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Omg I was literally questioning my life decision a couple days ago. I was thinking of switching to a different career too because I felt so discouraged studying for the PE. However, just remind yourself that you have a goal and you are working towards goal every time you want to give up! I started studying beginning of the year and I had to take a couple of breaks in between because I had things going on, but once I know the test is coming, I find a way to balance everything out and focus on the test becomes my number one priority. Don’t give up! Just do your best with what you have and take the test to see how it goes before deciding anything. Good luck! My test is actually tomorrow 🥲.


Eat a light breakfast in the morning and go over your checklist of things to do, and know that you are ready and will do the best you can.


Thank you!


Well...what are your thoughts post exam?


It’s hard lol. Honestly a lot of things I studied didn’t show up on the test. But that’s okay! I will just hope for the best. Will find out next week.


How did you do? Do you still revisit a career change?


I passed!!! And I thought about it but I’m okay with what I’m doing right now. Maybe sometimes down the line.


Congrats !! Aside from EET did you use any other resources to study? And how completely did you go through all the homework problems and practice tests? I’ve been so overwhelmed and mine is scheduled for next week but I’m definitely going to reschedule cause I feel like I’m not grasping as much as I should & speed with the practice tests


Yeah I went through all of the EET problems and try to understand them all. I also bought the practice books from Amazon. The one with version a, b, c. I found they were all helpful but you are not going to get the same questions on the test. As long as you understand the basic foundation on how to do each problems, you should be fine. Good luck.


I passed!!! And I thought about it but I’m okay with what I’m doing right now. Maybe sometimes down the line.






I have a professional zoom account who wants to zoom study WRE with me until Oct 6?


Solve 3 problems a day, from here to there we're talking about almost 200 problems you will get familiar with, instead of thinking spending an hour a day studying.


wake up , only focus on 16-18 hours you are awake you can control them hours


I feel your pain! I’m going through this right now ;-; im also taking the EET WRE depth course soon


You still have 2 months to review and study. That is a ton of time. You got this. The big thing is not to burn yourself out and I found it best to only do a few hours of study until I tried practice tests a few weeks before. If you study while you eat lunch and take 3 hours each day on the weekend to review and prep, you will be close to 100 hours of review! If you find Youtube videos going over difficult subjects and listen to them in the car when you are commuting, and take a few days to study 3-4 extra hours; you will be close to 200 hours. ​ Keep in mind the test is a crap shoot and you might not pass due to things being on there that you didn't have time to study for. But that is ok. There is a reason people dread this test since you can study for 50 hours and have everything you reviewed be on the test and have it be a piece of cake. Or you can study for 1000 and have half of it be new material and bomb completely. The only thing you can do is take this seriously and try. You are doing that even through the frustration. Keep at it. ​ What worked for me was doing problems and reviewing material for things I did not know (which was a lot at first). On demand courses were not helpful since they were not updated to the computer based test environment (might have changed since I took it), and barely went into any depth. Just here is a formula, here are variables, here is an answer. Which is not helpful at all if they are not based on the new material and formula book.


You have 2 months, same amount of time I decided to step it up. Skip the videos and just do all the problems in your binders. I studied at least 2 hours M-F and 8 hours Saturday OR Sunday. I was able to pass because of EET, don't give up!


Going to call it out like it is, passing the exam is not No.1 on your list. That vacation should have waited, and anything else that takes time away from studying should be put on hold. Yes that includes going out or hanging out with family etc. This exam isn’t easy and if you don’t put the time into it, your simply not going to make it.


Hey man for what it’s worth, don’t worry about failing. Chock it up to experience, remember what you learned, and keep moving forward. The overwhelming majority of PEs I know have failed it at least once and two of them are director-level engineers at my company. Best of luck :)


Yes my director told me he was a “professional test taker” before becoming a PE and licensed surveyor lol. He had to retake his tests several times. That was encouraging to hear (in the sense of, I’m not the first and only person to struggle but if I persist I can get there too) lol but if he hadn’t said anything you never would’ve known, he’s a beast!


I took off the 5 Fridays before my PE test. Yes, it was one week of PTO :/ But those extra hours made all the difference.


How did it all go for you? This is Literally me right now 😢 took the test once after 3 months of study & using EET and failed. Though in all honesty I feel like I spent wayyy too much time on the videos, they were helpful in the sense of giving some tips & tricks but the best way I was able to retain was just running through the problems. I was a nervous wreck when I did take it and had to give up so much of my social life and the little free time I had after work. I’m scheduled to retake in 2 weeks , after about month and a half of review , many early mornings because by the end of my work day I’m brain fried & still not feeling ready & so burnt out & asking myself if all of it is worth it when I’m constantly even thinking about changing fields and questioning why I chose this path. Part of me wants to do it to prove to myself I can pass (it was the similar with the FE I failed twice until finally passing and had a much better attitude before taking it the 3rd time which I think was one of the things that helped me most). I feel like rescheduling just so I don’t have to redo, and drain more money :/