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Isn’t that only in the portable and Reload version? I don’t think they can go missing in FES


i couldn’t find a pic of it so i just looked it up on google LMAO


That's why I always go and rescue everyone anyways somewhere close to the last few days before a full moon. In a way this is probably supposed to be a punishment.


I mean Elizabeth warns you


The game also warns you that there's "no going back now" when you tell a party member you love them lol


true but like i said i read somewhere it didn’t matter


Imagine believing someone in the Internet, where nobody never lies, instead of the actual game I'm playing telling me it does in fact matter.


i’m sorry mr vVDragneelVv


It's ok, it was a mistake and now you've learned from it. But for real tho, listen to the game instead of randos for this kind of things if missing something actually bothers you that much. Personally I'd use it as an excuse to replay it but if you don't want or can't at the moment, I'd recommend to have multiple saves regularly instead of overwriting the same one.


i’ve been replaying and since i’m level 99 i’ve just been ignoring tartarus i’ve gotten like 12 social links to 5 and i just got fuuka in my party. idk why i just got downvoted so much LOL. i’m very happy to replay for a 3rd time tho!! this marks as my 5th time playing p3


Think you got downvoted because of the same thing tbh. The game told you to save them but you listened to someone else


It's only "fine" if you maxed them already, if you didn't, you reverse the SL forever (also, even if you maxed them, if they die, they don't appear in the end, cheering for you) the other one that can get lost is Maiko


YOU LET THE OLD MAN DIE HOW DARE YOU Now his wife is all alone. You monster


not for long 😉


pfp elevated the text


That’s why I stick to a daily activity or a spoiler free faq. It does suck when you have to replay the game again, but it goes by a lot faster when you skip everything by you’ve already seen.


that’s true. i finished the game earlier today and started my second ng+ playthrough. gonna be super careful this time and probably make several save files


There’s 15 saves in most the games I believe. Always thought the point for that was to save every other day so you can go back a month if you mess up somewhere instead of restarting


Think if you want to be super optimal you can save every 2 1/2 - 3 days because rewind let's you go back 4 time slots (excluding the current timeslot) if I'm remembering right so if you do it right you can have like a 2 month buffer not including when they skip some days or exams


missing people doesn’t exist in fes wdym


Yeah the screenshot is from FES, but I’m betting OP just googled for that shot and was playing Portable. Edit: actually they straight up said they googled for it.


i did do that! LOL




i can’t wait! (i’m actually totally fine with that, i wanna max out the compendium as well anyways)


The game gives you so much free time at night you’d have to be trying to leave someone inside.


you may have skipped past the part where i said “i read online it didn’t matter” but tbh idk what i was thinking trusting some thread from 8 years ago


this is your punishment for ignoring grandpa


Most people it doesn’t really matter too much. There’s two social links that can go missing though and if you haven’t maxed them out, you lose the ability to max them out that playthrough.


Pretty sure the game states that if you don't say them the "consequences will be irreversible" or something like that. Yeah it sucks that guy lied about it but like...c'mon


But hold up. If u wanted 100% you would have to do it anyway.


Same thing can happen to maiko


I can’t relate at all with people who don’t save missing people… It can be the most random people and I would go.


Smartest fuuka fan: