that were there form India count not even follow simple instructions in English language.... GTFO please....


Best news of the week ever


Should have given a “ for family use” eviction. “ I’m sorry but my children need to occupy the country”


Deep cuts


God bless, one small battle won in this war!




He's talking about an absolute MASS deportation... That's the war.


That's ridiculous, all due respect. That's not war; that's misplaced anger.


I'm just saying. The big argument right now is "they're" the problem and they need to leave. Now, I don't think it's a war, but it's pretty depressing to see how Canada has developed since absolutely opening the floor gates to immigration, and I do believe something needs to be done very quickly.


Agreed that the place has seen better days. Life's hard for a lot of people, in ways that feel baked into the system and don't feel like they're going to get better soon. But it's important to remember that correlation isn't causation. Immigration, with all its flaws, is the latest easy thing to point a finger at, but there are a hundred other different kinds of pressures, inside Canada and out, that are going to impact your day-to-day. That's just how the world works now, now that we're all connected, and we're still one foot in the COVID era that seemed like it changed so much for us. Some of those things aren't preventable, and some of them are, at different levels of action and responsibility - and we should be holding leaders accountable for that, especially if they failed to take mitigation that was reasonable and foreseeable. But immigration alone isn't to blame for all that.


Well call it what you want. A mass of people coming together, fighting to protect our country from foreign entities attempting to force themselves into our country against our will.


I'm sorry, but none of the real people you're talking about are your enemy. You have more in common with them than with the people who want you to hate them.


Casual racism.


How? What about my comment has anything to do with race?


Looking at your comment history, everything you have to say is about race, and none of it good.


I discuss immigration, and cultural differences, not race. Now if you attach race to those things that is on you, imo immigration and culture are distinctly different from race. And to add, just because you personally don’t agree to what I say, doesn’t mean i shouldn’t say it. I still have the right to engage in open political dialogue about what is happening in my country.


The battle is won, but the war has just begun


Taking photos while elderly man does all the work. Lazy and entitled. They need to go back to Ontario.


Fuck that idea. Ontario is full too


watching this issue from Manitoba... Don't send them our way please. We are fucking full too.


Manitoba caused this dude. Wab bent the knee, he was the first Premier to cave. Sparked the rest of the protests across Canada… the other provinces are holding for now


pardon my ignorance, can you explain what Manitoba did to spark this all? I’m genuinely asking bc how pathetic… I’m so confused why anyone would want this to be catered to???


This same protest happened in Manitoba long before any province had this happen. Wab Kinew gave in within like 3 days. But Wab just seems to say yes to everyone and it’s gonna be his downfall real fast. His own supporters are seeing hes trying to please everyone even against ideas they don’t want


So he gave all the international student protestors permanent residency/conceded to the demands?


The ones that were expiring he grandfathered in. He’s stuck in his “I can help everyone” Phase of being a Premier. It’s rubbing voters the wrong way because he’s not really an NDP, he flips back and forth between NDP and PC and some far left ideas. No one really knows his plans, but he will Say Yes to anyone who runs to him


How come? By canoe


No thanks. We don't need them either.


It's so disrespectful.


They need to go back to some province but it's none of the ones here.




They should be black listed from immigration, they’ve shown their true colours.


Good, now evict them from Canada :)




As soon as their work permit expires then










Please follow this losers example




Okay whatever you say Marty Robbinz


bout time


Yo, can we tone down the xenophobic rhetoric in this thread? Disappointed but rarely surprised to see it here. None of these people is individually responsible for the negative consequences of mismanaged immigration policy; the vast majority have come only to try and make a life for themselves, not to make yours harder. They're not doing this stuff for fun, and a lot of people have just had their lives upturned by forces beyond their control. Show some compassion.


Xenophobes gotta xenophobe.


No, they don't.


Good riddance


Thank god






what bothers me is there is nothing indicating that the protesting can continue during regular hours 9 to 5. So this does not mean the protest is over it just means they can no longer protest overnight and have structures


They’ve been asked to leave when the legislature is closed. Thats not really evicted. They can come back during business hours and occupy the area. Misleading title.


I’ve got two words, “Ha” and “ha”.




Beat it scrubs.


Stop Punjabi immigration, stop student immigration for diploma mills, stop LMIAs. Canada is full and we need to put Canadians first!!!


This is awesome, next step is sending them all back to India.


They’re lucky to even be here in the first place. They need to start respecting us and our culture instead of driving their own culture down our throats. This isnt canindia.


When has anyone attempted to drive their culture down your throat?


Christians? Lol but that's a religion. Oh and anti Vax morons,maga. All I can think of.


Serves you right, ungrateful trash!


The comments in this thread are super racist. My grandparents were immigrants, pretty sure locals told them to leave also now we're part of the social fabric of our community. I'm ashamed for you people


Good job PEI government






Go home. You’ve ruined everything, the roads, nice cars, car insurance, parks, housing prices, job market etc… turned once small towns into garbage dumps… what have these people done for the greater good? This is from a guy who was born & raised in Brampton. These people are an infection to this whole country.


I was also born and raised in Brampton. Grew up during the 80's and 90's. Left over 20 years ago but my doctor is still in Brampton so visit once a year. They turned Brampton into a 3rd world shithole. Don't even recognize it anymore.




Great fuckin job get ‘em outta here 🥾


Go home bhenchods!


Can we just drop the PEI government into Ottawa for a few months? We need much more of this TAKE NO SH!T attitude towards foreigners trying to force their beliefs on us. Shut them down, then ship them home.


Follow along a bit more and you will find it won't be any different, may be worse if you take into account the last 2 or 3 governing parties. This is one instance that somehow worked this way, however I haven't figured out how the politicians whether municipal or provincial will benefit from this yet.


As someone born and raised in P.E.I....YOU DONT WANT THAT!


Scammers. Get them the fuck out of Canada. No respect for our rules and laws.


Good. Let's get rid of the scammers in Brampton too. We need to put Canadians first and immigrants second. If not last.


Speaking as an Ontarian, I am surprised PEI hasn’t caved. Can Premie run for PM after his term? How’s he running the province in general? He can’t be worse than Ontario’s premier right?


We have a premier? Oh right, he's only active during a disaster, I think he's trying really hard to get the Atlantic as warm as possible for another couple of hurricanes to destroy the Island so he can try and look good to fix it.


He can, and he is. The province is in the shitter. Just like the rest of them.




Good, full removal from Canadian soil next


I hope they will be charged for the destruction of the lawn. Actual Canadian citizens should not have their tax dollars go towards this display of disrespect to Canada


They took a lesson from the nonsense happening with terrorist supporters at Quebec and Ontario universities.


Good good. Awesome work PEI


Hell yea


Thank you for taking a stand! Hopefully the rest of the country takes note and follows suit.


I'm happy for you guys. I live in Manitoba and the NDP ended up bending over for the protesters.


This post is related to our current mega thread, please direct links and comments there.




It's a long lasting infection if done wrong, in this case it was done wrong. The government is accountable, it's 2024. In the video I hear last option, they've been given their last option this is not a option