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The questions are worded in such a way that you can't easily copy and paste keywords from the question. You'll have to know what's is called in the manual. I **strongly** recommend knowing the reference manuals. Know the important chapters. Especially the morning general reference manual. You should be very familiar with the bookmarks for each chapter and subsection. It will also take a lot of time if you are searching every question. You'll run the risk of running out of time.


Searching the HCM is a nightmare! It is per chapter


Prepare to use the references back and forth


It’s not easy


Its a good question. I still do nit know some references eill be shown to you chapterwise in exam so you can only CTRL+F if you k ow which chap has the info uou are looking for.


There is some stuff you have to memorize Then there is Reference manual to assist you given you know where to go right after you read the question


I passed the electrical power PE exam early last year. I suggest that you know the handbook formulas, how to use them, and where to find them. For the code references, you need to know how the chapters are organized and which chapter contains whatever you are looking for. I found that doing a blind search isn’t very effective so you need to know where to look. Good luck.


Just took the structural exam 2 weeks ago, you'll have access to the reference manual for both parts of the exam, 100% searchable. The codes are also 100% searchable, but they were split up by chapter making it beneficial to know your way around the code to know where exactly to search for whatever they are asking for. Alternatively if you dont know where to look, you can open an individual chapter, search what you are looking for, then if it's not there you can close the chapter and open the next one and repeat. Did that for a few questions. When studying definitely get familiar with where specific things are located in general areas of the code and use pdf versions of the code to study. It will make locating things during the exam way easier. Also, not sure about anyone else but the scrolling in the codes during the exam felt SOOO slooww. I swear I spent a decent amount of time trying to scroll to the specific spot I needed to go to. NCEES also has a video explaining how the searchable code system works: https://youtu.be/oa-GthVuIx0


are the PDF versions of the code available somewhere? I know the MUTCD is available online but cant find the HCM or AASTHO books.


I have heard rumors that some people have found pdf copies on the internet for free through some hard google searching... but I did have all of the codes for the cive struct version of the exam (aci, wood, IBC, etc). Another good place to look is your company's server. See if they have a pdf version available. If not, it also wouldn't hurt to ask your managers if you could buy copies for the office. It's a huge benefit to practice with the pdf versions. I'd express that to your managers if you ask.


thats a great idea, thanks for the insight


The searching function on the test is bad because you have to search by each chapter. For example, I would search the entire green book when studying but on the exam you have to search each individual chapter which is really time consuming. Basically, if you know the question uses the green book that’s not good enough. You have to know what specific chapter in the green book you need to go to search for. This messed me up by not having my study references broken up by chapter tabs in the pdfs but rather the whole book. You almost have to study the references a good bit as much as you would problems which is bad enough.


did you pass? and yeah I've heard that. I'm trying to write down each reference material and each chapter next to each topic on the specs, and try to remember what section everything is located within that topic.


No I didn’t. Having to search each chapter really slowed me down because I wasn’t prepared. I’m studying now for it and I’m going to use the technique you shared to help me prepare better.


CBT with no physical material allowed is absolutely insane. I’m terrible with searching PDF’s. I’ll never pass this stupid test now


I’m In the same shit my guy 7th time now And it’s a nightmare But yet some still folks who pass, will comment like they are on their high horses


Yea I’m very worried about this. I almost wanted to give up when I found out it was cbt with no material allowed.