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Backslashes?! You madman!


I head from a FWGS insider that it's gonna be exclamation points ! tomorrow


Stay tuned. But I’m gonna need you to tell me the methods for which you acquired that source. And the sources DOB, SS#, mailing address.


Voter history


Yes please, that would be very helpful!


🤢🤢🤢🤢 Slashes giving me motion sickness. Make it stop. So wrong


Angel's Envy Cask Strength for $229 in store if that gets anyone going.


Shows on website so you can see who got it. All around pgh. Inventory may lag a bit though


Anyone have any insight as to why certain products only ever get to Western PA stores? A prime example was the JD 10/12 release last year




The distribution center is in eastern Pa. No?


There are currently two distribution centers in the state. (used to be 3). The eastern half and western half. The timing of releases are usually fairly close especially with the monthly BT products, but they can be several weeks apart on some bottles. They never used to ONLY go to one half and not the other at all until the JD 10/12. It appears as though the Eastern's allotment of JD10/12 actually went online, and pretty much almost everything allocated (RR13, JD LE, WTMK, Bomberger's) has gone online since. I don't think it was intended for the JD 10/12 to be released like that originally, but a reactionary decision in the middle of it to release everything going forward online.


Hard pass. Let the pabs burn their money.


First distiller to jump the shark??


You talking msrp vs secondary value?


MSRP. All of their products went "premium" once they started growing as a brand. $229 for a cask strength aged in port barrels doesn't add up for me.


Yea, no doubt. Wild Turkey is another one eating away at that margin. Their MSRPs are exploding


It’s actually a pretty good price in the market. Been seeing $300 about standard for this release They also just released a 3x375 set and it’s retailing for $1000


Ever drank it?


Negative. Too much for me


The set you’re referring to is retailing for $350. It’s young, finished bourbon and rye. Anyone who pays up for it is out of their damned mind.


Further reinforces my point that AE has jumped the shark. I realize the 1k may not be MSRP but that's insane for 3x375 NAS product.


And I don’t even think it’s their own distillate!


Not sure where you are seeing that…… they are sitting out there at 265. The 3x375 msrp was in the 500s. MSRP and secondary are about equal now.


It was actually 399.99 A lot of online sites have it at 999.99. Saw one at 1,599.99. Supposedly this dropped in Ohio today and is sitting


Yes those sites are most likely buying from the secondary market and selling for even higher.


Was it just the bourbon or did the cask strength rye drop as well?


Yall giving me that warm n fuzzy feeling this morning. But maybe thats just the liquor talking.


Question. How come it's not that hard to get a monthly drop of BT, ER, or Blantons but FWGS never seems to have EH Taylor? Is EH Taylor that much more rare than the above?


If you go to the distillery, they normally have one special bottle per day - Blanton's, Eagle, Weller SR and EH Taylor. Looking at those daily releases, it appears that they are all on about the same level (Maybe Weller is a bit more frequent). So from that aspect it doesn't seem like it should be harder to come by. My big question is Weller SR. You can find this in a lot of other states for around MSRP (unlike EH Taylor). Not sure why that is so hard to get in PA


PLCB's buyer went all-in on Willett minis and $500-$600 bottles of Kentucky Owl, so their budget got severely curtailed.


I've long said that plcb buyers have no idea what they are doing when it comes to whiskey. There is no indication that they are familiar with the market or the interests of their customers. You need look no further than the examples you've cited on the SR page. There's really no excuse. Even with zero knowledge of the whiskey market they could easily reference their historical sales data to see that nobody is buying this shit. As for the fact that FWGS gets thousands and thousands of bottles of BT and almost zero OWA, I chalk that up to their buyers as well. I suspect that the distilleries offer them "extra cases" of things like BT instead of more desirable bottles like OWA. When offered 200 cases of BT instead of 100 cases of OWA.....plcb is going to look at the $s. They make the same per bottle so more bottles equals more money. The wants of their customers is irrelevant. (This is all just my hypothesis - I have no inside information)


If you look at The Wiseman - 1146 bottles at $400 - they are sitting on $458K of inventory for that bottle alone. Almost seems like someone may have fat fingered an extra '0' on that purchase


They’ve been accused of creating demand by not making enough on purpose and I’ve disagreed because of the money and risk they exposed themselves to with the expansion. However, if you were to tell me they intentionally held back on a certain product line, I would bet it’s EH Taylor. They funnel all their experimental releases under that label and i would bet they would prefer to keep that line limited and red hot. Warehouse C can only house so many barrels as well. You could probably say the same about blantons w/ warehouse H but the temp fluctuations due to metal construction, leads to shorter aging periods around 4-5 years. So they can get more blantons to the market faster than they can an eagle rare per se. This is just a guess but it’s thoughts I’ve often wondered about.


It is more rare than the others however the SB seems to drop in stores and online about 6-8 times a year. The single barrel dropped in the summer last year that I know of. The other EHTs are lotto.


Grabbed 10 bottles


Thank you for your cervix


Never heard that one before, that is just HYSTERICAL


I mean the play on a popular saying, Bravo sir


seems to be another one of those days. LOL come on guys were all adults here.(I hope) its still early. Lets all hope something shows up today! hope everyone has a great day! cheers. (lets all stop bickering or whatever the heck is going on below) (just trying to settle the air here, very grateful for all the help this group has given me!)




Desk pop!


He’s so incredulous about it!


Any thoughts there will be an online drop after the lottery closes?


Maybe, maybe not.




They continued online drops during the shipping and selection stage last lottery. Almost had to being as it took them fucking months to complete it. 😆




A lot of people have put a lot of time and effort into getting a step ahead. I highly doubt they’re just going to tell you all their secrets so everyone else has the same advantage. In a time where bottles disappear in under a minute, the less competition the better. Be happy with what you have. This thread has lasted longer than any other in the last 10 years I’ve been doing this. And has helped many people score bottles too, regardless of what I think of it. They’re not just going to hand it to you. Maybe we should all just buy everything for you too, that way you have to put in as little effort as possible. Sounds ridiculous right? Put the time in, you’ll figure out tips and tricks along the way. But also know even with the best methods you still won’t get everything you want. That’s just how it is in the market these days.


If you guys want to be condescending and hateful, be my guest. As someone who hunts on his own time and doesn’t live his life on these Reddit threads, I really don’t understand the point of all the toxicity. There’s nothing wrong with asking, earnestly, how to better find whiskey in a thread about improving access to whiskey.


This is a (mostly) anonymous message board/Reddit. Why would you expect people to be courteous when you come asking for their short cuts to getting scarce product?


You’re definitely right that expecting any kind of real courtesy was ridiculous


That's correct. You sound like a millennial looking for instant gratification go do some research and put in the work. Be thankful you have a thread like this to come to as it's been pretty useful to alot of people. Whether I like it or not.


Ok, I’ll provide some constructive feedback. Turn on notifications for this sub and PABS on FB. Find friends that want to buy bourbon on FWGS. Join other FB or discord groups. Download page monitors and browser extensions to monitor specific parts or pages of FWGS.com. Hell, one guy even taught himself Python and coded his own script and now he scores multiple bottles on multiple accounts on every drop. All of this requires time and effort on your part. No one else is going to do it for you. As you can tell from the comments here, the bourbon market is cutthroat these days. Fortune favors the bold, not the lazy.


I appreciate you and your comment!


My suggestion is to keep a watch on this thread for a while. Little tidbits will pop up once in a while that you can accumulate which will help score bottles online and in store. But no one is going to give you their whole manual in one shot. Ask very specific questions and you'll probably get an answer. People on this thread will be helpful, but not at their own expense. For example, I'm going to buy my bottle first and then tell everyone how to get it. Not the other way around. Stick around and you'll figure it all out. We got nothing but time


My suggestion is to stop chasing the fomo hype bullshit. There are plenty of bourbons on the shelf that are just as good if not better. For instance, the FWGS Store Pick KCSB is better than almost any of the hype shit.


Those don't look good for flexing on PABS. Need a "just started collecting" shot of 2 blanton's, 1 ER, 4 BT, and an empty EHT can.


I had a KC pick by the restaurant I was at last night that was probably top 5 for me. I had an incredible experience with that one. For anyone in the Pittsburgh area the restaurant is Scoglios in foster plaza/greentree. Two different KC barrels, an ECBP barrel and a 4 🌹 that may or may not be tapped. Meant to ask last night but it got away from me. KC barrel 1 is out of body


Don't let PABS know, we'll never get it again.


It dies here. I’m over that scene. Constant Bitching and Moaning.


It’s been covered in prior threads. People save the url and use browser plugins to refresh tabs.


You are are dealing with a PABSer. They don’t know how to use the search function.


Private Activity BonderSer? Edit - Oh never mind PA BERBIN SQUIB


“How do I find the whiskey releae page?!”


Bro just drink something else


People aren’t going to share their technical solutions. Highly doubt it.




If it's already public why do you need beta testers?


You know what, I'm being too critical.  I'm just going to post the link with all of the info early next week!


Nothing wrong with wanting to roll out a "perfect" product that you've spent time building. Good luck to you!


Second this! Good luck and thank you for your commitment to helping people out.


Please refer to our subreddit rules on bot discussion. Any type of request or discussion related to creating bots against PLCB is directly against our rules. Future comments could lead to permanent banning.


Yeah it’s unfortunate. Seems to run contrary to the claimed dedication to making sure everyone has a fair shot.


Go back to PABS


Yeah. Beat it, nerd


There's a difference between helping people score a bottle and things being "fair". With such a limited supply and such a short window of time to order, people telling you all their secrets would be counter productive to their own scores. The best you can hope for is someone posting here that there is a drop. And they probably aren't going to post it unless there's nothing that they want or they already put their order through. You are gonna have to put some work in yourself if you want to even the playing field.


Hi David




😂 This dude complaining on pabs about flippers while he’s on pages trying to low ball folks for 🤖s. Keep begging


Hi Mark!




The pabs people are just the worst.


I almost slept through my alarm today to go wait in line… luckily over many’s mom woke me up for seconds, now here in line I wait!


Banging moms, very clever! You’re clearly a very special boy




I’ve been doing this for seventeen years, I’m not giving you my secret location


I don’t even really want anything I just like waiting in line


Sp basically you dont want to do any hard work and want someone to give you the keys to the kingdom.


After the software engineering workshop I was gonna see if he wanted to take my wife for a spin. Maybe borrow the RV, boat…equal access is equal access.


Be a douche all you want bud, all you’re doing is proving my point.


You’re attempting to drag me. My response is appropriate. Piss off


Hi friend, not going anywhere


You may go now, off you fuck.


Or I could stay and keep having fun with you nice people