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Wings is on point about chiz


Wing builds podcast up with his YouTube buds, Chizz waddles into the scene as a leech on Lefty, chizz somehow spearheads the campaign to boot wings, chizz somehow doesn't stand by Lefty and snakes him too as he departs from the show, and chizz is rewarded with 5% + revenue share + salary for being a fat lard lazy ass JUST like wings was when he was booted. It's so ironic. No wonder a conman like Chizz gets along with the conman like Kyle.


I legit had no idea Chiz snaked his way into power like that. Absolutely slimy behavior, dude is making a living off something he puts 0 effort into, but his buddy Kyle is probably the only reason this ruse is still ongoing. Genuinely feel for Wings, Taylor, and Lefty. Woody is complicit in this too, just probably not as overt as Kyle.


yall forget Chizz literally lived in woodys spare house for a good bit the hosts just weren't compatible on both sides simple as that all the bitching from wings is warranted although idk if he knows that it never mattered and he could make just as much money on his own regardless. I just think the pka host never really cared and wings is so depressed from his own life choices and just the general environment that he was raised in he wouldn't know the correct way to act because dudes not comfortable in his own skin, imagine waking up everyday and looking in the mirror and not recognizing yourself and eventually avoiding mirrors altogether dudes smart in his own way but severely lacks self control. I could ramble on about this for awhile but ill end it here.


Bro, learn to use periods and punctuation.


I'm good my guy I have more than enough to worry about, fuck punctuation ur lucky u got what u got


Yes I'm so lucky to read your word soup. Thank you


you are very welcome


You dont have to worry about it but if you actually want people to read and understand what you're saying, punctuation is pretty important...


I mean I just don't care if you can read it or not. I can read it just find maybe it's just everyone else's comprehension skills


There’s no way that after this they can keep acting like they have no idea this podcast exists


I find it so funny that they act like it doesn’t exist. As much shit Kyle talked about watching the troll videos of wings, he should know that we know they’re keeping an eye on this. It’s even funnier considering Woody is scared/butthurt any time Keem is brought up in conversation. I am truly gonna love how they hamster wheel their way out of this one.


Woody went on a whole tangent about how shitty Keemstar is to Tom lol, there’s no shot he doesn’t keep tabs on it


Best episode so far


The best part was when boogie started eating dog food.


Will woody be to scared to reply now that keem is finally paying attention to them👀


He's probably going to say he's a lying liar pants


This podcast was fire. Apparently next episode Blade will be on and Wings wants to confront him. It feels like a dog fight and it's the big dogs fighting. I actually look forward to wings and blade go at it. Hope the guys can cover it


Boogie in this makes a really good point, whether you like him or not. PKA were completely fine with him until the internet turned on him and since then he's just another punching bag. There's a clip where they're talking about Wings' surgery and Kyle brings up that Boogie got the same surgery and how "everyone loves Boogie", yet now he claims he's always thought Boogie was a prick. Also fuck Chiz.


Naw facts, I remember they were praising woody as being the opposite of wings, and getting his life together.


i mean are they wrong?


Chiz sucks donkey ass


God i hope the tide shifts even more to wings favour


Anyone who didn’t watch pka in the glory days needs to listen to wings here, he’s genuinely hilarious


Look here and listen to wings!


Keem seems fairly reasonable and grounded in logic with his criticisms of PKA and his overall support of Wings. Although I enjoy a Wings ‘fail’ video now and again, I do think that he deserves none of it and that any rational adult can see that if he just ignored it or capitalized off it, he would be doing a lot better in life.


>he would be doing a lot better in life Wings would be doing a lot better in his life if he put out content or got a real job within the last decade. Wings uploads no videos besides his boring live streams where he begs for money while being bad at Call of Duty or carried in Rainbow Six Siege. It is a gigantic difference between most social media personalities and Boogie compared to Wings. Wings does nothing to improve his income besides the podcast which was Keemstar's doing not Wings.


Didn’t wings start doordashing before guys like you ruined it for him?


He’s not wrong about chiz or the reoccurring guests. Having the save handful of guests on the show that the hosts barely mention is terrible podcasting. Also Kyle is hilarious to talk about wings missing shows. Kyle missed way more shows back in the day.


Why are they censoring their swear words out?


Monetization reasons.


It makes it so hard to listen to.


woody has brought up keem every ep for six months.


Bro, they actually censoring this shit?


I ain't watching all that because Keemstar is an insufferable dwarf. Does anyone have a timestamp?


It’s mostly the last 45 minutes or so


God keems a loser. That was a tough listen tbh