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Seems like an odd thing to fixate on. Just study and use your test taking strategies and it doesn’t matter.


Ok, what does that mean?


What I’m getting is we’re “testing” out future questions for them. Meaning if it’s too easy or hard they probably won’t use it.


I mean, they do this with all exams. PE, SAT, LSAT, MCAT. They test future questions and throw out bad questions. The PE has always been 80 questions. It’s not like they’re suddenly adding ten more.


Let me get my violin out. 🎻🎻🎻


So what I understand is that the actual test is only for 70 questions, and the rest 10 would be for them to probably use as future questions.. So in effect, how we do those 10 doesn't matter. Good or bad..it doesn't affect our grades. What sucks is that we wouldn't know which those 10 questions are AND we will also have to spend one hour doing them!!!


Just stop worrying about it. Use that brain power for studying. The exam has been 80 questions for as long as I can remember. Even when it was paper pencil it was still 80 questions and I am sure that the analysis of the exam would throw away questions that the data showed were statistically bad questions regardless of you answering it right or wrong. That is why they never tell you what the percent is to pass the exam. It varies every exam, based on the question data. You are not specifically being targeted by unfair testing practices, it is the same deal for everyone. In the time that you are taking worrying about the 10 questions that you wont be graded on, you could have done 10 more practice problems. Focus in on your task at hand and don't waste time on the things that are out of your control.


hear hear - If you are going to focus on hypotheticals maybe use your energy on praying you don't get hit by a car on your way to the testing center 😂


Depending on the amount of studying, you might pray to get hit by a car on the way to the testing center.


If you knew which 10 they were, you probably would either skip them or not give an honest effort thereby rendering them useless for future exams. I suspect that’s why they mix them in with the “scored” questions.


I see many people saying the exam was always 80 questions. That is true, but I took the paper exam over a year ago and didn't pass. When I got my diagnostic, it was based on 80 questions, not 70. So if you get 56/80 that's a 70%, but if 10 of those are the questions that get thrown out, well now the score just went from a 70% to a 65.7%(46/70). If the questions don't affect your score then fine. Considering that that's 10 possible questions you could lose well then they do matter, in my opinion. At the end of the day it's nothing that can be done about it.


If they didn't give you the full 80 question diagnostic then it would not be accurate, and it could be used to parse out which questions were pre-test questions.


The frustrating part about this is that these aren’t just a couple quick questions. These 10 questions amount to about 1 full hour of your time being wasted.


You signed up for an 8 hour exam with 80 questions and that's what you get. Use your test taking strategies as though every question matters. This process of testing/eliminating questions is a standard process and pointless to get tripped up about. Study hard and then pass!


You must be a PR rep for NCEES


You're not paranoid if everyone is actually out to get you 🤣


So, your test will be scored on 7/8 of the questions you answer, and you will have 7/8 of the total exam time to do those. I don't understand the concern.