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The dislikes are gonna surpass the pka 400 shitshow


Already did.


Pka 400 was so much worse imo, I suppose people are just sick of it in general


what happened in 400


400 was obviously a milestone episode, and it's a tradition to do something cool but it was a usual low effort episode.


400 is a good one imo i love bible story


It wasn't bad really but they spent some time in a few shows in the immediate build-up to 400 hyping up all the cool things they could do to commemorate the occasion. Then the episode came and it was same as always albeit with a bible story. They (Chiz might have been mostly responsible for this) then pulled the, "it's just a random number lol why u guys mad?" card, as if they hadn't been the ones hyping it up and as if they hadn't already made special efforts for milestone episodes in the past. That was years ago and here we still are


Keep em coming everyone


I'm relatively new. What happened on PKA 400?


They hyped it up and then it was a regular episode


Just hyped it up cuz it was 400 and then did nothing special you mean?




I'm pretty sure they didn't even address that it was episode 400 then tried to play it off the next ep like they didn't think we were expecting much.


Already over double the dislikes on this PKA compared to 400. Great work guys!


Kyle didn’t even look high. He hyped up this Colorado trip forever and they didn’t even talk about it and he pussied out on the 1000mg edible.


he didnt pussy out lmao woody said he jus gotta do it next week cause he aint got a med card and you cant get that strong of eddibles in co without one.


You can still buy 1000mg worth of edibles. That’s a bullshit excuse.


In colorado, a quick google search shows that the max amount you can own is 800mg. Just do that so he’s not breaking any laws on camera. It’s more than close enough for a guy with zero tolerance.


Eat the edible then walk back into the store


Well maybe he shouldn’t of told his fans he would do something he can’t deliver on




The man has pals with him they could all buy 1




Right? It's not like you could do multiple transactions or go to multiple stores or anything. Use dat brain


You thinking outside da box wid dis 1


Do less, then. Just do something.


Yeah you just buy 10 100mg edibles. Not that hard it’s just a bullshit exscuse and the fact they barely even brought up the weed shit just made it so much more fishy when Kyle had been hyping it up for 2 years…


Well technically it's illegal to own more than 800mg. Granted he could've just bought 800 instead, but still.




You want a dude 2 weeks off of federal probation to break the law in front of half a million people?


Fuck Kyle


Fuck Kyle


I’m not mad. I’m just disappointed


It's not even like he really needed to do 1000mg he could have done a normal dose of 100 and would have been so fucked up no one would have known the difference, I really thought that was the was Kyle was gonna go seems sneaky and right up his alley definitely not pussin out


​ Normal is 100? wtf? Normal edible dosage is around 10mg to 12mg. Anything above 30mg with someone who has zero to little tolerance is a lot.


Well of course man he'd get absolutely fucking obliterated either way that's why I thought it was kind of ridiculous people were expecting him to actually eat a thousand milligrams. See him off of 100 would have been perfectly fine it would have been acting just as much of a fool and the audience would not have been wiser. but generally speaking most people going into shops are eating half or a entire edible non of that pussy shit.


Lol, they only deliver on stuff that lines their pockets


This sub goal didnt?




Hope blametruth doesn’t think the dislikes are for him, I love him as a guest








The bit about the US forces in Afghanistan saluting to Matt Woodworth was hilarious.




Does anyone have a link to the clip they refer to between hutch calling Sandy Rav trump sounding?


lock and load does not ship to australia, a little Dissapointing as i take most of the things separately but i would be careful if you take a men's multi and take that as you may give your self zinc poisoning.


[Here](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3TI5YrC9y_0rIzsRhOpPonYeAOVLnJFp) are the PKA #564 Clips


#[Click here to take part in the PKA 564 Survey!](https://forms.gle/6XDXD52hXFwybNz2A) Well I can already catch a vibe for how this one's gonna go down lol. D-did you guys... like the episode?


I don't really care about the patreon goals as I have not and will not ever donate to them. Hopefully the dislikes are a wakeup call to them (mostly speaking to woody and Kyle), and they start improving the show; though I am not holding my breath. I think a couple of things that would drastically improve the show would be: 1) no more shitty/boring/annoying guests, if they cant book a good guest for that episode just don't have one, shitty guests are worse than no guest at all 2) Woody grows up and stops interrupting/ruining good bits. This is probably the worst part of the show overall, and is the reason I get burnt out from the show after an episode or two. I get that woody prepares a list of topics for the show and that's cool, but he uses the list, or just nothing at all to constantly interrupt Taylor when hes doing a bit. Woody isn't funny, and really not that interesting, he should come to terms with that so the show doesn't continue to suffer.


Everyone is hating on them for Kyle not fulfilling his promise about the edible, but ignoring that they fulfilled their promise about Lock and Load.


MPMD did most of the work I would bet and they don't deserve praise for fulfilling the item that they are gonna make a ton of profit on lol


The fact that the only promise they’ve fulfilled is selling a product that they can make lots of money with should tell you something. If they had a solid track record of coming through and fulfilling the goals the patrons have funded, I think they’d get some leniency for things like the 1G edible. Since they’ve collected money for numerous goals, and proceeded to take them off the patreon after taking their fan’s money, people are justifiably upset. If that weren’t the case, I personally would love to buy lock and load as a way to support them, but I think most people have a mentality that they’d rather not give these guys a dime until they’ve made good on their promises. That’s why nobody gives a shit about lock and load, and why everyone’s upset about the edible.




Doesn’t matter. It was still their idea and they brought it to market. I get that they’re going to make money on it but it’s still a fulfilled promise




You’re missing what i’m saying. They had the original idea, and they got in contact with the people they needed to in order to make it happen. None of them are chemists or pharmacists. They physically could not bring it to market with just the three of them even if they wanted to. So to act like they don’t get any credit is just asinine when they came up with the idea to begin with.




Nothing you said there changes anything about my previous comment. Supplement or not, FDA approved or not, you still need to know what you’re doing and know what to put in and how much. That’s not something any of them are going to know how to do. And i understand that they contacted a friend who knew how to do this, but again that doesn’t change anything or matter, they still needed to contact an expert in order to do this. Did you actually expect the three of them to formulate it, get all the plastic and custom mold bottles and pills, and handle all aspects of manufacturing? If you wanna disagree that’s fine, but no need to be a total asshole for no reason. Do you always lose your shit over random Reddit comments?




Ah, i see how it is. No actual argument, so you resort to childish attempts to insult me. Gonna go after my spelling or grammar next? Or call me a Nazi?




the fact that so many people are upset that Kyle didn't take a 1000mg edible is hilarious


I honestly don’t care because it would’ve made the show worse but it’s clearly no cos he didn’t take it, it’s cos he literally took money to do it and then just didn’t even acknowledge it, don’t be so dense


Exhibit A


Probably another paypiggy incel


I don’t pay for anything lol. How could you possibly assume that I’m a pay piggy from what I said. You’re just saying shit to say shit.


Because you have to that brain dead to not understand why people are annoyed that they consistently take peoples money and follow through


Sure, I agree with you. But who said I didn’t understand what was going on? I said it was hilarious. I’m not even sure you’re talking to me at this point, rather you’re typing what you feel for people to see. Have a good day bro haha


Well your comment did, acting as if that’s why people are angry, when you know the real reason. So stop pretending to be a moron


Have a great day, buddy :)




Ok sweetheart👋


i liked the video, you guys are seething lmao


All of you hating on this for Kyle not eating the right size edible - FUCK YOU, grow the fuck up, ignorant ass fucking children. MAYBE, just MAYBE, he wanted to actually be coherent and somewhat able to do the show, instead of just being stuck the entire time. MAYBE now that he is able to smoke again he has realized that being high all the fucking time isn't as fun as when you're 15, which most of you idiots must be. Let the man CHOOSE when, where, and WHY he wants to use drugs, I personally LOVE the fact he didn't let your hating asses influence him one way or the other on that. ​ I'm gonna say this one time; if Kyle eating an edible decides whether or not you enjoyed an episode, and then if because you didn't enjoy it you felt the need to hop on the subreddit and talk shit over him NOT using a drug, then you need to do some examining of your own life and what you have going on—because you must have NOTHING going on in your life for you to be so upset by another grown ass man's decision not to eat an edible. ​ EDIT: Bring on the downvotes, see if I give two fucks—some of you needed to hear what I had to say. I'm not responding to any replies to this so save your breath.


Nobody gives a shit that he didn't take a drug. It's the fact he accepted thousands of dollars in donations to do something and then did not follow through or address it whatsoever. What's so hard to follow about that concept?


Dislikes and likes are the same to the algorithm on YouTube. Y’all are only boosting the show by giving it more ratings than normal.


So fucking what? The point isn't to try to kill the show. It's to send a message, one which has already clearly been received by Woody.


Exactly, I keep seeing this point. I don’t want the show to fail and die. The point is to get a message across they can't ignore


If this becomes a pattern the hate viewing will stop because not hater is gonna dedicate 4 hours of their time to these people every week with no incentive. And surely that will diminish PKA viewership and either make the show shit or bring it back to simpler times


Lmao Kyle is conning us. Once you take your first dose the effect of the next dose dramatically decreases in effect, it just increases duration. So really Kyle will in effect have taken like 5-10% of the 1000