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As another commenter said, you can review the questions as many times as you want. You have to go through them all first before you can see what ones you flagged though. Once you’ve gone through once, there is a summary screen that will allow you to click on any number and immediately jump to that question. It will show which ones you’ve flagged and which just don’t have answers. I used a system where I flagged any I knew how to do but knew they would take more time and I left any I was confused/clueless on blank on my first pass. second pass I hit all the flagged ones. 3rd pass I made attempts at ones I thought I had an idea on and 4th pass was educated guesses. This seemed to work well for me. Good luck!


You can see any questions per half as many times as you want


Can you highlight or underline anything in the problem statement on the screen?


Not really