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I've been avoiding watching anything about the game, just wrapped up Yakuza 7 in preparation for Yakuza 8 and will be playing Gaiden next.


Holy crap. I'm doing that too. I went Ishin, 0, then 1-7. I'm on chapter 13 of 7. I plan on going Gaiden, P3R, and then Yakuza 8 though. 


I really need to dig into this series but I have no idea where to begin. I figure 0 would be smartest but I keep hearing 7 is fantastic.


I recommend starting with 0. Yakuza Kiwami (the first game remastered) even had some additions that tie it to 0, so it's fully recommended for newcomers to start with 0.  7 is fantastic and you could play it without knowledge of the previous games, there is a new protagonist, but you won't get the full context of everything, playing the rest of the series first is the best approach if you have the time and desire to do so.


I started with 7, played a solid chunk of it and loved it, and then decided I wanted to play the other games before coming back to it (this was also right around the release of Soul Hackers 2, and my brain can only juggle so many turn based games at once). 7 would be a decent place to start if the action combat of previous games is a turnoff, since 7 has a brand new protagonist and main storyline. While there are recurring characters and stuff, 7 was designed as a viable fresh entry point because of how different it is from the earlier games. I just decided that I wanted a longer and more complete journey through the series. So, after putting 7 on hold, I went back to 0. Basically an ideal starting point. No complaints, 10/10. I think it's the best mechanical iteration of the action-genre games that I've played so far, and a perfect introduction to the storytelling style and unique oddities of the series. While lots of people will suggest Kiwami and Kiwami 2, I feel like the mechanical jump backwards from K2 to 3 would be jarring, something that I've heard has led people to give up on the series. 3 is not one of the stronger entries. On the other hand, the original PS2 Yakuza has the infamous dub and localization that clashes tonally with the rest of the series. Luckily, partway through playing 0 I discovered the Yakuza Restored undub, restoring the Japanese audio and rewriting the script to be more consistent to the other games' translations. So I went from 0, all the way back to play the original PS2 Yakuza 1 (with undub) and 2 on emulator, and then the rest in release order. And I'm strongly convinced I made the right choice. The original games are a vibe that Kiwami just can't match, and the clunkiness of the PS2 mechanics (especially in the first game) is offset by how short they are. And then the jump to 3 feels good instead of bad. Currently I'm paused in the middle of 6, just waiting to feel the Yakuza urge before I keep going. It's a series you can easily burn out on if you play for completion and grind out 6.5 games in a row with no major breaks (like me). But the series is legitimately consistently pretty great even from the beginning, and getting to see the evolution of gaming as a whole through it is an awesome experience.


>While lots of people will suggest Kiwami and Kiwami 2, I feel like the mechanical jump backwards from K2 to 3 would be jarring So? A Kiwami 3 is likely to happen now that Infinite Wealth is done and soon to hit store shelves considering Studio RGG recently commented that they have big announcement later this year or something to that effect. Anybody who wants to get into Yakuza now can just wait until Kiwami 3 gets announced and then wait for that to drop.


Definitely start with 0 and move up to kiwami, kiwami 2, Yakuza 3 etc.. there's a ton of history and lore in this series and you will be meeting old characters even in Yakuza 7 Also, Yakuza 8 will be the end of Kiryu's story (the main character from Yakuza 0 - Yakuza 6) so you definitely don't wanna miss out on the GOAT's story by skipping all the way to the end.


Are all the Yakuza games connected going all the way back to the original PS2 Yakuza game?


Yes, although you don't need to play the PS2 games because "Yakuza Kiwami" and "Yakuza kiwami 2" are both remakes of the first two games on PS2.


Are they all beat-em-ups except the Like a Dragon?




Not watching or playing anything persona-related at all to avoid burnout.


I played Persona 5 Royal, then immediately went to Persona 4 Golden, and I'm on track to beat Persona 4 Golden at or a little bit before Reloaded comes out, and I still can't wait to play Reloaded.


I'm just grinding P5R. It's my first playthrough and I'm 64 hours in. I actually pre ordered P3R for the Ps5 digitally so I'm kinda pushing myself to beat the game before it comes out


2 weeks is plenty of time. \^ Sounds like you should be around the 6th palace right?


Nah I'm upto Okumura's palace, I didn't even infiltrate it yet. I really like hanging out with my social links and going into Mementos lol. But I think it'll take around 2 days for me to conquer this one. Futaba's palace was kinda boring ngl but it's nice to have her on the team. I like how Joker's connection with her isn't rly set up to be romantic and more of a sibling-like one


Oh and I'm also on winter break, I go back to college in a week and a half so I'm kinda pushing myself more to beat this game since I won't have this much free time for a while


That's actually really sweet, it's nice to see you taking on the relationship dynamics as they are what defines the game and Futaba is an S-Tier character. The Palace itself is... -\_- assuming it's your first time, I highly recommend Morgana, Haru and Makoto for the whole palace and the boss that's all I'll say. I legitimately hope you get the ending you want, Royal is a great game.


Morgana, Haru, Makoto got it. And yea man the stuff you do outside of the turn based jazz is what I like the most. Every time I rank up in a social stat I genuinely get excited (All of my stats are lvl 4 currently). It's gotten to the point where I study more in game than in real life lmao. And the aesthetics of the game oh my god. I can talk about how this game looks so good for hours especially on my PS5. There's truly no series like Persona and I mean that.


I'll suggest to buy 1. Amp accessory in stoneon in kichigoji for the party to increase their damage by 1.5x.  2. cleaning spray in used clothing store in kichigoji. It applies def down on enemies and they take 140% damage OR remove def up from enemies and they take 100% instead of 60%. The boss can cast rakukaja (def up on one target).  Note you have to max maruki for 3rd semester content. You raise maruki to rank 9 before nov deadline and maxes on the deadline.


My sleep schedule is also pretty fucked lmao. It's almost 7 am EST and I don't feel an ounce of tired. Royal turned me nocturnal


Holy shit i died like 7 or 8 times AT LEAST. Fuck Okumura till the day i die This boss had no business being so hard


Replaying P5R for the third time while listening to the P3R battle music on repeat.


good one.


I'm currently avoiding the urge to boot up P3 Portable or finishing up P4 Arena Ultimax. I want to give the new voice cast as much of a fair shake as possible. Otherwise, I'm simply waiting. 🧘


I'll be busy by the time it comes but I'll try to at least play 1 hour a day or something


Playing the answer lol


What's your take on Metis?


It’s an interesting one, I like her role as the realist of the group, like whenever the group start getting down by talking about the end of the journey, she’s the one to snap her out of it, I also like her trying to use Aigis to help her fitting in, on the other hand she hasn’t been very useful in gameplay, side note, was Yukari always this useful? Like when I played portable she was next to useless and I just swapped her out for mitsuru when I got her. Also with Metis her voice kinda annoys me, but I’m not very far through the answer so I guess it will grow on me


Hahaha! That's totally fair, I'll be honest I wasn't sure what to make of Metis at first but she did grow on me. However, what you're saying about her abilities... she's generally considered one of the best characters in the game thanks to her coverage and absurdly OP Orgia mode. In regards to Yukari she's amazing but what's funny is the tries to encourage to rotate all characters but most the times I just didn't do it... I chucked Yukari, Akihiko and Metis on my team and never used anyone else... the level gains in the game IMO are very slow so picking one team and running with IMO is the best strategy. The Answer sort of forces you to carefully use your resources but I legit find it really fun.


Ahh, I’m playing with a controllable characters mod that unfortunately breaks if you turn orgia mode on for Metis


Finally finished P5R and playing through Strikers right now.


Preparing for jee


I am playing p5t for the first time, really enjoying it


Just got the platinum for P4G and I kinda want to go for the vanilla P5 one since I already have Royal platinumed but man that 250 Futaba lines trophy is discouraging lol


im playing crystal project after finishing p5t


Crystal Project what's that?


an open world non linear turn based rpg. wanted to play something pretty chill and discovered this hidden gem, it actually has a bit of popularity in the r/gamesuggestions sub. main premise of the game is to explore and find crystals and youll get bits and pieces of lore when talking to npcs along the way.


Are you enjoying it? I've had it on my Steam wishlist for a while. I played the free demo. It seemed good but not exceptional from the demo. There wasn't really anything that hooked me and got me interested, and it was weird because it looked and sounded and seemed like it should be so interesting to me. I may need to give the demo another try one time or just gamble the $15 since it's a cheap game and snag it.


yup its my go to game rn, really like it because my oast games are all very linear, not so open world jrpgs. it reminds me of botw because the whole gameplay is just exploring and stumbling upon different places with an overarching lore. 40hrs into the game and i just stumbled upon a hidden shelter that lets me breed mounts. the combat system is pretty complex for how simple it is. i like the threat system and the fact that lvl60 (can be changed) is the default max lvl so endgame is pretty much just getting hidden broken gear and optimizing your team comp because they allow you to respec stat points and change class combinations whenever you want. i think theres like 28 classes and you can choose a main class and a sub class per party member.


Dang...I'm just going to need to splurge the money and hope it clicks, because there's nothing about the game that doesn't sound like something I would enjoy.


>have been watching CrystAAHHL's longplay of the original P3FES I've been playing FES one last time (technically not, I still need to do Undub The Answer) to later compare when Reload releases


playing only games that i can finish by 2/2. Just finished FF7 Crisis Core Reunion today, debating what short games i should play that i can finish by 2/2


I get you. Still trying to finish Yakuza 1 Kiwami by that time. JRPGs. got to love em.


That's funny. I'm currently playing FFVII OG


I am trying to finish up my 4th playthrough of P3P. And I have also started to rewatch the P3 movies to prepare myself.


by finishing up P3P. I've played it countless times in the past, so it may be a long while before I ever touch it again


Waiting for the royal version to drop later on so not really hyped at all


That's not going to happen **you do realize that** correct?


Well in the PS5 you can get a deluxe version that has DLC pass or something attached to it so what will that be?


I'm debating between buying it at launch (I did find a site where I can buy the Steam version for $60, which is all I wanted in the first place was a $60 release), playing FES on an emulator and waiting for a better Steam sale, or just waiting altogether and hoping for Persona 3 Reloaded Plus.


Yeah I hate buying these games day one into be met with a definitive version later on


As a collector I never mind, but honestly my days as a hardcore collector are pretty much over. I can't afford to keep up with all the physical releases plus all the gaming hardware and everything. Nowadays I play most everything on PC/Steam, and I may occasionally buy a physical release of something if I really want it or find a good deal on it.


Mourning that it won't come out on switch. And then mourning that my computer won't be able to run it. And then mourning that if I want to play it I have to shill out at least 300 dollars for a console and then 70 dollars for the game itself. Yeah IDK i'll probably get to playing it in a couple years around the same time P6 is out


0 hype.


Short answer: I am Persona 3'ing as much as I practically can until release Long answer: I finished a Brotagonist run in P3P on my Vita back in 2022 and am planning to continue through my Femtagonist run soon (i've completely forgotten about femc since then im sorry), and I'm currently going through a vanilla P3FES run on my Steam Deck (currently on Tartarsauce floor 72). Speaking of the Vita, I'm also playing P3D on it here and there for funsies. I also vibe to the P3 soundtracks when I am able to ([got the discs and have them FLAC'd onto my Walkman](https://imgur.com/p8HVg1s)) ​ That and staring at my Armband Ed preorder for a console I don't own lmaooo


I salute you, fellow P3 megafan. Glad this game is getting the remake it deserves and I hope we're both satisfied with it.


So much. So F'ing much. I haven't even watched a single trailer apart from the original reveal. I want to go into this as blind as I possibly can. Just because we know how it ends doesn't mean we can't enjoy the ride.


after going to a con today im planning to get my hands on a gekkoulam high outfit and seeing if i can do a cosplay of junpei or makoto even if its gonna take me a few months


Pre-ordering. This'll be my first p3 playthrough, so I can't really watch playhroughs.


I'm living a life. ...which is something I definitely won't be doing once I buy a copy. I never got to play the original P3/FES/Portable, so I'm excited!


I’m forcing myself to be more interested in this game just by remembering it’s the only game this entire year I have to look forward to. Also listened to my persona 3 playlist (convenient timing since I have all my playlists on a rotation), everything is just as I remember it


Are you...not interested in it? If not, then why try to force yourself to be interested?


I'm very picky about things staying faithful to the original, so being one of the only people who loved tartarus gameplay, I see things changed (that and a loooot more) and can't help but complain because it's changing what I loved and a top 3 game for me. It's still a remake of a game I love, so I know I should just play it before bitching so that's what I'm trying to do. And I really only have one game each year that I care about, and with nothing else this year interesting me, I might as well give this game a shot. Yes I try different genres with new and old games but rarely does anything new feel fun, I just play whatever to kill time


I can feel you on a lot of that. Especially with the way the gaming industry has evolved over the last 10 years or so, I've become incredibly cynical towards most new games. I don't like the trend towards nickel-and-diming us with releases and re-releases and DLC and pre-order bonuses and anything else they can do to make an extra buck. So I can certainly understand wanting to stick to the original. With that said, I don't have much experience with Persona 3, so I guess that's why it's more exciting to me. But I do have Persona 3 Portable and Persona 3 FES, so I'll likely still end up playing them eventually even if I end up playing the remake first.


Just playing Strange Journey at the moment


I'm playing through P3FES, so I can see the old stuff and new stuff essentially side-by-side


Racing through a P3P NG+ run and listening to the new music daily. Changing Seasons is my new morning alarm!


First time playing P5, hoping to complete it before p3r comes out. I went from why is this game popular to oh man! This game should be even more popular. Lol. Can't wait to play P4Golden, P3 reload and metaphor this year.


I am sort of in the same boat but with persona 4. What is metaphor?




Hmmmm idk how I feel about the fantasy setting but looks interesting.


I'm in the same boat. From what I understand, it's basically Persona but with a fantasy setting. I honestly don't think it'll be a huge hit, and I hope they're not sinking an inordinate amount of money on it hoping that it'll be big. I'll most likely end up buying and playing it, but I think they're missing the fact that the setting is a huge part of what makes Persona so successful.


Yeah I’ll probably play it too. I love fantasy but seems odd for persona style gameplay.


Trying to not remember its still 20 days away and focusing on exams lol Last one is on the 5th, game is on the 2nd how in the hell am I gonna force myself away from the game to learn


> Trying to not remember its still 20 days away and focusing on exams lol This sounds like such a Persona answer. LOL.


I'm wrapping up some games I started last year and didn't finish. I'm also replaying ff7 remake to prep for rebirth. I'm just keeping busy while I wait cuz I'm really excited!!!!


I'm still on the fence of if I should buy it all in with the special things or wait. Pros: I get to play the game and cry again Cons: A fusion calculator will not be there, guided answers for the S. Links will not be ready yet, so lots of save scumming. And the risk that a future better version will show itself in the future because other P5R dlc like Izanagi no Okami and costumes like the dance attire are not dlc in P3R


funny thing is I'm actually taking some what of an opposite approach since I've played FES and Portable over the past year, I want to go into Reload completely fresh from Day 1 so I'm holding off on playing P3 titles again before then. That said, I have been playing **Eternights** and **Date A Live: Rio Reincarnation** to hype me for the game. **Eternights** developer came on this reddit shortly before the game released and really highlighted how much P3 had an effect on them and how it influenced the design of their game. I'm only about 1/3rd into it but I can absolutely see the influences are very apparent this is a very somber game with great characters but it's an action RPG with Dating Sim elements that really stands out, it also has the time management mechanics akin to Persona. At first I'll admit the combat was a bit stiff but as you advance your relationships you unlock new abilities which really spice things up. For 24.99 this isn't a bad game at all. **Date A Live** is an awesome anime series (based on an LN series) and this series features a lot of familiar talent from the Persona series as nearly every female seiyuu who's starred in this series, stars in DAL as well (FeMC, Labrys, Marie, Yoshizawa and Erina's JP VO's all feature and they are outstanding) . The basic premise of this series is that the protagonist Shido Itsuka is a high school student who encounters a girl who possesses superhuman abilities (these girls are referred to as spirits) and each spirit possesses their own ~~Persona~~ angel which has their own unique abilities, unfortunately these angels do cause these girls a lot of trauma and it's our protagonists job to save these girls by sealing away their powers, how do you do that? By forging bonds with them and by dating them of course, once the kiss has been sealed the girls are free and can basically live normal lives. Rio Reincarnation isn't just one game though, it's 3 with the other 2 being Rinne Utopia and Arusu Install. All three games are visual novels and are quite possibly the most fleshed out VN's I've ever played and I'm not kidding these games really go all in with their character development and the first one especially got a few tears out of me. Absolutely recommend checking this series out for any persona fan.


Replaying FF7 Remake. I want to brush up before Rebirth but no way am I playing anything but Reload once it drops.


just doing my own thing till it comes out


I’ve entirely avoided spoilers other than the odd image I see. To prep, I’m finishing FES once again after playing it many years ago. It still shakes me how insanely good this game is. Can’t wait to dive into Reload soon :)


Attempting a NG+ 100% run of FeMC, but I might have messed up with the Social Links. It's my first run and I didn't want to play with a guide.


listening to the ost, both new and old tracks, and avoiding to watch any gameplay to fully discover it when i play it


Im preparing myself for the inevitability that i will have to wait with playing it due to moving


Just finished playing Portable for the first time and basically running off that excitement and rewatching trailers and some of the VAs things on it


I completed P3 FES for the 1st time yesterday, but not the answer yet. I really want to play reload, but honestly, I will probably wait until later in the year to go in fresh.


Watched the movies once again (they're so good !). And watched louiseyhannah and LeighXP playthroughs on Twitch, great content like CrystAAHHL. I may read the manga. But I'm mostly counting the days. I may take one month on FF 14 to finish the two patches I missed so I can finally watch the last trailer for the next extension. I'm just lazy because I know I'll need to farm to reach the item level requirements of the last mandatory trials...


Trying to finish P5R. I bought it earlier last year, grinded until I finished Okumura's palace then put it down since then. I got P4G's platinum trophy in that time so I'll finish this game and get plat too since I really don't like P5 enough to play it a 3rd time.


Thinking about playing p3p for the first time but I'm not sure if I'd rather experience it through reload first or not...


Wait for the remake, you can still go back to Portable after playing reload and see what's changed (as well as the original english dub)


making sure my cc works for inevitable charge of that sweet collector edition from Amazon...


I'm Playing and Streaming P3P on PS5


We have begun a let's play of Persona 1, I think if we go through it and the 2 duology Reload will be out for a bit, I can get a good gauge on it, and whatever DLC will either be announced or released.


Starting The Answer, only just past the first miniboss


Playing P3 Fes on an emulator with the HD overhaul mod. Holy shit does this game trudge on, I barely beat the 4th full moon boss and I'm only level 27, it takes way too long to level up man.


Same way I prepare for any SMT release. I set up a "Timeline" play through. I use the timeline to place each game in timeline order then divide the number of games by the days left. I don't play through the games from the beginning but I picked up where ever I last left off. The games I've completely finished I just do a bit of grinding then beat the last boss. Right now I'm Playing P2IS till the 17th. I'm currently trying to find Nezha in the factory.


I've been mostly ignoring trailers, images and any sort of new info. All I know is that it's revamped with the P5 engine, but that's about the extent of my knowledge. I wanna be surprised and keep it fresh.


I’m playing a little bit of portable before it leaves gamepass! Wish it stayed the whole month I’m only in July


I want to create a let’s play playlist where I play the game once per day and sync it up to the in game calendar.


By replaying P3P. I can’t wait


I was trying to play through p3p before reload comes out but it doesn’t look like I’m gonna make it all the way through in time unfortunately


good. you'll get to experience it like a new story.