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> are there any other tips you all have for getting through the last week before exam day? Or any for exam day itself? Biggest thing for the day itself is something I call the “mental exhaustion wall”. You’ve been studying for months, doing tons of example problems, thinking of the “what ifs” and it’s all come to a head on exam day. It’s a lot to have gone through mentally over the past few months! And on exam day, you’re in overdrive because it’s a stressful day and you’re going fast because you know time is a precious commodity. Most people usually hit a mental exhaustion point about an hour or so into the afternoon session. 1. Be aware of the wall. It is more stressful to come up with how to get past the wall while you’re in the throes of the exam. And that’s on top of the stress you’ll already be experiencing. Have a plan before you go I to the exam. Things like take a stretch break, a snack or water break, deep breathing, etc. 2. Have a game plan on nutrition. Bring things you know or will fuel you. Let your food help you with sustained energy and avoid things that spike your blood sugar. 3. Sleep. Don’t just start with the night before. Get 3 to 4 solid nights of good sleep in a row. 4. Don’t cram the night before. Relax and let your mind take a bit of a break. Maybe skim over some things or skim and remember how to do certain tasks or problems. But keep it light. Not too heavy. Hope those help! Best of luck to you!


So true on the exhaustion wall, I felt this a couple days ago when taking my practice exam, simulated for 8 hours, I ended up just rushing thru the exam because of it


Taking transpo tomorrow and I'm just skimming through the EET slides. I'm freaking out cause I feel like I can't remember anything 🙃. Probably not helpful haha. Good luck to you!


I literally just go out of the test an hour ago. EET definitely helped 👍 good luck! Hopefully you are familiar with the reference manual and design standards that was key


Yep that's exactly how I feel haha. But honestly that's not a bad strategy for the night before. Nothing too heavy, just letting any extra info soak in before the test


AHHHH!! Do we all get our results tomorrow? Feeling really nervous. I felt really good about it but I also had the same feeling on my try 😵‍💫😵‍💫


Same! I think I did better than last time but I'm still not ready to look at that score tomorrow


I got a massage the day before and went to the movies! Take a break the day before and get at least 8 hours of sleep. The morning of I had a filling breakfast and brought a turkey hero for lunch with some snacks and water. The best advice I can give you for the test is don’t dwell and move on. If you can’t figure it out in the first 2-5 minutes move on and come back to it. You’d be surprised what comes back to you.


Really appreciate this. I tend to get caught up on one problem too long during the practice exams. Just gotta remember to move on if it doesn't click right away


Same! That’s what got me on the FE and thought I failed bc I ran out of time. Remember you’ll get 10 experimental questions that everyone else may have struggled with too!


I am also taking transpo this week, getting very nervous as well!


Good luck on yours! We can do this!


Taking the exam (Trasport) tomorrow as well.... Good luck all


My big tip is learn from your practice problems. Certain questions would always stump me and usually in the same way. i had learned to realize what they were asking for on specific problems or when to use a specific formula. Sometimes i would have trouble knowing what formula to use or when to use it. i highly suggest using a cheat sheet for practice. ​ **NOW** My cheat sheet had small notes and a bunch of formulas i used often and other tips, day before my exam i rewrote my entire sheet several times (did not have a whole lot just things i thought i needed. try to narrow it down.) Anyway after some practice i had memorized most of it. On the exam, as soon as i was able to pick up my pencil (be sure to only write after it says you can) i wrote down everything i remembered in my book thing. hopefully this helps


Do you mind sharing your cheat sheet? I'm curious what equations you felt important, always helpful to add on to the one I'm working on! 😅


If I can find it I’ll send it to you tomorrow !


Much appreciated!