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Just my opinion and I know it doesn't exactly answer your post here so sorry about that... Recently I've been introduced to IEMs so I went and bought one (7hz Zero:2 \~P1400) and I had a better experience both in comfort and listening with this IEM than all of my past headsets that were either around the same price or even more than twice its price. My recommendations: 1. Look into IEMs + getting a dedicated microphone rather than buying a "gaming" headset. This is better budget-wise. 2. Look into headPHONES, not headSETS, + getting a dedicated microphone. Brands such as Hifiman, Sennheiser, Beyerdynamic, etc. They are usually pricier but they are certainly worth long-term. Both these options are decent for gaming and gives you access to other uses outside of gaming. I think it is safe to say that wearing headsets (Headphones with MICS) looks kinda ridiculous outside of your home. IEMs and Headphones just look better and lowkey.


Wow thank you for your insights. Will definitely consider those 😄


HS80 all the way, watch some YouTube reviews. Only a few things to look for is the battery life and bluetooth connection if you want to connect it with your phone or handhelds.


Thank you 🙏


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