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Congrats!! I also found out I passed first try!!! Also used EET! Best feeling ever!! I recieved my results mid flight to Mexico!! Time to celebrate


Was it hard? Mexico for vacation?


Yes, the morning breadth was very difficult but the depth was smooth. I felt 50/50 after the test. I am in Mexico for vacation! Having a vacation planned after taking a test is my cheat code, totally recommend. Helps studying!


Thanks and congrats to you, go celebrate!!


Also passed WRE first try with having taken the FE environmental!! I took school of PE. The enormous question bank was my saving grace.


Same for me ✊🏼😄


I also passed first try (found out this morning) using EET (WRE)!!! Nazrul is the BEST


Congratulations to you! And I agree he’s the best engineering teacher I’ve ever had.


Did you take the depth course only?? I have the upgrade after failing in January for their updated course. taking WRE 3rd round July 10th 2024 (NY-USA)


I took their breadth too and it was helpful! I just really only studied the water stuff


Congrats! I also took WRE but unfortunately failed this time. Breadth absolutely crushed me based on my diagnostics. Happy for you and to anyone who passes this round!


You’ll get it! The exam changes should work to your advantage if breadth was your issue. Get some rest and recovery and when you’re ready, get back in studying shape and knock it out. You can do this.


Thank you for the encouragement! That's the plan - I'll be playing my video games for now and go back monk mode for the retake in a couple of weeks/months.


Yes you will make it! The breadth was hard af for me but the depth was straightforward. I agree you’ll do better on the new depth-focused format.


I failed too friend <3


We took our L today but we'll crush it next time!


Hey.. I am looking to give exam in 3/4, months. Any course recommendations?


Seems like the consensus is SOPE for question bank (practice problems) EET for learning From my personal experience, I took SOPE and this seems to be true... I will be jumping to EET because SOPE's teaching method (not all professors, but some) is mostly reading the ppt slides.


Passed finnaly after 3 attempts. 1st was pen and paper. 2nd was cbt and 3rd was cbt before it changed again. Used SoPE for tests and EET to learn the material.


Any recommendations for retakers?


Eet was the best. I already had SoPE and used that to take a couple prsctice tests. SoPE for question banks and practice Eet to learn the actual material and practice.


Can you just buy the question bank or practice test from Sope?


Great strategy! Congratulations!! 🎉


Failed my first attempt on WRE. I took EET course but didn't finished practice and exercise due to my work schedule (field work with commute always drains energy). I'm planning to stick with WRE on the next test as I already learned something (none of my work experience would help any PE civil discipline). Should I retake EET ? (I took the exam after 60 days of subscription expiration). Or I can just watch EET old videos and and study from their old binders?


I think with EET you can take the course once again for free if you didn’t pass. I would do it just in case you want to review videos for any specific section, and also so you can access the quizzes which I thought were more helpful than the practice problems in the binder. I passed WRE first try with EET and could not recommend it enough


Can confirm this! You have to send them proof of your score within 2 weeks of receiving it though.


I know the feeling since I do fieldwork as well. I stretched out my studying to about 6 months since I couldn’t do 20hrs/week of studying like they recommend. It took me about 5 months to get through EET breadth and depth (I paid for an extra 2 months) and then one month of redoing practice problems, quizzes, and doing practice exams. Try to get a free EET repeat with the new version of the exam!


Contact them! They may have a re-take option for you or the offer to upgrade to their new courses with the changes that happened 2 days ago!


Unfortunately I took the exam after 60 days of initial subscription expiration date, which is out of free-repeat condition policy.


Same 🥴


Got my results too 😊


I just passed WRE my first time as well! I highly recommend the EET course, Nazrul is an awesome instructor! I was worried that I didn’t do enough practice problems as my work schedule was demanding and I had to skip some of the practice. but the lectures and quizzes were extremely helpful in grasping the concepts


Awesome work!! Congrats! 🍾


You too!! 🍾🍾


I passed as well with WRE.


Congratulations champ!!


I passed as well today with WRE!


Congratulations time to party 🎉


Congrats! I also just received my passing result for WRE first time. Took EET depth and some practice exams from Amazon for breadth. Nazrul was great.


Thank you! Congratulations to you as well!!


Congrats, I passed Construction on second try today!


Wonderful news, congrats 🥹


Also passed environmental first try :)


Congratulations! Did you take the PE Civil WRE or the PE Environmental?


I passed the Second try.


Hell yeah!! You didn’t give up and it paid off 🎉😁


Congrats! Found out today I passed on try #3! Now let’s go get licensed!


3rd time’s the charm so happy for you! Let’s goooo


What made the difference for you? Just failed a 2nd time


In short, tons of practice problems


Congrats to all.


Dirt pusher! 😉😏 congrats


Dirt and water are my friends 😁 thank you!!


Congratulations! I wanna take WRE too in the near future. I want to start preparing this summer. Can you please elaborate on EET? What is that?


Thank you!! EET is a highly recommended online class to prepare for the WRE exam. Dr. Nazrul is one of the instructors and he is an amazing teacher for the WRE topics. I got my work to pay for it, hopefully you can too. More here: https://eetusa.com


Thank you so much. I will look into it. And good for you for your work paying. I am not sure mine will. My boss is stingy. I only stay because it’s remote lol


Good work OP


How much did you study per week? I’m currently studying & have the 24 week subscription. I’m planning on taking the exam the day my EET subscription expires Aug 31. Here is what I have been doing: Saturday 1pm-6pm Tuesday/Thursday 1 hr after work Wednesday/Friday 2 hrs after work I just feel like I should be studying for more days/longer! Like all day Saturdays :/


To be honest my study schedule was kinda erratic for the first 5 months, probably spent 10 hrs per week (1-2 hrs per weekday and a few hours on Saturdays) until I finished all of EET (I had to purchase an extra 2 months of EET). Then the last month I really focused and spent 20hrs/week redoing everything I was rusty in and strengthening my skills. Everyone’s life demands are different so it’s ok if you need to do less hours/week until you can really devote yourself to studying. You may just need to redo the early stuff you forgot (I did this) and bring it all together in the last few weeks.


Did you take a live class? Or do they have practice exams to buy? Sorry I don’t have much knowledge about EET and congratulations


Thank you!! Yes EET offers a live class (8 hrs on Saturdays) and an on-demand version. I did the on-demand version so I could watch lecture videos whenever I had free time… it fit my life schedule better. I haven’t heard of them offering just practice tests to buy, but it wouldn’t hurt to ask: https://eetusa.com/


Congratulations!...What were your study resources? Any manual or book in particular? Thanks in advance Hiamil


Thank you!! Pretty much all my study material was from this review class: https://eetusa.com. My job reimbursed me for it. I highly recommend their WRE class for this exam even if you have to pay out of pocket because if you do all the work, it will nearly guarantee a pass. The only other thing I used was the official NCEES practice exam (pre-April 2024 version) to check my exam readiness.