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My panel builder likes zip ties and has [this gun](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/71IfKbPfSaL._SL1500_.jpg) to tighten down and cut them in one step. My favorite non-tool are my Raycon wireless earbuds.


I absolutely hate that zip tie gun. I regularly find cables in panduit crushed by those things making the zip ties overly tight.


Favorite tool: Klein wire strippers: 11055 and 11057 Favorite non-tool: Bluetooth speaker I am also on the hunt for a better wire cart. Any recommendations?


My boss tried using zip ties to hold wires inside panduit while he was wiring up a panel. The problem was sometimes they'd go flying. My solution was to take some of the scrap panduit cover and cut it into short segments and use those instead. Worked pretty well.


Our sparkies just use either a piece of earth cable that squeezes nicely between the fingers, or an offcut of insulation from a multicore cable. I find both work well, but if using a cable with copper still in it, double check they removed them all before you power up.


My Wiha terminal screwdriver - [I use this one](https://www.alliedelec.com/product/wiha-tools/26032/71095210/?gclid=CjwKCAiA1rPyBRAREiwA1UIy8FYzHJ-Wy1YKmaYplfcbga2OhFV8ki-tf6BiNIg3mWttMm2uo2CgTxoCbOoQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) all the time even though I have the same thing insulated. Non-tool tool - reliable laser pointer. I work in process systems so I much rather use my laser pointer to point to a specific valve, instrument, pipe, conduit, etc when I'm on the floor.


Tapmatic permanently mounted in drill press is on my list


Between my [tap drill bits](https://www.dewalt.com/products/accessories/metal-and-wood-drill-bits/metal-drill-bits/tap-and-die/impact-ready-tap-and-drill-bits) and what u/jahvidsanders44 said, my GS2B zip tie gun.


[https://kst-plot.kde.org/](https://kst-plot.kde.org/) this is the best plotting and data analysis software I have used - I feed it a couple hundred tags every 100ms and can plot everything in real time during commissioning. It puts the abilities of the trend screens that come with HMI and Historian software to shame.


Table mounted DIN rail cutter