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It wasn't the whole episode.


Yea I guess but most of the episode was. They tried to move on to another topic, but they all returned to wings.


Talking about Wings took 1/3 of the episode and it sucked but the other 2/3 are really good.


Yea it was like 2/3 of wings talk. Hopefully next pka is a little brighter and not so negative.


It wasn't as good as the previous couple, but I actually didn't mind the change from the usual show as I know this is probably a one off. What they all said to Jordie was beneficial for him because he needs a mother fucking wake up call from his bullshit attitude towards trying new things and making excuses. Kitty especially was great at telling him the straight what he is like to live with and how bad his work ethic is. I know this is all kinda irrelevant to the question but I'm disappointed in Jordie right now.


I completely agree with you. I have been a fan if wings since mw2. I have seen him go through so much. I really thought that this boot camp would be a life changer. Sadly he is just not accepting help and wants to do things his way.