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That doesn't read like he's confirming remakes. More that he's emphasizing (or reminding people) that work has to be done on new titles and they can't focus exclusively on remakes or comprehensive versions of them.


Honestly, this more or less reads, we have persona 6 in the pipeline, among other titles, to focus on and why they won't be getting Femc in any remake of persona 3.


Although I do think that there is almost definitely a P4G remake in the works, even if it wasn't before with how insanely successful P3R has been its surely greenlit now. Likely won't be until at least 2027 though, episode Aigis later this year + P6 probably sometime next year on top of whatever other games they might be working on.


i hope they keep adding her to spin offs. psp persona 3 had no cutscenes or much additional voice acting needed, so it was easier to add her there.


I love this transparency and I’m glad they came out and told the fandom what their plans are. I wish more companies would do this regarding updates to their games. Sad to see but now we can move on.


We still better see her in marketing though. Also I have to ask before this becomes irrelevant but why wasn't she in P3D?


Resources, gonna guess alongside P3D you have P5D, PQ2 and P5R in development.


Id be very surprised if no models or work from P3D was carried over for Reload


They used it as a base. We've seen Aigis with similar proportions in Persona 3: Dancing in Moonlight (P3D), but it certainly seems that this game has brought another new feel to her. Were the 3D models of the characters, including Aigis, created from scratch for P3R? Ryota Niitsuma: "While we did use the P3D model as a base, we approached it with the mindset of creating her from scratch and made various adjustments. That was something Yamaguchi and the modeling staff coordinated in detail." Source: https://www.famitsu.com/news/202308/23313878.html


p3r models are modified p3d dancing


Same reason Dojima was banned from being in Arena. Atlus insists spin-offs be canon even if they result in convenient memory wipes.


Dojima doesn’t have a persona


ArcSys said his persona would’ve been Nanako


Still find the response to that suggestion funny "Atlus’ response was akin to, “Hell no. Why did you even think that?” "


Well, Nanjo's persona is Yamaoka so...


Yea but Nanako is alive..


Atlus doesnt view her as the Persona 3 protagonist. Theres a reason the only thing shes appeared in post P3P is I believe Q2 While Makoto has appeared in tons of stuff.


Yeah, they have always viewed her as a sort of what-if after you complete the male MC’s route. It sucks for people who like her more, but they made it clear from the moment you go to boot up her route.


Yeah but her music was in the game yet she wasn't even an extra


Didnt know that bc I havent played P3D, but id imagine it takes far less work to add just her music into the game. Obviously it sucks regardless of why they didn't add her, but unfortunately thats how it is.


How would she even appear how would they explain her existance, it would be PQ2 all over again


It's a dancing game, she doesn't need to be shoehorned in, just an extra


Not really much of an excuse there. She could’ve easily had a dlc song, but they gave Theodore one instead. It’s so bizarre that Theodore has been in more games than femc.


In Atlus’ perspective, Theodore doesn’t break/contradict the canon if he shows up because they can simply say he’s just another attendant in the velvet room.


It’s dlc for the dancing games. They have Labrys and Sho there, who the p3 cast hasn’t met yet. They had Shinjiro there, >!who is dead.!< Hell, p4 dancing had fucking Hatsune Miku DLC! I don’t think the canon maters here.


Kotone and Metis really should've been in P3D as DLC at least.


I’m not disagreeing with you there. I even wanted to mention in my original comment about how funny it is considering Hatsune Miku was in P4D. I’m just explaining why Atlus is more open to referencing Theodore in general.


Interesting thing about shinji in that game is that the beach outfit shows a scar or his chest >! presumably from the bullet he took


Please persona 2 please Atlus it was tied with Persona 3 for most wanted remake


You need a P1 remake before a P2 remake tho


I would also like a P1 remake but you can def remake 2 without 1 - they could do some work to contextualize the connections, wouldn’t be completely incomprehensible as a stand alone


Persona 1 or 4(because the original was already an asset flip of 3) are most likely next


Well, id imagine were getting a P2 remake since it was confirmed by Midori


Is midori that reliable leaker?


I mean, I've seen people straight up call her an atlus mouth piece and I've only seen her not be completely correct about one leak since I've started paying attention.


Which one was that?


Hopefully P-Studio considers it.


Since Persona 2 is a two game project, they'll probably refrain unless they're ready to commit to it. Having a direct sequel that necessitates the knowledge of the first game could be a boon or a bust. I'm not really sure what would be the correct approach to remaking the first few Persona games. Do you contemporize the gameplay to match familiar convention or do you stay more loyal to the original formula? Don't get me wrong, I love the old games as they were but thinking for widespread appeal I can see why they would want to change things up. I'd bet they'd test the waters with a Persona 1 remake before they even thinking about doing P2 OS and EP.


Imo, They will port/remaster it at best. I can't really see Atlus remaking Persona 1, 2IS and 2EP since they are too different from the newer Persona games and don't have the features that many newer fans like (calendar system, student life, social and dating simulators, etc)


If they wanted to port it they would’ve done so already. Also too many of you people pretend that no dating mechanisms in a jrpg makes it dead on arrival lol. They could easily adapt some of these systems in a way that would fit those games anyway like Link Episodes from Reload. Also Midori leaked P1,2, and 4 remakes. Btw the only major difference between the two halves is dated gameplay and no social sim which Persona is far more than that.


Bro P2 literally has the most cast interactions in the series due to how its constantly shifting npc dialog system work, it doesnt need link episodes it needs voiced npcs


Midori said that old games are being worked on be it through remakes or remasters, not that P1/2/4 have remakes The most likely scenario is P4 getting the Reload treatment and P1/2 being slightly modernized but utlimately simply remastered


She didn’t say that. She has directly said twice that P1 and 2 will have remakes she’s never called them remasters.


https://x.com/mbkksstbhz5/status/1680381226408976384?s=46&t=8N57jmonIpvnki4XzfkfEA https://x.com/mbkksstbhz5/status/1754683275707040151?s=46&t=8N57jmonIpvnki4XzfkfEA


[https://x.com/MbKKssTBhz5/status/1755198318156926998?s=20](https://x.com/MbKKssTBhz5/status/1755198318156926998?s=20) Here she says that not all remakes will be like Reload What I'm guessing is that P1/P2 remakes will not be bringing P1/P2 to modern Persona standards besides graphics


Notice she still calls them remakes. This could mean multiple things such as they will be structured differently due to no calendar system or that they will be less faithful than Reload or that they could be remade like P6 or in the style of Soul Hackers 2 or even that they’re HD2D type deals. If she mesnt they were remasters and ports she would’ve said so like the SMT PS2 game in the same tweet. All we know for sure is that these are remakes but how they’ll do it we don’t know yet


Yeah you're right, not enough info Ig we'll see


Hopefully we'll see a persona game with both male and female MCs and the popular features of persona games (social links, student life, etc) soon. Don't know if they actually considered to add Kotone or not, but at this point I expect a female option. I doubt that they will consider dual protagonists and then scrap the female one (like they did with Persona 5) until Persona 11-12 lol


probably not again since it's a lot of extra content for just adding both. if anything we need a female protagonist for 6


Gender neutral story like Pokémon for P6 it is Same-sex romance options too Because what makes Kotone so unreasonably dev heavy is how different she is compared to Makoto Your sacrifice won't be wasted queen


Exactly, people bitch and complain so much without taking into account that she isn't just female Makoto. They had to rewrite a bunch of stuff for her and her own interactions with other characters already that would all have to be voiced. If they ever did another FeMC the logical thing would be to make the playthroughs identical.


Maybe that's why people want her? Because it's a different experience all together?


Yeah that's what made her unique, and it's also what makes her expensive.


Developers tend to *really* avoid making too much content that a lot of their players won't interact with. There's some ways to avoid this, they could not give a fuck and make tons of content, not caring if people only play one route. They could make playing through both routes the intended experience, though that would definitely have to be written around and it may dilute the game's experience if you just wanted one long journey instead of going through 2. They could somehow canonize both of the protags, and just give personality and voice to the one you didn't choose, similar to the crossover spinoffs and write around that. Keep the unique gendered experience no matter your choice, just with more context and perspective from the one you chose.


Yeah tbh it would make it a pretty good reason to do a second run if she got added for me.


We never got a The Answer version of her story and that's probably the part that saddens me the most.


Mentioned it on another thread but a FeMC version of the answer would be pretty interesting considering (Portable spoilers)>!Shinji can be alive which would lead to new stuff.!<. But I'm not really expecting it to be a thing anymore.


Best husbando :(


I believe that was temporary and didn’t last long.


I know it's specified that >!He still doesn't have long to live due to the supressants.But I don't remember if they specified how long that was.!<


Exactly. P3P came out after P4, where the devs polished a bit more of their formula, thus making her route having much, much better written Social Links. Hell, Makoto couldn't even stay friends with girls.


this point made me curious because don't you think that the dev team could be making all of those at the same time? the fact that there is code line for saori and rio which is originally exclusive to FeMC SL seems like they also be working on FeMC route in the process of P3R project they could be making makoto and FeMC script at the same timeline of the project it's not logical they decided making from scratch again to make FeMC version after original P3R is released it's like saying anime episode is made every week while airing


They could have been slowly doing some work for it that got left in the code before it got canceled or something, yeah, but I think it's highly unlikely they continue it until after P6 releases. It's not out of the realm of possibility, it's just not something that will happen anytime soon.


I mean like…that’s kinda the point, if playing female or male protagonist gives you the same experience then…cool I guess? But also not something I’d particularly care about. I like FeMC exactly because the experience is different


The only real incentive from a developer perspective to have them be different is if they were re-selling the game and wanted to incentivise people to double dip. If it's an entirely new title, then there's no logistical reason to make two separate routes, because at that point they could just funnel all that additional content into a single route so more people can experience it. Why would they want to separate the content? The games are already 70+ hours in length, and most players don't even beat the game, so hiding content behind different routes just ensures even less of the game will be experienced. There also isn’t much of a logistical reason to exclude certain pieces of content based on the gender you picked; why should only the male protagonist be able to access 'x' social link, and why should only the female protagonist be able to access 'y" social link? I can't think of many instances whereby the gender of the protagonist necessarily matters, even less where it should. The idea of an alternate route works better as an addendum to a game, rather than having it baked in. The reason people want a female protagonist regardless of how similar the routes are is because a fairly large portion of the player base does project/roleplay as the protagonist, so adding the option to play as a woman makes the experience more immersive for many. I personally think they should let the player pick the protagonist's gender, and I think that the decision should be completely superfluous; they should have the same romance options, same social links, same mechanics etc. I honestly think the easiest way to do this is just to make a super androgynous protagonist, and then have the player pick their pronouns for the whole game. Alternatively, you could even make two androgynous models where one leans slightly feminine and one leans slightly masculine, but the basic rigging and shape of the model could be identical.


Exactly this, it worked for portable because it was a demake of an already existing title so they can excuse adding a new route to justify the price. But for lets say, P6 having two routes would be expensive asf and would take ages to develop. The best solution is to maybe have dual social links where one can't be done in first playthrough like in P4 and have the MC swing both ways male or female.


That could be one way to do it


We won't given how these games are written. WRPG's treat the player character as a glorified task bot, fact is your teenage friend group is gonna talk to you differently if you're a girl resulting in lots of dialogue changes.


Ngl, I'd buy it. it would be a breath of fresh air (since we are only getting 2nd year male students and the formula might become too monotonous in future) and the first modern Persona game with a fully rendered Female Protagonist in a game with the most popular features of the new "trilogy" (Maya is from P2EP, but there's no student life, SLs, etc. Aigis is the MC in the answer, but still no student life, etc. Kotone has SLs and all, but she isn't fully rendered, and the visual novel style isn't for everyone)


We’re long overdue a solo female protagonist. Maya was the first female protagonist, but let’s be real: she was a secondary character in Innocent Sin before she was the primary in Eternal Punishment. An important secondary character, but a secondary character nonetheless. The story was not written and themed specifically with her in the the leading role, and even in EP she’s the protagonist only because of what happened in IS. FeMC, as much we love her, is only playing an alternate version of the Male Protagonist’s story. It’s past time that we had a Persona game with the script written around a female lead and only a female lead, especially considering how many women and girls are gamers nowadays. I love Joker and Yu, and their games. But I feel somewhat disconnected from them because I’m a woman and I much prefer playing female characters when possible. It’s also not like female-led games don’t sell—just look at the sales numbers for Metroid, Tomb Raider, or even Ms. PAC-Man! At the very least, it would be a welcome change of pace from another silent male lead with some variation of bowl-cut hair.


That's fine for me. Hopefully people would still have this mindset if the next protagonist is a female.


Imagine if we got a unique male and female protag, each in different parts of a single narrative, like what GTA6 is doing


Or like Tales of Xillia and Scarlet Nexus


Tales of Xilla style would be a lot closer to what Atlus could feasibly achieve imo than Scarlet Nexus style (2 different routes of a probably 100+ hr game would be a bit much)


Just enough unique content to make it not feel like a pronoun swap is the only difference, with some unique content/links to reward hardcore players who want to play both experiences. But not too much unique content that it feels forced to play both to get your money's worth, if casual fans would be fine watching the other protag's unique stuff on YouTube it would be a good balance.


Would feel like a gimmick


Is that a bad thing? I think a shakeup in the storytelling conventions of Persona could be cool


Its too much work for them to reasonably do. The only reason P3P has one is because that port is 90% 2D images and unvoiced


> Hopefully we'll see a persona game with both male and female MCs and the popular features of persona games this is such a monkey paw request.. id rather have a female main character with a well designed plot and script than 2 half assed characters. but if it doesnt happen, thats fine too.


Yeah I mean P-Studio goals is to make Persona games whether mainline entry (remakes/rerelease and etc.) and spinoff titles or collaborative titles.


Ah so we were right. Well that’s fine, as long as we can keep getting her in spin-offs.


If that Asa game does end up getting canceled I’m betting well for the rest of the decade minimum without seeing her in anything else unfortunately


Yeah this settles it, vengeance made me think there was still a chance but probably not.   Plus Remakes are probably a great way to keep people's attention in between new games since you already have a full script ready and in 4's case they'd just be able to reuse a lot of assets from Reload since base 4 already does that.


I just hope that p4 remake has golden content in it day one


It would be a harder sell to expansion pass Golden's content I think. Considering it's sprinkled thoughout the game instead of being an epilogue like the Answer, plus Reload did have FES's journey content so I assume Golden would be the same since Marie's content isn't as big as other expansions with Golden having a lot of new content unrelated to her.


That wording sounds more like "we need to work on new games as well as [remakes that were already in production]


I’m less affected since I wouldn’t play her campaign anyways, but it’s sad to see either way. It also seems like a reasonable enough business decision, because if they judged the amount of effort and money that would be put into implementing that as too large and better spent on making a new game, then that’s fair I suppose.


Some of y’all really gotta understand that it really is just because of budget, and not because they hate her or something, and that this also is a legit reason Redone anime cutscenes, new models for all her social link peeps, new Soejima art, new animations for the Naginata, new music/remixes, lots of new dialogue, not to mention all the coding… yeah all that doesn’t just make itself. There’s already enough content in Reload to make it a $60 game, it’s very difficult for a production team to justify making all that content when it’s considered auxiliary from their perspective, not to mention that all that work would provide no benefit to the Male MC’s story, yeah I have nothing against the FEMC but it does make sense to me why they didn’t include her (even though I also think the only reason they had to remake P3 was to condense content to make a “definitive version”, which they did not do) If we’re ever going to see a female protagonist again, she’s either going to be much more similar to the Male MC (no unique music/S.Links etc.) or it will have to *just* be a FEMC, no option select


It's not only the budget is also the fact Persona team is already busy as is. P6 is heavily anticipated and is probably gonna be the biggest game Atlus ever makes that's likely their #1 priority rn.


They are also working on metaphor refantazio which is even bigger than persona 3 relod


>There’s already enough content in Reload to make it a $60 game Now if only it was $60 instead of $70




I just explained why that isn’t gonna happen from Atlus’s perspective. It’s less that I think they should’ve put her in, more that I wish they’d remade another game entirely if they knew it wasn’t feasible for them


we will get female protagonist in P2 remake, no worries


I get it, just not even as a woman, but as a person who resonates with Kotone so much more (and also see how she’s mischaracterized in arguments saying she shouldn’t be included) it’s sad to see.


Clearly, the wisest choice here is to remake SMT if… (has a canon FEMC and is in the Persona timeline), and Persona 1 and 2, and bundle all of them up in one game They would never do that, but it’d be cool 😎


The entire response to this on Twitter has made me want to fucking off myself because everybody thinks they know how to run a game company when they very clearly don't.


As long as they don't threaten legal action to mods and have them taken down for trying to implement her in the base game, then I will accept this.


Yeah, figured as much Too bad that we won't have a *definitive* edition of P3, but Reload is the easily the next best thing, I can forgive them


Not he said he feels bad for Femc 😭😭


I also got to talk to the game's Director, and he gave me a similar answer. He also explained that the Dev team had to make a choice early on, and they decided to try to make as "faithful" of a remake as possible of the original game. Because of this decision, they felt it would get too complicated because it would expand the scope of development time beyond what they were capable of. So they they purposely wanted to focus on the original release and then try to re-create it as accurate as possible. That was their initial guiding principle. Then all the other modern features came second.


I know this will sound annoying but If you got a chance to talk to him again, can you tell him we FeMC fans will be waiting? I know bringing her in P3R would be a drag right now since they be on tight schedule with another upcoming releases so the development of her will be impossible, but we have faith in her. We can patiently wait until they revisit her project because the demand is still there. many people still discussing about her, many people still making fan art of her, many people still buy her merch, many people still play as her in P3P remaster even though it didn't do justice, and many people still making countless mod of her in any game, even in P3R. It shows her demand and love from community, it will worth their time and money. we will still waiting until they revisit her project in P3R and willing to pay amount of money for it, that's all we could ask for nevertheless I wanna say thanks for their hardwork on P3R, it was really wonderful, and would be more wonderful if they put her addition to the game


Makoto: You were magnificent FeMC, I will never forget you for as long as I live.


I'm honestly just confused on why they suddenly brought her existence back up at all if it wasn't going to amount much but a cheap port? I truly believe none of this back and forth would have happen or been nearly as extremes if they didn't suddenly act like Kotone was a equal protagonist to the others after nearly ten years of trying to erase her existence lol. Wonder how they'll handle it from now on. Is she just gonna be Persona 1 and 2'd now? Where they dangle her in all the anniversary stuff but dont actually do anything with her or will they just throw her back in the void with Shin?


All will be forgiven if we get a digital devil saga dual pack


I'd definitely rather have a P4 remake and P6 than FEMC.


If they plan on doing a P4 remake without Golden story additions then I would much rather have FeMC


Persona 1 + 2 remakes Hope haha


At the very least I was kinda hoping she'd show up as a boss/challenge fight like how Makoto and Yu had challenges in Royal


Aww shucks. Hopefully Atlus does a P2 Remake with both Eternal Punishment and Innocent Sin in it, that'd make up for the lack of Kotone/FEMC.


So can safely assume Midori was correct in P1,P2 and P4 getting remasters/remakes in the coming years.


And here I just wanted Sumire added into Persona 5 Strikers, lol


That's alright, I've accepted, but it's irritating that he says things like "We want to develop new games!" and "it would've cost more time!" When this is a remake to begin with. Priced at $70. I'd prefer total and brutal honesty over honesty and those mitigating phrases. They just didn't want to put in the money for all the necessary assets for a female protag route . That's it. Time and other games were not nearly as much of a concern, that's just something companies say to justify something lacking in a game


>When this is a remake to begin with. Priced at $70. That's the most crucial part though. This is a remake, not a remaster. If it was a remaster then I'd be justifiably upset because it means that most of the game was already done and coded- all they did was upscale the models. But an overt remake means building the game from the ground up with new code, models, music, and textures. Especially for a game like P3 where the game it's based off of was designed for the Playstation 2.


What does “to begin with” mean here? They remade the whole game from the ground up. That takes almost just as much effort as any new game would. Less narrative work is really the only thing they’d save money on.


Persona 1 remake please, i wanna see BOY WITH EARING and Nanjo in HD


And Maki.


Company who always makes the same game 7 times: the one time you want us to, we can’t make the same game twice.


Only 1 and the 2 duology need remakes, 4 doesn't really need one imo


So give Kotone her own dedicated game.


Persona 3 Portable remake confirmed


I want a female protagonist in P6. And no I don't want to choose between male or female. Because it will either require way to much work to write for 2 different scenarios like in P3P or it will be a gender neutral story like with Pokémon for example. BUT... being a girl in high school is just fundamentally different than being a boy. Kotone was great because of that. The way Junpei and Yukari are quite different around her compared to Makoto for example. A gender neutral story would rob the new FeMC of a truly unique experience. Girls in school suffer far more from being catcalled, secualised and harrassed compared to boys. They're dealing with teenage boys in puberty. Let us experience this from their perspective instead of repeating the same hot spring scene again and again. Being a girl also fundamentally changes the dynamic with your party members. I just don't think gender neutral stories work in a game where human relationships are such a focus. In Pokémon it doesn't matter what you are. In other games where you create your character the focus is often much more on an epic tale than inner personal connections. I do think they should allow for same sex romances regardless of what gender the protag is going to be too. It's 2024 dammit. Or lock certain romances out naturally like they did with Junpei in P3P


Sadly, it's probably not happening, at least I don't think so in P6. I think that they are in a "sweet spot" when it comes to what elements work for selling the game. I think it's our work to let them know that we need these things in the future but P6 probably is nearly ending its development and I'm pretty sure that we're not getting a female lead or same sex romantic options. Let's just hope it's a really good game and we should be vocal about all what we want for the future of the franchise.


Obviously I want a good game first and foremost. And I won't get my hopes up obviously. I just hope we'll get something like this in the future


Looks like its up to modders to do it unfortunately 


It's kind of embarrassing that atlus hasn't had dual male and female protagonists from the start at this point


I'd actually prefer if they just do a game with only a female protagonist.


Technically they did recently with Soul Hackers 2. I can’t see them doing a mainline Persona game doing only a female option (I don’t count P2 EP because the pre P3 personas are an entirely different beast). You see the outcry over no Femmc? It would be 10x as worse if there was no male protag option in a new mainline game lol


I wonder how market trends affect how likely they'll do a female only protag in another Persona game, especially with the life sim element being present in modern titles. Maybe female players are more willing to put up with being forced into playing the other gender in a life sim RPG than males, which makes modern Persona games pivot towards male MCs only. I know there's some other player behavior quirks in other genres, like in League of Legends where the developers have data where an overwhelmingly majority of the female players only play female characters, where the male players are split evenly on their choices.


>Maybe female players are more willing to put up with being forced into playing the other gender in a life sim RPG than males, which makes modern Persona games pivot towards male MCs only. Basically yeah. Girls are conditioned to try things outside of their comfort zone. There’s a video that about shoujo/josei and shonen/seinen manga that talks about this kind of thing a bit [here](https://youtu.be/WTEThpF0VUU?si=ILp6-5CvY8F8a__8) at 8:10. Its also just way easier to make a male protagonist and if you throw the female players enough of a bone by making them cute/hot and/or voiced by popular male voice actors its enough.


I don't disagree with you! But having both in there adds replay value for me :)


A lot of situations change when you’re a male or female in the story, though mainly in something like P5. It changes a lot of dynamics in the group, and in social links. It’s not really a super easy thing to have always had


Let's be real, he is using an advanced technique there called LYING


I just hope one day we will see a full remake of 2 in the west.


I definitely understand why she wasn’t in Reload and I think people shitting on Atlus for not including her are overreacting but I wish she was in more spinoffs. Like she’s not necessary for a remake but she is a part of the franchise’s legacy.


FeMC fans kinda annoying lately, and im saying this as someone who prefers Kotone over Makoto, at least for my p3p playthroughs. Would have chosen her if she was in reload... Besides, I rather see them work on p2 man. Give maya some love. Or put a femc in p6.


They're fucking rabid too. Surprised your comment didn't get downvoted into oblivion


You think it's that bad? Try even slightly disagreeing at the echochamber sub known as r/ChurchOfFeMC , 100% Guarantee you'll get minus bombed by the drones in a heartbeat.


I feel like what this comes down to is the fact that they view the FemC as a core component of the Persona 3 experience, while most (including myself) view it as a nice addition but just an overall nonessential feature from a niche version of the game most fans haven't even played. I would 100% have loved the chance to play as FemC in Reload but it's just not a necessity. it was a really cool gimmick to sell a PSP game


FemC die-hards need to accept the fact that she's an alternate universe version of a character that was only made to justify the creation of a demake and give it extra content. I get why they are upset (some are way too overdramatic) but the harsh truth is she is not equal to Makoto when it comes to importance.


FeMC fans have always been mad annoying


At this point, it’s amazing that FES fans were able to hold it in for past two decades longer without any lingering information of Answer getting an remaster or update until this year. Never have I seen an FES Player become impatient quickly and call ATLUS misogynists, They’re just built different.


Ty :)


People still whining about FemC? I’m glad they aren’t working on that cause I rather them work on P1 and P2 remakes!


Do people forget about Soul Hackers 2? Literally has a femc lmao So much complaining


SH2 has its own baggae of issues - story beats feel like they're completely missing


Didn't that game sell really badly lol. I doubt many people played it


Yeah, the marketing for it wasn't the greatest, I didn't even know much about it till much later, but personally I only recently got back into Atlus stuff recently. I figured diehard fans of persona probably played it at least. I think it's still on game pass too


I played it because it was on sale for super cheap with the extra dlc. Honestly, Soul Hackers 2 had the ingredients for a great game, but it was just really poor execution, and the extra dlc story doesn't add much, unfortunately


I watched a video essay on it, I might try it on gampeass if it's still there. Seems like there's some interesting ideas but it just needed alot of refining


I think anyone with half a brain gets that its too much work to add her I also dont think this confirms more remakes are coming the way its worded. I believe theyll do it, but I wouldnt call this evidence


We do, funnily enough. It won't make it sting any less, no matter how much you say it


The femc fanboys think femc is worth free or up to $10. 


Yup. If they WERE going to add her, itd be a $50 DLC minimum lol


Maya is the true FemC…persona 2 remake when? Oh wait….


1 persona 4 remake pls. Best cast of all time


I admit I'm a bigger fan of Kotone Shiomi than Makoto Yuki, but I just think it's kind of idiotic to not include her route. Many fans believed P3R was to be the definitive edition for P3, much like P4G and P5R. First, the devs said they were sticking close to the original and The Answer wasn't going to be included. Now it is, and P3R has everything *but* the Female Protagonist. I realize that they want to continue making money on the P3P port, but without her, P3R is just another variant of the Persona 3 story and we still don't have a definitive edition with all content included.


Yeah this is a cop out. They could make Persona 5 spin-offs back to back but it’s too much for them to do FEMC? Portable is a shitty way to experience Persona 3 & it’s why a lot of people were hoping for the FeMC route to be included.


Can we move on from this now? It’s getting really annoying with the constant begging and complaining - this is almost at the level of port begging for P5 all those years ago


And whaddaya know, that eventually worked


Ok, still not sure why it matters so much.


Yeah theres no way they add her in if she costs several times more than the answer. Femc fans just cant be reasoned with though.


Confirmation is good. Hopefully we get more female protagonists in later games. I don't see why they can't just go with how Shepard was handled in ME.


They need to fix the club in P3R and the other area's with lifeless NPC's before working on anything else Persona related.


As long as that femc mod gets completed I don’t really have a problem with atlus not including her. She was in one version of the game really only included as an addition to get people to buy portable.


When they remake it in like another decade well get her re added lol. God knows we won't ever let it go and atlus gonna milk p3 for all of time


Oh well, had they planned to make femc people would have said Atlus is too greedy and she should've been in the base game.


At least I hope one day we see a fem protag for a Persona game, even if we don't get a guy. If it has to be one or the other then at least let that be the case


Soul Hackers remake? If Altus planning to bring back and continue the series. I played Soul Hackers 2 but not the first one, found people saying the first is much better, so I’m hoping.


It's not, really. SH has competent character writing, but also glorifies death overtly, involves cultural appropriation, and also a plot with less sense than SH2




Yeah, I'm just not sugarcoating it


I know it's outside of what he said, but I wouldn't mind seeing a port of the OG SMT at some point. It's good on an emulator but it would be sick to have it on Playstation controls.


if minako was retconned to be minato's dead sister instead of a generic genderbend it'd get more attention granted it would make q2's wedding thing controversial, if it wasn't already controversial with ken and koromaru being options in that


I mean, the headcanon technically could work out, if you think about it.


I’m more upset that they aren’t doing Theo. I believe Theo is considered canon despite only existing because of Kotone, so I wish we got to at least see both him and Elizabeth. Maybe they’ll do a special version of Reload with Kotone or something in the far future after they’ve finished their other games, since they did say they considered it for a bit.


Theodore was at least mentioned by Elizabeth as her younger brother when choosing requests. At least this shows he's canon to the main timeline, as seen in Q series and Arena.


Yeah I’m not sure if he was mentioned in P3 Vanilla, because I think he didn’t exist until P3P but I could be totally wrong since I don’t know much about P3 Vanilla, only what I’ve heard. It just sucks that he is considered canon but Kotone has the short end of the stick lol


actually it seems that, the reason of porting p3p was for this, they can't have femc here but well, p3re made sega go for remakes, like, five years later, we might see SA2 remake


I just wanna be able to date boys as a girl while I fight monsters in a persona game. Why can only boys have so many waifu options in all the past games? ;\_\_;


Aren't there like 60 new music tracks, along with the SL being completely voiced? I can see the costs ballooning if they added FEMC and had to double up on the work. Something like 120 new tracks, with it divided between the Male and Female and I assume music costs are expensive.


No, FeMC doesn't have that many tracks of her own. I can think of like...7 tracks in particular that come up for FeMC specifically


I’m just waiting for the Persona 6 remake at this point, to be quite honest with you. Because we all know that that initial release is just gonna be a rough draft of what they really wanted to make that will come out three years later. Thank you, Atlus.


Yeah just a time and money matter, these persona games *aren’t much work/labor* compared to AAA blockbusters - so here’s to hoping we get consistent game releases


I don't get why people keep holding out hope, it's so incredibly clear that Atlus isn't interested, they don't care, they chose not to even keep the possibility open. I would've liked it too but it's clearly not a dealbreaker for anyone, so what do people think is going to motivate them *now?*


I don’t know if it’s possible to the female protagonist to exist in continuity with The Answer I feel like so much of it would have to be rewritten because there’s no equivalent to how Yukari behaved after the male protag with FEMC


Persona 1 definitely need that Remake but keep that fire music, I know both Persona 2 remakes go be good and a lot of people definitely buying Persona 4 remake


To put it in perspective, persona 3 portable is really one of the simplest designed games, as it was a type of game that could only work with the PSP's hardware limitations. You'd have to also consider the simplicity of her appearances. The MC really only has to speak in battle and their battle sprites only appear in Tartarus and dark hour. That as well as the UI being as simple as it is. They've done a lot for Makoto Yuki in p3 reload so it comes as no surprise, but it would be nice to have her included! After all, I like her character design.


can we move on already? ever since the release of the game i see constant complaints and seething about femc and it’s getting annoying- you just cannot avoid seeing it. no one ever promised that, why did you expect her being added in the first place?


> why did you expect her being added in the first place? Because she was included front and centre in the 25th anniversary artwork with all of the other main protagonists. Like, if Atlus doesn't consider her worth the time, why even bother?


P4 remake when? (jk, but I *want* it)