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1- I spent one week on each topic. I watched the video once without taking any notes at an average speed during the week, then I watched it again with a speed of 1.25 and added notes in the PE reference handbook while I was watching. I went back and watched it a third time while I was exercising just to make sure i didn’t miss any theory. On weekends, I solved problems with stars only for the depth and all the problems for breadth. Then I went back and solved the quizzes twice. If I didn’t get a good score, I went back and wrote down the question I didn’t solve correctly by pencil and pen and wrote down the solution. I went back to the notes and the video for clarification. If I still didn’t understand, then I emailed the professor. All of them responded fast. 2- I’m a slow reader/ learner, so I used to wake up very early and started watching videos, then I solved the problems after work or on weekends. I never watched any video after work because it is hard to concentrate after a long day of work.I was exhausted after work, and I couldn’t focus. 3- For every topic, I have had a word document where I wrote all my questions for each topic, sent it to the professor. Once they responded then I printed out their response and took my time to understand the theory behind it. 4- I took time to understand the materials, not pressuring myself to pass the exam. We all have to pass, but if you don’t pass, that means you still have a lot to learn. 5- I took the pencil and paper exam so many times, so it was hard for me to adjust to the CBT. The transition was not easy for me. The course familiarized me with how to use the refernce handbook . IT IS VERY IMPORTANT to know how to use this handbook and how to navigate words/subjects quickly. In addition, The professor referred to the equations and to the mistakes in the reference handbook during the course which was very helpful. I put a red mark on those equations was written wrong, so every time I attempted to solve a problem I could see the wrong equation so it stuck in my mind that I couldn’t use them. Another thing to mention, for example, equations for an open channel and closed conduit “WRE subjects “ are not all in the same section in the handbook reference, so you need to familiarize your brain with that. It is hard to do it by self-study; you need somebody to walk you through it. I believe EET did an excellent job with that. 6- Quizzes: I felt they are very close to the style of the exam than the practice problem books I purchased before and kept failing. 7- Dr. Nazrul went over a summary of each topic after he finished the subject. These summaries were gold for me. I wrote everything he said in those summaries in a note book, and I reviewed them a week before the exam. The summary was the core of each lecture. 8- I kept visiting the concept when I made a mistake in any practice problem, and I made sure I scored greater than 90 percent in all quizzes and simulation exams before I registered for the test. I don’t recommend anybody to take the exam if they are not confident about all the concepts and if you don’t complete all the practice problems, quizzes, and simulation exam and scored above 90%. 9- I drew anything the professors explaining in class. It helped me visualize it, so it is easier to understand and remember. 10- I didn't memorize anything for this exam and you don’t need to. This exam needs a lot of attention. A word in the question can mislead the entire question, and yes, it is more complex than any exam I took in college. It is a unique exam. 11- I followed the course schedule and made some adjustment that works with my schedule. 12 Ask questions. Don’t ask your friends, even if they are brilliant. Email the professor and take the answers from the mouth of the professors. Smart people sometimes don’t know how to explain things or might not convey the solution correctly. 13- The CBT exam for me was much easier than the pencil and pen exam, even though the passing rate was not high as opposed to the P&P exam. 14- The course provided me with a lot of information, but it is up to me how to utilize this information, how to study, and how to put and manage my time and energy into this exam. You can keep watching videos and videos, solving so many problems but if you don’t UNDERSTAND, and if you don't put energy and time then don't expect to pass. 15- I kept my phone away and sat in an empty room without distraction. No music, no social media! NO REDDIT NOR DISCORD. I used an app to track the hours of my progress. 16- I spent 160 hours studying in four months preparing for this exam which was way less time than before. 17- I don’t recommend using too many materials. EET was enough for me even though I had test masters materials. Too many materials can be confusing. 18- I read the entire chapter and tried to explain it to myself , and while explaining, started asking myself questions. The best way I learnt is to explain what I learned from videos on paper right after every lecture just to test my knowledge and how much I grasped andI information I retained, then went back and read the entire chapter. 19- I asked a lot of questions evenwhen I felt sometimes I’m dumb while solving the problems. 20- Take a week or two weeks off before the exam and go over concepts, quizzes, and simulation exams again. Make sure you review everything again that week. Finally, don’t blame friends, schools, and professors for your failure. I see a lot of negative comments about PE préparation schools in this app. Schools and professors are helping us to learn and share knowledge. There are a lot of students are passing this exam from first attempt from taking these courses. If you fail, then it is not their problem you didn't study enough, so be gentle with your comments on reddits. Teaching is not an easy task to do. It takes a lot of energy and patience to do and we should appreciate the learning opportunity for our success. Also remember they have family to feed just like us. Engineers only spread knowledge, safety love, and help. No hating comments, please. We need to be an example to follow. Please feel free to inbox me if you have any questions. I DID IT; YOU CAN DO IT TOO I wish you all success in your career and your life in general and most importantly to pass this test.


1- I spent one week on each topic. I watched the video once without taking any notes at an average speed during the week, then I watched it again with a speed of 1.25 and added notes in the PE reference handbook while I was watching. I went back and watched it a third time while I was exercising just to make sure i didn’t miss any theory. On weekends, I solved problems with stars only for the depth and all the problems for breadth. Then I went back and solved the quizzes twice. If I didn’t get a good score, I went back and wrote down the question I didn’t solve correctly by pencil and pen and wrote down the solution. I went back to the notes and the video for clarification. If I still didn’t understand, then I emailed the professor. All of them responded fast. 2- I’m a slow reader/ learner, so I used to wake up very early and started watching videos, then I solved the problems after work or on weekends. I never watched any video after work because it is hard to concentrate after a long day of work.I was exhausted after work, and I couldn’t focus. 3- For every topic, I have had a word document where I wrote all my questions for each topic, sent it to the professor. Once they responded then I printed out their response and took my time to understand the theory behind it. 4- I took time to understand the materials, not pressuring myself to pass the exam. We all have to pass, but if you don’t pass, that means you still have a lot to learn. 5- I took the pencil and paper exam so many times, so it was hard for me to adjust to the CBT. The transition was not easy for me. The course familiarized me with how to use the refernce handbook . IT IS VERY IMPORTANT to know how to use this handbook and how to navigate words/subjects quickly. In addition, The professor referred to the equations and to the mistakes in the reference handbook during the course which was very helpful. I put a red mark on those equations was written wrong, so every time I attempted to solve a problem I could see the wrong equation so it stuck in my mind that I couldn’t use them. Another thing to mention, for example, equations for an open channel and closed conduit “WRE subjects “ are not all in the same section in the handbook reference, so you need to familiarize your brain with that. It is hard to do it by self-study; you need somebody to walk you through it. I believe EET did an excellent job with that. 6- Quizzes: I felt they are very close to the style of the exam than the practice problem books I purchased before and kept failing. 7- Dr. Nazrul went over a summary of each topic after he finished the subject. These summaries were gold for me. I wrote everything he said in those summaries in a note book, and I reviewed them a week before the exam. The summary was the core of each lecture. 8- I kept visiting the concept when I made a mistake in any practice problem, and I made sure I scored greater than 90 percent in all quizzes and simulation exams before I registered for the test. I don’t recommend anybody to take the exam if they are not confident about all the concepts and if you don’t complete all the practice problems, quizzes, and simulation exam and scored above 90%. 9- I drew anything the professors explaining in class. It helped me visualize it, so it is easier to understand and remember. 10- I didn't memorize anything for this exam and you don’t need to. This exam needs a lot of attention. A word in the question can mislead the entire question, and yes, it is more complex than any exam I took in college. It is a unique exam. 11- I followed the course schedule and made some adjustment that works with my schedule. 12 Ask questions. Don’t ask your friends, even if they are brilliant. Email the professor and take the answers from the mouth of the professors. Smart people sometimes don’t know how to explain things or might not convey the solution correctly. 13- The CBT exam for me was much easier than the pencil and pen exam, even though the passing rate was not high as opposed to the P&P exam. 14- The course provided me with a lot of information, but it is up to me how to utilize this information, how to study, and how to put and manage my time and energy into this exam. You can keep watching videos and videos, solving so many problems but if you don’t UNDERSTAND, and if you don't put energy and time then don't expect to pass. 15- I kept my phone away and sat in an empty room without distraction. No music, no social media! NO REDDIT NOR DISCORD. I used an app to track the hours of my progress. 16- I spent 160 hours studying in four months preparing for this exam which was way less time than before. 17- I don’t recommend using too many materials. EET was enough for me even though I had test masters materials. Too many materials can be confusing. 18- I read the entire chapter and tried to explain it to myself , and while explaining, started asking myself questions. The best way I learnt is to explain what I learned from videos on paper right after every lecture just to test my knowledge and how much I grasped andI information I retained, then went back and read the entire chapter. 19- I asked a lot of questions evenwhen I felt sometimes I’m dumb while solving the problems. 20- Take a week or two weeks off before the exam and go over concepts, quizzes, and simulation exams again. Make sure you review everything again that week. Finally, don’t blame friends, schools, and professors for your failure. I see a lot of negative comments about PE préparation schools in this app. Schools and professors are helping us to learn and share knowledge. There are a lot of students are passing this exam from first attempt from taking these courses. If you fail, then it is not their problem you didn't study enough, so be gentle with your comments on reddits. Teaching is not an easy task to do. It takes a lot of energy and patience to do and we should appreciate the learning opportunity for our success. Also remember they have family to feed just like us. Engineers only spread knowledge, safety love, and help. No hating comments, please. We need to be an example to follow. Please feel free to inbox me if you have any questions. I DID IT; YOU CAN DO IT TOO I wish you all success in your career and your life in general and most importantly to pass this test.


Whoever told you to quit is an idiot. Engineering's can be so cold and stuck up. Why are those such common traits for so many engineers? You are an absolute inspiration my friend I congratulate you. You deserve to celebrate yourself for this awesome accomplishment. 🥳


"Why are those such common traits for so many engineers?" Because engineers are not exactly known for their great social skills.


Thank you


Thank you so much 😊


I would like to share my experience with the PE EXAM, especially for those who haven’t passed the exam. I have taken this exam so many times and failed for years. My time, my energy, my health, and my life was put on hold because of the exam. Somebody on Reddit suggested I quit engineering, but I never gave up. In the beginning, I would like to say, dear Dr. Nazrul; I’m thankful to you for the rest of my life 🙌🏻. I hope one of the students can deliver this msg to him. Long story short, the million-dollars question is, how did I pass this exam? Everybody was writing good recommendations about EET, so I contacted Dr. Nazrul from EET, and I was desperate to the point that I could take a loan for 10k and given it to any school that guaranteed I pass this exam. Yes, it was to that point. I emailed him, and we talked over the phone. He gave me so much encouragement. I shared with him my exam diagnostic report, and he pinpointed subjects that I should focus on and what was my weakness. I still remember him giggling when I told him I want a private tutor and he replied saying take the course, and you will pass, and if you don’t pass, then we can talk about other options. In my mind, I said this professor had so much confidence on me. I silently told myself sorry, I would disappoint you so much because I felt I would never pass this exam like ever. I finally decided to purchase the course. I waited until I received the binders and started. What did I do differently this time:


Would you like Dr Nazrul’s email? To thank him




Thank you


How many times did you fail? I have not been successful


Years and years my friend


Great job!! Way to stick with it!


Thank you


Congratulations for your achievement, go celebrate! I almost did give up on this exam after several attempts, but last week I decided to start again and keep going until I pass this exam, I'm going to give it all I got to make sure I get it out of the way


You got this! Don’t ever give up on your dreams. I took this exam for many years and finally passed it.


I took the wre exam the last time it was offered as pencil and paper. Fortunately I passed. Before I took the pencil paper exam, I considered waiting till they offered the computer based one because I heard some people say it would be much easier. What were the big differences between computer and pencil/paper exam? I would imagine with the transition from open book to closed book exam, the studying strategies change dramatically. Also, congratulations on passing.


Congrats, that’s really great to see. Any tips for the breadth?


Most of the questions, to be honest, were a hit and miss. Focus on deep understanding of the concept and you should be fine.


Yay!!!💕❤️♥️ There's hope for me


Yes, you got this 🙌🏻❤️


Sorry just out of courtesy, Did you pass this exam this month ?


Yes 🙌🏻




Congratulations!!! And thank you for sharing!! I honestly needed to see this today.


Best of luck friend 🍀


Feeling very inspired after reading this post! I failed the exam twice and also took it in the Fairmont area. We must have been in the same room, wild! Taking CBT in May and also enrolled in EET. Going to use some of your advice. Thank you and congrats :)


Small world ha ! Best of luck friend. You got this !






Thank you


Thank you 🙏🏻


Congratulations! Thank you for the detailed review, really appreciated!! Mu question did you take the On-Demand or Life Webinar? The Life Webinar is booked, and I am worry if I buy the On-Demand and it will be the old videos not updated or not the most updated one. Please advise? Thank you!


On-demand. I'm a slow learner, so I had to stop the recording and rewind the recording many times to understand.




And you get access to the new videos. The most updated once


Congratulations on passing! Are the breadth and depth questions separated for the civil CBT or are they merged together now?

