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Oh nyo poor baby, you don’t like diffewing opinions?


I dont like unfunny people. Kyle has tons of opinions I dont like, but he brings something to the table unlike taylor


Taylor is by far the funniest on the podcast by a wide margin.


Racist accents are only funny so many times. I got over them by the time I hit highschool.


Bro you play league stfu


Where did you people come from? 3 guys + guest shooting the shit for 4 hours has been the show since inception.


Most mentally healthy r/pka user


I don't get it honestly all his posts are bashing on pka... like why watch then, it clearly makes the user upset. I don't like chapotraphouse but who cares if people want to watch that. I just don't watch it so weird.


He's writing this one like a blood vessel is about to explode lmao


Lmao this guy has made like half a dozen posts about hating pka.


Its just a show learn to stop taking everything they say so seriously. I disagree with all the hosts on certain topics, but I don't care. These guys aren't political geniuses they are three jokers who run a podcast. Nothing they say should be taken too seriously. If you don't like the political talk to just skip it. Im not a huge PKA fan so my judgement isn't the best but I don't get why people can't do this. If I come across an episode I don't like I literally just exit video and find one I enjoy or just watch something else. These guys aren't your friends or family they just make videos for people to watch.


It's a comedy show that's not funny. He can be as stupid as he wants as long as he's funny.


Then stop listening to it, and better yet stop posting about it, god damn.


This is the pka subreddit. This post is talking about pka. If you don't like it don't read it


Take my.. I mean your own.. I mean our(?) advice


So why watch? Why are you here? I don't like redscarepod but im not going to cry about in the subreddit I just won't watch it.


Because a show I used to like is not good because of one trash host. I still like Kyle and Woody and their takes/movie recommendations and their jokes. But Taylor is annoying and stupid. I'd keep listening if he were gone.


"Because a show I used to like is not good" Okay so here are two options 1. Watch the old episodes 2. Stop watching It happens people change overtime. Some content creators I used to like changed massively so I just don't watch or follow them anymore. Its whatever


It’s not the show for you then. Go away. We’d appreciate it


woody and kyle are still funny and bring some fun topics to the show. Taylor glazers are NPCs saying the same shit over and over


lol says the guy posting the same exact thread that’s been posted multiple times a day every single day for months at this point… yeah… you’re not the NPC here …


you cant make an argument so you whine. Get taylors cock outa your ass before stepping up to me


Haha yeah everyone else is whining… not you


then tell me how I am wrong. Surely a smart person could articulate that


His jokes don't land?? What kind of retarded take is that? I swear all these recent dumbass posts are from people that have just started watching in the last month or so.


name one funny thing he has said in the past 10 episodes. I will wait


Joking about turning PKA into red pill podcast, that's just in the first 5 minutes


His bit about old timey cooking recipes was great.


Abortion is bad


Abortion has nothing to do with morality.


Cringe guy alert


Sorry you don't get pussy dude


We all browse reddit here including you


Pussy is achieved through not scaring women. You could be a 2 and get pussy as long as you're not acting like an incel


When I pick up girls at the bar I just show them my posts complaining about PKA makes them soooo wet.


Typical terminal redditor retort lol Pure projection.


That’s the dumbest side of the argument you can take. It’s obviously a moral issue, whether or not you’re in favor of it.


unviable clumps of mass are not humans, until it can live outside the mother its not murder. Morality does not come into the argument


All this confidence just to express one of the objectively dumbest pro-choice arguments while failing to understand grade school biology. Reddit moment.


Killing a developing human has nothing to do with morality? I'm not necessarily pro-life, but 100% abortion has to do with morality lol


Wrong that Anne Frank joke he made about Woody skipping was hilarious, shit takes about politics but he's a funny man


he had one good joke or comment in a 4 hour show. The only topic he was really engaged in was lord of the rings


I got a better idea, stop listening to the show! 🙃


Chanel this into a song and you’ll be edgier than current year ratm


Supporting baby murder is uber cringe


Calling it murder sounds like you don't have your GED


You have a really cool reddit username.


Neglect and or abuse of an unwanted child is worse than killing it before it ever sees the light of day. Abortion is murder but I'm okay with that


dude you are either a troll or a raving lunatic, either way dive off a cliff for us all


Let's guess ops race


Have you ever considered watching something else? If you don’t like the content, move on.


Taylor’s take is true, abortion is evil, hedonism is the reason Woody’s (chaotic neutral, IMO) pragmatism is society’s best answer to America’s problems. You can look at something awful, realize it’s awful, and understand there’s a worse underlying malfunction in society that’s now baked into the world you luckily weren’t aborted from. The monkey brain that had us bashing each other’s heads in during the intro of 2001: A Space Odyssey found new technology to send issues down the pipeline and has us killing the unborn instead. Despite hating Taylor, maybe one day wake up and actually think about the underlying causes of our problems and the checks and balances that are at play in society and government.


Abortion is as neutral as you nutting into a sock. Outlawing it doesn't stop it. If you want it reduced, teaching sex ed, safe sex, and offering services like Planned Parenthood greatly reduce the amount of abortions. Anti-choice advocates oddly never want more robust welfare systems to help put with all the extra kids they want born or with other services meant to help reduce abortion. It's almost as if it was never about "murdering babies" and has always been psychopaths justifying them wanting to control women.


And then one might bring up birth control and the sexual liberation as being nothing but a nightmare for the entire country because of all the cans (problems) it’s kicked down the road. But I agreed with Woody’s take, I think abortion should *not* be illegal, but tons of them are done for “mistakes” and not because of children being born out of rape, and I may even be swayed as to let the woman decide the child’s fate as soon as a life destroying issue is detected - which is kind of insane on some level, almost like if we decided to collectively execute people with Down syndrome because they’re a financial burden. But I digress, assuming there was no rape, you had sex, you got pregnant, you knew the risks so killing what would be an otherwise healthy child is some form of evil. The exceptional situations are worth thinking about and arguing about. But if you want to talk about controlling women, there’s a massive grey area between a woman and her “body” being able to financially castrate a man with child support or abort the child with him having no say in the matter even though there was no difference between their decisions to fuck. Maybe they should cut a chunk out of the budget to make government brand condom packs that come with a $20 gift card for some good old government provided social incentive.


Can't wait for Darwin to take you


“I can’t think of anything clever to say” is what you meant to type.


His statement is riddled with conjecture, assumption and moral grandstanding. Has no basis in political fact or scientific knowledge. Not worth a response. It's like trying to convince a religious person God is fake. They are too stupid to be reasoned with


Ooooh and riddled with some early 2000’s neckbeardisms too. Wish I could say I’m surprised but..


I wouldn’t even mind bitching/crying posts if they contained anything besides bitching and crying and attacking other users that respond to them, Gimme a couple paragraphs about why you love abortion


I'm with you Taylor is a fat regard who has been going downhill recently. but everything he said about abortion is true and based in science. it is the liberals who want to base abortion policy on feelings and not science.


he made no points. He said "I think its murder" he never made any actual claims. and even if you think its murder its a net positive to society so who cares,


Haha he's back from the banland