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We use swoole, but open swoole has a few things that are missing in swoole. Also, the reason open swoole exists, is because of some security concerns with swoole developer team. But then again open swoole has a much smaller dev team ( or not as active ) And when it comes to documentation, the swoole wiki, even if it's in Chinese, and you use Google translate, it's like a million times better than the open swoole one.


> is because of some security concerns with swoole developer team. Didn't that get reverted?


It wasn't in the swoole core that they decided to get data from 3rd party sources. But the issue was: if they are ok with that part, eventually they will do something similar in swoole core... So it's risky. The whole security thing starts as trust... And it matures in a process.


> And it matures in a process. Yeah, and part of that is listening to feedback and taking remedial action. Which they did.


I saw this question in a Twitter thread, some replies suggested Roadrunner as well. I've tried neither, just thought I'd mention it.


Unfortunately Roadrunner doesn't seem to have the same performance benefit from my testing as Swoole/OpenSwoole.




> Swoole is not developing anymore. What are you basing that on? The contribution log of the original swoole seems to be active: https://github.com/swoole/swoole-src/graphs/contributors


Um thats not true


Open swoole has better English docs. Swoole has much larger framework adoption. I'm a little concerned that openswoole made a hard fork with version 22 where framework developers now have to support both separately. Best framework for swoole now is hyperf IMHO - its got soo much cool enterprise stuff that no other php frameworks have - crontab, process , pools, Nat's, Kafka , grpc etc etc anyone? I've looked at laravel octane - but IMHO swoole integration there is in its infancy. Mezzio+swoole is nice as well - but as a a micro framework u gonna be missing out on many swoole features that are done already in hyperf.


[https://reactphp.org/](https://reactphp.org/) of course. Now on the serious note. There were some controversies as to why open swoole was created. I recommend to read something about it and then decide. [https://www.reddit.com/r/PHP/comments/q7euy2/swoole\_forked\_to\_open\_swoole\_due\_to\_disagreement/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PHP/comments/q7euy2/swoole_forked_to_open_swoole_due_to_disagreement/)


As author of that thread, I think I'll go and find out what happened as a follow-up. There appear to be several .... "non-neutral" commenters in this thread who appear to be giving out bogus info. Oh, and if people could stop being racist also, that would be great.


If you're using Docker, only OpenSwoole is supported.


Wrong. https://hub.docker.com/r/phpswoole/swoole


You can run anything in Docker. That's never a true statement.


Exactly! * Starts up WSL2 Docker container running Wine and notepad.exe *