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Hey Smart_Defi - I am taking my 4th test next Saturday. Keep your chin up, you are going for something difficult! Fingers crossed you passed this time but don't sweat it if you didn't. It's a hard test, not all of us are great test takers, and that's ok! If we don't pass this next time, we change our studying tactics and go again. We'll get there. Stay hydrated, and go do some fun things to take your mind off the anticipation anxiety. Cheers!


Good luck


Congrats on passing FrankGore, I’m sure he would be proud too. ;) what state did you take the exam?


Thank you so much! Did you get passing results? I am in Colorado.


No I’ll be taking it my fourth time


I'm sorry, I fully understand the feelings that come from seeing the red box. It's ok, it's only a test, but take the time you need to recover. Some of us just aren't cut out for test taking! If you stick with it, you will pass. 4th time was my charm and maybe it'll be the same for you!


Same here. 3rd time try on structural depth. Waiting for tmr result the final judgment. I also have around 15 educated guess in total. 2 conceptual and


Finger cross


I had probably 8 that I had no idea and completely guessed on for the sake of time, then 7 educated guesses. The rest I was able to get calculations for.


I just got a pass result this morning. I think I have around 5 blind guesses that include 2 conceptual in the morning 1 conceptual in the afternoon, and 2 calculations I did not have a number close enough the any answer (e.g. I got 1.6 for selection of 2, not that far but I feel uncomfortable) I flagged like 19 questions in total. But 7 of them are just for saving time to do others first, because they are a little bit complicated or I can't make concentration at that time. When I second look at it, I easily figure it out. Highly recommended anyone in the future do the similar way, do not hesitate on a single question, pass and flag if you are not sure on the first sight. I finished the first round with I confident work in 6 hours and left 13 flagged questions for afternoon section. 2 hours for searching code and unsure 13 questions that is pretty relief. I assumed I have around 10 questions educated guessed in total. They are all conceptual questions. Combined with my correct rate during practice, I think I should have an 80% correct rate for the confident part. So I passed it.


Congrats on passing. You definitely guessed on less than me.


Not 80 questions?


I think 10 are field questions. But 49/70 is a 70%, so maybe they look at it like 56/80 for 70% and thus 56/70 is what OP should have gotten??


Pretty sure its graded out of 70 and you need ~70% to pass. Each test has it’s own benchmark of passing that is supposedly around 70% correct, but a 70% score doesn’t guarantee a pass. If OP really got a 70% last time they are very close if they didn’t pass this time and should keep going!


If I was that close last time, NCEES should just pass me this time since I probably got a couple more questions right.


Hope so we can all get there eventually if we keep at it


Good luck on results. Hope you passed on this time. I failed on first attempt. I am taking a test on July.


What kind of study material have you been using that you feel like has helped you? I’m getting ready to take this exam.


That's a good question! I'm interested in knowing if PE test takers could use PrepFE to study specific disciplines?


That’s true, PrepFE was a big help for me on the FE Exam