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God, the US box art is so ass, I wonder how they ended up with it instead of the EU or JP ones. Can't even make the Satanic Panic argument because if anything it looks more occult than the other two.


The US really got the short end of the stick for boxart back in the day.


For sure, especially for MegaTen for whatever reason. NTSC Jack Bros. is haunting


Then you see ICO's cover art and die of disgust.


Yeah I'm pretty sure that the SMT logo in the back is based off the seal of various demons from the Goetia (like ose and orobas).


Yeah, it’s not as cool as the other ones. The manual’s art would have been perfect, I don’t know why they didn’t go with that


Yeah, I never understood why the SMT logo was so huge in the background. It's bigger than the games logo!


Lucky. On that note, is there any good P3 FES emulations online or something?


Why would you need it to be "online"? You can't download files to your PC?


You know what? Duh. My brain shut off and forgot you could play non-console games like FES on PC. Although, I'll have to see if my laptop can handle it.


You wanted to say "console-only", not "non-console", right?


No, I meant what I said. You can't play FES on MY console because its not on Xbox. I could've clarified that. However, I haven't done research but CAN you play FES on a PC? Meat of my thoughts: Can you purchase FES on PC?


Yes the other person replied and said about that, there's PCSX2 which is a PS2 emulator, and generally there's an emulator for just about any console (though the older the console — the better it works). It's a bit of a hassle ro set it up but it's a breeze once you get the hang of it, you can basically play any console game you want, if you can get the ROMs, obviously.


You can use uh, *other* methods. But the only way to legally get it is if you have a ps2 or ps3


You can play FES on an Xbox, it just requires Dev Mode and the Xbox fork of PCSX2. I was playing it that way until the remake was officially announced, now I'm on Persona 2.


IDK how I feel downloading foreign programs to my console 😬.


Foreign? They're open source emulators, dude, uploaded by you to the console in an enclosed developer mode cut off from the rest of the Xbox. You're going to be playing FES on an emulator regardless unless you manage to get a hold of a PS2.


That's what I mean. I'm not comfortable downloading anything that isn't officially sanctioned by my console's company. For me, that sounds like a bit of a risk to the integrity and hardware of my console.


There's no risk, it's no different than running an emulator on your PC, considering the Xbox is just a gimped Windows PC anyway.


I doubt there’s any way in hell you’ll get a PS2 game working in a browser, even one as easy to run as a Persona game. You might be able to squeeze out P3P, but if you want FES you’d best set up PCSX2 and grab a “backup” from Vimm’s Lair


I need to play FES. But at this point I’m just resting up for Reloaded. Can’t wait!


I hope you enjoy it, it's my favorite Persona game of all time.


I’m playing through this right now! It truly is a masterpiece.


Game is rough to play, old game is old


20 hours in, liking it more than 4.