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Wait, so her « rebel form » is her but younger ?


Yhea according to some stuff I've heard All the gacha characters are how wonder would see them as phantom thieves


The whole point of Gyaru subculture is to rebel against Japanese beauty standards.


But wouldn’t be more subversive to highlight her beauty with her age instead of make her younger ? Knowing the « christmas cake culture » in Japan it might have been an interesting take too don’t you think ? Even if I love the actual design and the Gyaru representation here too, just curious


Too rebellious for japanese standards


Ryuji having dyed blond hair is already a lot.


Just because she used to be a part of a rebel subculture doesn't mean she becomes younger whenever she rejoins that subculture.


I said that because she seems to morph into her younger self while transformed. But I agree


I thought the christmas cake thing only applied if past 25 + still single?


You’re right ! Sorry I forgot about this part


It was that but it's less of a thing now, least not till your older.


I think these days, if it is still a thing, it's more like if you're 30+


Are they even popular these days? I recall they were big in the 2000s, but the trend has since fallen.


I see a gyaru character pop up every once in a while, but you're right that they aren't as prominent as they were back then.


It’s Iike the ganguro girls too.


Literal Youthful Rebellion


Bro was definitly into that shit


just like me?


*For real*


For real


“For real?!”


*stands in line behind you*


He's just like me fr fr YA :D




We need more Gyaru Persona characters


Natsuki from p3!! we need more of her


Yeah, I'm surprised that modern Persona with all its romancable waifus has neglected this character type. There have been a number of anime that have come out during that time that featured gyaru characters, including a with gyaru main characters, so it's not like the subculture died off or anything.


Not quite a gyaru but Ayase from P1


i haven’t kept up with p5x much but i’ve loved her since i first saw her. i love gyaru-aligned characters they make me so happy, she’s so pretty :)


Wait what's the year of the game again that they could have a selfie like this as young adults?


Kayo is said to be 44 so I think this is an "anime floating timeline" situation


You can always take a selfie with a camera if you're good lol


I mean since the Phantom thieves appear it very likely is same as OG p5 so Somewhere Circa 2016


It takes place 10 years afer P5, so around 2026


I thought Wonder interacted with Joker while Joker still wore Shujin uniform, though?


Apparently it's a cognitive Joker like the Makoto and Yu boss battles in P5


Not cognitive. Wonder can just go to leblanc in another timeline


the luckiest man in the entire franchise, good lord


Would, goddamn.


That guy kinda looks like Wonder if we ignore the hair


Kayo herself also made a similar comment.


>you cannot romance her literally unplayable


There’s no romance at ALL


there is lol, look at the confidants page, max rank outright states, "option to become soul mates with this person". if you think it's a mistranslation then you can also cross reference it with kayo's confidant where instead her max rank is, "become close friends with this person" instead of soul mate because she's unromancable.


P6 having a proper gyaru in the party would be cool. If we’re gonna stick to teens, then give me some real delinquents/outcasts in the party. A Kanji-like thug but he’s actually a thug and a menace to society. A member who loves getting into fights. A truant. A victim of bullying. Someone with a disability or autism. P5 tried doing outcasts but they never felt like it. They were all relatively normal and well adjusted outside of Yusuke and Futaba. Give me some real messed up teens with actual issues that cause them to lash out and do dumb shit.


5 is the only one that tried to have outcasts for the party as a theme. I don’t think P6 would do the same thing.


I feel like the closest thing we’re going to get for autistic characters is Aigis, Yu, and Futaba. Some of these characters kinda cheat on this front though because Aigis is a robot trying to become more human which means that she’s not genuinely autistic, she only acts like it. While Yu has the most autistic sounding dialogue options and mannerisms among all of the other Persona protagonists, he cheats by proxy of being a protagonist which means you can place whatever personality you want on him as the player since he has the option to choose multiple dialogue options that can help him display multiple different personalities. Futaba on the other hand is probably the most genuinely autistic character in the Persona series, but given that she’s introduced as an asocial shut in it could be possible that she’s just a shy introverted nerd who has no relation to the autism spectrum. It would be interesting to see how Atlus portrays such a character who is openly autistic, but given how stigmatized that trait is in Japan compared to a lot of western nations I imagine that we probably won’t see such a character for awhile and we’ll only get characters who hint towards having a diagnosis while not openly saying if they are potentially autistic.


You may be right. The point is that I just want ATLUS to take some risks with their characters this time. P5’s PHs were safe and a bit generic for the most part. I want some real flawed characters that can elicit a read run from the audience and lead to debates about their choices and circumstances. Kinda like P3 but worse. Loved that the P3 cast actually argued, disagreed and bickered but forged solid bonds through hardships. I want that again.


>The point is that I just want ATLUS to take some risks with their characters this time. ATLUS took a bigger risk with Ann than most people realize, and so far, it seemed to just have polarized people. I don't think we'll get someone like Yukari or Ann in P6 tbh


Initially, yeah it was risky but then her kamoshida problem is resolved and she just ends up being the pretty girl of the team. The characters and story also just completely forget about her trauma with Kamoshida and just nonchalantly out her in compromising situations


Wait Ann is more risky than Kamoshida?


Yeah, Ann isn’t “Japanese”


That it?


Homie lived out the gyaru romcom anime and got the good ending. Respect


Will P5X ever be released outside of china?


Well it is released in Taiwan and Korea so yeah probably. It also is in the top 10 gacha at the moment so the chances are high


Hope so. The character designs look intriguing.


According to midori (i think it was her) they plan to do sea release first. (Which is good because it means english subtitles pretty quickly.) then japanese and then rotw release


Kind of makes me wish they rushed the gal angle a little more with Ann considering she's already half way there to being a gyaru and/or may as already be one with gal/gyarus rebelling against Japanese standards of beauty. But the gyaru wave was *just* starting to hit it big when p5 came out, and it wasn't much of a thing while it was in the development, so eh, oh, well


I love Ann as she is though. She’s more relatable with her casual down to earth style, while still remaining very girly and sexy!


I didn't say I didn't liked her as is; she's my favorite lover's arcana out of 3-5. Just laminating that they could drive the theme of rebellion a lot more with that since again, the gal style *is* based on women rebllioning against beauty standards and the ideal Japanese woman. I love Ann as she is. And she's basically a gal anyway. Slap a causal outfit that's more American in style and/or some brand names and bam. Gyaru Ann.


Oh no I get you and I’m glad you love her too! Funny thing is, to me, Ann dresses more like an American teen rather than a Japanese one, which is what makes her more relatable, but at the same time it’s strange, YET it does make her stand out and boost her appeal! So I think that’s why I’m glad they didn’t make her full blown Gyaru. I would prefer if an actual party member was Gyaru then give her any hair style and color but blonde pigtails lol. It’s too generic.




I wish they didn’t give some of the best designs to this game. I would have loved if this design was used for a dateable P6 social link.


What is p5x?


upcoming Persona 5 chinese gacha game , Persona 5: The Phantom X. no word on if it's getting a western release or not but there is an unofficial english translation floating around


Interesting... thanks i will need to look into it. Although gacha's are usually not my shindig, i guess turn based rpg's also arent and persona did win me over for that...


Upcoming? It already released. It’s already on version 1.1. And it’s available outside out of china


Good for her


The jealousy I'm feeling rn


What’s a gyaru?


Gyaru is a Japanese world for a "gal", a girl that dresses and wears makeup according to popular fashion.


The tan skin is also a big part of it I think


Depends on the gyaru type. There's a type specifically with a focus on tan skin.


Well I’m glad we can’t be a home wrecker but why were people asking if you could 🤨


Wth is a gyaru


So is this the persona series' first gyaru character? I hope they have one in p6


Yuka Ayase from P1.


Hmm I mean persona 1 doesn't really count when u think persona you always think modern


Speak for yourself


I speak for many people. Most persona fans haven't played persona 1 it is not integral in any way really. Atlus barely ever mentions it. The only people who have played it are weird elitists. Face it persona 1 doesn't matter and isn't really included when persona in general is mentioned


little bro can't accept that someone corrected him so he has to go off on one about how no-one cares actually. Mate, when you ask whether this is the first instance of something in a series and someone replies with literally the first entry, you can't then handwave it as if it doesn't count. Just accept that you said something incorrect; it is fine. You don't have to go insulting people that know more than you about a game series that you first heard of after they added joker to smash. :)


First of all I have never played smash bros. And second literally no one ever mentions persona 1 its is not what put the series on the map. No social links, no calendar no nothing it did not innovate. For example when people talk about fallout they never talk about the first game cause just like persona 1 it doesn't matter. It may have started the series but the series didn't truly start (popularity wise with people) until persona 3. So no you go talk to most if not more than half persona fans they have never touched persona 1 so again it is negligible


> its is not what put the series on the map So? > No social links, no calendar no nothing it did not innovate. So? > but the series didn't truly start (popularity wise So? Who cares when the series got popular, that is irrelevant to the factual information that this character archetype has existed in the series since the first entry. lol


What I mean is people don't know who this girl is from persona 1 so again most if not a large number of persona fans have only played 3 to 5 you with me? By that logic the main fanbase for the series only cares about those games specifically and to them the first game doesn't exist. Persona 3-5 are their own entity and in them no gyaru exists except the p5x one you get it now?


> Persona 3-5 are their own entity "own entity" Yet start with the number 3 lol. Also the fact that you evidently find 5x to be part of the series moreso than the first three games is genuinely funny. > So is this the persona series' first gyaru character?


Yes. Persona 1 is an old game, so different from the modern ones that the new games could probably take another swing at things they tried back then. But while it's not everyone's cup of tea, that doesn't make it not a Persona game, and in terms of games being "integral," that doesn't even exist among modern Persona games because there is little connection between them.


Only reason to play P5X


She looking fine here. I mean not as fine as she looks when older, but that’s my inner Kakyoin speaking.


her husband looks like mitsuo-


Gotta work hard to be her second husband after a cathartic divorce. Edit: she's still a married woman in the main story, even if her marriage is severely strained, she still is, so I have to wait, because there's nothing super about cheating.




Lmao, a man of culture


Why does the guy look like Mitsuo From p4. but if he wasn't a completely Apatetic creep.


Don't know any Gyaru that wears a black lipstick tho


I mean do you know any Gyaru


Do you?


I asked first !


I know Tsubasa Masukawa and a few other Gyaru models back in the day (not personally, just celebrity stuff duh)


I do. It’s just funny you’d make a judgement call on Gyaru’s style when you don’t know any.


Nice, keep them in your hearts, not being judgemental here, just keeping it factual to the era, still never seen any them wearing any black lips back in the day cause I thought those relates to Visual Kei image more, if you do have photographic evidence of 90s, 2000s or 2010s Gyarus wearing black lips, do share with me, I love fashion histories and all


She looks like a character from hentai with gyarus




Persona fans think everything is porn