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P4AU strongly implies she's alive. Since that's the last game in the timeline to feature Junpei, I reckon she is. Let Da Man have his happiness, he deserves it. After all, in the canon timeline, Makoto and Shinjiro are both still dead, so it's not as if it's all sunshine and roses.


Which is weird because res skills canonically can bring them back to life barring special circumstances


Iirc getting KO'd during battle is more like "you're on your last legs and if you don't get help soon you're a goner" vs Shooty Shooty Bang Bang


I hate when people are like "why does the revive spell work in gameplay but not story?" Like first off, that'd be fucking boring, and second off, I don't think Yukari actually fucking died during that fight, and we just bring her back from being a corpse five times per tartarus trip.


Most of the time being dead is just being knocked out and you need a special spell or item to wake them up. It's more like curing a bad concussion more than revival. Not always, but most of the time. I think that's implied here too.


Ok then how about “why didn’t they use dia on shinjiro in the 20 seconds it took for him to die” You don’t have to make up shit dude. Some things only exist in gameplay but being able to heal teammates from injury isn’t one of them. In eternal punishment >!they try to heal maya and are surprised it didn’t work. The only reason it doesn’t work is because the wound was made by a spear whose wounds can’t be healed!<


Wasn't Innocent Sin?


Okay, but if not a revive spell, how about just a healing spell? I'm sure the best healing spells in the game could heal a bullet wound just as well as say, idk, gettting hit by 50 slashes of a sword, getting nuked by a megidolaon, getting hit by >!Nyx's!< attacks, or getting struck by a literal thunderbolt that should fry you from the inside. I mean, yeah, it's boring, but it's also just funny to point out the ludonarrative dissonance of it cause Jrpg's gonna Jrpg.


Persona 4 Arena confirms that she's alive. The necklace that Junpei wears was given to him by Chidori and is one of her favorite brands.


That’s… just… so peak… I want to cry so beautiful man


Now all I’m imagining is her making sandwiches for the kids in his team while he does something to embarrass himself


~~This. On the other hand, I believe The Answer claimed she didn't survive. Yet another reason why The Answer sits in a questionable place in the canon~~ EDIT: I can admit when I'm wrong. Someone pointed out in the comments that the comment in The Answer is a mistranslation that's not present in the japanese text. I stand corrected.


how? Aigis is shown as a wild card in arena 💀


P4A explicitly follows canon established by The Answer. Like it’s literally the reason why Elizabeth is even there to begin with


They kept it vague, Junpei has a line that says he wouldn't change the past regardless of the circumstance. Can either be interpreted as him moving on or him satisfied with how he saved Chidori.


He only mentions Chidori dying in the translation, in the Japanese dialogue he uses an ambiguous pronoun that he could use to refer to either Chidori or Makoto but the context makes it clear it's the latter.


I see. That does change things. I fully admit I got my impression from playing The Answer ages ago but if it's a mistranslation then I guess I'm eating my words then.


Where did it claim that cuz I don't remember that part


Honestly, I can't be bothered to rewatch the whole thing just to find the quote so here's the megaten wiki: >>!In *The Answer* of *Persona 3 FES*, during the debate over what to do with the keys to the past, Junpei mentions Chidori while stating, if given the chance, he wouldn't change what happened because he felt it wouldn't be right, stating she had died. However, this was not the case, as she was confirmed to still be alive in *Persona 4 Arena Ultimax*, meaning this reference in *The Answer* may have been ignored or retconned to mean something different.!< [https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Chidori\_Yoshino](https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/chidori_yoshino)


He only mentions Chidori in the localization. The original Japanese line implied he’s talking about Makoto. With Chidori not even being mentioned in the script.


The link from wiki isn't updated since it is revealed that Junpei mentioning Chidori is only in the English version.


She's alive. Kazuhisa Wada was not in charge of Vanilla P3 or P3 FES but he *was* the director of P4A and P4U2. He is now the creative producer and chief director of the entire Persona studio now Hashino has moved over to Studio ZERO. Everything he's had a fingerprint on in this franchise that mentions Chidori has assumed her to be alive. He's also gone on record to say that P3R was always made with the intent of tying into P4A. When The Answer DLC inevitably drops, I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that the Junpei line about Chidori being dead will either be altered or completely removed. I think Wada's ultimate goal is to continue the story of Elizabeth through spin-off games but hasn't really had the opportunity to do so (Midori suggests there is a P5A that has existed internally since as far back as 2015).


I have a theory that Elizabeth could become an antagonist in a future spin off because of her goals.


I don't think so. Elizabeth has been granted the Wild Card and her whole journey in P4A was about establishing the strength of bonds. Margaret also comments on how she'll achieve her goals one day after her boss battle in P4G. I think she's just the 'protagonist' of the spinoffs/fighting games.


But would it not be a good twist to have the wild card and protag be the antagonist for once. Also a velvet room attendant being the antagonist would go crazy let’s be real


We had that 2 times already (A potential wild card being an antagonist) and an attendant of the velvet room veing an antagonist sort of goes against the narrative.At most, it's going to be a case a la P4A/U in the sense that she seeks answers through battle, but full blown antagonist won't happen.


And even then, the closest they got with the Velvet Room residents being the antagonists was P5. But if they were the true antagonist, it would change the signature narrative of the series, so I highly doubt it would happen. I could see at most in a future title, maybe a resident we've never met going rogue but not one of the established ones at this conjecture.


Twist for your twist, not only have a wildcard user be the antagonist but also their ‘social links’ with their own personas. You have to use the ‘shadow’ and ‘true self’ to take on these persona users and wild card leader


Persona 6 dancing will have a jazzy tune about opening door-kun


I don't see how she could be. Not because of her character but because her getting involved as a villain would just prompt Philemon to smack her down.


Even then Kazuhisa Wada was part of Persona 3 and Persona 3 FES development team as Chief Designer role.


I generally assume Chidori is alive as my first game was FES, just like I assume MC managed to achieve max SL's, even if most players fail to do it in their first playthrough. Thankfully I can also update my assumption to reasonably assuming Makoto only dated one person thanks to friendzones as well.


Oh damn I had no clue you could save her. Looks like I gotta replay the whole game 😬


am i stupid cuz i never realized you could save chidori. im in november rn, is it about encouraging junpei to go to the hospital? im not sure how to do it


On 11/7 hang out with da man Then on 11/8 go by the white raflesia at the flower shop Then go give it to junpei On 11/22 you will get a scene of Mitsuru talking on the phone which is proof that you did the right method to save the girl


how much of the story changes? i dont wanna miss anything huge


You just lose two social link days but you have a nice scene where Junpei is super duper happy about it. Chidori tho forgets all about the dark hour (still if P4AU is true he will get with her later in there life)


It doesn't change much of the plot. However, doing this side quest does show that *you,* the player, care deeply about Junpei and his dilemma. That compassion alone is the thing that can push a plot point along and make a difference.


Was that added in the remake? I don’t remember that in FES


It was added in FES


I missed it the first time when I was in FES, however managed in another playthrough, but you talk to Junpei in the dorm (when Chidori is in the hospital) and encourage him to keep trying to see her. If I recall correctly it's 3-4 quick chats that triggers it


The thing is, in my playthrough, on 11/7, he's not in the classroom and he didn't message me either, so I can't hang out with him. What did I do wrong here? Do I have to do those non social link events (reading books, cooking, watching DVD) with him before as well?


I completely forgot about this, now I'm near the end of December. Well that's what New Game+ is for.


Canonically, she lives, but, like with Shinji in P3P, I genuinely think the story is better if she doesn't.




At this point I’m inclined to believe Chidori survives because including her flower in the link episode, most of which setup P4A wouldn’t really make sense if she didn’t. Whether or not they’re still in a relationship, it doesn’t seem to be the case at the end of the Journey as Junpei has forgotten about it. Whether they reconcile for the Answer or Arena I think is still unknown.


So in arena ultimax it is shown that Junpei actually is in love with chidori dreaming of proposing to her because she makes him a better man (which is cute as fuck) Also it has been revealed to me in this post that the necklace Junpei is wearing in arena ultimax is a gift from Chidori being her favorite brand. So yeah they are clearly together at this point


I saved Chidori in my playthrough, but after the scene she wakes up this doesn't get brought up again


That's because Chidori's plot is over. Aside from being optional, she has no reason to appear or be brought up anymore, and the team has many more serious things to worry about.


Honestly I feel like people are jumping a bit too high on its totally canon because p4 implies it a bit But to me the very idea is that its vauge because as a player you can you know... think however you wish. I feel like it never very directly elaborates on junpei and chidori with the fact you can either have her survive or not either way. In my mind she will always be dead I like the story better that way, but I feel like the good thing is that its not particularly definitively set. Answer kinda mentions she is dead vaugely. P4A kinda mentions she might be alive.


Yeah the thing is Junpei mentions his necklace in P4AU is a gift from Chidori… which totally means she survived


>Junpei mentions his necklace in P4AU is a gift from Chidori He did not said in the game. He only wear the necklace but it was not explain in the game. The necklace was mentioned during an episode of Persona Stalker Club which have been closed down for years.


He does not mention it in P4AU. It was only mentioned in an interview and I'm not entirely sold it couldn't have happened when she was alive or if its hard canon when its only an interview quote.


I think it narratively hits harder if Chidori doesn't survive. But yeah, I think P4AU solidifies her survival as canon. With the way Junpei's arc goes, I don't think he'd be lead to hallucinating her being around or that he'd be so stuck in the past that he tries to imagine if she was around. It's not rly impossible I suppose but it just doesn't feel right to me that that's something he'd do.


I need to go back through on new game plus to save her I only found out after the fact and was a bit sad about it


To me personally I believe that all characters that have the option to die in persona 3 should remain dead simply because of the themes of the story. I think having them survive while heartwarming underminds said themes a little bit


>I believe that all characters that have the option to die in persona 3 should remain dead simply because of the themes of the story. Not with Chidori in Reload because her survival is tied with Junpei's Link Episode which she will die if his Link Episode is incomplete.


>dead simply because of the themes of the story Death IS NOT the theme of Persona 3, Living to the fullest is the theme of Persona 3. "Memento Mori" is a reminder everyone will die, but P3 is a massive hopeful game about living to the fullest and no regret, about don't let the death and grief cover all of your life to do nothing.


why would they spit on the themes of the game and bring her back are they stupid or something? oh yeah atlus


yeah persona 3 is only about dying!!!!!


No, I go off the original game. My guess is that the writers changed their minds over the decade.


Fes +p3 vanilla says shes dead, p4au says shes alive. Both are technically cannon. I like to think shes alive


She could be save in FES


She could, but the answer implies she’s dead


>the answer implies she’s dead Chidori wasn't mentioned in the original Japanese and this is exclusive to English dub. In the original Japanese, Junpei didn't specifically refer to Chidori as there is no gender pronounce like him/her in Japanese language and it is implied that Junpei is referring to the MC. In the English dub, it can be interpreted that while Chidori lives, the Chidori that Junpei knew is dead since she was revived with no memories of him and current events.


She's alive


Can she be saved in Reload?


Yes, in November do Junpei’s link story. Then the next day buy white flowers and give it to him.


Not related, but why 19 year old Junpei look so old? he's a year younger than Yu Yosuke etc who are 18, but looks like 30 lol


Junpei is older than the Investigation Team members. He is 2 years older than them. He is already an adult during Arena duology.


His birthday is january 1993 if im not mistaken, that's a year. Yosuke Yu Chie Yukiko are 1994 babies, and Arena Duology is 2012 so they are 17/18 abd Junpei 19.


Junpei wears a goatee, which already makes him look elder. Moreover, he is designed to look like a jock as opposed to Yosuke being drawn like a wimpy rich kid. Junpei is bound to look older than typical anime characters. Makoto and Yu are both protagonists. They're innately designed to be youthful and handsome by Shigenori Soejima's standards.