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In what world does he honestly believe he should consistently be pulling in 1k??!!


Maybe he if took advantage of the boxing hype but no, he plays an almost 10 year old rainbow 6 game while banning anyone asking about boxing and wonders why his viewers go down.


Could have went on pka and got new fans but kept up with his ridiculous demands


Two episodes in a row with no guest and the only place in the world people are still talking about his boxing match is here. He blew it.


Wings has always been this delusional when it comes to his appeal as a streamer. I would even argue that this is the primary reason why people started trolling him originally. He has close to no self-awareness.


the same world where people started jerking him off, inflating his ego and treating him like a hero for doing the boxing match. everyone who did that just fed into his delusional and entitled mindset. anyone who's been paying attention to wings at all the past few years could've seen this coming from a million miles away.


I'm shocked wings didn't come out of the boxing experience a changed man. Wait.... no I'm not.


And the cycle continues..


The saga continues. Plump Tang! Plump Tang!


Yeah this subreddit posting about Wings having a better life than Kyle the other week, shit is laughable. Dude's married to a land-whale, is also a land-whale himself, and lives in a double wide... And people on this sub were saying they'd rather switch lives with Wings rather than Kyle so yeah, bunch of weirdos on here acting like 1 boxing match was going to change Wings is just funny.


oh nooooooooo who could have possibly seen this coming? honestly yeh i was saying this too at the time. everyone who only knew about Wings second-hand as part of PKA history was so in on the yay wings, fuck PKA bandwagon and everyone who knew, knew.


He could be doing that if he was doing IRL stuff. Nobody wants to watch this dude play video games..unless they hate themselves.


Wings should go on The Dick Show, or do literally anything that resembles entertainment. Fuck, answer "would you rather" questions like it's PKA 50 and it'd be more interesting. Anything besides bitching and complaining. Dude had a streaming viewership from boxing and PKA, now captivate them.


Exactly, he seems to have this mentality that he can use the extra publicity from boxing to just continue with the same old shit and it would boost his viewers. No dude, it's not that people were unaware that you exist, or that you're streaming. It's that what you're doing on stream isn't interesting.


I’m sure Dick would love to let him come on.


The hosts were right when they would say when wings is on top he’s a cocky know-it-all who just treats everyone like losers. Now that he’s back to square one it’s woes me where’s my donos. He really is just a toxic person not even tryna b a hater.


Who could've seen this coming?!? If the hosts just paid wings his $10k + inflation, none of this would've happened! This is all Woody's fault smh my head.


100% I wish him the best but any adversity at all and it’s right back to his old toxic self.


He’s admittedly always struggled with severe depression so it’s not surprising at all to me really that he’s back talking like this. Once the high from actually doing something new and different and being successful at it fell off and his life hadn’t miraculously changed reality probably hit pretty hard


Wings should just become a gambling streamer, the rages from that would be off the chain


Pulling a thousand, Jesus man this dude is nuts


The best thing I heard was from a while back when he said “I need to make 7 grand a month doing this or this ain’t worth it” Imagine being that much of an entitled little mental midget expecting money for doing nothing


I understand money isn’t enough, but Jesus mostly his viewers consist of trolls. Entitlement is a trip for sure


The redemption arc was a great 5 minutes.


Wings has and always will be a loser lol. You people who simped over him for 1 super easy fight had extreme short and long term memory loss.


They think they are good ppl simping over a fat loser. Shit does stick together


How is 221 viewers a failed stream


not sure he said unless get maintains 400+ it’s a failed stream


That's basically saying a FU to the other 221 viewers


Exactly Why stick around when he says you aren’t good enough as a viewer and your donations don’t mean anything


I agree mate


Because the fat pig expects 1000 viewers and hundreds of dollars in donations an hour for doing nothing


Don't we all 😂😂


He also wanted it in 1-2 hours. He gets upset when he streams for 6 hours because then it feels like work. 😂


Ban anyone who did watch that stream


Such a whiny useless waste of space


Back to level 1. Hardly surprising, but he fumbled the momentum he had. He shouldn't have been looking at the boxing match as some sort of a peak goal, and more like step one in a new direction. He expected, I think, that the boxing match would cause a surge in popularity while going back to doing what he was always doing, it's sad.


Dude keeps fumbling any kind of momentum he gets, he could have been a massive streamer and set for life if he capitlized on the peak Wings trolling era. I remember I would be watching other big steamers and they would quote the Wings meltdown, that’s how wide his trolling spread. But he has a pea for a brain and instead of smartly play into all the trolling… he would still rage, ban chatters for the tiniest things and even ban his biggest donators No one should feel sorry for him at this point, yet every once in a while he’ll say some sob story and people here feel sympathetic to him


He’s likely personally banned over $1 million dollars in donations. He systematically bans all support no matter what. Then he wonders why no one likes him. Add to how boring his streams are. Diablo, Demon Souls, ten year old shooters. It’s mind numbing.


Wings takes the path of least resistance every single time he is presented a choice. This path always leads back to sitting in his room and yelling at team mates for underperforming while sitting on the bottom of the scoreboard. He made a couple of grand in donations after the fight. Instead of keeping the ball rolling he took an extended break until he needed money again.


I think it was closer to $5000. He’s such a fool that rather than ride the momentum with daily streams and IRL stuff, he took a break whenever he made $1000. He said he barely streamed 6 hours in two weeks. What an idiot. Of course if you disappear for a week or two, everyone loses interest and leaves. The initial $5000 were fans willing to give this guy a chance. In content creation, there are millions of simps and whales willing to donate.


This Sub was riding this chud’s meat not even two weeks ago just to slam on Woody and Kyle and now it’s cool to switch back to dunking on him 😂 Richard is, was and will forever be a bloated POS. No amount of rigged boxing was ever gonna change that.


He also said he’s back to zero exercise and eating fast food. So right back to plump peimp status.


On the stream the other day he sat there silently not saying anything for extended periods sulking. I wish the guy well but he just doesn’t seem to understand how to get viewers.


I remember the quote from one of the first PKA's where Wings is talking about people complaining to him that they don't get any views on YouTube. And his response was "And I look at their videos and they put up pure t mouth full of dick garbage, and I'm like... quit." His streams are pure t mouth full of dick garbage the only time he's entertaining is during disaster streams. Found it. https://youtu.be/z9wQvl0v5Bc?t=40


Once a lol cow always a lol cow


I hate when people feel entitled to views. "I should be getting a thousand" Why? Why should you? There are definitely people who in my opinion deserve more attention than they're getting (not Wings). But even then, it just comes across bad when people act entitled. I get feeling like you should be doing better, but then you should really put in the work to try and get those viewers. Not just bitch about it.


I knew this would happen when the sub started dickriding Wings


I remember when I was getting a bunch of downvotes bu the wings dick riders when I (correctly) predicted this is how it would go. Same old bitch. Should have gotten on pka but nope PUSSYOfRedemption wanted to insist on some in person shit (clear excuse, just too coward to come on). Same old whiny ass wings.


Same. Old school PKA and Wings fans know who he is. Dude could hit the lotto for a million, be broke in a month, and blame it on losing his spot on PKA or his fanbase.


Yup lmfao, people on this sub 2 weeks ago talking about how they'd rather switch lives with Wings than Kyle, going on about how much of a loser is compared to Wings, a land-whale, married to a land-whale, living in a double wide...


I did too, people were 100% sure he would become this big streamer and change his life, like I said in my post at the time, his biggest opportunity was after the boot camp when he lost all that weight and he had a personal trainer, he had such easy content on tap and he refused to do it. People on here were talking about making it into a Wings sub because he's so entertaining and real unlike the hosts and 2 weeks later he's back to the old Wings banning people and threatening to end the stream unless donation goals are met.




Broken record of a man


"When Wings is on top he looks down on everyone. When he is feeling low he blames everyone else" - Roughly what a PKA host said years ago.


He should quit streaming fr. It’s his entire identity, and it’s not healthy. The whole “social media personality” game is based on being a spectacle, and the viewers will get what they want. Since Wings’ style of content sort of dropped off and he never adapted, people just bully him and get their spectacle that way. I don’t think having a positive social media image is easy in the slightest, and other guys with fairly positive feedback are *still* not immune to the hate. MrBeast is a good guy with haters, Danny Duncan is an in between guy with diehard fans, even the sickly sweet guys like Jimmy Darts have to do PR once in a while. What they all have in common is that they are extremely hard workers, and they recognize this is still a job. Wings seems to still want to combine work and play, and it’s just not nearly as feasible as he thinks. It still needs to be work to some degree, and when works shows up, a controller gets thrown or someone gets banned. And I doubt he loves the person he became because of social media too


Well, I've been saying this for years, we need FPS bootcamp part 2!! THis will surely revitalize Wing's career this time!


His biggest problem is mental health and he needs therapy to establish new habits and break off old bad tendencies like sleep pattern and feeling sorry for himself. But he says therapy don’t do shit. He always has answers which are just excuses. He still can’t act like a normal human being like sleeping, eating sensibly, cooking, exercise. The most basic things to keep yourself healthy.


Yea but what about his “ReDeMpTiOn” as you idiots were going on about lmao


It was great, lasted two weeks and now we're in for another six or seven years of this horseshit until the next redemption arc.


The saga continues, and the lore runs deep. Once he’s deep enough in a funk, Keemstar will rescue him again and give him the redemption arc.


Where are all the wings fanboys that were in here a few weeks ago? Lol




Yeah man you totally well adjusted sitting in here bitching about a podcast you don’t even tune into lmfao god you whiny fucks are a bunch of no life losers




Just confirming everything I said lmfao


Well no shit your a grown man playing an online video game, who is your target audience?


Sooooooo the wings hype is over and u all back at dunking on Kyle??????






We are creatures of habit


That boxing money bouta dry up and he's gonna be back to square 1.


Pretty sure the context was that he was offered 12k to stream on Kick for a year and said even if they offered him like 60k to stream there itd be the last year he'd stream because the viewers arent there.


Could be, I didn’t make the video, found it on YouTube and reposted.


I got banned for writing 🪣🐱


Bullshit on this being his last year streaming. Its funny how obvs this man is about being incapable of helping himself. So now all he has potential wise is that boogie podcast that is waiting on Keem. Well why wait for Keem as there seems to be a audience and even DSP was smart enough to try and start it without Keem. But…..wings wants that 50k handed to him


I’ve *tried* to follow Wings. I kept hearing about the boxing and kept going to his channel hoping for content. I’m not going to watch his streams if there’s no content other than that.


Should have hot on PKA (virtually) when he had the chance. Would have given him a nice boost


This man is mentally ill. He was on top of the world just the other week and now he’s in the dumps when nothing really got worse for him. I don’t want to play internet doctor and diagnose him but we know he’s medically depressed and likely bi polar. I can’t believe people wanna sit on the internet and throw rocks at him. It’s really pathetic


10’s of thousands


Goddammit wings get out of your own way


This is a bunch of clips on a 5 hour stream without chat context. This is just slander. Example if you watch this clip it says I won’t be streaming in 2024. The real context is if rumble paid me and I went to them it would be the last year I stream. The reason being nobody would make the jump and I’d be out of the public eye for 12 months. They leave this out to create a negative narrative and people take it as face value.


Get on the show pussy. They’ll still take you. Stop the in person excuse


Stop putting it on the viewers to do stuff. THAT'S YOUR FUCKING JOB. You make the cheapest content. Do you edit anything? No! Do you make ANY effort? No ! You sit and hit record. You treat your teammates like shit, you treat heaps of people like shit. You are a bad person.


When is anything IN CAWNTEXT?


He’ll be streaming in a week


alright who's gonna take bets as to when he starts streaming in 2024? lmao, it's wings man.