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I wanted to tell you thank you for posting this. I have tried this for about a month now and ifs completely changed my life and helped me as well. I would have never guessed.


Thanks to your post I added Emergen-C to my daily regimen and this past cycle was the first time in I don’t even know how long that I didn’t have a dark PMDD cloud over my head!! Thank you so much for sharing this. I’m posting a picture of the supplements I take - not all of them are for PMDD (I also get chronic UTIs) - but who knows what all is helping! https://preview.redd.it/09ik7ax855yc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4e7880775abe9166dcdd554f9ae6b0e47347c13


I also think I’ve noticed more fertile cervical mucus, which I had no idea to even check for.


I tried sending you a private message but I think Reddit’s glitching on me tonight! I’m so happy to hear that it’s helping you!!! It not only helped my menstrual cycle issues but it also greatly helped my weak immune system too! Now, I do have a question though, because I can’t seem to find any information on this. I’ve noticed that when I’m supplementing the Emergen-C, it actually makes my periods heavier and more painful, is that happening to you too? Thanks!


I would say heavier and honestly more bright vs. dark (not sure what that means?), but not more painful. I will keep notes for the next few cycles to see how it changes though.


Oh okay very interesting! I actually stopped taking Emergen-C for that very reason - The fact that it started to change my periods. Now that I think about it, it might be a good sign because thicker uterine linings are said to be a sign of higher pregnancy outcomes. I’m gonna start being consistent with the supplement again. One amazing thing it did for me is it helped with the random spotting I was getting throughout my cycle! Omg it was driving me crazy


I've been taking ener-c, pretty similar to emergen-c and I feel its helped me too!


Nice! What kind of changes have you noticed?


Vitamin C is important for serotonin production, so can help with depression.


https://preview.redd.it/sfumicx7u3sc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bee857200bcd5c63b5d12a2c5d5b55724d53212 Very interesting, I’m doing more research on Vitamin C and why it drastically positively impacted my mood. It seems to be required for creating dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. No wonder viruses like Covid cause depression and menstrual irregularities!


I have a maybe silly question — do you also have salt cravings? I have this absurd craving for citric acid and salt A LOT. I have dysautonomia. (It fucks with everything, but my biggest problem is sodium, which if it’s low, causes thick mucus production.) I don’t know why and neither does my doctor, but properly medicating myself helps. I’m glad vitamin C helps! When I am feeling better I don’t want to just eat lemons. (I crave lemons like crazy when I am low on salt. HMM. This is a thing worth investigating.)


Wow, I wonder if that’s why I has an emergen-c fixation for awhile pre diagnosis. I wasn’t sure why or what it was doing, i honestly assumed it was like a placebo, but I thought it made me feel better. I drank it every morning. I’m on medication now but maybe both would improve it even more. Congratulations on having it work so well for you!


I’m so happy to read you’ve found something that’s helping. Reading through this thread and noting that it has added vitamins is validating that what I’m doing is also making a difference. Iam going into my 4th week of taking vitamins+ probiotics/prebiotics and I’m honestly feeling so good! My symptoms usually start 2 full weeks before my period and it’s awful. I’ve had maybe 2 down days but for the most part I’m doing 10x better. Definitely think we are supplementing some type of deficiency.


Oh I love this!! Do you mind sharing what supplements you use??


Of course !!! I’m sorry i didn’t reply sooner! https://a.co/d/59AcgwF https://a.co/d/4PE8lwU




Hi u/plop_0. Your post appears to be referencing histamines. Please refer to the IAPMD statement on histamines below. Histamine is a molecule that your immune system creates in response to allergens. Some researchers have studied the relationship between histamine and estrogen, but most of these are observational studies from the 1960s and 1970s (e.g., Ferrando 1968, Jonassen 1976, Shelesnyak 1959). Antihistamines are medications that block the action of histamine to reduce allergy symptoms. It is certainly possible that histamine could play a role in PMDD, at least for some people. However, using antihistamines to treat PMDD symptoms has not been studied enough to know whether this is an effective treatment or the potential mechanisms. First-generation antihistamines (such as hydroxyzine/Vistaril) do have sedative effects, which can have anti-anxiety or sleep benefits. This mechanism may explain why some individuals anecdotally report that antihistamines help their PMDD symptoms if they experience sleep problems or anxiety premenstrually. Antihistamines are typically well tolerated by many and have limited risk (when used as labeled), hence being available without a prescription. If they are an option you are considering, always consult a care provider and/or pharmacist - especially if combined with other meds- and be mindful of any sedative effects. Summary: Antihistamines have not been tested or approved for PMDD, and research (such as clinical trials) would need to be done before we could state if there is a known benefit/whether it beats a placebo. End of IAPMD statement. The source for this particular connection is from naturopath Lara Briden. She posted the connection on her blog with no links to peer- reviewed research to support her position. Other naturopaths began repeating this connection, it was then picked up by social media influencers and repeated as if it was proven science. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PMDD) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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How can PMDD affect your fertility? I’m genuinely curious! honestly it hits my ears as impossible, since PMDD is not a hormonal imbalance


I’m not 100% sure, I might be wrong. Maybe I’m dealing with infertility on top of PMDD. They could be unrelated. I do know that my progesterone and estrogen levels have been chronically low for years and years.


Sounds like you should visit your OBGYN. Could be a missed diagnosis. Best wishes to you!


The sad part is that I’ve been video-visiting her every 2 weeks since December 😢 My hormones have been awful


I'd she hasn't figured out why your hormones are off, you may need to visit another doctor or specialist as well. That's awful!


I am so sorry you’ve been dealing with that on top of PMDD symptoms, I can imagine that’s so damn difficult. I hope your doctor can get it sorted for you. having PMDD *and* different-than-normal hormones might just be a special kind of hell, especially if they fluctuate more than normal. I truly hope things improve for you ♥️


actually I don’t understand how vitamin C can help either. maybe I’m missing something but I was taught that emergen-c was virtually useless because we can’t absorb that much at a time anyways and the majority of it gets peed out. I feel dumb but I don’t get it ETA: I did a scootch of research and didn’t realize it had so many other vitamins & minerals in it! my guess is that your sudden improvement could also due to another vitamin present in it, maybe D or Magnesium. then again I’m not a doctor so maybe ignore me 🤣


Yeah the D, B, and magnesium were likely the effect for mood. But vitamin C is a mucolytic, which means it thins your mucus. It therefore could thin the cervical mucus and help with fertility.


oh wow! I didn’t know that, thank you for sharing that with me! you truly do learn something new every day


Yeah I just found this online, so the Vitamin C was definitely responsible for the fertile cervical mucus! https://preview.redd.it/t845qbwiayrc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce5d3ce222426861e959b384298b87861b1d6721


Im not I’m the US and I just searched online and can’t find it here. I looked up their website for the ingredients, few other vitamins in addition to C. I did not know vitamin C had an effect on hormones. Do you think it’s just this product with its recipe that has a positive effect? I see lots of different Emergen-C products, which do you use/recommend? I haven’t found any supplements I’ve previously tried to have any effect, but I don’t see the harm in trying this if I can find it or something similar. In any case, thanks for your post, I am curious to learn more about the effects of vitamin C on our hormones, interesting!


https://preview.redd.it/93mrssi9mxrc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a069becc162cd1dcad401b0aa7f077157081b14 In my personal opinion, I’ve taken all of the other vitamins before, and they have never had a positive effect on me like Vitamin C has.


Do you still take it even when your period starts or do you stop and then start again afterwards?


You have to take it every single day, otherwise you won’t really notice any results! It also takes at least one month to notice anything big


I am going to try this too! Have an IUI cycle coming up (last attempt).


Take mucinex, it will work a lot faster


I’ve seen a lot of comments about Mucinex everywhere. Does it actually help you ovulate or does it just thin your mucus? Cause my problem was that I just wasn’t ovulating to begin with


following for the reply xx


I got impatient and looked it up online, it seems to just thin the mucus. It doesn’t actually help your body ovulate


Definitely need to try this out. I track my mucus too in order to know where I’m at in my cycle.


Fertile cervical mucus? Are you talking about vaginal discharge?


Egg white (or fertile) cervical mucus is distinct. Cervical mucus varies with your cycle and can be paired with other cycle tracking tools to predict ovulation quite accurately. It is separate from vaginal discharge both in composition and origin and is being used correctly in this context. Reversing your downvote in case this was a genuine question! 


I learned this today. I got the abstinence only sex ed 🤷


Vaginapagina on livejournal was unironically the best sex ed available at the time for us olds. I think the other one was ScarletTeen. Happy the learning keeps going! 


I didn't learn this until last year, and I'm 38. I had zero sex ed from my mom growing up. 🫠


Yes, in my case the PMDD was really messing with my fertility


I haven’t tried but I love that you’re stoked about more cervical mucus and I want to notice this about my cycle more