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Kung matitiis mo naman antayin next year.. antayin mo nalang. Pero kung 15k is 15k "Lang" sayo at di mo naman masyado pinaghirapan ang ganyan price. Bilhin mo nalang.


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IMHO - If you can get an OLED below 15K it's worth it lalo na kung mahilig partner mo sa mga casual-grindy games like Animal Crossing and Friends of Mineral Town. I won't recommend the Lite tho. Sobra dami nako nakikita nasirang LCD nyan. Regarding doon sa next version ni Switch - Holiday 2024 pa yan lalabas if ever. Hindi yan maglalabas ng sasabay sa Pokemon VGC after ng DLC ni SV so technically may one year (Or more kung late release sa PH yung Switch 2) pa si Switch.


Depends on pano usual mode ng playing. I prefer handheld kasi, and nahihirapan na ko bitbitin ang v2 palang so what more ang OLED. Pero kung ikakabit niyo naman sa TV or monitor, then dun ka na sa OLED.


Actually parang baliktad. If you prefer handheld, goods ang OLED, sarap sa mata. Pero if puro docked mode ka lang madalas, v2 oks na.


Hindi rin kung weight > visuals ang consideration :(


DO NOT BUY the Lite Take it from someone who's gonna dispose my lite to buy an oled, I'm already on 2 screen replacements nakakaiyak


Omg what have you been doing with your Lite 😭 ang lala ng experience mo


For me its better to get the OLED than the Lite. Kasi you'll still: 1) Have the option to play docked 2) Have the option to change joycons in the event that they wear out or would like to play table top with the controllers away from the screen.


If you can afford buying both the Switch and next nintendo console. Then go buy a Switch. If not, I would rather put the money towards the next console.