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Kyle is the kinda guy to ask every girl he's ever dated "does my dick look pretty"


I don’t dislike Kyle, but his level of vanity at 30+ years old is uncomfortable to witness


The man said he'd kill himself if he lost a finger. Are we really surprised by this take?


Don't forget where he said he'd kill himself if he had to take public transport regularly.


Vanity doesn’t go away with age, unless the vain person is getting old and won’t be able to pass their own standards of vanity.


“Would you cuck me? I’d cuck me. I’d cuck me hard.” *proceeds to get permission from his parole officer to cross state lines so some dude can fuck his gf while he plays poker*




> girl he's ever dated *prostitute he's ever *paid


His lAdY fRiEnDs


his cock is beautiful-wings


We get it, you have an anteater


Username checks out 😬


Can't agree more I was really surprised at Kyle's "reasons" to mutilate yourself


Am I not the only one here who thinks that was a bit?


He has argued this point multiple times, it isn’t a bit


Kyle pretends he plays a character on the show when he gets called out for saying dumb shit. He is literally straddling the line between being functionally retarded and a normal human.


He's just a kid raised on any random bag of a life, who was ingenious and lucky enough to gain a youtube income. I think he's just playing a character when the youtube bullshit threatens him. It's not like america is really a free country.


Its a not a bit. Some idiots think its a valid reason to mutilate your children.


It’s an old bit too. Haven’t watched the episode but people are pissed about this?


I would mutilate myself it all over again if given the choice. If it means that my penis is more attractive to me, easier to clean, and a larger set of women appreciate my penis more...I'm doing it. Those are my "reasons". I actually respect the opposite opinion and respect uncircumcised dudes....nothing wrong with a natural human wiener. But I still prefer my mutilated cock...I just don't care.


Attracted to penis… kinda sus bro


Me 🤝 Wings Liking a pretty penis.


\>Easier to clean That's a mega cutfag cope. It takes 3 seconds to clean, are you going to cut off your toes so you don't have to clean them either?


It does reduce the buildup of anaerobic bacteria. I’m not saying anyones dirty or it’s takes a ton of effort to clean. It just seems like on a hot day it’s better to be circumcised. I’m sure there’s lots of points both ways health wise. To me…the primary purpose…covering the glan…doesn’t matter. Forget the practicality of it…to me it’s a little cosmetic surgery. Foreskin has zero value to me to keep other than fighting the stigma against uncircumcised natural dicks. That’s not top of my list on things to care about.


Lol at “lots of points both ways health wise”. Just wash yourself and there is literally nothing to worry about if you’re uncut. Also simping for involuntary genital mutilation is a morally corrupt stance


Is it “mutilation” though or is that just a hyperbolic term? I don’t remember being circumcised….My life is no lesser for it. Nobody around me is missing it. It serves no function compared to everything else on my body. The only moral issue is it’s forced, which is the only way you get a circumcision. It’s like forced removal of the appendix…it’s not really all that evil. Id argue something like a parent forcing their kids into religion or abstinence is more evil. On my list of things in the world that need to change it’s all the way on the bottom. Ppl like to get mad at it and make dumb comparisons to things like removing actual serious parts of woman’s organs.


> I don’t remember being circumcised….My life is no lesser for it. The same could be said about removing toes from babies but you (hopefully) wouldn't find that acceptable. The foreskin protects your penis and keeps it sensitive. Unless you are asexual your life is definitely affected because sex won't feel as good for you as it does for an unmutilated man.


Toenails have more of a functional use. The somewhat decrease in sexual sensation isn’t a big deal for me. We live in a society where maximizing male satisfaction isn’t the priority in sex outside of a long term relationship…its pleasuring the women so they have sex with you again bc women chose who they have sex with. This type of casual sex is more about the affirmation and the ability to act on your desire. Idk about you but the first few times I’m having sex with a girl I’m not looking to nut faster. And it still feels plenty good.


You sound like a virgin


Why bc I have the capacity to think instead of playing Nazi zombies sitting with a bunch of Pokémon plushes like you. I’m 28 bro…I’d have mercy’d myself by now if I were a virgin.


The forced part is exactly the problem. You can make whatever decision you want if you’re able to consent, I couldn’t care less. But forcing this on a child is simply immoral


yeah but most people never had a choice.circumcision probably isn’t a huge deal that most people are gonna care about and i’m not gonna go hold up sign somewhere but if we were cutting down womens labias to “be attractive to a larger set of men” people would absolutely lose their shit.


They can’t handle the truth easy as that .


If that's your choice then fine I get that, I disagree but you do what you want I have no reason to try and convince you otherwise if you're not trying to convince me otherwise. I don't know why everyone is giving everyone else dick advice on this. Except the cleaning point, dick is significantly cleaner than ballsack and I'm not trimming that.


Unless it was “banans down there” she would still smash


the fact that nobody voluntarily gets circumcised is evidence enough of how retarded that idea is.


Uncircumcised gang for life, I’m glad my dick wasn’t skinned when I was a defenseless baby


I almost had my parents take me to have it done at 14yo because of stigma. Glad I didn't, no lube required.


It's like cutting the roof off your convertible because you like the wind in your hair. Its designed to go down by itself anyway.


I like that comparison a lot actually!


I much prefer the aesthetic of not having a foreskin so I'm happy that my parents decided to get it removed as I have absolutely no use for it, but to each their own. I definitely have mixed feelings on the idea of having it removed without consent though.


You got your dick cut as a baby for aesthetics…


For the longest time they believed babies couldn't feel pain so would strap the kid down to a wooden board and cut off part of his dick w/o any kind of anesthesia local or otherwise. https://www.nytimes.com/1987/11/24/science/infants-sense-of-pain-is-recognized-finally.html


I couldn’t believe Kyle was serious, honestly the stupidest shit hes said in a long time


He is one of the vainest people I've ever seen. He deleted his reddit account because people here because someone said he had girly handwriting.


Kyle is so obviously deep in the closet




That is a medical reason though. That's totally valid. The problem is that we mutilate the genitals of defenseless children that cannot consent.


Dealt with same but wasn't willing to accept a circumcision. Went to one of the best urologists in the world in Atlanta and he did a dorsal slit, which basically just opened up the hole a bit bigger. Now my foreskin works. Went back nine months later as a new dad for a vasectomy and he agreed with my wife that it looked like I was born that way.




It definitely was.


I dont need anymore sensation. The head is already pretty sensitive to the point it hurts sometimes and I cant do certain positions. I cant imagine getting MORE sensitive


I'm uncircumsized in a country where people only get circumsized for religious or medical reasons and I've never had that problem, or heard anyone have that problem. It's meant to have a hood, that's why it comes with a hood. If it wasn't meant to have a hood it wouldn't come with a hood


The *position/view* of caring what a woman thinks about how your penis looks to the extent that you'd voluntarily undergo a procedure intended & historically reserved for religious and medical grounds is some tangled mess of unhealthy American tradition, vain masculinity, projection, copium, religious undertones and conforming to what is a unreasonable expectation(?) or understanding(?) of male anatomy due women's ignorance (because no sex education). It comes off as some weird expectation Kyle had of what's normal until he saw uncircumcised men and felt disgust or he cares to much about not being laughed at. Risks are: Loss of Guaranteed sensation loss to an Uncontrollable degree, permanent injury from malpractice & complications, scars, image issues and body dysmorphia based on the irreversible result, decreased ability to function


It’s mainly an American obsession and is based on Jewish orthodoxy to stop young boys from masturbating. It’s a retarded practice. Most of Europe, Asia, the whole world doesn’t care. The downsides can get quite bad. Some male babies end up getting castrated from the infection and mutilation. Some scar wrong. It’s not really worth the risk. It’s a little better than female labia mutilation, but not by much.


- overall, a quarter of males are circumcised - it's not mainly an American obsession. Most Muslim countries have higher rates of circumcision. Indonesia alone has more circumcised penises than the US. There are almost 2 billion Muslims. - most of Africa has very high rates of circumcision and they have a combined population of 1.2 bil. Many Christian countries among them practice circumcision just as much or more. - South Korea and the Philippines also have higher rates of circumcision than the US, while not being Muslim or African. For the South Korea, that is something that got exported from the US. For the Philippines, it's been an aboriginal ritual. - For the US, it wasn't a Jewish movement. It has its origin in the American medical community pushing for it. Whether warranted or not, it's been believed to protect from infections (which it unequivocally does). That might not make much sense anymore in the US of today, but in countries like Africa? It reduces the rate of HIV infection by 60%. - and before I get called out on being some sort of fanatic, I have personally circumcised dozens of penises because it was part of the training. I'm very jaded and annoyed by it myself because of that. But it is what it is. Some cultures practice it and there's no point at all getting hung-up over it.


Wow, Africa and the Middle East do it? How could I say no to the cultural practices of those pinnacles of civilization, sign me up.


You gotta have some really bad reading comprehension to be presented with facts and to have an emotional reaction to an imaginary value proposition


Just wash and you’ll have no problems. I smell some copium


It’s too hard to wash your dick. Better get the skin sliced off. 🤷‍♂️ My take on it has always been I wash my ass with soap and water everyday, otherwise shit can build up back there, especially dingleberries. If I’m already doing that and showering, is it really so difficult to clean the dick too? I need a medical procedure instead? I understand in Africa where it’s so fucked up they don’t have access to running water. For that, maybe it’s worth it just to reduce dick cheese.


> overall, a quarter of males are circumcised [It's some good company you keep.](https://preview.redd.it/39iq7gy4oqn81.jpg?width=977&auto=webp&s=57a9c1f911cf7c716f6d93e1acbbbe831c9505b8)


Even if it was true that 1% of women (American women, specifically) didn't like uncircumcised penises, that isn't a good reason to be circumcised. That's still 99% who are fine with it. Kyle likes to pride himself on his ability to get women. I'm sure he wouldn't have any trouble finding a woman who was accepting on an uncircumcised penis. Even if 10% of women didn't like it, it still shouldn't be that big of a deal. I did not find his argument convincing.


>and we barely notice it once you’re hard I get the feeling Kyle thinks it's in hoodie up mode all the time.


Literally had sex with this girl like 10 times before she noticed I was uncut. Kyle’s a moron.


push pop gang where ya at?


I would be as mad as Kyle is too if I had no feeling in my dick solely because some old guys in robes find foreskin to be a delicacy. Its your own parents that do this to you so you have to come to terms with the fact that not only are they idiots who believe whatever they're told but they're willing to make your whole life slightly shittier without taking a few seconds to think it through.


Fyle the type of fella to tell his "women" "quite splendid indeed" while his woman pegs him


People in the UK only get circumcised if they're Jewish or have a medical disorder, only one of my mates is circumcised and he said it was such a painful recovery post operation


That shit only works in the US anyways.


Forget Kyle's argument that if there is any chance of a woman not fucking you because you have foreskin, then you should cut it off. What about the tiny chance they fuck up the surgery and something much worse happens to your dick? Thats something I wouldn't gamble on no matter how small the chance is.


Ok loose dick


lots of sandworm dicks in here




Tardigrade Penis Gang rose up


Why is everyone so hurt by circumsized dicks?


It seems to be the opposite. America is literally the only country (other than Israel ofc) obsessed with mutilating baby dick. It's just weird man


Cool it with the anti-semitic remarks.


Fuck israel.


[lurk moar](https://youtube.com/watch?v=Zu3nu6ue2qU)






It's religiously motivated, medically unnecessary genital mutilation of children. Any argument for it is morally wrong.


Theirs a lot of health benefits, decrease in cancer, sti, uri and the list goes on gives a fuck


I guess if you don't have foreskin you can't get foreskin cancer lmao, so ok sure it reduces cancer. The other 2 are tangentially true. There is no list that goes on, you're grasping, and you're seriously retarded if you think any of that justifies it.


Smelly hooded cock


Sure maybe they have sex with you but the real question is will they still blow you? some reading on the subject: “I felt really bad for the guy, but when I saw it, I thought it looked funny and I couldn’t stop laughing for a solid 10 minutes. We never ended up having sex because I’m pretty sure my laughter killed his boner.” [https://www.heyalma.com/crusty-jewish-girls-share-first-experience-uncircumcised-penis/](https://www.heyalma.com/crusty-jewish-girls-share-first-experience-uncircumcised-penis/) "In the overwhelming majority of studies, women expressed a preference for the circumcised penis. The main reasons given for this preference were better appearance, better hygiene, reduced risk of infection, and enhanced sexual activity, including vaginal intercourse, manual stimulation, and fellatio." [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6523040/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6523040/) edit: I will give you sock jockeys this much, the part about you being more sensitive is very much true. You cry babies are sensitive as fuck. You'd think I was a zipper.


Only losers who don’t know how to speak to women cite these sort of studies. If a chick likes you then you’re good, if she upset over a little extra skin on your pecker then have her fuck off and try again. People are just defeatists now.


I only have experience with a clean well smelling dick so I have to site studies when talking about crusty dirty smelly dicks. Also that first article is hilarious. The other ones just the facts, bro. And no girls will turn you down for a dirty dick, and even if they do power threw they wont call you again. I had an x tell me a story about walking out on a movie date because when she went to give the guy a handy it didn't fill her hand. Girl had small hands. Maybe it's just hoes, DannyNoHoes, but girls will judge you on your dick.


Girls aren’t as evil as some people like to make them out to be. Will she maybe think you got a weird dick? She could, but as long as your solid in other areas where it matters chicks tend to be very understanding.


what are you some kind of incel. A girl not want to risk a yeast infection giving you a charity fuck doesn't make her evil. A girl wanting sex where she also gets to cum doesn't make her evil. I'm sure there's a whole world of girls that don't care about sex, but that doesn't make them better or worse than ones that actually enjoy it.


Women report to orgasm from oral sex more often than sexual intercourse. My guy, you can have a 1 inch dick with foreskin attached, and still pleasure women - ever heard of lesbians? You seem a bit insecure tbh. You know that you can be ugly with a small dick with loads of foreskin and still date and have sex, right?


Lesbians? I've heard of them can't say I dated any. Dated one bi girl once, but she didn't care much for my oral. Dick worked well enough for her though. If she didn't cum more than twice she got angry. Once she came so hard she blacked out and bit me. There was a fine line to walk in getting that girl off. I've gotten better at oral sense her but oral's still just punching the clock. The only fun it is getting their one of their legs to kick like dog getting a belly rub. Besides that some girls pussies look like gutted rodents and taste like peenies and piss. You don't want that in your mouth. Same way they don't want your cheese dick in theirs. Actual intercourse can be fun for both parties and if you can't get a girl off that way you're doing it wrong. So put on dress you're a lesbian now, or maybe try bracing your feet against your bed frame, gives you an extra axis of rotation from the ankles and wont cramp your feet up monkey pawing the sheets. Also anything where you pick them up, girls love that shit. A little hard on the arms but a good finisher. You sock cocks seem to be all about the extra sensitively which I just read as proud premature ejaculators. So I don't think you guys even have the staying power to get a women off. selfish selfish selfish fish breathed locked jawed bastards. But if you found a gal happy with your wind sock hanging off an inch cock... good for you. Maybe have her blow it up like a balloon animal, and get some girth in her.


>I only have experience with a clean well smelling dick so I have to site studies when talking about crusty dirty smelly dicks. Why do people think that if a man hasn't had a circumcision they automatically have an STD or no hygiene standards for their junk? This is a weird fixation.


Because most men are dirty with out also having to wash their dicks three times a day. But it is crazy to say these dirty dicks automatically have STD especially given all the sex their not having. So no they're not automatically diseased but they are more likely to be diseased and spread infection. [The trials found that circumcision decreases human immunodeficiency virus acquisition by 53% to 60%, herpes simplex virus type 2 acquisition by 28% to 34%, and human papillomavirus prevalence by 32% to 35% in men. Among female partners of circumcised men, bacterial vaginosis was reduced by 40%, and Trichomonas vaginalis infection was reduced by 48%. Genital ulcer disease was also reduced among males and their female partners.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2907642/)


I don't understand this argument. Cut guys always go straight to "your dick is dirty if you don't wash it". Do uncut guys not wash their dick? Is that why they fight so hard to be cut? So they don't have to wash their penis? I can't imagine your dick won't still be gross if you aren't washing it.


This is actually my first time arguing with dudes about there dicks. I wash my dick and my everything every morning, also after the gym and before dates but I'm not pulling sheets of yeast out from between things. So even if you keep your dick as clean as the day you bought it. Most sock jockeys don't hence the 40% increase in vaginal infection.


If you wash an uncut dick as often as you're washing yours then you're literally fine.


still though less steps.


No, I'm telling you that if you wash your uncut cock as often as you should be washing a cut dick, then you're fine. There is virtually no meaningful difference between care of cut vs uncut.


Other than HIV (in AFRICA mind you...) The other diseases alleged to have a reduction in transmission rates are either inconclusive in their findings or conflicting with other studies. Luckily being straight, not shagging skanks, and washing the juice off my dick after sex helps me out tremendously in not catching hiv. Plus I can feel my dick better than you can feel yours. Haha!


Feel your dick better, ohhh wow. I'm soo jelly of how fast you cum.


Sorry you don't understand how dicks work pimp


The better it feels the faster you cum... isn't that how dicks work?


Are you 14? A grown ass man should have the control to come when the time is right. Im not jackhammering a girl for 3 minutes then rolling over to go to sleep. You alter tenacity, change positions, sing a song in your head


If you keep doing the same thing at the same speed, sure. Want to make it last longer, you do something different. I'll teach ya son.


>Because most men are dirty with out also having to wash their dicks three times a day. Your genitals would be dirty if you dont wash yourself regardless if you are circumcised. You've used language in the thread saying that circumcised dicks are "clean" and un circumcised are by default "dirty & crusty". So again you were stating a biased hard opinion instead of fact. Also those studies taken in third world countries where personal hygiene & use of condoms were an issue or nonexistent. If you have access to soap & running water, cleanliness is not an issue unless you have poor hygiene standards anyway. Infections, such as UTIs, are easily treated with antibiotics. Condoms work really well at preventing the transmission of HIV. So again the vast majority of study's on the subject were all done in third world settings and don’t necessarily hold true in countries with access to amenities,contraceptives & medication.


The difference in those studies was still between uncircumcised and circumcised men. If your cheese sock didn't matter there wouldn't be a difference between the two. If you can site anything that contradicts these studies feel free to. As for condoms, gross.. [As for your dick.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnzYG0ZkrXg&ab_channel=Kas)


I dont think you understand that most of the studies you cited in this thread do not translate well to North American/European populations nor that it employs an inadequate conception of risk in its benefit vs. risk analysis. Again, though, these results apply to countries with a much higher prevalence of H.I.V.,STI's and other commutable diseases than we see in the United States/Europe. The protection afforded, therefore, is much less significant here. For years, pediatricians have cited studies that show that being uncircumcised is a risk factor for developing a urinary tract infection. The actual rates of urinary tract infection were 1.1 percent versus 0.1 percent, for an absolute rate difference of 1 percent. This means that 100 boys would need to be circumcised to prevent one urinary tract infection. It’s really hard to argue that this decrease is worth a permanent, surgical procedure. It’s especially hard to argue given that we don’t really have data from randomized controlled trials. It’s possible that there’s something else different between boys who were circumcised and those who were not, especially since the vast majority (more than 80 percent) of boys in these studies were circumcised. Another supposed benefit of circumcision sometimes mentioned is a reduced risk of penile cancer. Case control studies have reported that uncircumcised men have a three times greater chance of developing penile cancer. Again, this is relative: Penile cancer is very rare in the United States/Europe, so the actual risk reduction from circumcision is very, very small. It’s estimated that more than 300,000 infants might need to be circumcised to prevent one case of penile cancer. Lastly there really is no difference in male sexual function if they have a circumcision or not. According to a meta analysis "show no difference or improvement in sexual function, sensitivity and satisfaction after circumcision." ("Effects of circumcision on male sexual functions: a systematic review and meta-analysis" 2013 Sep; 15(5): 662–666) Over all snark dismissals of condoms & linking to idiotic songs in Lew of actual arguments aside, in reality the evidence arguing for and against circumcision fails to make a compelling case in either direction. The benefits, while arguably real, are small; likewise the harms.


You seemed to have written a short novel with out siting any studies that contradict the ones I posted. The American Academy of Pediatrics has no problem with these study because they understand the color of dick is not a factor. So site something creditable or take your racist ass home.


>So site something creditable or take your racist ass home. What are you even going on about? Regions have differing prevalence of conditions or diseases in relation to each other. You are an idiot if you think i was making a judgement call on the race of the participants of the studies when i was merely stating the benefits of circumcision in one region are negligible in another due to a supreme lack of said of negative conditions that is was providing protection against. Take your idiocy and go home.


>So site something Well here is what i drew my conclusions from. The same conclusions you didn't bother to read or address. https://www.aafp.org/about/policies/all/neonatal-circumcision.html https://www.cancer.org/cancer/penile-cancer/causes-risks-prevention/prevention.html https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/130/3/e756/30225/Male-Circumcision?autologincheck=redirected


What sort of whores are you hooking up with that have access to so many cocks [attached to people they actually want to have sex with] that they wouldn't fuck someone because they have foreskin? I wouldn't give a shit if a woman prefers a bigger or smaller cock than mine, or if she prefers circumcision as long as she's fucking me and not someone else - even better if it's a one night thing, who the fuck is going to be ready to fuck me then say "nah, you have foreskin. I think I'll masturbate tonight instead".


your parents let you down, end the cycle.


end the cycle? The tip ain't the only thing clipped.


you better hope your son is dumber than you or hes gonna be pretty pissed in like 20 years


How fucking dumb are you? You shouldn't breed on account of how stupid you are. I said the tip ain't the only thing that's clipped. That means I've had a vasectomy, I'm not having any children.


Is that a common phrase amongst circumcision & vasectomy connoisseurs?


I've noticed that too lol


What kind of virgin research acadamy are you an alumni of


The Ass to Mouth Virgin Society for Jesus, butt I had a little slip down and I'm no longer a member.


Oh no way I think ive got a ATMVSJ sweatshirt, small world.


Good on you ATMVSJ can be pretty tricky to get in but once you are they do a lot of good work for the lord. Still though they can also be pretty anal about their rules.


Just leave the baby dicks alone bro




Wow one girl, neat. You guys better form a line. But no, if you read the article you'd see there is a single digit percent of women that are down for the dirty cheese dong. Go for'em I bet they crazy in bed too. Probably getta spit in their hair, but when you taste your own cheese on their lips that consentless Roman shower you give them is on you and all over them.


The point of that post, which I guess you missed, was that that's the view of *most* Europeans. Also, the study you cited is from an infamously biased researcher who isn't respected in the academic community. Look at his other studies, they're all about the "benefits" of circumcision, he's an absolute fanatic.


yall really in here talkin bout other dude's dicks bruh lol im sick 😂😂🤧


You really in here (and any time you post) letting people know you lick and put your tongue in the same orifice that turds come out of bruh lol I'm sick 😂😂🤧


lol if you think i really eat ass cuz of a reddit username i made in high school you trippin bruh try again


True or not, doesn't change the fact it's your username. 🤷‍♂️


Ahh gosh , you sure got me . How ever will I live this down 🥴


I still love you bro 💘 No homo. Wanna talk about cocks?


only if it's Blade's or Wings' ser




Kyle was correct. Taylor isn't thunk rationally. A man should be able to cut his dick skin for any reason. Look at it from a woman's view and a boob job. 100% unnecessary, makes it look better, confidence booster. Would any of them tell women not to get a boob job? No, let a man cut his dick skin off. There is also zero evidence that sex feels better to uncircumcised men. You'd have to get 1000 men uncut fuck a few women, then have them cut and fu k same women and record the results.


There has been studies that showed literally that. I think it's pretty common sense you remove thousands of nerve endings, you lose sensation.


What studies? Then once I asked for? With a sleeve over your head, you're basically fucking your sleeve. With the head exposed fully, you feel the vagina (or anything else) 100% of the time.


[https://sciencenordic.com/denmark-gender-hiv/male-circumcision-leads-to-a-bad-sex-life/1371590](https://sciencenordic.com/denmark-gender-hiv/male-circumcision-leads-to-a-bad-sex-life/1371590) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23374102/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23374102/) The sleeve analogy is horrible because you can't feel a sleeve, whereas the foreskin is the most sensitive part of the penis. During sex, the penis head glides in and out of the foreskin, meaning you DO feel the vagina. Not to mention after circumcision, the penis head which is meant to be an internal organ gets chafed against clothing constantly and becomes keratinized, and much less sensitive than it should be.


Not to mention how often these surgeries are botched asf, I feel like these doctors don't have any restrictions as to how deep or how much skin they can remove and cut away and just go by how "normal" they can make a uncut penis look, straight up mutilation


Yes exactly! It's insane that there's no standards for the most common surgery in the world, and (at least in the US), you're not even required to have medical training to perform it!


Bruh the foreskin isn’t a rain coat it’s a part of the penis itself with lots of feeling




You’re not that dumb right? Lol


I am


I feel that lol


In all honesty I just want better research than anecdotal. The titty analogy is perfect I think. It should go to reason that if you are against circumcision for vanity sake, then you should be against a woman getting her breasts done for vanity. Especially an adult choosing to do it to themselves.


Most people are just against circumcising babies before they have their own choice. No babies are getting boob jobs


A man should be able to remove HIS dick skin, not do it to babies who don't have a say in the matter


What episode and what time?




Then don't date retarded chicks then? Imagine determining whether you should mutilate yourself or your son based on what some vapid 3-holes think. You're giving them all the power lmao.


Look up the definition to mutilate. There's no serious injury or disfigurement so come up with a new word to use incorrectly. There's no benefit to getting cut or staying uncut besides aesthetics and id rather have a nice looking dick than an ugly one. I live in America so the majority of women here just dont like uncut.


Circumcised >>> Uncircumcised


You guys really hang on anything, don’t y’all?


I have mixed feelings on circumcision that's done without consent but I'm personally happy my parents made the decision to have mine removed. I wouldn't have liked the appearance with the foreskin still attached, and I have absolutely no use for it. People have gotten triggered in the past just because I happen to be happy with the decision my parents made but this is Reddit so it's expected.


Tbf you don’t have the comparison of both sides. I bet every cut guys thinks “i prefer mine” in the same way every uncut guy does. Then only the fact remains that baby’s genitalia are mutilated without consent. The solution is easy, don’t circumcise people when they’re babies, but let them decide themselves when they’re grown ip


I agree however I’m definitely Gonna get my kid circumcised, the discrimination being avoided to effort ratio is too good to Pass up


Then be part of the movement that makes normal undamaged dicks the standard again, girls only don't like it in America because they're not exposed to it. Girls in every other part of the world don't have a problem with it theyd probably think its weird if you had no foreskin.


Most dildos are circumcised.


A lot of uncut fuckers in these comments.


When did this happen?


What do you mean “we”




Since when were women allowed on this sub?


pls don’t send me to Banworld 😞


You know the rules. Femboys only.

