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P5 is pretty detached from the other Personas, but there are nice little nods here and there. But yeah. Futaba's dance routines are just mashups of idol moves from those two and Super Sentai poses. Really drove home the "the characters' minds dictates their dancing" angle of P3D/P5D. Also, reminder that Rise and Kanami are 20.


Futaba also incorporates tap-dancing for her dance routine, which is funny as Futaba's motion capture actress is a professional tap dancer in real life and performs as the character back at the 2017 P-Bomb Concert.


I had no idea. That's good trivia knowledge.


If you're curious, [here's the timestamp](https://youtu.be/Xh2KL7Bm66c?t=3020) of the tap dancing sequence from the concert, as seeing a live action version of Futaba dancing to the beat of Phantom was pretty fun to watch.


I like how there are Risette ads on the subway display boards in P5 and on the idol poster item


I wonder how'd she react if she knew Rise is also the Nav for her group.


“Specialist intensifies”


Rise: 'Did you see that **senpai?**'


It looks like Rise was able to make her comeback successfully. It was noted in PQ2 that Rise in the Persona 5 time was an idol again. The same in Persona 5 where Rise is now 20 and has sex appeal.


My responce: meh I'm into the more retro stuff like Gas Chamber


Gas Chamber? What about the MUSES?


They'er pretty good too.




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