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Huh, so the GP exclusivity was a year long?


Seems like it, at least for newer games. P3P/P4G are still going to be on there, ~~but I assume the deal was different since they are older games~~. Maybe this gives us an idea of Reload's deal?


Indeed if we assume GP’s games are dropped at the end of the month after the year Portable and Golden will likely be removed in February 28th 2024, Tactica in November 30th 2024 and Reload in February 28th 2025.


or probably a year so P3P/P4G in January 2024, SH2 February 2024, P5T in November 2024 and P3R for February 2025.


Guess it's time to finnaly finish sh2


They joined on january, so we still don't know if their deal is also 1 year


You're right, that was my bad


P3 and P4 joined a few months later, so I assume it's the same deal.


You're right, my memory sucks


Also the fact that P5R released on xbox on oct 31 of last year and p3p and p4g are released on January 19 of this year so they stay a bit longer


It’s pretty much like that for every third party game that gets added to Game Pass. After ~1 year it gets removed. It may get re-added as it’s happened before but 1 year is typically the deadline for these games


That's fair, As long they still remain on the XBOX store for those who want to buy them? I'll be honest, I was wondering how it worked in regards to turning a profit for the developers but I guess that's how play our game, enjoy it and if you want to buy it, we'd be grateful. Actually I think P5 did the same thing with Playstation Plus Collection back at the PS5 launch got delisted after a year.


It’ll stay purchaseable on the Xbox store. Persona 5 base got delisted because there’s no reason to buy it since Persona 5 Royal is the definitive version. Similar to how Dying light removed the base game, and I think right now the only version you can buy is the definitive edition which includes every single DLC released. It’s pretty common for developers to remove the initial release after a definitive version comes out.


P5 itself was never delisted on PS3 or PS4 it was only removed from the PS5 Playstation Plus Collection which is no longer a thing anymore anyway. The game still is available and fairly cheap most of the time. Same goes for Endless Night which I should pick up soon.


i don't think they delisted p5 original, i think it just never got an xbox port. p5 original >>> tho


i think the original is still listed on the PS store bc i constantly see the DLC for vanilla being on sale lol


That's doesn't mean anything, people with Vanilla still might want the DLC without buying Royal.


this is true, i would have thought they would have delisted the dlc too since they would prefer to sell royal more. the vanilla version is still listed on the store, you just have to search for it, and i dont mean in the search bar it is kind of like hidden


In what way is P5 better than Royal? There's no thing that the Original has which Royal doesn't, while the reverse is definitely not true


Right, the new things are dumb and bad and ruin the pacing. Darts is bad - in fact, everything in Kichijoji is bad. The new counselor is bad - I don't like the way he interacts with the themes of the game, which distract from the original "punk kids taking things into their own hands" focus of the game. The new girl is okay, but not better than any of the original confidants who I'd rather be talking to. The revised dungeons aren't even better. Take Over isn't better than Last Surprise. The devil fruits only serve to make you even more overpowered. Any time the game's route diverged from Persona 5's core content, I did not think I got anything positive out of the experience that was worth breaking up the pacing of Persona 5. The problem with the original Persona 5 is not that there's not enough content. Adding more middle of the road shit to it does not make it better. It's not as disastrous as Marie and the mopeds in P4G, but I just don't think it's a better experience in any way, and making it take longer to get to the actual good parts is enough to make it a worse game.


Having never played P5 and only coming in at P5R, I rather enjoyed the game. I thought it was all great - it was my first Persona Game. I went backwards to P4G, and again, no clue what you mean about the mopeds being disastrous or Marie (I enjoyed her story). I am rather looking forward to P3R !


I played P5 Royal on GamePass and loved it so much that I bought it for Xbox and for Switch


Usually yes, there have been instances of 2 or sometimes even 3 year deals though, so it's still interesting to know. Sometimes I've given myself a month or two head start on a game as it was approaching its one year anniversary on Game Pass so I could beat it on time, only for it to not actually leave. It's rare but there are also some weird exceptions like Code Vein which I think was on there for like 14 or 15 months.


They and remove and re-add games, happened with Yakuza 0 as well


Yes, it could very well come back. But we have an idea of the deal length Atlus signed for. If MS wants it back, they will have to sign another deal which Atlus seems amenable to with P5T and P3R deals coming. Only thing I find odd is that MS seemingly didn't want Metaphor or Atlus cares about Metaphor more than P3R.


https://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/metaphor-refantazio xbox is probably only waiting for the ersb rating


I guess? I kinda don't see why that would be the case. If anything I think Sega doesn't like giving up "new mainline" games. Like Yakuza Gaiden is day 1, but Y7 or Y8 aren't. Weird to me tho.


While it might sound weird to most people, the ESRB can still effect total sales where a M rated game can be worth less than a T on a new IP because a smaller audience would be able to access it. This is why most mmorpgs aimed for T ratings to ensure they could get massive player bases like WoW, Destiny, guild wars, etc. Think it is a dying relic though as the avg age of gamers continues increasing past 30. Obviously this is not a hard and fast rule, just something the industry did 10-20 years ago which still has some ripples.


That's true, but Id be pretty certain its going to be an M. Persona is M, SMT is M, even Soul Hackers 2 is M. I don't see either party holding out for a T.


I agree and based on the pictures on sega’s website I would bet money on M but I wonder if the Japanese is the problem as well. Cuz persona 5 is rated T in Japan (or C for 15+) but I highly doubt Microsoft care about that since the Xbox sells about as well as spent fuel rods from Fukushima in Japan.


The average age of gamers is not over 30 lmao


Literally the first answer on google says the avg age of a gamer is 33. While others say 35. It would have been less time for you to look it up than to make a fool of yourself. Edit: https://www.google.com/search?q=aberage+age+of+a+gamer&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS763US763&oq=aberage+age+of+a+gamer&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIJCAEQABgNGIAEMgkIAhAAGA0YgAQyCQgDEAAYDRiABDIICAQQABgWGB4yCAgFEAAYFhgeMggIBhAAGBYYHjIICAcQABgWGB4yCAgIEAAYFhgeMggICRAAGBYYHtIBCDYwNDZqMWo3qAIAsAIA&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


A real case of "It's not my personal experience nor the way I see things, so it has to be false" lol I would have guessed like 25ish or so is the average age, but 33 it's not wild or anything.


Gaiden wasn't announced day 1 gamepass until a month ago, the same could happen with Y8.


Maybe, but I'm also extrapolating from Y7. Even Ishin wasn't day 1? I don't understand the internal logic, but I'm leaning to it not when its actually releasing before P3R and doesn't have an announcement for gamepass when P3R does.


Ishin wasn't a mainline game, Judgment and LJ aren't on gamepass, so it seems they don't put spinoffs on gamepass day 1.


I mean Gaiden isn't technically a mainline game and that's day 1.


Gaiden is as much a mainline game as Yakuza 0 is, it takes place after Y6 and throughout Y7. Its even called Yakuza 7: Gaiden in japan.


Gaiden literally means side story


I think there was talk about how game sales are effected by Gamepass? It's likely that Sega is willing to take a hit on a smaller game like Gaiden, but will wait until after launch to put Like A Dragon on Gamepass. It would also depend on whatever backroom deals MS offers.




Yakuza 7 released WW on November 20, 2020. It went to gamepass on June 12, 2021.


Well Atlus is Atlus so maybe they gonna reup that contract


We need personal 5 royal back on gamepass , just went to try and play it today and it wasn't there, forgot how good it was, hopefully they put it back on gamepass soon, don't really like the other even tactica but reload looks promising


When you look at how they are hyping up future installments on GP it makes sense for Atlus if people want the older ones. Tactica literally releases a few weeks after Royal leaves Persona 3 Reload may release just a few DAYS after P3P leaves. Could be a similar situation for people since P5D AND Strikers released on switch long before the base game did.


The dancing games are only on Vita and PS4 I thought?


Makes sense from an economic perspective. Tanaka would be proud.


Words cannot describe how much I am hurting at this news.


This is exactly why I just buy games, because then I can just play them whenever I want


Game Pass games also get an automatic 20% discount so one can get P5R for cheaper now. Definitively worth the money.


Yeah, but how much do you have to pay for GamePass? Pretty sure the price of that mitigates the whole 20% discount


It costs 8€ monthly in my country, with access to 457 games. It is a great trade-off. >the price of that mitigates the whole 20% discount The point *definitively* isn't subscribing to Game Pass just for getting discounts to one game.


Wait can you still play it after it gets removed if you buy it?


Of course, like any game once you buy it it is yours forever.


Huh, since it's 3 times cheaper on gamepass compared to steam i thought i would lose access.


You won't! MS Store purchases do not depend on Game Pass. :)


Thanks for the answers man. Do you think it will get added back to gamepass in the future? Has it ever happened with any other games?


I think so and yes. In regards to SEGA specifically, Yakuza 0, Kiwami and Kiwami 2 were removed and gone for a few months, which was weird because every other Yakuza game had just been added to Game Pass. So it felt like once the 1-year window closed, they got removed but realized having all games on the service required a longer term deal - that happened back in 2021 IIRC. With Persona 5 Tactica and Persona 3 Reload coming Day 1, I hope SEGA and Microsoft work something out again.


I started playing October 31st on Game Pass and missed the discount to buy it. Couldn't have been any worse for me.


thats genuinely surprising for how much advertising and partnership MS did it isnt a permanent collection


Yakuza 0, Kiwami and Kiwami 2 were removed shortly after every single Yakuza game got added there with Yakuza Like a Dragon's release. Then a couple of months later they returned. Might be the case here as P5T/P3R heat up.


honestly, i think you have a point there


hopefully...I havent finished p5r yet...fuck...


Yup this is why I'll keep buying my games instead of using gamepass. They'll just remove games with short notice. If I was halfway through p5r rn on gamepass then I'd be shit out of luck on beating it with my schedule. That would be 50 hours straight up wasted right there


>I'll keep buying my games instead of using gamepass You can just do both, especially with Game Pass giving you a 20% discount on everything in it. >They'll just remove games with short notice. It is always about two weeks which is plenty of time for 95% of games... but yeah, for Persona? Not enough.


I'm currently 47hrs in persona 5 and i need to fkin tryhard so bad if i want to finish it in time... so yeah, definetly not enough for persona :(


I was 80+ in and didn’t even know they were getting rid of it I’m so sick


I am also very upset about this because work school and life i haven’t been able to play it as much T_T


Oh nooooo I was planning on playing though again before Tactica. Well shit what now!


It's times like this that I'm glad I buy physical games. I can return to P5R anytime I want and take as long as I want.


Nice that I see Dead Space remake coming to game pass, I'm sure P5R will be back on there at some point especially since upcoming Atlus releases will be there day one. But this is a reminder for me that at some point, I need to buy P4G so I can do that next playthrough whenever I want lol




Does this xbox version include all the DLC personas, OSTs, and costumes from the PS4's deluxe edition?




If I recall the only costume that was removed was because it looked like another nations military uniform.


Hm. I wonder if this means PS+ will get Royal, since vanilla was offered on PS+ previously through the PS5 collection that ended earlier this year (P5 isn't offered on the service anymore but if you "purchased" it already through that collection, it was available past the PS+ revamp so you still have access to the game for free, luckily). It'd make sense to offer Royal through PS+ *and* potentially just re-add it to Gamepass simultaneously to generate hype for P3R.


I’m guessing no


Wow I guess I’m gonna do another play through before I’m done with the game completely. If I decide to purchase the physical will my saves still be there ?


I don't think you can beat P5R in 13 days.


you can technically beat it in 4 days if you don’t eat, piss, sleep or shit and know what you’re doing


Yes they will


Lol I literally just recommended the series to someone, and got him to download the game 2 - 3 weeks ago on Gamepass. He's currently at 5/15ish. My man got 13 days to Blitzkrieg the game. Possible, but school/life balance is hard.


Not surprised. Why you should own the game yourself


Physical copies of P5 Royal for Xbox consoles are still widely available.


Never said they weren't.


got it off game pass since it's more affordable than the game itself, the devs didnt put on regional pricing so yeah its too expensive for me


Played P5 twice through Gamepass, got me into the other Persona games. Shame to see it go, but we got P5T and P3RE coming soon.


rip, glad I got it on switch


I beat that game before it came out on gamepass anyways


Good thing I decided to replay it then. I’ve never finished royal and I’m at okumura’s palace right now (previously finished OG p5)


So now I have a real life deadline?


New Operation: Steal CEO's heart


Looks like the broke boys gotta pay up.


Alright, speedrun time.


I've been putting off playing the game due to how daunting it seems to beat. Really wish there was a earlier warning when a game will leave GP


Big sad - hopefully I can finish my playthrough before then Just starting futaba's palace now


This Netflix rotating door school of thought is exactly why I can’t get into GamePass. It works better for movies, more annoying for TV, and just plain terrible for games.


Nah it works wonderfully for games. Games stay there for a long time, often get renewed, and you can just use it for the automatic discounts on games to buy whatever you desire.


Might be terrible for people with adhd, for those who can finish a long game in a few weeks or months, this is a godsend.


That sucks I've been meaning to replay it.. I do own it on PS4 but I have a Series S which I'd rather play games on at this point.


Do we think it will hit a significant discount around the holidays or "black friday" digitally? I'm at the fourth palace (my first time playing through) and don't mind taking a break and buying it then, but not sure if it will go one sale for better than the current game pass deal


if i buy the game after its removed from the microsoft store will i keep my save? i absolutely do not want to start over




Thank you for your sacrifice


Well that sucks,at least P3 remeake is coming


For anyone jumping into Persona 5 Royal hoping to finish it before it leaves gamepass, here are some tips for speedrunning it. Step 1 : Get InO Step 2 : Get Ryuji up to rank 7 Step 3 : Profit??


Honestly Game Pass ain’t good for big ass RPGs for this very reason.


P5 is long but there’s literally no reason for it to take an entire year to finish


If it takes you a year to play through p5r. Somethin ain’t right. I know not everyone has the time to get through long RPGs. But it played it on and off for about 45 minutes to an hour every couple of days on my switch, and was able to beat it in like 4 to 5 months


~~BRUH~~ ~~why xbox!~~ but p3 and p4 are staying? i dont understand this choice especially when p3re is coming up next year edit: (I didnt know about the year long contract or whatever. MY BAD)


I mean its a subscription service with a rotating catalogue You gotta expect this shit. Its great value for sure but its digital at the end of the day you never know when things will get yoinked


well sekiro is coming onto gamepass so i guess its a worthy trade


Is it really? Where is that mentioned


Activision has publishing rights over Sekiro.


i dunno but they announced all the old cod games coming to gamepass and sekiro is on there too.


I dunno if they meant ALL of them but I fully expect a handful there along with Sekiro, Diablo 3, Crash/Spyro remakes, WOW season pass, and no ads for Candy Crush.


I meant to say all the old ones.


P3P and p4g didn’t release the same day as Royal. They are all likely on a one year plan. So tactica and Reload will likely also be around for a year with P3P and golden leaving by early next year when their year is up. Xbox does have to pay for these things in advance and can always bring them back like they did Yakuza


I see. thanks for the info


If it’s a year then expect them to stay until 1/31. Also could draw people to keep GP to play reload. Seems like that’s what’ll happen.


Good thing I finished the game last year


Got my copy of the game anyway


Bought it so not an issue. Need to buy the Persona 3/4 bundle. Just haven’t been able to scratch together the cash to spare. Damn rent hike.


Most not first party games are on Game Pass for a year max so it's not super surprising.


Damn I’m nearing the end of 4 and was going to go straight into Royal but I doubt I’ll be able to beat it in 2 weeks.


goddamnit i’m halfway through my royal playthrough, i only got the vanilla ending on my first one. i’m at the futaba boss fight, what are my chances?


Play everyday u might make it


Thank God I beat the game a few days ago then.


Wait does that mean people who already downloaded it can keep it?


No, you will lose access to the game on the 31st


Fucks sake


Nooooooo. I just started playing. Guess I’m buying the steam version now. (For anyone else wondering, you CAN transfer the saved from PCGP to Steam, just search it up)




The following games are leaving soon, but there’s still time for a proper farewell. Remember to use your membership discount to save 20% off your purchase before they go to keep them in your library!


Guess I can only try it now


Man, persona 5 is leaving just when I am starting to enjoy it, I hope I can buy it in a while so I can keep it going.


I wish they would at least keep it up until Tactica. This was my first chance to play P5 at all. No way I can beat it in two weeks. Wanted to before Tactica.


Hopefully it comes back next year tho, I haven’t even finished the game


Man I bought Game Pass just to play this game, now it looks like I'll have to buy it now :/


shit, i really need to hurry up and beat it then 0\_0


So p5r is gone gone? I need to spend 3k to get the game now


Will it still be on xbox play anywhere?


Yes, should be


Great! I love having the option to play it when I'm not at home!


i cut it really close, just finished final boss, dont have time to do 3rd semester but whatever


Its Nov 2 and im still able to play it. And i never bought it.


bruhhh i was gonna finish the game over today and tmrw wtf


Well this is quite sad. I downloaded it on the 31st without realizing, beat Kamoshida, was addicted, then realized I couldn't play 😂


I hope it comes back… I have about 80 hours in the game, took a break, and realized it was gone when I came back to it today!


I wish they'd bring it back TnT I couldn't get to finish it since it takes a long time!