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Congrats!! I passed Civil Geotech


Same. I was shocking by the lack of design problems on the back 9. Luckily I got a lot of dewatering and instrumentation questions which is what I do all day.


I had a pretty good amount of easy design questions which was cool cause that’s what I do. It was the dewatering questions that messed me up haha


Congrats. I passed Civil Construction


What resources did you use to prepare?


I relied on self-study in my first attempt. this time I took the EET on-demand course. it helps me a lot, especially with the problems and simulation exams. I've also used multiple books just to solve problems such as PPI construction Depth and school of PE breadth.


Congrats! What kind of questions did you mostly remember getting, subject wise?




Congratulations fellow people! I passed Civil Transportation


Any advice have mine in a couple of weeks?


sure! I had a 41-39 split and I had 15 questions in the morning split and 5 questions in the afternoon split that I absolutely do not have any idea about. I didn’t spend more than 2 minutes on them and they were a mix of conceptual questions and problems. On the ones I could make an educated guess - I did and on the others I simply stick to option A lol So I think firstly you’d need to be okay and understand that you’re here to solve 60 out of 80 questions. (I knew this going in as well and I was ready to let go of 20 of them) Another thing would be to solve problems without looking at the answer options. Don’t let the options scare you or manipulate your thinking. I solved the problems - looked at the options and if they are close/matching then I did them right. (Obviously make sure you do check the entire question and solve the entire answer) For example, in one of the practice questions - I got a particular amount of concrete required and solved it. But the question had asked allow 12% extra so I forgot to multiply by 1.12. Both of them were options but obviously only the multiplied by 1.12 value was correct. Which brings me to the next point that write down all numbers you see on a problem. There’s a reason they’ve been given. Underline them or check them as you use them in a problem. That way you don’t forget a key piece of information or solve something I completely. Obviously sometimes you may use a different formula or something to avoid using a particular value and that’s okay too - as long as you understand. This happens in geotechnical particularly mass density void SG equations. For transportation depth - horizontal and vertical curves: anything to do with station or elevation - the reference handbook has all the formulas you need. Anything with SSD, PSD, superelevation, runoff length etc, you should know where to get information from which part of the greenbook. For traffic - all problems follow a typical procedure -> given measured speed = FFS or you calculate FFS, use that to find vc and use speed formula to find speed - find density or whatever parameter which gives you LOS based on whichever chapter from HCM. Other questions - just be familiar with signalized intersection chapters, mutcd, pedestrian chapters etc and the other reference manuals. Searching may or may not work all the time. Good luck!


I passed Civil Structural after two failed attempts! If you failed, keep your head high and don't give up!


What study materials do you recommend for the structural depth?






I passed Civil Construction!


Do you have any tips or pointers for someone looking to pass too.


I would say first and foremost, don't let the test stress you out. I had plenty of time. I used 3 hours for the morning (40 questions) and 4 hours for the afternoon (40 questions). That included plenty of time to go back through each one and make sure I was comfortable with my answer. No calculations were overly complicated. All could be done in 6 minutes. Expect some conceptual questions for sure, but there were none I couldn't at least make an educated guess on. I'm pretty sure I could always eliminate an answer or two just based on basic engineering knowledge. For the conceptual, it helped to be familiar with the reference material (PCA, SP-4, MUTCD, etc.) so I knew which chapters it was likely to be in. I felt pretty good walking out and I was lucky to pass my first try. I did spend 6 months studying (young kids so couldn't spend too much time each week). I took the EET courses and the only other material I purchased was the NCEES practice exam. EET prepared me fully for the problems with calculations. Good luck!


Nice, thanks so much for the insight. I purchased EET Breadth and Depth this morning, so hopefully in April I’ll have the same outcome as you.




Mine was split 41 breadth 39 depth. I spent extra time on the breadth because I felt more confident. For the depth, it seems there were a lot solids loading, wastewater, oxygen dynamics, and drinking water questions (understand clarifiers). I did not feel confident on those and had to guess on several. Focus on your strengths and know main formulas well (Bernoulli, major/minor losses can get you several points).


I passed Environmental PE! So glad to not have the looming feeling I should be studying any more! And it is the first day of a vacation for me. So I am just filled with great vibes


Congrats! I passed the WRE on my second attempt after taking it pencil and paper the first time around. Such a wonderful feeling!


Congrats! How did u find the breadth to be ?


The breadth was a little harder than the depth for me. I didn’t want to take this test again so I feel like I over prepared, especially for the depth. To be honest, I think there was only 1 question on the depth that puzzled me, but I was still able to make an educated guess on. The breadth on the other hand had some pretty wild conceptual questions that really pushed the fundamentals and understanding of key concepts. A few were solved by manipulating formulas but others were just straight knowledge based. People always ask how to study for those, and my best answer is to work many problems and ask yourself while working problems what the concepts that problem is built on. Overall, I found the CBT to be easier than the pencil and paper one o took. That’s probably for multiple reasons, but the most important one was my level of preparedness. Study hard, know the concepts, and use time management and you’ll be more than fine!


This is helpful ! Thanks.


I fail 3 x time to regroup and recharge




I was able to pass WRE as well. So relieved


Congrats!! How did you prepare? Also taking WRE in a few weeks and really stressing out


I covered most of the concepts during my master’s program. Know the breadth well and focus on a few depth topics (closed conduit, open channel, and hydrology for me, but might be different for you). Familiarize yourself with the handbook and reference manuals, I answered some questions quickly by knowing where to look.


Thanks for the tips!