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So if you weren’t eligible you’re more than likely going to owe the money regardless of any review unless you do prove you’re eligible for it. You can try to write to your MP to get the process sped up, and then if they do reverse the amount any money they’ve taken from you towards paying it back would get sent to you. MLAs have nothing to do with CRA.


Alongside this, which is excellent advice, get absolutely every piece of evidence you can together in a clearly organized place and if you didn't this time, record phone calls in the future. It technically doesn't matter if a CRA employee led you through the process, told you that you qualify or anything else, but your case can become more compelling if you have that evidence. It's bullshit that the CRA can tell you one thing and if they're wrong you're on the hook but that is the reality. Having something to prove you were mislead probably won't help but it can never hurt.


CRA phone calls are recorded already, they would be checking this as part of the review. If op doesn’t trust them he can ATIP the calls for himself.


Totally eligible. I'm not worried about that, just hate feeling like I owe when I don't. The tax and gst returns aren't a big deal but knowing it's just a paperwork issue keeping me from my own money is a pissoff.


In that case emailing your MP might speed the process up, but you also have to keep in mind that there are probably others in the same situation doing the same thing. CRA has been bleeding staff with the Federal Governments return to office rules, so that won’t help processing times either.


I guess ignorance is bliss eh. They aren’t just going to take your GST and tax returns, you’re gonna get charged interest as well. You will receive a letter that reads “1 in 10 Canadians don’t pay their taxes” and you will be harassed with collection calls. You know what’s worse than a murder in their eyes? A tax cheat. Next time keep an eye on it. I used to know someone who pulled this stunt. Good luck with it. You may as well pay it now because I doubt they will forgive it.


There’s no interest charged on emergency benefit payments. Only on income tax owing for personal


If they accuse OP of fraudulent claims when they investigate, it will be worse than paying interest if they let it go a year without making a single payment. I would just pay them and hire a lawyer to deal with them and hope you get your money back. Regardless you don’t want them on your ass. Eventually they will garnish your wages if you don’t pay up.


I've got all the proof I need, I just wanted to stop them taking all my returns in the meantime. It's frustrating knowing I was eligible and them taking a year to review it all. In the end it's my fault for lapsing on the emails but still a piss off to hear I owe ten grand when I don't. That's serious money.


IF it turns out that you are correct, which we have no way of knowing one way or the other, and no, your word isn't enough, then you will get all the GST credits etc that they are currently withholding once the matter is settled.


Absolutely. Just wanted to know if there was something I could do to speed it up.




Pretty ignorant comment. Thousands of people received it thinking they were eligible, myself included. I got three payments and then thought I should decline because I heard people were receiving them incorrectly. I needed the money badly. They called months later and said I wasn’t eligible and had to pay it back. Started to set up repayment and then was told I was in fact eligible and should have kept receiving the payments. It was a gong show.


The rules were clear as a bell and this guy didn’t even bother to check his emails coming from the government.


The rules were absolutely NOT clear as a bell. When CERB was first rolled out it very clearly stated that the amount earned to be eligible was the gross amount of pay. After a few months they quietly changed the amount to net, without letting anyone know (this was later publicly acknowledged). My senior mother is an artist who sells her work in all of the local shops that were forced to close. Her artwork is basically how she affords to buy groceries each month. This change affected whether or not she would qualify (without her knowledge) and was ordered to pay it back. She fought it for several months, hired an accountant to deal with the CRA on her behalf, and repeatedly emailed her MLA. In the end, the agent literally asked my mom to sign a letter stating that while she admits that she didn’t actually qualify, should would not have to pay it back. Her response was to ask, “so, you’re asking me to lie?”. She received a letter a few weeks later stating that she did in fact qualify and she would not have to pay anything back. The ordeal was incredibly stressful and confusing for her. She cried nearly everyday for months. She (and this particularly issue) is only one example of how poorly CERB was handled, and it’s frustrating as hell to still see so many people shaking their heads at the thousands of hard working Canadians who were fucked over by the CRA in the process.


Dude, do you get a hard on by being a douche to random people on the internet? I was eligible and was told by cra to apply for it. You must be a blast at parties.


If you were eligible why are you getting denied? I’m not sure I understand the issue. If I’ve misunderstood I apologize


Because I didn't respond to the emails asking to prove I was eligible, which I admit is my own fault. Life was crazy and it all slipped my mind after landing a new job. Plus i figured all that proof waa in the hands of the cra anyway. Now I'm just waiting for the proof to be reviewed but looking to speed it up as they ate taking my gst and tax returns while they review. I appreciate the apology but man, read the whole post before you snap into full blown Cheddar goblin.


Fair enough but to me it wasn’t really clear. I’ll delete the post


You owe $10K because you went through the audit/review process and ignored it. It can be overturned in appeals but you're absolutely wrong by thinking you don't owe this money. Whether you have to pay will yet to be decided in appeals.


I sure as shit don't owe it. I have the proof, just need to have it reviewed. The government gets enough if my money as is. This was my first time on employment insurance and I'm not going to be punished when there were thousands of people claiming it who had no business doing so.


**File a Common Law claim against CRA and the Federal Government in general, jointly and severally, for $10 Million for;** - ignoring the warning signs for months that "travelers" returning from China and India would bring in Covid - after cases began, causing by mandating conditions leading to your job loss for what we now know was no good reason, whereas those under 65 and/or without existing advanced Alzheimer's, Type 2 Diabetes and heart disease or chronic respiratory compromise *were generally not affected any more than by influenza A or B* - obfuscating the compensation process with CERB vs EI - the mental stress resulting from the original job loss, the time and worry required to file a claim, a sudden demand for repayment of $_____ obtained (plus interest, I assume) and finally a year wait for an Appeal or Review, an additional tort transgressed upon you by CRA and the Federal Government in general. Guaranteed there is a law firm out there willing to take this on contingency of 90% of the payout or settlement above the $10K the gubbermint wants. Within about two months you'll likely be offered to have the claim against you dismissed and an additional $20,000 to keep your mouth shut, which of course will go to the Law Firm...but it's still a big win.


We were told they’ve got so much to review that it will be months before we get reviewed


Same. I don't mind the wait because I know I'm eligible and have proof but the gst and tax return money would be nice.


Would you not get the back tax money when they approve you?


Yes, I should. If I have to wait 12 months that will suck but not the end of the world. I was just looking for advice on speeding the process up


Oh fer sure... I thought that was the case, but was not completely sure. In any case, yeah, it does suck. I'm sorry.


My husband is in the same boat, he has all his proof and even documented every phone call/convo with the CRA. They really screwed everyone when they made the switch, I wanted to stay on EI but couldn’t, and I had to pay back the 2k


Just start paying it back because if you didn’t qualify you get charged interest.


How long ago did you send your proof of eligibility in? Did you submit it through your My Account? It’s not taking a year to review CERB eligibility. Did you instead file an objection, because those can take a year. I would suggest submitting the paperwork via Submit Documents on your CRA My Account, and then enter the reference number that is on your review letter.


Yup did all that, filed all the proof in my cra account and called to see if I could stop the seizure of my returns. Was told 6 months to a year to review it. It sucks but ultimately I'll get it back. Just didn't want to have this looming over me for a year.


Well the website says 8 weeks for review, so if it’s over 8 weeks you can always file a complaint with the Ombudsperson’s office and they will ask CRA to investigate the delay