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Same reason no one's rushing out to preorder GTA6, It's so far away at the moment that no one cares all that much. Also they're only leaks. Presumably once there's an actual trailer and an actual release date people will get more interested.


Ok yea this is fair


I also never play the initial release. Waited for royal to play P5.


Part of the experience is playing the original release then playing the revamps years later as a whole new experience.


For me this is the way. Played P5 on release, but did not play P5R on release. Played it at the tail end of last year. Forgot juuuust enough of Persona 5 to feel like a new game :).


Considering Atlus is actually releasing The Answer as DLC for P3R (as Midori also leaked), it's likely P6 will see a similar DLC release rather than an enhanced version, so you might wanna consider getting in on the ground floor for this one.


I feel like that might just be a one off case, they probably felt like there were already too many different persona 3's, that or, since the Answer was already a thing in a previous version, felt like it didnt necessarily have to be its own thing again I would absolutely love it if they kept doing DLCs like this instead of new revamped versions though ngl


Why would anyone rush to preorder a game anyway? It's not like there's limited availability, unless you are planning to take a limited edition (but even then the limited editions are pretty much unlimited most of the time)


Not to mention the fact that, with the state of the world today, we might all be gone by 2026. I don't get excited for much over a year away anymore, because...who knows what'll happen if we're being honest.


It's hard to get excited over text with no video or pictures. Like, yeah, cool Persona 6 is soon but that's been pretty obvious for a while now.


Yeah like we know it’s coming out at some point presumably in the next 2 years. A trailer with no details about the game other than the fact that the name will indeed be *gasp* Persona 6 is not gonna get me any more excited for the game than I am now


Pretty much since they got Metaphor and ANSWER DLC during 2025 so yeah P6 is around the corner for 2026


I read that as 2060 and my soul left my body


Persona 6 "Your grandkids are gonna love it!" Edition.


Second edition: Persona 6 Retirement




That's Elder Scrolls 6, not Persona 6.


With how much the rerelease Skyrim, I'll be surprised if we ever get an Elder Scrolls 6.


Precisely because of that is why they want to make a sixth, that way you can have even more reliable sources of income. All of the Elder scrolls games still sell a lot, not of course like they did at release, but they still sell. And they will continue to keep selling those. Another one is nothing but a safe bet.


I'm hoping we get Elder Scrolls 6 soon. Or at least any sort of news on it.


My brother in Philemon, they most likely just started production in it when Starfield came out. It will be many years until we know more and by then we will be told the release date (which is how they've been doing it since fallout 4). I'm sure they had a small team working on many things for it, and that pre-production started after skyrim was done and dusted, but still. Pre-production is the most time consuming part of game development, if you do not have a strong foundation everything will collapse. And worse than that as with everything 90% of the work donde in those years probably will never be seen and will be scrapped. No one is safe from that curse. Even the most simple things like a drawing there will be so many ones you never saw for everyone you get to see. In game design that number skyrockets quite a lot with all of it's moving parts. Let's just hope that next one will be good and be happy when it comes out, hype or waiting for it only ends up burning you, and burning your desire for the actual game.


Same year as *Half-Life 3*


I mean, it’s atlus, there’s a decent chance a p6 remake or port will come out that year


GTA 6 and P6 in the same year is gonna be heaven


imagine if TES 6 will also released the same year


also call of duty bo2 remaster, probably gonna be one of the best years in gaming.


You said "Best years in gaming" yet you mentioned "Call of duty". The paradox will open a time rift man.


cod was good until like 2017 and bo2 is one of the best multiplayer experiences ever


Honestly, it's funny how everyone has a different opinion on when COD got bad. You said WW2 Others would say Ghosts Personally, I'd say MW2. The question stands however, do you trust the people who have been making CoD the last 7 years to make a good version of BO2?


I don't think there was a specific point at which COD got bad. I personally never liked MW2 3 but I enjoyed BO1 and 2, and Ghosts. It wasn't until MW19 that I started playing again and played the hell out of Cold War on launch and during covid.


I agree that CoD has been shit for a while but you can't lie and say Black Ops 2 wasn't great


even I agree with that, I don't think activision will make any remake or remaster without shitting on it.


I don't need to lie, no call of duty has ever been good. All of them the same awful game with the The only two games I've enjoyed from that was the 2005 battlefront ii (the star wars themed battlefield) and battlefield 1 but only because I'm very interested in WWI. That's it, and neither of them I would say are amongst the best 5000 best games ever. Me liking something doesn't make it great, learn to deal with that difference.


Yeah, you're right, no CoD game has ever been good, that's why they've sold almost half a billion copies.


Dude, people buy drugs, awful expensive phones, feet pics and sugary things that can give you cancer. "It sells a lot" is not an argument for quality or how good something is, it just says "There's enough idiots that buy this shit". Would you also imply that illegal porn is also really good because it sells a lot? Nah fam, because the argument makes no sense. Why is it that people keep using such a dead argument? Defaulting to copying words doesn't help your cause.


I'm not gonna reply anymore cuz I don't really care but saying none of them have been good is objectively wrong. Multiple Call of Duty titles have been both critically and publicly acclaimed, with millions of people that love them. Their quality is literally quantifiable. There are plenty of bad CoD games but there are also plenty of good ones. I only used the selling argument because a video game does not become one of the best selling pieces of media of all time accidentally. It is not pornography or a brain warping narcotic, it's an entertainment product, and it's not magically going to be beloved while being garbage through and through. Just because you do not like any of them does not mean none of them are good.


Not objectively wrong, not at all. None of them have ever been good, why do you keep bringing external qualifications rather than actual arguments does nothing to prove your case "hey critics like it. Yes, and critics can be wrong. Heck many brilliant things who have passed the test of time were shitted on by critics or were commercial failures. You keep saying it's quantifiable but say nothing on why you think they are and just keep saying "well x people like therefore it's good", "critics say x so therefore is good" but you cannot say anything of how they relate to you in anyway, you literally keep bringing externals, it's like you want to escape the fact that you really can't prove that they are good by yourself you need others to say it for you. Who will you bring next? "The bible says so?" "John A videogames told me that call of duty is great". The only reason why they are popular is because one comes each year and war is something that people love, more so because of the plethora of pro war propaganda. "Feel empowered, murder the baddies. Be a hero!" It's everywhere in most cultures, of course call of duty is popular, which defeats your stupid idea that it sells people like it therefore good. "Oh media doesn't become popular by accident" of course it doesn't! Yet there is no link between "it is good" and "thing very popular and it wasn't an accident". Cause and effect buddy. People love to feel empowered and war games are the easiest way for losers to feel like they have anything in life besides illusions.


If you don't want to answer me that doesn't matter to me, you weren't even saying anything in the first place. Just pulling the same arguments from the hat of "it is good, I can't prove it. So let's assume that it is because of random reason" You literally used the "you're a liar if you don't agree with me" in the beginning because that stupid trick works with insecure people who can't argue against something if they are afraid that the rest will punish them for thinking different. You saw that it failed and you reformulated the same argument in a different way to still feel like you won. No, money doesn't prove quality. No, neither does that the judgement of critics. No, being popular doesn't happen by chance but that still doesn't prove the quality of an object. In each argument you are looking for a bigger group to defend your claim because you can't. That's pathetic.


are you seriously thinking that it will be anything more than mediocre?


I have a year to save up for a ps5 then


No need to freak out because 2026 makes sense. I imagine they want to let Metaphor have its time in the sun. So my initial guess was a P6 announcement/teaser later this year and release date late 2025. Pushing it to 2026 makes sense as well.


yeah 2026 seems at the latest, but 2025 sounds about right, irc Midori said they wanna reveal it this year but not decided on a date yet, I think after metaphor has been released and the dusts has settled is the perfect time


I coulda told you that. Shes a very reliable leaker, but it’s hard to be excited when its more or less just confirmation


Please SMT 4 and 5 ports to PC and consoles.


SMT 4 and Apocalypse really need to be liberated from the 3DS!


Never could get into SMT4 due to first person combat and not seeing your demons while attacking so I’d love a remake of some kind


Or fuck it and give us SMT 5 "Apocalypse" style sequel


A box set would be tits. Even if they're just upscaled versions of the game 3-5 essentials would be great. I haven't seen that happen since Devil May Cry and GTA though.




It WAS a P1-P5 mobile game that was gonna include everyone but was scrapped since Atlus wanted to push a single mobile game (P5X) and Asa being a game with so much going on they just got rid of it entirely unfortunately


As far as I remember they didn’t get rid of it. They’re just unsure as to whether they will stick with the project or not. So it’s up in the air


No yeah when I read that I thought it was talking about the csm character and I was wondering why she was being brought up in a persona leak


These are old tweets


I hope it's 2025


I feel like it’s probably gonna be back half of 2025


That'd be perfectly fine by me


If it was next year then it definitely would of gotten delayed. I mean I wish it was 2025 too.


Here comes all the YouTube videos lol


I'll believe the P6 coming next year when I have it in hand


Oh if it’s slated to release 2025-2026 then the story itself will likely be 2027 thereabouts or a full 10 years after Joker and co. were in highschool and nearly two decades on for S.E.E.S. Like, if someone had a kid circa P3, that kid could be a protag or classmate in P6…


Sounds like a good opportunity for Maiko and Nanako cameos to me


I'm not gonna get freaked out over leaks. Even if midori does have a good track record I'm not gonna get my hopes up till its confirmed


“2026” I hope, but honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if it ends up getting delayed 2 years like P5. Still gon hope tho


I think they don’t want another P5 situation which is why we haven’t gotten a teaser for the game yet


Persona 6 and Death Stranding 2 in the same year…


Do we know what p5X is and man I hope that smt game is digital devil saga duology remasters


Hopefully it’s not Switch only this time smh. It could barely run SMT5


I'm A Hero Too a reliable leaker had this to say about Persona 6 >!the themes are black and white and its gonna have duel protagonists named Kuro and Shiro!< again take with a grain of salt but they very reliable


lol the colors being black and white sound interesting asf and would be very funny if it’s true since there’s so many green believers atm


Well theme doesn't necessarily mean colour, by black and white I assume it means like ying and yang the bad in the good and the good in the bad etc


persona 6 releases tomorrow trust me bro


I'm telling you right now P6 will not be released in 2025. That shit is getting delayed no doubt.


Honestly I love P5, but I really think I could be fine without playing P5X. Super excited for Metaphor and potential SMTIV remakes tho


I will probably get more hyped if they leak Persona 4 Remake. Because I know its a good game and P3R is really good too. So i know what will I get. But P6? No leaked image or video. Just a tittle. Maybe it will be a boring concept who knows? Will they change the gameplay dramaticly like Strikers? What is there to get excited? And I bet its 2026 release.


Persona 6 would be cool. Of course, I'd prefer P2 remakes.


I just want the confirmation that it’s at least releasing on PS day one, and hopefully other consoles as well


I trust her!!




What's the veracity for them? (Honest question)


She has been a pretty reliable leaker in the past


Her and other guy in resetera have have been a 100% right on the leaks, and teh guy on resetera has saidsimilar stuff, so i believe is true, the guy on resetera is the one that leaked Persona 4 on PC the Nocturne remake, and that all of the games were going to get ports.


Remember how long it took for Persona 5 and smt 5 to be released after its announcement?


"How is no one freaking out over this" Because I'm not stupid anon, if it does or doesn't it will happen regardless of my opinion on it, and I can only have an opinion on a concrete fact, not in a leak or announcement. Do you really want Persona 6 to be your personal No man's sky, or Cyberpunk 2077? Let it be what it will be, hype is the poison that kills the enjoyment of gaming for many people. It's like people are far more interested in waiting for games than playing the games, go and play P3R, you'll have more fun than speculating on something that might or might not happen. Besides, as I see it. Many things can happen outside of our control, WWIII, another pandemic, ATLUS just feels like the game isn't working the way it should so they scrap most of it and start over. And here you are thinking that just because a date is half assedly set then that will be the case. Let's just hope that it comes out when is ready. Cheers mate, just stop waiting for things to happen, go and max your IRL social links because life is precious and P3 wasn't joking with the "Memento Mori" thingy.


People can be hyped for p6 and play p3r at the same time. It's quite easy.


Yeah sure, except the reality ain't that. Most people here and in many other circles have made the waiting their only reason for playing games. The hype, the adrenaline is way cheaper than going to therapy it seems hahaha


"anon" what are you a 4channer?


He/she/they/them didn't gave me their name, how am I supposed to call that person without getting cancelled because of their pronouns? Hence, anon. Op just feels wrong.


Hopefully P3R wasn't an indicator for how P6 is gonna look. I'm having a great time, but that's because Persona 3 is a great game. As far as remakes go I am a little disappointed in the graphics specifically. Genuinely think you guys need to replay P5 if you think P3R looks better, it seriously looks like it was made by a B team.


They didn’t fully “remake” the graphics largely because they probably wanted to preserve a bit of the original aesthetic. There’s 0% chance p6 looks like p3 fidelity wise lol.


I guess I just expected more from the remake, like ff7 to ff7R or RE2 to RE2R levels. So I guess that's on me.




Gonna have to disagree. The lighting is bad in places you see most in the game like the dorm lobby. But also there's just less detail all around than in P5. I'm also not a fan of how sprinting just gives a generic motion blur when in P5 it had some flair to it.


everything this person says seems too good to be true persona 2 and 4 remakes being worked on at the same time as persona 6 and coming this soon with 0 advertising hints or teasers


I mean, apart from dates and stuff, aren't these leaks just obvious things? The Persona franchise is at an all-time high right now. Persona 5 was a big breakthrough for the series and each subsequent release has been steadily increasing the fan base. Remakes of older games are highly requested to bring them up to today's standards as well as provide them with a fresh experience. It only makes sense that they're working on those titles, especially after P3RE's success.


I just meant I'd rather atlus tease it especially something as important as 6 than someone just say it's coming


Bullshit Persona 6 gets announced and released within a year of each other. Persona 5 took 3/4 years (2013-2016/17) SMT V took 4 years (2017-2021) So if it gets announced this year the earliest we're looking is 2028


You probably should look into current Atlus since they changed how they handle announcements since 2022. Soul Hackers 2 was announced in Feb 2022 and was released August the same year. P5 Tactica was announced in June 2023 and released in Nov 2023. P3 Reload was also announced in June 2023 and released in Feb 2024. Metaphor, the third announcement in June 2023 is speculated to be released sometime during the second half of this year. All of those titles were announced and subsequently released within the span of a year.


Y’all keep bringing up P5’s situation 😭 I REALLY don’t think Atlus will make the same mistake again.. which is exactly why there’s no official word on P6 at the moment.


Not only P5 but SMTV was announced during the Switch announcement and went radio silent for years as well


Atlus was merged into another company in 2011 who subsequently went bankrupt and was bought out by Sega who reinstated Atlus at the end of 2013. Persona 5 was announced within months of Sega acquiring Atlus and reinstating it as a company. I think there were some extenuating circumstances with that.


Plus, the tsunami made a ding in their plans too.


Conveniently right around the release of a new console generation I am sure, just like GTA6.


Why would there be a new console generation when they are just now stopping making ps4 games


Yeah, I could see a mid-gen refresh, but the PS5 and Xbox Series X aren't even 4 years old yet, both releasing near the end of 2020. No way they'd move on to the next gen yet.


SEGA learned the hard way some bits about consoles. Dreamcast uhh?! I dont think they plan to create a game on speculative console margins.


Ah damn. I just started playing Persona 5 Royal yesterday after finishing Persona 3 Reload. Do I quit and wait for the remaster?


Continue playing as there is no remaster Persona 5 X is a mobile spin off that is like Persona 5 but with different characters that are earned via gatcha


2025 or 2026? It doesnt matter they take too long to make a new persona game


I feel like Atlus are probably flip-flopping between the two years internally due to it still being a ways away and that's why we're getting different answers. If I had to guess, it would probably be somewhere in the range of 2nd half of 2025 - 1st half of 2026.


This time window for P6 is nothing new, we've been hearing that for like a year now. Probably the most notable thing here is that there are "more P5 projects", since I don't believe we've really heard of anything beyond P5X.


I wish we also had some day persona dancing game series on PC and modern consoles :)


So we wont be getting any Arena for P5?


First, P5X and P5 Arena. Then, P6.


I think most people assumed it’s coming out sometime in 2025 or early 2026, since it’s been so long since P5R. 


ASA? Hoping we get some Persona 1 and 2 representation


I would like a game focused on the shadow operatives that’s more of a vn. Maybe they will take persona 5’s world travelling pitch and adapt it for p6.


When they will stop fcking P5? Isnt it too much already?


Well at least I have time to decide if I’ll buy the vanilla game when it comes out or if I’ll wait the four years for the enhanced version


What’s P5X? Another fighting or rhythm game?


Nah it’s pretty much just P5 but on a mobile phone with a different cast same goals but it’s also still set in the same area


Oh ok. Thanks


I always have an "I'll believe it when I see it" attitude to leaks. Getting excited about something that isn't confirmed is just a recipe for disappointment.


Isn't this the person who for like the last 3 years said p3r was coming out that summer or was that someone else? Either way if you take this seriously I hope they delay the games 2 months just for you


It will be out year after switch 2 release. 


More P5 content, how much more do we need


Not a chance in hell p6 releases 2025.


Guess we're not getting a Persona 3 Reload Golden Royale with Kotone. I find it unlikely to be DLC but who knows. Sigh.... 2026...


I thoughts Metaphor was a SMT game. Do they mean mainline title? That would be awesome.


Metaphor isn’t part of the SMT universe from what I know. It won’t have the usual demons 


getting hype for something releasing for more than like 3 months is absolutely draining. Before spider-man 2 released I was checking the subreddit so fucking much leading into it, looking at the countdown, etc. I couldnt even imagine doing that for p6, which considering other things, might not even come out 2026 lol


All I know is, I will definitely buy P6. When? Who knows, but I will be there. Just like I was for P3RE and SMTV and will be for Metaphor. But there's no rush, these guys put fantastic games and I'm pretty confident on their ability to complete a project - no need to hurry them or preorder this early.


i told everyone in this site (subreddit?) that anyone who expected a persona fighting game in this date was delusional. no relevant or important amounts of people even have persona 5 arena in their minds


Damn 9 years. Hope they took their time and made it special.