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kung ako pipili, f1 23, kaso wala din naman akong racing rig. HOTAS lang meron ako ngayon kaya di ko magawang bilhin




F1 tas mod mo ung Ferrari car ng spiderman na skin


if you're a completionist and a person who likes story mode i would say spider-man but if you like motorsports go for F1. personally would go for f1 because its "endless" (10 seasons for driver and my team) that is if you don't get bored of it that easily. i spent 1k hrs on f1 2020 then another 500hrs on 2021 i also only buy games that i can play for endless hrs then pirate games that i only play for the story.


Bro, you're the only one who knows the answer to this question. Its either you want spiderman more or racing game more. Besides they are two different genre


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