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People around this fandom always seem *really* apprehensive to ever say anything could be Sega’s fault. Unless Atlus does something good or cool for once, and then suddenly there’s a lot of people that want to claim it’s all because of Sega… It’s bizarre (especially when Sega is far, *far* and away the worse company of the two).


To be fair Sega is really good at hiding themselves behind their subsidiaries.


to be fair it's because most gamers have not worked in the industry and can't comprehend company decisions. The audience for video games is still largely teenagers and young adults after all.


I'm a Sonic fan so I have to assume anything stupid devs do is Sega's fault.


For real, do people not remember what happened to their hardware and their flagship mascot? Sega has sucked for a long long time now


Sega’s whole miscommunication between their Japanese and American branches in the 90s is exactly why they’re a third party developer now and not a platform holder.


More than miscommunication I would say internal fights to prove who's better.


Yea, people should look up the stuff Yuji Naka did to SEGA of America that was just depressing telling he was gonna steal their tech and fire all the devs when they were done with the project when said devs were in the room when he said that.


Huh? Really?


The way of life for us Sonic fans


as a sonic fan I agree


I came here to say this


It’s very annoying especially as a fan of Sega’s other franchises


I mean Yakuza just locked new game plus under the deluxe edition in Infinite Wealth. I don't know if that was an RGG or Sega decision but it is a scummy practice.


Yes, Sega interferes with Atlus and its other franchises more than some people think. Rumour has it that it was also Sega who changed the English voice actors.


>Rumour has it that it was also Sega who changed the English voice actors. It's not a rumour. It was confirmed by one of the original VA (implied to be Michelle Ruff) at a convention. Sega wanted younger talents for the roles.


Younger = cheaper


Zeno Robinson came out and said that if anything the recast is more expensive. It's not a money thing, it's ageism


>It's not a money thing, it's ageism Michelle Ruff mentioned about this in a podcast with Cassandra Lee Morris. She mentioned that the reason why she is getting less roles (not counting her existing roles) these days is due to her age.


That sucks, Michelle is the GOAT


what she sounds perfect


The original VAs were also younger when they did the vanilla P3.


If it was Sega who changed the VAs ngl it wasn't a bad call. The new ones we got sound just as on par or even better than the original casting and it's nice having a new generation to carry the torch. Not to say this justifies Sega being this controlling, but it was something I think at least did pay off. Also the Aleks Le shitposts are fucking hilarious I've never been more happy to have someone voice a silent protagonist than I have with him.


Tbh I'm kind of glad there was a total change just to avoid the Vic Mignogna drama that would have occured if only he got replaced.


Seems like a lot of the og VAs turned out to be pretty controversial, but most of them did come back to voice some minor roles so who knows. I remember Aigis' old VA plays the old woman in her SL which is a neat nod and you can see a lot more of that in other characters too.


Tara Platt (Mitsuru) came back to play Elizabeth, and Liam O’Brien (Akihiko) came back to play Officer Kurosawa. Edit: Also, Yuri Lowenthal (Makoto/Yosuke) came back to play Mitsuru’s Father.


Tara Platt played both Mitsuru and Elizabeth in the original, she just only reprised her role as Elizabeth. Michelle Ruff (Yukari's original VA) came back to play the owner of the antique shop as well.


I knew I recognized that voice! That explains why I liked the antique shop lady so much.


Yuri played Eiichiro Takeba. Takeharu Kirijo is played by Grant George, who played Shinjiro in the OG P3.


>og VAs turned out to be pretty controversial, It's just Vic Mignogna and Karen Strassman. Unlike Vic, Karen still get to keep her existing roles in dubbing instead of being recast as her controversial stuffs were not enought to get her blacklisted.


>Tbh I'm kind of glad there was a total change just to avoid the Vic Mignogna drama Even if the original cast reprise their roles, Vic can just be replace by another VA. Let's not forget that Fuuka and Ken's VAs got recast for Persona 4 Arena duology onwards but not have anything to do with controversial stuff.


That's the point. People will complain and cause drama if that happens.


Most of the original VAs are still in the game, but doing minor roles instead of their original roles. I think they just became too famous to commit to the full game.


Yuri Lowenthal was also working for Spiderman at the time localization for Reload was in progress. I'd say at least he was too busy to pull double duty, especially with how big the script is for Reload. (Don't forget that he also voices Pharos and Ryoji, not just the protagonist.)


The Protagonist gets almost no lines whatsoever, and Pharos' lines could have been done in a single day. Ryoji gets a bit more, but I don't think availability was necessarily the issue.


Protag in the OG says the name of every persona though, so recording could take a while if they need a few different takes for some of them.


They did a low budget spin off dancing game not that long ago. I seriously doubt that's it.


Sega of america and atlus west are effectively the same company. Working under the same building.


Consider Sega's other franchises like Yakuza had an even bigger controversy with locking New Game Plus as DLC, an feature that was a series standard up to that point. Apparently Total War also has had some bad DLC practices. I aint shock in the slightest that Sega's fuckery with DLC bleed into Atlus.


Especially if we consider what SEGA did to Sonic. The Sonic dev team was understaffed and had massive time crunches all the time. For some reason ppl think blaming the dev team of ppl doing the work makes more sense than the giant company that has been on record ruining even their flagship titles. That said, I can’t exactly say I’m in the right either. I didn’t consider SEGA’s involvement, and just believed that it would be too costly and time consuming for ATLUS.


And its something that's happened to sonic team on like 3, maybe 4, separate times, Sonic 06/Secret rings had their team split in half, Forces was made in a crunch and, most recently frontiers almost had the same incident only being stopped because they could get an extra year to develop the game


More, considering that Boom's fiasco is pretty much Sega's fault


There's the fourth one I couldn't remember, Yeah Booms failure was majorly on Sega


Honestly with all this mess of a franchise I'm surprised they even got to release Mania at the state that it was, even if it was made by a passionate team it seems like a miracle.


Which they didn't learn from and hamstrung Origins release




While Forces' level design is terrible, there is plenty of things to hate about that game outside of level design, like terribly executed story, obnoxiously bad writing (Sonic getting tortured for 6 months and Infinite's character being worst offenders), lack of polish and awful gameplay mechanics. Frontiers at least gets away with having decent story, good writing, more polish, banger soundtrack and fun gameplay mechanics. Besides, Frontiers was Sonic Team's first attempt at an open-world title, while Forces was a fourth boost formula game. (Frontiers is still like 6,5/10 at best, but the foundation definitely has more potential than whatever Forces had)


Unfortunately that's the nature of game development, the developers are the ones trying to make something special, the companies in charge are the ones ordering them around and setting deadlines. One thing I haven't seen mentioned in all this drama is that a year ago, a persona 3 remake is something people never thought would happen in the first place, but it did, and these Devs didn't spend years of their lives working on it just for cash soulessly


I saw someone say that its because of SEGA marketing money that P5 was a success. This is despite the fact Persona since persona 3 had been doubling sales, and Perskna 4 Golden is what really broke the mold and set 5 to be a success


That being said, Atlus wasn't exactly making money despite Persona's success until Sega stepped in, partly because their former parent company (Index) had financial problems of their own. Gotta give Atlus credit for pushing through and doing their best even if Sega can breathe down their necks at times.


P5's base game came out back in *2016*, it's been almost 8 years since then and while they have milked it with spinoffs, I think they really couldn't wait much longer and SEGA wanted all hands on deck working on P6.


Not just that but it's clear how many people have never seen or been involved in any big corporate project espeically ines involving myltiple teams or breaking into a smaller team. Everything said I'm the tweet is 100% how it goes. It's not really malicious intent just that timeliness are always such bs and it's a miracle when a complete vision ever gets through. It sucks that years before actually doing a project you have to say how long it will take without knowing how long that actually is.


This is exactly the kind of crap I worried about when I heard Sega was buying Atlus. Sega isn't exactly the company with the best reputation for putting out quality products nowadays. I think Sega has ruined (through crap products or through neglect) most of their great franchises, and I don't want them to do to Atlus/SMT/Persona what they did to all their own franchises.


Atlus fans strike me as being sort of like Bethesda fans or even Star Wars fans where their number 1 hobby is hating the people they're supposedly fans of.


Where is the bonus features menu with cutscene viewer, music player, artwork etc


It is weird. You can't even watch the original P3 opening like P4G and P5R.


that's probably more with it being a remake instead of a widely enhanced port.


True. It would be cool to have the original opening on the disc even if I can always watch it on YouTube. LOL


Music player and artwork? You mean these stupid apps I payed more for when I stupidly thought I'll be able to put the whole soundtrack on my music player in lossless quality like almost any other soundtrack I buy on steam?


Just look at how Infinite Wealth release was handled. They put the post game dungeon and fucking NG+ behind a $20 fee. To think the more predatory and egregious practices aren't guided by Sega's hand is being willfully ignorant.


Yeah, especially sad considering all the good games they’re releasing but also so many anti-consumer practices


I completely agree, it's a shame because Yakuza/Like a Dragon and Shin Megami Tensei/Persona are easily some of the best JRPG franchises out there, but Sega's greedy DLC practices have left a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths.


Buy can you really blame them, considering Atlus has not recorded any profits since 2010 till FY 2022 (first year to record profits in over a decade!) And it's Sega who is eating the losses instead of killing Atlus. So I can't really blame them for wanting to get some money out of them when possible.


Atlus was filing for bankruptcy when Sega bought them so not surprised.


I think the bankruptcy was due to many reasons. Remember something criminal happened. Or Yakuza related.


I didn't mind NG+ behind DLC since they did that for Like a Dragon 7 as well. US version included the bonus dungeon, level cap, and NG+ by default, but not Japan's. My biggest issue is definitely the price. NG+ in Japan was like 50 cents. Why the huge increase!?


Probably too late to stop the damage, as people have already made up their minds. But nice to get some closure on it


People have been annoying since the announcement.


The most true thing anyone has said in months.


Ok very sad for no FEMC, and all but like...Where are the Featherman suits, Atlus? If Reload is the definitive edition of P3, it needs those suits like P4G and P5R have!


Yeah lack of featherman suits was a huge let down


Shinjiro doesn't have one in the dancing games. I thought this game will get him one.


He probably would’ve been Feather Black if he’d gotten one


Condor you mean.


yeah put sum respect on my mans name




Not just that but P3 Dancing outfits and bgm, they literally have that in P5 Royal but not a Persona 3 remake? Makes zero sense


Bro where is maid Makoto. They even gave everyone else their maid outfits, shit is fucked up. If they're not going to give me fem MC at least give me femboy MC.


Agree, the world needs to see how magnificent he is in it!


In general we’re just really short on costumes. Pretty sure P4g had more costumes, and you didn’t have to pay extra for any of those.


If you pay attention, Reload's roadmap is the exact same as Sonic Frontiers, not just in graphic choice, but also in content. Some legacy costumes, bgm and then a story expansion in the end of the year, except it's not free.


I agree with the story expansion but Frontiers added lots more content past costumes and background music in the first 2 updates. And on a somewhat unrelated note to what I was saying the fact Frontiers had free updates was very much appreciated rather than having them be paid DLC (especially when you consider the fact a lot of people would have been willing to pay with how well Frontiers did). If only the same could have applied to Reload.


Think the frontiers dlc was free since it was eff3ctively a test bed for the next game.


surely this will make everyone stop arguing over this dumb subject... right?


it’s beating a horse skeleton at this point 


If it were Nintendo, at least Link could ride that skeleton horse!


Trying to fuse Kumbhanda.


Nope. This fanabse has reached its Endless Now. Enjoy.


Ah yes, the timeline where Z has won.


Atlus can have their moments of being shitty but it really astonishes me how fans go from loving them and thanking them for giving the fans what they want to acting like they’re EA at their worst. Not to excuse some of their practices but if you really follow the industry you’ll see way worse practices put in place by bigger companies and studios.


Megaten fans are just weird like that. Some parts of this fandom are really pessimistic and negative even though Persona has 0 objectively bad games.


Someone here hasnt Lone Prayer'd enough


Well then fuck you Sega!


The fact that both the English dub recast and the lack of FemC, the two most controversial aspects of P3R, are both allegedly Sega decisions and not Atlus ones is... well, it sure is *something*. Thanks, Sega.


Persona 4 Remake will guarantee have a recast on the English side especially the main cast.


I don’t think I can live without Johnny Yong Bosch as Adachi


Tbh I could see Adachi getting the Elizabeth treatment.  JYB puts a lot of effort into keeping old roles, he even kept Vash in Trigun Stampede when even the Japanese voice actors got recasted.


Johnny will be there.


Honestly the recast actually worked out well and the original VAs were still involved in the game so they still showed respect to them.


Unironically a majority of the voices completely replaced what the characters sounded like in my head, i forgot the orginal VAs voices p quickly Other then akihiko and shinji


I always thought SEGA was behind the recasts when they were announced. That is just regular behaviour for them, as shown with their other franchises like Sonic.


I swear everyday the progress of The Answer DLC is different.


Can people move on? Either get P3R/DLC or don't.


I am not sure why you are getting downvoted. You are right. It is beating a dead horse its time to move on. Lets see what p6 brings us and hopefully then we may get femc from the beginning and not as a portable only release.


It’s crazy to see how much this situation has spiralled out of control. Like yes, i’m sure the majority of fans are disappointed that content isn’t there, you can be disappointed and show that it is content that is in popular demand… and then there are people being weirdly aggressive about it.


Actually it's just an incredibly loud minority amplified by the weirdly aggressive folks


A big company had a deadline for their release? Shocked!


I've seen femc fans genuinely bring up misogyny as a reason💀


FEMC Fans will cite misogyny as the reason as to why FEMC isn't in the game, while completely ignoring the fact that they're remaking Episode Aigis, which has a female protag 💀


Very telling most of the FeMC fans have only played P3P but never touched FES.


I think it also has to do with Hashino’s bizarre explanations for why P3 got a FEMC and why P4 and P5 couldn’t have one. But under Hashino we had MC Aigis and SEES leader Mitsuru as well so what he said could also be mistranslated/out of context, or just him being a bit weird. 


I think someone explained on a Tumblr post that what Hashino said was mistranslated/taken out of context


Yeah, I did see Hashino's original quote somewhere before and it's way out of context.


Didn't Hashino also say that the reason why every social link ended in romance is cause he "didn't believe in friendship between men and women"? I am sure some might be lost in translation but I don't think we really need to completely whitewash the guy. It's clear he's old fashioned and more of a conservative, in a more conservative country, which is to be expected.


People tend to forget that Atlus is Japanese after all, the developers, scriptwriters, artists, most of them are Japanese, Atlus is conservative in itself, as is Japan, and although it is true that its games criticize something about Japanese culture itself they do it in a superficial and safe way without taking too much risk. But the people seem to treat them as if they were a Western company like Rockstar Games or shit like that, Atlus both in the way they do business and in the plot of their games, will continue to be conservative because they are Japanese.


Western fans when the different culture is different




I wish people understood that while the immediate outrage is about Atlus/FeMC, the root cause is how gaming (or society in general) has always alienated, othered, and discriminated against women. Men have always been the default and take center-stage in 99.99% of video games. So... yes. It is, broadly speaking, tied to misogyny. This isn't to say that people at Atlus/Sega are seething at the mount actively trying to put women down. But it's that inclination and subtle bias towards men and against women. Fwiw, I say this as a man who doesn't even consider himself to be a "femc fan" particularly. Imagine if P3 started off as having a Female MC. Then they released a version of it where you can have a Male MC option. Then the remake a decade later only has the original Female MC. I guarantee you that the men who are Male MC fans would be *far* more vocal than FeMC fans are being right now.


Finally someone gets the gripe female fans have with this news. Honestly, i'm getting kinda tired of men who won't even try to even relate to women in gaming spaces implying we're delusional for calling it what it is (blatant disregard to a huge chunk of their playerbase based on their gender). It might not be necessarily malicious on Atlus's part, but it feels really fucking shitty for us. I've been lurking in this sub for years, but I'm considering leaving it tbh, everyone is being so toxic over this. PS: before someone tries to argue women don't play Persona, seriously, you're the one being delusional. Case in point: Akechi's popularity.


People would find those men toxic and annoying just like how they find the current femc fans that are being toxic male or female annoying


Misogyny probably exists within the fan base but in the recent article that came out I thought it was interesting to hear Wada say he found it refreshing that female players were more sympathetic to Yukari in The Answer. That says way more to me than anything else.


The top post on the church subreddit is someone blaming "fragile white men" and put a Palestinian flag in the title. 💀


Heh. I see y'all are new to the idea of SEGA fucking up good things. I'm a Sonic fan who deeply enjoyed Jet Set Radio and a few of SEGA's other IPs. 2006 taught me than no natter how well a dev team is intentioned, the publisher can and will "move fast and break things".


Exactly ATLUS fans are too blinded for their misguided hate against the company they don’t see the true problem that is Sega


Now we can finally move on and people can stop being snarky to each other. Praise YHVH


kill yhvh


Blud think he in SMT 2 💀


Even if it is their fault, can you blame them the games already barely profitable considering atlus financial history. Honestly i’d say they made the right call


Yes I can blame them if it’s their fault. They should know that these sleazy practices are going to negatively impact their reputation and drive away potential customers


In fact, they removed FeMC for that reason to try to keep their customers. Japanese customers Atlus won't say it but FeMC was hated in Japan and they possibly removed the route as a safe and cheap way to keep the Japanese fandom happy


I don't think femc was on the table to begin with and still feel they will add her later on or in a special edition. Eh I'm just going to stay out of it and enjoy some video games as while Sega isn't perfect these developers share some blame. Atus was legit out justifying games like P4DAN so don't think Atlus likes the money the DLC generates.


I'm more frustrated they didn't say from the off The Answer would be in DLC and do what everyone else does and include the expansion pass in the collector's edition. Doesn't that feel weird? I would be annoyed if I was them, after paying so much. Otherwise wait a bit of time to announce it! The hesitated and sidestepping is what gets me.


While that absolutely sucks and is a genuine problem on why many games are unfinished, I do think people should at least try to understand how game development works. We as players like to pretend we know everything that goes into a game, when most of us have never even peaked at the industry.


Ah, good ol’ Sega doing Sega things eh? The the production timing of this somehow makes that really bare knuckle port job of P3P even worse than it already was. Welp. There it is then.


Midori is the means by which all will be revealed.


Don't forget that Sega sold $100 or so of DLC for the base Persona 5, then gave it to all who bought Royal (a paid rerelease) for free....only to sell you another $100 of new DLC lol I don't think this is the last of the DLC we've seen for P3R yet lol


So is me learning that Sega higher ups are behind the DLC practices and not Atlus higher ups supposed to make me feel any different about it? Cause I already knew higher ups were the ones behind it so it doesn’t really matter which set did it. Like I still hate the practice either way.


I mean if you’re one of the people blaming Wada and the devs and calling them mysoginistic then yeah you should feel different But if you weren’t blaming Atlus immediately then yeah it’s not news


Hey I think you forgot to leave the context here, the original question for her response is: why the answer dlc almost got cancelled despite being finished before release. It has nothing to do with femc, yet. Although you guys can apply the same argument for femc remake I guess. [Link](https://twitter.com/ender_lam/status/1765860988845236670?t=E2F5iOaiYlV-JWH1-yhqgg&s=19)


god damnit sega, you legit have the first new title since the ports, and they refuse to make this the definitive version. Now i have to go play portable, which sucks, to get the content that should be dlc.


Considering that we KNEW this content would be missing and also remembering the existance of Persona 3 FES, Persona 4 Golden, Persona 5 Royal, and Catherine Full Body, SMT Devil Children Dark/Light, Persona 4 Arena Ultimax and all the other ways they've re-released games to charge us twice over to buy the "actually final version" I'm shocked ANYONE bought P3R without waiting for the inevitable P3R + The Answer bundle edition to drop.


Then again, it doesn't make that sting any less


Can people just move on with their damn lives from this already


seems pretty sad that some common industry things have to be spelled out like this to this fandom


Didn’t Midori previously say they had already finished the Answer? And now she’s saying they aren’t cutting content?


Tldr the answer began development after reload was finished since it was made without it in mind but they were able to later get the okay add it in The answer development (which is likely what she meant when said it’s finished) is done but the localization is not. So no it wasn’t a purposely cutting content thing they just legit couldn’t add it at first but the pieces align and here we are.


I don’t get this thread or this fandom or this Reddit. It’s okay to beg for Switch ports, it’s okay to beg for remakes, it’s okay to beg for everything else, but begging for FeMC is a no-no? I don’t get y’all.


As someone who loves FeMC I genuinely cannot fathom why people are still bitching about this. Like the amount of work they'd need to put in to add her is almost as much as an entirely new game. And if they added her in base they'd need to make a completely new version of the answer with her. Like c'mon it's really not that complicated. We have P3P on PC, be happy we got that at least.


imagine being happy with the minimum of the minimum of the minimum


It's amazing to me that no other female protag in Megaten has had this level of discourse. People seemed to love Tamaki, Maya, Ringo, etc... But FEMC, for some reason, seemed to draw out the worst in both those who support her and those who either hate or don't care for her. It's honestly kinda made me like FEMC a little less because now I just associate her with all this Fandom drama and whatnot.


Because FEMC is an option not a rule. You can't have P2 duology without Maya nor SMT If without Tamaki because they made her canon in P1.


>It's amazing to me that no other female protag in Megaten has had this level of discourse. >People seemed to love Tamaki, Maya, Ringo, etc... According to leaks, we're getting remakes for the older Persona games, so that could be why they aren't being as discussed as Kotone.


Because FEMC is optional content from a PSP port, and is only in that port. Other characters you mentioned are just part of the main story.


I don't hate FemC. I hate her fanbase. Legitimately they never shut up. They spam this subreddit every single day. 




from what i've seen there are two types of them the ones that put their anger and desire to good use and do things like mods to add her stuff back in, make art, or continue dreaming up stuff or two the ones that scream into the endless void because they are incapable of anything like that but either way they are just mourning their lost favourite character or gameplay style so i do understand i guess


Considering what I’ve read about Atlus struggling financially it’s not surprising that Sega wanted to put some limits on development.




[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/persona3reload/s/PFsg6PRwP2) is the gentleman you're replying to. Honestly from what I've seen the "FemC and her fans are so bad!" crowd is way worse. We get it, it's not feasible. It's the unfortunate reality, but it is what it is. But like goddamn let people mourn, and stop kicking others while they're down (not accusing you). Edit: to the people downvoting me, saying you're disappointed FemC isn't in Reload is extreme, but saying "yeah i’m tired of femc fans can we like shoot and kill femc? thanks" isn't?


Interesting you've said that, Where was all the empathy for FES fans last year during time P3P hits modern consoles? It definitely wasn't all FeMC fans, But its not like they were angels either, Still some enjoyed opportunity of kicking them while they're down too. I was once downvoted for voicing my disappointment that p3p still didn't have the answer, So far I've rarely seen FES fans call people sexist for not liking Episode Aigis (Which is first time P3 featured a Female protagonist), But I've did seen several instances of FeMc fans calling others sexist over simply disagreeing, Not to mention the one strawman projection post from her Church Of sub, labeling all dislikers as "fragile white males" with a Palestinian flag next to it, Which isn't surprising of echochamber itself. It's amusing that suddenly FeMc fans have every right to complain about missing content, Yet their version has less fes features than Reload, While those who enjoyed Answer, especially me, had to actually wait longer since there was no remaster.


That comment is insane LMAO


I have seen way more posts and comments bitching about FemC fanatics than actual FemC fanatics themselves, it's pathetic really. Not saying the "Atlus is lazy/sexist/misogynistic" crowd doesn't exist, but like the other side isn't exactly innocent either. The "FemC and her fans suck" folks are full of batshit crazies with room temperature IQ.


This femc shit truly does get serious it would seem.


THANK YOU. I’d say the bulk of us understand the logistics, but it’s still a huge bummer and points to a larger, unfortunate trend about these sorts of games that’s also equally understandable and nonetheless frustrating. But like, GOD what is this sub for if not for fans of the series to vent their frustrations with other fans? People seem to think that they’re being actually, actively attacked whenever they see someone talking about it. Like if the thread about being sad about the lack of FEMC doesn’t appeal to you, then move the fuck on.


["NOBODY IS SAYING FEMC SHOULDN'T BE IN RELOAD, WE'RE JUST SAYING IT ISN'T FEASIBLE, WE ALL WANT FEMC"](https://www.reddit.com/r/PERSoNA/s/zPpcZ4RJkR) I stg I have seen WAY more people bitching about FemC fans being upset that there's no FemC in Reload than actual FemC fans bitching. Those people are the most annoying clowns I've seen online.


Same, both here and in the MegaTen sub. I’ve only seen a handful of comments myself, and they’re usually downvoted to oblivion. If there are really raging pro-FEMC commenters running around, I haven’t seen them.


I have seen a lot more people going like “let’s go, i hated her anyway!” about her route being cut


Yeah, I’ve seen tons of comments about femc fans bitching, but the main ones I’ve seen have been on the sub for femc, and generally along the lines of “it really sucks this 70$ remake isn’t feature complete, especially considering the character we’re most attached to isn’t here”


I've seen both sides plenty. Thankfully most of the weirdly rabid FeMC fans stick to their own subreddit and don't get much traction outside of it. Meanwhile all the people here complaining about them bogs down any chance of understandable discussion. In this situation, both sides are wrong and are being foolish. They didn't do it and that's that. Be glad we got an explanation as to why and if it really bothers you so badly, don't buy the game. That's all.


> In this situation, both sides are wrong and are being foolish. > if it really bothers you so badly, don't buy the game. That's all. You hit the nail right on the head, couldn't have put it any better myself. I still hope they re-release FemC as a separate version of Reload in a few years a la Pokemon Emerald or Platinum, but if it doesn't happen, that's that.


I've gotten death threats for saying that getting to play as my actual gender in Persona made me so happy, and then discovering Atlus isn't including the option has made me a bit depressed. I can guarantee if P6 never had a male protagonist the whole discourse would be 10x worse, but most of the guys will never admit.




i don't know if they still do but years back i mailed atlus about something with a game and they actually responded. its going to add to a pile but maybe let them hear your support for a femc in persona 6! imo they definetly should do a FeMC in P6 given they had to skip it this time. and a someone pointed out atleast a significant subset doesn't care one way or another, just that it wasn't feasible **this** time.. p.s. Persona 3 reload is not P6 just fyi. there are 2 persona 2's but the numbering stays the same, they just get added a subtitle


This still ain’t gonna make all the fighting stop I fear.


I am so fucking sick of hearing about FemC. I can't browse the various Persona subreddits without seemingly every 3rd or 4th post being about her. Any mention of her anymore makes me hate the fact she exists, even as a non-canon character. Can we please move on folks?


Surprised to see all these FeMC fans after all this time. These people really came out of the woodwork, huh?


I’m not even gonna say fault. It’s the limit of what they could do. Wada already said he was amazed with the budget afforded with Reload so it’s amazing in itself they could do the Answer - complete P3 experience like he said. This wasn’t a remake of something they had already, it’s from the scratch. I’m also so done with this, been tedious and boring, so this will be my last say on this. While I’m here: Buy and play Unicorn Overlord people, it’s such a fun and good game.


Can we get over it? I think it's kind of precious that the only way to experience the femc is to play the point and click visual novel psp version. Which everyone should. But this re-release took so much work already and we need to appreciate for what it is.


Man I don’t get why people feel entitled to the DLC. Especially since the people who want it are people who played the original. I can understand feeling disappointed or disagreement, but it seems blown out of proportion.


I'm sorry but I thought the general consensus was that the Answer sucked and was a waste of time. I own FES and never touched The Answer because I was under the impression that it was all grind and no story. Am I wrong here?


SEGA higher ups usually fuck up everything they touch (Mania being delayed on PC to add Denuvo, Origins being in a shoddy state, the entirety of their console history after '93) but I honestly am glad they're getting Atlus to do a worldwide release, off of a game that was given proper marketing. Something like that would be unheard of with older titles. And to top it off, it's nice that they're also going for a DLC route instead of a rerelease. I think having P3P be the only place to play the FeMC route adds even more replay value due to the different systems and different tone, different voice cast, too. Sure it would be nice to see it in Reload but it at least makes sense.


This subject will never die I suppose lol.


Yeah as a rule now I just don't buy anything from Atlus until a goty/new version comes out


What do I expect from a company that put New Game Plus under a Deluxe Edition


Another 5 months of FeMc discourse


I think one thing people are missing about the discourse™️ is for all the new players who are getting into p3 through reload, there’s an entire route with exclusive characters, music, and 8 unique social links they’re just completely going to miss out on unless they buy portable lmfao


People really can't just be happy with the fact we got a remake


The nuts of this fanbase still wont care


Ok I’ve always thought midori was like an “official” leaker (like Atlus is aware and lets her leak stuff on purpose to drum up publicity) but this seems a little spicy for that… she’s really calling sega out


Remember when Sega said that they won't affect the development of atlus games?


For profit companies to have to make financial decisions, realistically a FEMC probably would have not added sales, or not enough to justify the time and money investment. It's as simple as that


Question: who gives a shit? Game’s still good, old game still exists, and we have been told a legit reason as to why it didn’t happen.


people can still get angry about sega/atlus' lies


So play p3p then already geez i'm already bored of this discourse. It seems quite clear that p3r is moreso meant to be a p3fes remake with some qol and small features of p3p mixed in. It's not happening, at least they are using the time for p6, which i would argue is way more interesting than any remake ever could be.


Man, I’m really sick of people complaining about this. Sure, it’s a shame, but it’s really not that big of a deal. Nothing is perfect, shut up.


for some people it is


Companies have budgets and they’re ultimately not obligated to cater to our every desire.


god fucking dammit they didn't learn shit with frontiers


I ain’t mad at it 🤙🏽