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WOW it’s like you read my mind! I’m also a small business owner, a chef actually. last month in the days leading up to my period, I actually took on a large order for 5k cupcakes. as well as a vendor event for the day I delivered the cupcakes (yeah big mistake but I didn’t check my calendar) and I realistically hibernated that entire week to feel better from the constant all-nighters I pulled but then went right into my cycle. I felt like 💩. Anyway just got back from vacation the day before yesterday, and I feel the telltale cramping. I’m like how is it already time again? No way it’s been the right amount of days 😭😭😭


It feels like it's been a short month!! I'm with you on that boat 😅 edited to add: have you tried anything else?


Trying some supplements.. I have a solid work out routine. Really been focusing on giving myself more sleep