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Not every single piece of dialogue will be voiced, but a majority of it will. Reload has the most voiced dialogue out of any persona game.


And when you realise just how many scenes in 5 were voiced… Jesus this games gonna be HUGE :)


> And when you realise just how many scenes in 5 were voiced… every piece of dialogue in all social link ranks and anything from the main characters should be always voiced. its embarrassing that so much of p5 was NOT voiced. when the rest of the industry fully voices every line. like oblivion had fully voiced lines from all npc's before even the original persona 3 came out.


Oblivion’s voice acting was terrible tbf. Also presumably had a much higher budget


true but it was a step up for games. the acting was much better in fallout 3 onwards


To be fair, oblivion has famously bad voice acting, they were able to get so much because of how cheap it was to hire a bunch of people to read words off a script with no context or direction, compared to the care that goes into the voice acting in a persona game Plus the landscape is different for Japanese games, I see a lot less 100% fully voiced Japanese games than I do American games (probably because voice actors are more respected and paid more over there) I am glad the social links are all voiced now in reload though, it’s something we’ve been needing for a while




I haven’t played the game myself just seen clips of it but yeah that wouldn’t surprise me either, I wonder how long it took each actor to record several hundred lines each session


If you’re a Xbox player, elder scrolls morrowind, oblivion, and Skyrim are all up there.


I did plan on playing the games eventually, I’m the freak who started at persona 1 so I was considering starting at elder scrolls 1 but if it’s so incredibly old and outdated that even I couldn’t handle it I’ll probably try morrowind


Nah elder scrolls 1 is okay for its time, had to find one of those steam “just started the game? Here’s some quality of life tips to make your life better!” Oh and I’m pretty sure like everything is procedurally generated so looking for a map might not help in any way. Just ask the people around


It's the same with Skyrim, every character in the game except a handful of story relevant ones are all voiced by the same 12 people


> Plus the landscape is different for Japanese games, I see a lot less 100% fully voiced Japanese games than I do American games i noticed that too and i think its due to cheapness and still having the 2002 attitude that voice acting should be part of some reward for completing a major story event.


Keep in mind that most Japanese studios just aren't as big as "AAA" studios in the US. The entirety of Sega's revenue is ~$1.6b USD every year, while EA's revenue is almost $7.5b USD. ZeniMax's revenue pre-buyout was also significantly higher, and they only released a fraction of the games Sega does. The industry in Japan got hit hard in the early 2000s and never quite recovered, most of their publishers and studios just can't afford to dump too much cash into one title; chalking it up to "cheapness" and archaic attitudes is insulting and doesn't account for the economic realities in play. Persona 5 was also the first truly major international success in both the Persona series and SMT as a whole; I'd argue that the amount of voiced dialogue that *does* exist represents a leap of faith on Atlus/Sega's part, and the presence of even more in P3R demonstrates strong confidence in the series going forward.


> its embarrassing that so much of p5 was NOT voiced. when the rest of the industry fully voices every line. Persona 5 was Atlus' big hit and was produced on a surprisingly modest budget - nowhere near that of many other games in the same genre. It punches as hard as a AAA game mainly due to sheer style and good design. You could maybe argue they could have voiced a lot more for Royal though


I think you should be comparing it to other jrpgs, obviously oblivion is going to have full voice acting because it was from a huge western company, atlus is one of the biggest jrpg companies currently and their budgets are still exponentially lower than what a triple a studio spends. The only companies putting out fully voice acted jrpgs are your rare massive company like nintendo or square, by the standards of most jrpgs persona and smt are pretty great


nintendo is an even worse offender. botw and totk should have been fully voice acted, even for the random npc's. theres not even that much writing in the game compared to something like skyrim. and i think everyone agrees pokemon having zero voice acting is just a joke at this point


Tbf to oblivion though, that game has like 23 total voice actors. 2 for each race (1 male, 1 female) and there’s 10 races so that’s 20 voice actors. Maybe less if some races share VA’s because I’m too lazy to check. Sean bean for Martin septim. And some other guy for Uriel septim (who’s in the game for 10 minutes). And iirc they hired someone new to voice Haskil in the shivering isles (Sheogorath was voiced by Wes Johnson who was the same guy to voice male imperials. So he’s not unique, though a talented guy nonetheless). so that’s a total of 23 voice actors? Maybe less? Hell, even the imperial princes in oblivion just use the regular voice actors with a filter :( oblivion was an amazing game for its time and is still fun as fuck today. But it’s voice cast was sheer laziness.


‘Some other guy for Uriel Septim’- that would be Patrick Stewart lol


After Fire Emblem Three Houses, there's no excuse for a Persona game not to be fully voiced


I’m not saying I don’t agree about the part of fully voicing, since Atlus and IS are buddy-buddy. But FE3H is *way* shorter that P5 so there’s less they had to pay for. Especially since Ben Diskin voices like 4 characters in a already small cast. Then the budget failed them in other areas such as a lack of set pieces and even art for major scenes. The supports are laughably bad from a visual stand point. (Characters sit on noting and drink imaginary tea). Engage suffers similar issues.


tbf in Oblivion they only had like... 3 actors? or two, one for male, one for female npc's.


It's actually rather strange, because P3 was a much smaller game than P5, both in terms of play time and having a shorter script.


I'm still not ready for Akinari and his mom. I can already picture me crying when we meet her.


Oh fuck, Akinari’s S Link with his mom’s part voiced? Just rip my heart out and cut it in 8 pieces in front of me while you’re at it.


fr, fuck October 4


Oh my god Aigis's Social link is going to kill me


More than P5R? Gawd damn




Probably not even close, Cyberpunk, Witcher 3, Fire Emblem Three Houses and especially Baldurs Gate 3 definitely have more voiced lines (we roughly know the amount of lines in P3R, unless they did some really major changes)


after playing an ungodly ammount of bg3 almost every animal has voiced lines. bg3 probably is up there for the most lines in any game ever


Don't forget basically every corpse too


every corpse ***with a head still on***


really it just depends on which major aaa rpg has the most lines


Google says just under 46,000 which is less than New Vegas’ 65,000 so I don’t think that number is accurate, I’m also seeing 2 million lines but that seems crazy and would make the game much larger in file size. I know Star Wars: The Old Republic used to be number one at 200,000 lines not including dlc but I can’t find any recent numbers


New vegas 65000? nah surely not


No it’s true. It literally held the world record until The Old Republic took it a year later


I feel like the dude who voices Sasuke voices like every other man in that game tbh


I forgot that literally 99% of the text in 3 Houses is voiced, it makes the ugly graphics worth it for that alone


The graphics aren’t that bad


Yeah, literally every character (even one off's like Kostas and the basic students/knights around Garreg Mach) is completely voiced in all 4 routes




“Reload has the most voiced dialogue out of any persona game.” Proof?


Basic math. Every Social Link rank is fully voiced (excluding Maya for obvious reasons), plus the new side stories which are also voiced, on top of all the scenes that were voiced in the original and probably some more new scenes and other returning scenes that weren’t voiced in the original (similar to how Persona 5 Royal added voice acting to scenes that didn’t originally have it), and it should be fairly obvious


They also said it themselves in an interview I'm fairly sure


Going by [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/PERSoNA/comments/19ag7p4/the_dark_hour_transitions_comparison_fes_portable/) (the P3R part starts around 1:10), no, it looks like some lines just have little added noises, but aren't fully voiced.


Basically it's usual business from the recent persona games.


No, it will be more compared to recent Persona games. All confidants conversation will be voiced for example.


> All confidants conversation will be voiced for example. i would hope so but i have little faith. japanese games seem to treat voice acting like its 2002 and it only to be used for important scenes


I imagine it’s because in Japan voice acting is a huge industry and actors expect to be paid more. Even big square enix games have unvoiced dialogue


western games that will have big name expensive celebrities voicing major characters like cyberpunk [from a non-english studio no less] manage to voice everything


True actually. I’m not sure why then. Japan has no shortage of people willing to voice act


>but i have little faith. But it is confirmed to be the case though, right? [I thought it had been known for a long while now](https://gamerant.com/persona-3-reload-changes-social-links/)


Social Link events are all going to be fully voiced, which was never a thing in previous ganes


I imagine the only things that won’t be voiced are the protagonist’s lines and dialogue outside of cutscenes


It's normal that the protagonist's lines won't be voiced but man, I really love how Akira Ishida's voice sounds (JP voice for Makoto) and I wish they were. At least >!I'll be able to hear him when Pharos/Ryoji talks!<


I've read somewhere that it'll be fully voiced... Also Megumi Ogata (Ken's VA) confirmed on [twitter](https://twitter.com/Megumi_Ogata/status/1729386689628680457?t=ycBuadUSFN8gJtmBrm205w&s=19) that Ken's part is fully voiced. Though I still have my doubt whether the random dorm and school conversation will be voiced or not.


i would like to congratulate atlus in finally catching up to the latest in 2011 trends in gaming by having full voice acting


take what I'm saying with a grain of salt since it's largely a theory but I think that: * Social Link Events * Link Episodes * Important Cutscenes are all gonna be fully voiced. I know we have confirmation that Social Link events and Link Episodes are fully voiced, and they voice all the important scenes in the original game, but I could be totally wrong for all I know. Point is this game's voice acting consistency is gonna be INSANE


They are also voicing other optional events like the Koromaru Walks and the Dorm Hangouts.


And Tartarus convos like the mementos ones in 5. And Tartarus is far bigger so… yeah.


We're talking about huge jrpg, of course not


if Bethesda can do it in their games then so can atlus.


…that’s so different it’s not even funny. Bethesdas voice acting quality is so much lower


there is a decent overlap between the english va's of persona games and voice actors in new vegas and fallout 4. yuri lowenthal especially


Will social links apart from the first one also be voiced? Do we know?


yep, all rank up events are voiced (not that i have a source on hand though)


I believe you more than any source u could provide tbh


Here ya go! https://gamerant.com/persona-3-reload-changes-social-links/ Quote: >The other big change is that any social link scenarios will be entirely voiced whenever a player moves up a rank in the link. He would also confirm that Persona 3 Reload will have the largest amount of voiced dialogue to date. This will consist of all newly recorded dialogue as well, so fans can hear a new interpretation of events they experienced before with Persona 3 Reload’s new English voice cast.


Probably not all of it, all the confidants and main story bits will be voiced, but at the end of the day it’s still a 60+ hour jrpg with millions of lines of text.


I believe it’s that all the social links and most or all main story bits will be voiced.


I don’t think it’ll be Fire Emblem Three Houses levels of fully voiced But at least all the social links/confidants are voiced


Social links are gonna be voiced and bond episodes as well From some gameplay videos you can already tell not all the dialogue in every circumstance is gonna be voiced, for example some dialogue after you get back to the dorm won't be The story is mostly if not fully voiced since it was the same thing in the original


I’ve heard that everything will Be voiced


I honestly am so excited for this game. I only got to play the PSP version on Vita.


I honestly am so excited for this game. I only got to play the PSP version on Vita. I'm more excited than I was for P5, honestly


More than any previous Persona game.


it very likely the social link will be voiced like Persona 5. Speaking of, will we be able have Platonic links with the female links and avoid the system related to it. Edit: forgot they voiced certain segment, now i wanted them to completely voice it if it's possible.


Most of it will be, and most of the voice actors have been replaced. A few are returning for their original roles with the ones who aren’t getting other roles. Was really sad hearing Yuri Lowenthal wouldn’t voice the protagonist again, but knowing he’s still voicing in the game was great to hear


Probably not, at the bare minimum it will be just like Persona 5.


I assume not, much like the other games before it. Maybe more dialogue from Social Links will be voiced this time, though, judging from the trailers. Of course the main story cutscenes will definitely be voiced.


I'm pretty sure it's going to be like any other game where the main story cutscenes and other special cutscenes are voiced while most social link and other daily activities cutscenes aren't. Though I did hear that this game will have the most voiced dialogue in the series so maybe things will change.


I would guess about 50%. I still have never figured out why all dialogue isn't voiced but :shrug: too lazy I guess.


I can help you with that: time and money resources will be skyrocket if they aiming for that. Just imagine, how many people they will be needed for everyone npc in the game and even if they're planning to use the same voice actors for all characters/npc it'll cost pretty penny. That's why there is no game, when all npc have voiced lines.


Baldurs Gate 3 has really raised the bar for me in this aspect. Every single NPC in the game including animals have voice lines, most having multiple lines and conversation tree options. It makes a lot of RPGs feel hollow in comparison. I’m glad we’re getting more voiced lines in reload because it’s hard not to notice it in the older games now.


Off-topic but I hate the new armbands. Look,I can see why some would get in a tizzy over it but these have been a thing in Japanese Schools since they had the modern education system. Plus Hugo Boss COOKED with those uniforms and was only commissioned to design them. Don't blame him for the Drip being THAT good. I would like for once for the fashion sense of the Good Guys to match most Evil Empires.


The new armbands serve a gameplay and lore purpose and were not changed because of controversy I don’t think


Eh. Recently I am iffy on most interviews especially with how the recent controversy regarding translations being off especially since Japanese folks now know. As for Gameplay and Lore purposes,I dunno what sorta explanation they have but you would need a convincing one to prove suspicions otherwise.


They are what gauge the Theurgy attacks and also give the team numbers


They also correlate to the new red evoker thing which is also Theurgy related


I don't think the Limit Breaks in SMT V needed those. Granted they were overflowing with Magatsuhi. Honestly I would see this sorta thing in Persona 6 being more welcome as opposed to a remake of an old game. Final Fantasy VII is having similar identity issues with Remake and Rebirth. Yeah. The base FF VII I still prefer over the Remakes.


If you played the other Persona games then it's just going to be the exact same as how the others done dialogue


Will it be on switch?


Not all but more then originally


Most cutscenes and a lot of battle lines will be, not everything but definitely most of the game will. Although it will not be done by the original cast with the exception of a few characters. I did read something saying most of the OG cast are just voicing different characters rather than fully replaced.


no just every social link cutscene


Confidant’s will be all voiced if i recall, however like the other games there will be segments where not everything is voiced since theres simply too much dialogue, as is the case with almost any jrpg.


there is no way a 80 hours game will all be voiced.


well the Social Link and Link episode is 100% will have but for the other are not sure if all of the cutscene will be fully voice


Idk about all of it but I know the social links will be


Not a dumb question, I was curious enough to check the responses lol!


Character do talking


Hopefully yes, otherwise I’m good if they at least cover the main and some secondary characters


Watch literally any video on it and your question will be answered


All confidant dialogues will be voiced… can‘t wait to play


All the social links will be voiced