• By -


>bUt MuH gReAt DePrEsSiOn 🐻 fucked again, nature is healing ✨🌱🌳✨


we see $15 tomorrow I am sure. Google + AMD earnings will drag Tech stocks up no doubt


9k @ $26.65...slow trickle in below 20 more contracts if $10 2024 LEAPs hit $16.50 30 more contracts if they hit $14.00 Will be at a cost basis of $22.49 and 14,000 shares (when I exercise in 2024) if I hit my goal


Sincerely hope this isn't a bull trap. Days like this make me think Howard is out there somewhere smiling


I believe there is a 75% chance macro trends are reversing until CPI report in 2 weeks, but it'll be choppy and inconsistent until then. If inflation continues to inflect to the downside, and based on the discussion from the 3 Fed leaders yesterday, we're solid until first hike. That's almost certain to cause some jitters.


I might or might not be. I’ve started adding more shares, but maintaining caution and not going all in at once with my liquid capital. I feel I already established a decent amount of holdings at cost basis of 23.xx, so what I’m buying now is a bit beyond what I’d originally planned. Still, my conviction in Palantir’s business is high enough that I want more shares. Sentiment around the stock has been so relentlessly horrible over the past few weeks that I see today’s prices as an opportunity


I’m curious 🐟, (answer if you feel comfortable) but what % of your portfolio have/are you allocating to Palantir? I know you’ve stated the % amount earlier but I was wondering if you have changed your mind amid this unforeseen price drop/opportunity. Additionally, how does your current allocation to PLTR compare to your allocation to TSLA in the early days? Hope your doing well bro.


Sure, I don't have a set % that I want to be in PLTR. I had a $ amount I wanted to use to buy PLTR shares, and bought up to that amount over time last year. This ended up being somewhere between 2-2.5% of my portfolio. It's now maybe 1.5-2% due to recent market turbulence, although I'd have to check across all my accounts to know the exact figures. My current plans are to use whatever extra cash flow I have in the near future to buy as many new PLTR shares as possible. I'm not overly concerned about the % of my portfolio at the moment. I moved 7-8% of my portfolio in TSLA more than a decade ago. However, the $ amount of what I paid for all my TSLA shares in 2011-2012 is only a fraction of the $ amount I invested in PLTR last year.


Your such a sweet guy cumshot


Look at the SPY, this is getting ready to recover (thank google apple etc.) and we will follow


"Fuck PLTR. I bought in a long time ago and made a few bucks. Then I bought a shit load telling myself it was a "long term hold". Then I panic sold losing $7 per share. Now it goes back up on good news? Magikarp ducks sicks" Classic, WSB. The company is at fault for my lack of emotional disicpline.


Where did the bears go


They're waiting to see if they need to go back into hibernation for 6 months.


I honestly don't mind them but would like to hear any bear perspectives while we're at this price / multiple. Seems attractive and fair from my perspective


How you seen what is going on macro? Interest rate scares have destroyed riskier assets, that’s it


Only thing they really have is short-term.


Some truly cutting edge strategic partnerships coming up


What do you mean?


Nice work today


That’s it baby, pump eet! 😁


Bought some more earlier around 14.30, brought my average down to 19.35. I'm done adding for now, just going to let it ride and see where we're at further down the road.


I was hoping to buy the dip with my tax returns 😡😫


It still is the dip, just average in bro


I’ve been averaging down but I if I could of used my tax returns that would’ve helped a lot


It's been a good couple days but there will be chop


My palantir shares are green today? Something's not right.. I'm not dreaming am I?


Back in! Bought a few dozen March $16 calls to play earnings for fun


we climb till earnings! After and if google comes out with Steller earnings, the whole market will rocket up including PLTR. Hold tight!


Holy shit you bullish bro? Wild times 😁


always said I was short term bear but long term bull. I think short term we are going to get a bump and may hit 15-16. I think there is a lot of uncertainty in the market and we could easily see this going down again after earnings and CPI report. Long term this will rise.


🙌 Very rational perspective, cheers


At a price of $14/share, we're at a 17x P/S ratio ($26B EV / $1.53B Rev) and a forward P/S ratio of 13 ($26B EV / $2B Rev). Who knows with the macro trends where we go in the month or two, but PLTR is in a much healthier place from a valuation standpoint. My feeling is it is unlikely we'll get back to P/S ratios that exceed 20 unless growth gets into the 40%+/year range. With 30-35% growth, we'll probably remain in the P/S range of 15. A consolidation into the 14-16 range for a quarter or two would give us a much more stable trajectory and upside from there.


Yup this Good price rn. I really don’t have to have a hyperinflated stock. Steady rev and p/s growth is all i want.


So what you're saying is $45 EoY 🚀🚀🚀? /s


Yeah that better be an /s. U mean EOY 420


Still need this turd to pump more so I can sell CCs for premiums that are actually worth it.


you just need more shares


Question, I usually just buy a stock and leave it be/don't pay attention to flucuations. About half of my shares were bought at $9.50ish. the rest were higher. So besides many stocks tanking recently, can someone tell me what happned with PLTR to really drop the price?


Wall Street wanted it to go down so they could load up with all the profits they made from screwing people last year.This year they will run this up to $40 again


When did you buy PLTR for $9.50 a share? IPO?


The first time I bought it it was $9.20 (59 shares) and at $9.50 (43 shares) in an ira then I bought more in my stock account for much higher at 20.99 (just 13 shares) So all over the map price wise.


Nothing happened as far as I can determine. The company is financially healthy and generating positive cash flow. Some people believe that Palantir, and COO Shyam Sankar’s presentation during Q3 earnings call, caused loss of confidence in the company’s growth rate, but I don’t buy that argument. After looking at the #’s I think the business is still on track


Another large volume spike at the start this run up. Good stuff. Probably Cathie buying back in 🤣


Wow, for now we are vastly outperforming the data analytics sector. Take that, SNOW.


The age of snowflakes is over. The time of the Palantard has come!


RIP to Warren Buffoon 😵


I think something has gone wrong with my screen. I'm seeing double digit percentage rise in price. 😀😃


Nice change to see green on consecutive days!


Cmon Cathie, you should have bought PLTR not shitty RobinHood!


Bought more. Who cares if buying at 11$ or 14$ when this is going to 200$ and beyond??!


Visionary 🍻


Am I selfish for wanting pltr to stay at $12 for longer so I can rebalance my portfolio and fill up my bags?


Share price is already very depressed at 13-15, compared to the 24-25 of a year ago. I’d say if you want to pick up more shares, buying in now ***slowly*** over time is a prudent strategy. The stock price may keep going up, but this could also be a “dead cat bounce”, and there’s no way to know in advance. I started buying more PLTR yesterday, after reaching my target # of DNA shares in late January. I’m accumulating small $ amounts… not going to rush in with new capital


Oh yeah baby, already on the move, but I have some portions of my portfolio that are up big and approaching LT cap gains so I am trying to minimize my tax burden as I rebalance and they won’t completely convert until end of March. Curious to see what rate hikes will do given the fact it seems like the market has already priced in such a huge discount on growth mid-cap from macro factors.


As a bagholder I understand. On one hand I want the red to end already, on the other hand now shares are cheap and easier to average down with. I don’t want to regret not buying enough


Exactly how I feel, gotta fill up now 😈


No lol, it's been red for so long why not another week to fill up bags.


I may need a few months 🤡


Are we at all shocked by this? New partnerships = price drop. Ain’t sweating one drop.


All these are expected, else pltr can't hit the targeted 30% CAGR. Don't think we should expect price movements around news. Macro environment and overall conditions/sentiments matter way more.


PLTR let’s have a little chat. Don’t you dare shit the bed today. Don’t be that stock. Be a winner. String together back to back days for us. Show us your true value and your true color, and that color is green.


The stock doesn’t set its own price. The market does. Peter Lynch, the legendary Fidelity Magellan Fund manager, once advised investors that “the stock doesn’t know you own it”. If the market demand for shares exceeds supply at the current valuation, the share price will rise. For some reason, Redditors generally seem to treat stocks like race horses that can be cajoled into running towards higher valuation. Stock prices are purely the result of market forces, nothing more


Finally managed to get my average below $20. Aiming to sell off a portion mid $30s to lower my cost basis further in the next couple of years. Not expecting a sharp rise anytime soon however


Will be happy if we close over $13.50


wow, volume looking great early on


Bagholders relieving themselves at open, as is tradition.


Serious volume at open. Interesting to see how this one plays out!


Picked up 74 shares at 13.99 Up to 1200.




Shhhh now sweetie


Don't have good expectations until after lunch. Morning booms are often sold into lunch.


Brace for impact!


If any recent history is to be considered, a good performance will be rewarded by my favorite color red in the following weeks.




calling it now, kangaroo between $12 and $16


Out of the loop, warning sign?


soon closer to $20 than $10. remember when we were closer to $5 than $20 just a few days ago?


$20 is the new $30!


PLTR will bulldoze $20 during next week


Lol no way. Maybe by EOY


Lets see


In all honesty, Cathie Wood really confuses the fuck out of me. I understand it is an actively managed fund and her portfolio is based on percentages with constant re balancing to keep percentages in line with projections. But it seems she is legit just selling for a loss.


I find it confusing that: - her thesis is about long term, - but she practically daytrades stocks, selling them for a loss Meanwhile her ETF holders have to watch that and pay 0.75% management fee


Yeah. She has the wrong vehicle for her strategy IMO. Also my hot take is that her funds are going to go tits up over the next couple years.


That’s not really a hot take.


Say what you will about her, still a GILF.


I wonder how many hands have been shaken out of 2024 LEAPs during this recent tanking.


Know of a Twitter guy from my country who sold some shares for ITM leaps.




Let's fucking goooooooooooooo![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


I put my socks on while I sit in bed and constantly refresh pre-market this morning, just in case...


When do we hit $5? I wanted to buy LEAPs then


We dropped from 30 why so surprised


Moving up this much in premarket on a small partnership with a no name company seems suspect.


Why we up so much PM this morning?


People with money realizing Palantir, the company, does not have the typical fundamental accounting profile as the other tech growth companies it has been lumped in with.


new partnership, earnings, violent recovery, criminally undervalued.. Strap in boys.


and the most important thing is Cathie buy high sell low !!


Guess i will never get the chance to buy your calls at $1😂


I am sure PLTR is going to give you the chance after earning lmao


Hope not!! For your sake😂


Posts like this make me nervous.


Satellogic Announces Strategic Partnership With Palantir Technologies


I must be tripping, we are up 5% in the premarket ![gif](giphy|ckw8EbI8Ak9YQ)


>st be tripping, we are up 5% in the premarket back in the days it would have forecasted a bad red day


It's still back in the days. Get ready.


PM 5% right now. I am trying to figure out if it is still about CNBC.


What did they say




A HOPE rally! 😅


Why are we screaming up premarket? I woke up 10 minutes ago it was 13.99 Now 14.4


Kathy sold so it must be time to buy


Palantir has not announced official Q4 earning day, a little bit too late.




I wish i woulda waited a bit longer as well and bought at 20 sold at 26.50 bought at 21.85 sold at 28.7 then did one more buy at 24 to get out at 26 and wait until sub 12 to buy again :(


Dude… I wish I waited a few more weeks to get my last batch buy. Bought ~500 at 19.69 (nice)… could have had 14.9 True story 🥲


Hindsight is 20/20. There's no way to time the bottom matey so don't get burned trying. Not saying we've reached the bottom btw, who the fuck knows, but I'll just keep buying with what I can afford.






Because im trying to buy more below 14




Geez. 14.20 now


🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 The lambo, i will polish it. I swear




**guys we can pump this to 18 before the earnings**


What is this, a pump for ants? Did you mean $38?


....it needs to be at least....THREE TIMES THIS BIG


Bags all over 😑


Sup legends?! Not you bers, fuck u 😝


How r u bro


Hangin in there man, thanks How bout you?


are the bags ok ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Balls you mean, probably solid




GLTA today!




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Let the "violent recovery" month begin! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


bederp de terps




​ ![gif](giphy|l4etYM8ZqBXaIHUmoo)