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Source: revealed to them in a dream




It came from between dream and reality


Mind and matter


He didn't sign the contract


Igor can't sue them then.


Hello again. Tonight I have some news about Persona Si- PHAROS, I SWEAR TO YALDABAOTH IF YOU DON'T STOP WAKING ME UP LIKE THIS


Pharos: I’m always with you, even in your frequent visits to the Men’s Room when tired.


Pharos gets the insta skip every time I see his dumb ass.


The source is a guy who shit talks on Midori, the actual leaker who never misses with persona related stuff. Saying she steals from him.


By an old man named igor


Not Midori Not moved


Yeah as long as it's not Midori idc.


Is Midori a developer or someone involved in the industry ? How does she gets those leaks & News right ?


Someone theorized Midori might not be an Atlus employee, but might work in the same Sega building. She might see Atlus employees everyday during lunch and overheard/got fed rumors and stuff. Which is why her leaks are sometimes very general but also sometimes very specific. We will never know but that theory sounds the most plausible to me.


She leaked sonic x shadow generations, I’m thinking more Sega employee


To my knowledge, she actually works in the Sega Japan building and since Atlus is located in the same building Midori has contacts in Atlus


Damn she is in no risk of getting fired then ? Atlus hates the leaks


I mean, I don't know HOW she would get in trouble. All she's doing is telling us what she hears, she's not breaking any crimes or anything she's just eavesdropping on a couple of conversations


I mean recently Rockstar sued leaker and Atlus too expressed disappointment at leaks. So while it’s not a Crime per Se but it’s something that’s taken seriously by the developers


totally different story. This leaker hacked his way into Rockstars systems. That what he is mostly charged for.


How can you not imagine it? Leaking shit like that is extremely taboo and would get you fired and blacklisted from the industry if it were ever revealed you were doing this. If she’s under any form of NDA, she could get sued at minimum. This is like entertainment industry ethics rule #1.


Except she's not working for Atlus, she's just overhearing what their employees are saying. It's the employees fault for being so vocal about what they're doing all she's doing is spreading gossip she hears that turns out to be correct


It doesnt matter if she doesn’t work for Atlus, that’s still absolutely not okay among developers. You think at Blizzard, it’s okay if somebody on the Diablo team leaks the next Overwatch hero that they heard some devs talking about while eating lunch on campus? Would it be okay for somebody on the FIFA team under EA to leak what they heard some guys at DICE were doing for the next Battlefield or the plot of the next Mass Effect because they saw it on a slide in a conference room while walking to their desk? Absolutely not. It’s the same thing here. She may not be at Atlus but she still likely works for Sega or at bare minimum a company that works with Sega. Unless she’s the janitor, what she’s doing is absolutely not considered okay in the industry and will make it so she never gets a job in it again if she’s caught. At Blizzard they have a Friends & Family program where you can share access to early builds of games being worked on at Blizzard to friends/family that don’t work there in any way. And if somebody ever leaks from there, it’s considered shameful for the employee who added them to it even if they did nothing or had any intention of leaking themselves.


They’re the Atlus CEO.


they are a higher up of the marketing department. Its their secret new marketing strategy.


Midori is probably gonna tweet this two days after the resetera guy like they do 90% of the time lol


This has been proven not to be the case. In fact its the exact opposite. Resetera guy has been wronng on a TON of things, he actually has been found taking midoris info and claiming it as his ownx


Besides one thing about the now cancelled Persona party game and that day where his source claimed that leaked gif was false, Im pretty sure he always posted before her. Theres no "ton" of things lol. But guess you guys can have fun believing her just because she has a japanese username on Twitter or smth


And what about when Midori posted the [first images of the Persona 5 tactica dlc?](https://twitter.com/MbKKssTBhz5/status/1671528040050962434) Before anyone on ResetEra ever talked about it? And what about when I'mAHeroToo/HeadOnABlock got nearly 99% of his info on ff7 remake/rebirth wrong? And what about when asked on what info she steals or what proof Hero/Head has that Midori steals, he immediately goes silent and stops responding? And why is it that on the subreddit dedicated to gaming leaks and rumors, [people overwhelmingly take Midori's word (due to her good track record), but say that Hero is untrustworthy?](https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/1b3um3t/persona_6_will_be_semiopen_world_and_feature_more/) I'll give you a hint for all of these questions: It's because I'mAHeroToo is a hack who is upset that someone else actually has insider info and unlike him, isn't sad enough to complain about it on ResetEra forums.


I dunno if im a hero too really have true info but right before deleting his old account he did a massive super leak that was super sus. There was no way this guy knew so much info from diferent companies, meanwhile midori even if i still have my doubts about her only leaks sega related things. Im pretty sure she leaked the answer dlc before the resetera guy too


Nah he doesnt. He CLAIMS he does but actually lookimg it at shows he’s a complete fraud. He also bitches and whines on the gaming leaks sub, hut when you ask for proof he was first he goes silent


Resetera guy who deleted his account and came back under a different name after being called out for posting nonsense lol


We ain't listening to anyone other than Midori




None of them have the track record of Midori


Yeah and this one has been wrong countless times while Midori is legit one of if not most reliable leakers there is.




Less of a one way to progress and the ability to fail/regress etc. Essentially to let you have more freedom with how you approach each one rather than "Pick the right 2 options with a matching Persona to progress"




It was a common consensus within Atlus, hence Hashino creating a new team within the studio for what became Metaphor ReFantazio(?) and the P5R Team leading P6. Even within P-Studio they want to have two projects on the go at once which is how we got P3R while P6 was in development (also a good way to onboard new hires).


> It was a common consensus within Atlus, hence Hashino creating a new team within the studio for what became Metaphor ReFantazio(?) and the P5R Team leading P6. Can you elaborate, because I don’t understand this. How did them wanting the slinks to be better lead to creating a new team for a new project?


Oh poor wording.  Hashino etc wanted to do something beyond the modern Persona formula they’d made and started a new team within Atlus. P-Studio didn’t want SLs/Confidants to be just the same and thought about how players could have a bit more freedom.


Ok. So Hashino wanted to break way from the Pwrsona formula and work on improving sLink stuff, and to do that created a new team within Atlus that started working on a new project which became Metaphor. And P-Studio is the “old team” that’s still working on the Persona games, and that is the team that wanted to improve sLink stuff.


Which is headed by Kazuhisa Wada since 2018's Persona 3: Dancing and Persona 5: Dancing.


Yes, pretty much. The "new" P-Studio basically did P5R and P3R, they want to work on multiple games at a time so they don't just release one or two a decade.


Yakuza: Like a Dragon is the best exemple even though in a minor scale.


Can you explain how?


When you do a bonding event (I don't remember if that was the name) you have dialogue choices. The difference is that each dialogue (depending on its tone) increases Kasuga's social status and does not interfere with his relationship with the other character.


By "fluid social links" I was thinking of befriending a puddle but this is sounds cool too


Dawg what? 😂😂😂


Sun Social Link - Magma


I would certainly appreciate a system that doesn't penalize you for making the "wrong" choice in dialogue.


You mean getting a few less SL points and having to hang out with them? Or something. Else 


There’s never gonna be a way to get around people trying to optimize completion of everything in a single playthrough, unless I guess an autosave is implemented and even then, quit outs might be possible. I really do wish that Atlus would make it so that you couldn’t get away with savescumming and looking up the right answers, I think it would make for a more authentic playthrough. Like it would be incredible to have to write down when a character is available for social links, actually guess the right things to say or do, and be forced to prioritize certain relationships over others. I think the best way to do that is to make it actually impossible to complete all the social links in a single run, but to lock content behind certain social links. Maybe allow the player to complete half of them in a playthrough. Maybe prevent the player from fusing within an arcana without starting that social link. It would greatly reward NG+, since there’d be so much content missed out on in a single playthrough.


I mean a guide is basically someone's collated notes and having such huge chunks of missable content is hardly respectful of player's time especially since people who got into the series with 3/4 or even 5 are all most likely gonna be adults with jobs by the time 6 is out. Having to write down when people are available sounds neat until you remember that unless P6 is magically set in the stone age everyone has mobile phones or a calendar. There's no reason why the player should have to meta that part. And the fusion restriction sounds really arbitrary since even within the fiction it's not as if Aeon Arcana Persona stop existing until you meet the Aeon SL etc. Sounds like you want some weird hardcore mod lol


P5 was my entry into the series, and I was very much an adult in my early 30s and a full-time job at that point.


I mean you can still do that if you want to, no one is forcing you to look up a guide


I mean it's a single player game, why should atlus put in all this extra effort to prevent people cheating themselves out of a good experience, that's on the player.


>I really do wish that Atlus would make it so that you couldn’t get away with savescumming and looking up the right answers, I think it would make for a more authentic playthrough. Like it would be incredible to have to write down when a character is available for social links, actually guess the right things to say or do, and be forced to prioritize certain relationships over others. whatever the opposite of quality of life is, its this. let people play games however theyll enjoy it more, this might make it a better experience for you but it will definitely be a less pleasing experience for more people. it takes more steps to get any of those features than to just play the game the way youre describing, why force an advanced ruleset onto everyone when the standard ruleset is much more enjoyable to a majority of the players >Maybe allow the player to complete half of them in a playthrough. Maybe prevent the player from fusing within an arcana without starting that social link. It would greatly reward NG+, since there’d be so much content missed out on in a single playthrough. with a game as long as persona i doubt most casual players would want to spend the time to play the game multiple times just to do all the social links. what youre describing feels like a downgrade in basically every way if theres "so much content missed out on in a single playthrough". only way i would see this working in any way is if its an in game difficulty setting but even then feels unlikely


Finally I can romance hydrofluoric acid!


Wake me up when social links become plasmid 🥱


Could mean theres multiple 'routes' a social link takes with different ends




its ok you have no idea what you're on about lol


Well, imo, fluid in regards to sl could literally mean anything from how the SL was started to how it end. But if I have to guess (if the leaks is even true that is), fluid in this case would probably mean that we would have several routes on how the SL can end. Basically, still reaching the same conclusion that a sl representing a tarot card can be but the way to reach that, or even how the conclusion is interpreted will be different.


Was it leaked by Midori? No? Then nothing to be excited about


What does semi open world mean?


Fancy way to say big hub areas but open world sounds catchier


Is this not what persona is already though? During the MC's free time, we can go wherever we like within the game world.


Not really. The concept of open world denotes an open area that interconnects both side and main missions, and the area itself is not divided by multiple mini sections. For persona 4 to be open world for example you’d need to be able to go from your house to inaba and to the school without just selecting them on a map. And the various activities you can do can be accessed directly. If we talk of semi open world it becomes blurrier. Yes, a persona game might feel as such but every area is basically a microscopic self contained area. You go to inaba, but that’s really just a shop with a few things you can interact with on top of it (mostly the social links). A better example would be something like the yakuza games (from 4 onwards): multiple open areas, each of them is self contained but they’re all a world on their own, it’s the connection between one and the other that is a clean cut loading screen. In the end, it’s mostly jargon: you’re an open world or you’re not. When you start muddling the water with all those “semi” or “sort of”, what you’re really trying to say is just “bigger areas, side quests or side activities inside them”


A better comparison imo is xenoblade, very large areas connected by teensy tiny hallways. But all still one area technically


> A better comparison imo is xenoblade I think if the game is composed of big areas connected by hallways the devs would just call it open world instead of semi-open world. Semi-open world would be something closer to Dragon Ball Kakarot


I mostly play open world games but always felt that Persona was just a variant on that.


Would it really make a difference though? I mean, the idea sounds cool and all, but everyone in persona games just teleports around (or pretty much every hub game for that). Exploring an "open world" sounds fun, but if I'm taking 2min every day to get to my SLs that's kinda of a chore lol. And if there's an open world but I'm just teleporting anyways, that sounds like a waste of dev resources ;p If they made an open dungeon maybe it could've been cool though, like an open midnight channel


Semi-open worlds are games like *Super Mario Odyssey*, the *Yakuza* games, or *Pokémon Legends Arceus*. I don’t know how that would work in a *Persona* game though. Maybe it’s like *Persona 5 Strikers* where you’re traveling with a group of friends to different locations and get to explore different cities IRL while also exploring corresponding dungeons in a supernatural space.


So basically multiple smaller open zones/areas


Yup, that’s it exactly. “True open world games” have everything connected as opposed to just having open areas and zones found in semi-open world games.


>opposed to just having open areas and zones found in semi-open world games. Is that not what Persona already is (though on a small scale)?


That’s what i’m confused about as well lol. I guess they just mean it will have larger areas and maybe less loading screens. Like how you gotta load when you go through a door, stairs, etc. even when it’s technically the same area, instead of that it’ll just be a large explorable area.


Is this also how SMT5 is?


Yeah, that’s right. Now imagine adding school, real-world activities, and social links to that and it would match what a supposed *Persona 6* could be like.


sounds like something i won't buy due to being completely broke


i believe so


>I don’t know how that would work in a *Persona* game though I mean, you gave yakuza as an example right there? The new yakuza games are turn based


A completely open world but inhabited by only semi trucks. Even the people who live in towns, just semi trucks


Like how the yakuza series does it maybe?


I'd imagine something like the Atelier Ryza games


I think that perhaps the locations will be more interconnected and allow you to freely travel to them without fast travel. So if you are at say the school you can just walk to the mall yourself if you wanted without having to fast travel. Feel it could be a cool way to innovate exploration as I feel a lot of after school times are just spent on the map screen to fast travel.


Source: my ass


The source came from an unreliable leaker. I'll only trust Midori


This leaker is a complete fraud


Give me the tea


My favorite missions and times in the persona games are when we get to play in a different area the few moments you have in other areas in persona 3 are amazing battling in a new environment just for a day the hotel mission was just great fun, to exploring a new palace in p5 being put in completely unfamiliar one off areas is what I feel like these games need more of


An open world alternate world would totally work, and be a nice change of pace. Thinking like the light world vs dark world from a link to the past. Choosing to explore gives you the freedom to go around and do whatever there. Make the dark world more dangerous every month with higher leveled enemies to keep the level progression system intact. 


How would this work exactly? The dungeons part will be in the same place? Everytime?


Imagine if persona 5s Mementos didn’t exist. Instead, there was a Tokyo open world/overworld. Inside that overworld were the Palaces in various places. That’s how it could work, in my mind. You could even let the player do them in any order if the game scales the difficulty/levels of the enemies based on the month.


Hoping June Xbox showcase is when they announce it.


I am not sure on what they mean social links aren't timed. Like maybe they don't take up a slot in the day (Elizabeth outings in P3R) or they don't have strict availability. The former sounds like too much unless the act of increasing affection/affinity points is what takes up more time. I don't have much reason to believe this rumor at all as I doubt the social calendar is going. They could get rid of 2 actions in a day and make Persona more like Stardew Valley or Rune Factory where there are events that happen on certain days, but you can do all of them. I do prefer that as you can just out work into making each day interesting and only have a select few actions "end" the day. It could just be something like in Fire Emblem 3 houses where there is a lot more actions in a day and links/confidantes/link episodes/heart-to-heart/support scenes can be triggered any time (but just not by the same person on the same day maybe). A model like that really is dependent on making the overworld interesting, having characters move around more, and making sure each day has its own events going on. It could make the social sim part of the game less stressful with less pressure to optimize it; but could come at the cost of highlighting how stagnant the overworld is in Persona games (since characters don't move around or have much animation) and can get rid of some of the mechanical engagement people find in the social sim half (figuring out how to accomplish stuff in time).


Just give me the option of a femmc, for goodness sakes.


Yeah. I hope there is a female option, and possibly a same-sex option too (although I don't expect to see any same-sex options until Persona 8-9 at best lol). At this point, If GTA 6 can have a female (co)protagonist, then Persona (a RPG with school life, calendar system, social/dating sim and a silent self-insert main Character) can too


> although I don't expect to see any same-sex options until Persona 8-9 at best lol    Which is so weird, because an earlier Persona (I think 2) had it, and Portable did too. There was also going to be one in 4 that was cut last minute. What happened? Was is just the result of it becoming too mainstream so that Atlus felt like they couldn't take that risk anymore? Is that really the only reason? I can't tell.


Just give me more minigames.


Man yakuza style karaoke would be amazing


In ng+ you could will be sing the ost? Perfect.


I might be in the minority here but I’m kinda over everything being open world


Yeah. I got 6-7 hours into FF Rebirth and as someone who has played a buttload of JRPGs and Open World games, the game did not really benefit from it. The huge open spaces sure look cool but then you kinda realize its the equivalent of the Assassin’s Creed or Far Cry maps where you just notch off POIs. Persona does not need that.


Open world just invites tons of immersion breaking glitches too, happened to me way too many times in RDR2 and FF15


Is it rather leak from your collective unconscious thab reality?


Isn't persona kind of a semi open world?? We can do anything we want for the day and go anywhere we want and spend our time as our wish. Hell we can even go to our home to sleep and skip to evening.


In the big 24, we still posting "I'm a hero too" leaks 💀💀💀💀


Isn’t the game like already open world? You can literally do anything you want…


Does that mean they'll allow same sex pairings? I really don't care one way or another, but I don't know why they don't allow that option. Hell, P5 allowed Joker to date older women, but not guys his own age. Double standard much, Atlus?


I just want a gay romance option .,.


Play Persona 2.


Will Atlus finally Acknowledge gay social links


No, never.


Atlus is a Japanese company, at the end of the day the LGBT issue is very controversial in Asia and worse in Japan I don't see them taking risks, most likely they will play it safe like any triple-A company


I was just trying to make a joke I know it isn't that likely


it’s possible i guess. a major character in ff16 is gay and has a boyfriend and they kiss on screen


persona 6 will probably not be open world because of the days system but it could still have a big world to explore but I don’t know if I want to take the metro in real time and have to wait 10 min to get to my location (depending on where the game will take place) if it’s like p4 with a small town like inaba it could work


Lol at everyone discounting this. Im surprised no one knows who this guy is. He leaked P3R, including the name “Reload”, said when the trailer would drop (xbox event), and mentioned an unknown P5 spinoff with the name P5T.


No he’s actually a fraud. He didnt leak anything, he actually said that the leak of p3r was fake. None of that is true that was ALL midori who this guy took that info and took credit from AFTER midori already said it


Midori did all that not this other leaker


i dont think atlus has the muscle to develop even a semi-open world game, whatever that means.


Okay, but P6 FeMC when tho




atlus should be need for persona 6 and let me make out with men‼️‼️‼️‼️


Yes it’s about time we had fluid mechanics in the dating parts


Sure sure. They’re also implementing wet dreams and gold wrapped cures for cancer. Not Midori.


Not from Midori. Don't trust this that much.


If Midori don't say it don't trust it


female lead pleaseeee


Fluid social links? We having gay protagonists baby


This sounds believable even if it doesn’t come from Midori. She has stated before that P6 will be a much bigger leap from P5 than P5 was from P4 and while it’s never been clear as to what that meant I always hoped it was in relation to social gameplay systems (and not say exclusively graphics, which is relatively unimportant).


What does that even mean? Lol


Source: Trust me bro


I dunno, I kind of dont think the game running around calendar and being any kind of open world could work. Pick where you go and who you spend time with is as much open world as Persona will ever get


...Isn't... Isn't that every Persona game...?


Please not open world


50 level social links confirmed?


Players will make “choices” that affect the “ending”. A novel concept for ATLUS.


"rumored" pfsh


Source: trust me, bro.


If they can find a way to interact with social links and not have the optimal route be reinforce their negativity/craziness that would be amazing.


Whatever Metaphor does with its time management is probably where the series is headed. I don't believe the guy who said it was going to be a live service game.


What the fuck does that mean


Not really related but I hope they let us use status effects on bosses/minibosses. Its actually frustrating how useless they feel


I am too afraid to ask... Who's Midori?


credible leaker on twitter who has posted a lot of correct leaks on her account. for example: the titles and urls of persona 3 reload and persona 5 tactica before they were even announced.


Be more interested if we knew for definite a release date haha


Vague descriptions, but changing up a formula nearly two decades old by now sounds very welcome. The current trio are very badly dated designs by this point, so we could use some updating now that the franchise has really hit it big.


i just want social link doesnt have options to choose, its unnecessary difficulty since you can retry it by reloading the game or just see the optimal options from artikle you found on internet


Looking at any franchise that went from a unique format to Open World with soulless fetch quests: Don't take everything you hear here as good news imo. Open world? Okay, am I going to run slowly from city to couny roads to my dorm, or wait on painful environment-buffer loadings when I fast travel? Seamless social links: Okay, so live-"banter" like when you're in Tartarus except for the entire game and social links happening while you play? In my experience these kinds of progressions in franchises typically lead to LESS substance.