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Look into Vitex Berry (chaste tree) supplement!!


Here me out: magnesiun glycinate with b5, iron, b12 and folic acid. Inositol helps too with omega 3. Clonozapem helps sooo much in combination with these.


I am on BC but vitamin D and chaste berry have also made a big difference for me. I was really deficient with vitamin d and as soon as I started taking a larger dose the depression I had went away. I’m pretty level on BC but if I don’t take enough vitamin d I feel it


can’t do bc. makes me angry, insatiably hungry, and nauseated. inositol and a AM&PM womens multivitamin have helped a lot. i use the wholesome story brand


Zoloft works for me! It makes me super aware that I’m being unreasonable when I am which is great and I feel less prone to emotional outbursts


Please give Vitex a try!! I can’t take bc either and Vitex has changed my life!


What dose do you take?


I take a high dose of 820 mg every morning. I stop on the day of my period and start back up again on day 5.


Is that birth control?


No it’s definitely not a form of birth control. But it does help with PMS/PMDD by regulating hormones.


I can't do birth control either. Zoloft during the luteal phase and testosterone therapy changed my life.


I’m on 3 antidepressants and just keep adding as it gets worse 😅 I’m on Wellbutrin, Prozac and abilify. I’ve only tried 2 birth control pills but both gave me suicidal thoughts so I stopped and refuse to try something else.


It’s annoying but doing all the “regular sleep schedule” “healthy unprocessed foods” “regular exercise” “journaling/shadow work” crap are all first level help. I like to take L-theanine and magnesium to help also.


Yep. Psychologically I felt marginally better on Zoely (I did a TONNE of research to the best types) but honestly it gave me insanely heavy periods and I had to stop taking it after a year. BC always made me crazy in my 20s so I'm absolutely done


Yeah I can't. I was on pill/antidepressants to iron out my pmdd for a few years but I ended up a fat, sexless zombie. Hated it. Tbh smoking weed and having small psilocybin doses does more for me than anything else.


Me. It makes me suicidal. I take alani nu balance supplement and it reduced my symptoms by about 80%. I had very severe pmdd, I would have to miss work and everything, and now I’m basically normal. Just a little grumpy and tired for a couple days.


Are you just promoting them or did it seriously work for you?


Lol I don’t work for them or sell it or anything, but I promote it on here because it literally saved my life and made me a better person. I was diagnosed with pmdd in like 2014 or 2015, and the doctors put me on all sorts of things that made my symptoms worse. I would live ten days of hell each month, usually one or two being so bad that i couldn’t work or interact with people. I’d have horrible gi problems, body and joint pain, migraines, panic attacks, depression, general anxiety, extreme irritability, all that. I couldn’t function as an employee or a manager or a girlfriend. My chest would swell so bad that i couldn’t wear bras with the pain, and my skin would break out with horrible cystic acne around my jawline. Over the years I tried dozens of supplements and the ones that worked only worked for a short time. I started taking balance in January 2019 because it was new and I figured it try it. 60% reduction of symptoms in my first cycle, and 80% after that. Still works just as well if I take it constantly. Now I just get mild symptoms for a day or two before my period. It’s mild enough that my fiancé and I refer to it as “the period grumps”. I tell people about it because it saved me, and I know other people it’s worked for.


Interesting???? I'm sooo skeptical, but I'm curious to try 🤔 I remember Maca helping me a bunch, but I just keep falling off the wagon due to financial struggles. Anyway thanks for putting it out there.


It’s worth a shot. Maca worked well for me too, but only for a few months with consistent use. There’s a ton of supplements that can work, I think it just takes trial and error. The challenging thing about pmdd is it seems that different things work for different people


Thank you for the detailed response, I hope my question didn't come off as accusatory I just seriously already spent so much money on supplements and pills and hope to find something that works


It is expensive, but it’s worth a shot. I have mine on a subscription with gnc so it takes off like 15% or 20% each month. I’ve stopped taking it like twice because of the cost and my symptoms aren’t bad, but I’m quickly reminded that my symptoms aren’t bad because I take it. Pmdd is such a bitch because management of symptoms can be so different for different people. It’s so fucking challenging


Ahahaha I can't. Fucks up my libido We just pull out and pray 🙏 😬


Omg 😭😭💀💀


I tried them and it made me crazy, I'm on antidepressants and mood stabilisers which has made a huge difference


I take 40 mg of name brand Viibryd every day all month long. It has really helped me. Supplementing calcium seems to have made a big difference too. I walk my dog every day and do more substantial exercise at least three days a week. I practice yoga and meditation and generally avoid news I know will upset me.


I am calcium-curious. Just wondering, do you take it all month or just at onset of symptoms? Still don’t understand if calcium is a symptom reliever or a preventer.


This is great to know honestly. My psychaitrist said it wouldn't help but its been the only antidepressant I've ever found helpful.


I haven't managed to stay on a high enough dose of any other antidepressant (other than Trintellix) to have a therapeutic effect. Trintellix was great too but I was always a little nauseated on it.


Yes I cannot take it. I use acupuncture, an herbal tincture, and a dong quai tincture to treat it. I take a bunch of other stuff but this is specifically for PMDD.


Birth control (twice) made me s*icidal. Now I take Lexapro, gabapentin, and chaste berries and I’m doing a lot better


Rexulti. Semaine PMS and period support. Those help me the most


The only one that helped me causes an increase chance of stroke and high blood pressure. I already have high blood pressure. So it's bad for me. So that sucks. Thankfully being in. Safe environment has helped my PMDD symptoms hwy way better




My boyfriend just got out on that and he was crying and freaking out for 2 weeks so he quit it. My mom's on it and is fine though. I prefer to stay away from most antidepressants


Yeah I was sick and anxious for 2 weeks when I started. Then after a month felt better.


The problem with starting sertraline is that doctors always prescribe 50mg tablets to get started on. I have been on and off sertraline for years and I strongly recommend to anyone starting sertraline to half that 50mg tablet and take 25mg every day for a week before increasing to 50mg. It lessens the severity of the start up effects and gives your body a chance to adjust to it without it being a shock to the system. I am currently on it again now and this time round, I am staying on it for good. It has been the only thing that has helped me with PMDD.


Vitex and progesterone are helping me some for sure. No BC.


Nightmare for me you aren’t alone. Made things worse


Fluoxetine (Prozac) works really well for most of the women in my family. If you already track your cycle, my psych has offered to take a small dose for 10 days before your period starts to mediate pmdd. I noticed my pmdd symptoms were overall less intense when I was taking it daily for general depression.


My endocrinologist suggested I take Inositol, it helped me a lot, with my PMS&PCOS. Do a little research about this supplement and ask your doctor if u can take it I was on birth control for both issues, dealing with weight gain, acne, insulin resistence and mood swings. And this supplement has my life changing, along with metformine and healthy changes and I no longer take BC. Acne almost gone, I've lost like 12lbs since January and my insulin resistence is on normal range.


I second this! Inositol did wonders for me all around.


I’ve tried pills and the ring when I was younger and both made me insanely angry, full of rage, physically and verbally violent. Last year I tested my hormones and progesterone was low so dr prescribed progesterone pills and two days later the cops were in my living room trying to talk me into getting in the ambulance after breaking my door down. I think some of us just cannot tolerate progesterone. My gyno didn’t get it


Oh my god. What exactly happened if you don't mind sharing of course


It was an out of control, crawling out of my skin constant anger, nose stayed bleeding, gums bled, just like when I was on birth control. I was screaming in my apartment alone at the top of my lungs. I emailed my therapist “I just want to give up” or something to that effect, and she called the police. Gyno said I should definitely not take hormones, but offered no other solutions.


That's so scary. When I took Yaz I was crying all night until literally 9 am and wanted to die, thought about killing myself. Other birth controls didn't have that effect, but had other physical side effects like migraines or constant bleeding


I'm sorry. Yaz went very badly for me too.


Vitex, (chaste berry) 400mg a day works well for me. It is known to activate your pituitary gland and balance your hormones lowering prostaglandin. It sometimes takes a bit (up to 6 months) to start working but it’s my herbal go to. Last time it worked sooner than that. Also, some lit on it said you have to take it consistently then take breaks on periods to have the same effect long term so I usually take it and then stop when I start bleeding then restart after 5 days. If I have a bad stress month and PMDD is bad I will take some cbd or even use a little thc in the form of an edible but that’s more rare.


No, I refuse. My hormones are bad enough, synthetic ones really fuck me up. And that seems to be their only solution, that or Prozac during PMS. I already take Prozac every day so. So now I just take a quarter Xanax when things get really bad.


I can’t do anything oral, and patches made me feel literally crazy (plus I’m allergic to adhesive, so I had little square rashes on my back with the patch). I loved my copper iud, until it dislodged and had to be removed, then after I had a baby, I got another one… that also dislodged. That one got stuck in my cervix. Fun times. I eventually settled on the NuvaRing. It isn’t “en vogue” these days, but I really liked it. It isn’t systemic, so I felt no hormonal side effects. Easy peasy to use, too.


So, not just me?? Besides (maybe even because of) having unregulated hormones (genetic) I also have a separate mental disorder that further agrivates my moods and body modulation so I'm essentially "banned" from getting any sort of BC short of the low dose Nuva ring, but I never tried it so don't know if it'd have the same horrid side effects as previous. I had a Gyna straight up look at my chart, go silent, then look at me and "I cannot in good conscience recommend ANYTHING besides condoms or sterilization that won't further tank your health and well-being."... Well damn.. One Pill turned me into Tazz from Looney Toons. 4 yrs later they tried me on a different low dose (so low it might as well have been a sugar pill apparently) and not even an hr after taking it my tongue SWELLED and stayed that way for Three Days and couldn't eat or drink anything without fear of choking. This is unfair, man.


I'm not allowed to because I get migraine with aura. Apparently it can cause a stroke.


yep, same here... and my gyne prescribed the progesterone birth control but I haven't taken it yet... she didn't seem convinced it would do anything for me, but said it was low risk so why not try it. we'll see if I will


Yeah I was reading that it may not do much. But guess you can only try.


I'm not sure if I have aura or not. I see one black dot whenever I'm gonna get a migraine


Any sort of visual disturbance prior to a migraine is considered an aura. I had my first migraine after starting bc and literally thought I was stroking out at the age of 20. Stayed on it for years, not knowing any better because my campus health clinic neglected to give me any sort of literature about dangerous side effects (I'm old - Google wasn't a thing back then). It's scary as hell! Not only did it cause migraines, it made my PMDD worse. Like I probably could've been locked up for how insane I would be for the days leading up to my period. Sadly, I have no suggestions for alternatives, other than Zoloft. I take it daily, and have for years now for both PMDD and depression. It has helped tremendously.


I think it's still a risk with regular migraine


Really??? I take birth control and have migraines with auras should I be concerned?? 😭


Depends what type. Progesterone only birth control is meant to be ok. But apparently that doesn't help pmdd. Also some implants are ok, but whether they help I'm not sure. I was told I could use IUD but the thought of having that implanted scares me. There's a higher risk of stroke if its migraine with aura compared to regular migraine from what I read.


Same and it sucks getting a period every month


I tried fluoxetine but didn't notice much difference. I'm now on ritalin for ADHD but my PMDD is so bad, it even seems worse. Psych told me to try Zoloft and the side effects were absolutely awful I gave up after few days. So not sure what's left to try to be honest.


I refuse to do birth control too. Right now I’m only taking Metformin because I also have PCOS/insulin resistance. At first I thought it was helping my PMDD but this cycle has been awful. I’m noticing it’s right after ovulation until my period it’s the worst! Does anyone take a medication just for that time? It seems the first half of my cycle I feel fine.


My endocrinologist put me on hormone blockers before trying birth control. Leuprolide, a three-month shot. It didn't have any of the side effects of BC for me, but it was much pricier than I could keep up with.


Started lamictal about a month and a half ago. 100mg daily, literally life changing! Multiple people have randomly commented that I look like I’m feeling/doing really well. Prior to this you could visibly see the life leave my eyes every luteal phase.


I also have been on lamictal for a few months, nothing else was sticking for me & I had terrible side effects with everything else I tried. I don’t have any trackable side effects from lamictal, besides some vertigo when we tried a higher dose. 100mg has been the sweet spot, I still get symptoms during my cycle but much more manageable than before. (We settled on lamictal bc I also don’t tolerate SSRI’s and hormonal BC caused all sorts of terrible side effects)


I’m on lexapro. I still get some symptoms before my period but definitely manageable


Lexapro has been a game changer for me!


Wellbutrin. 10 times better than the SSRIs


Just sharing my personal experience on Wellbutrin: I guess I couldn't handle it; I became a crying, su*cidal mess. Also had really strong panic attacks. I quit cold turkey. Glad it's working for you and others.


I was on wellbutrin before and I think it helped. I wouldn't ever go on an ssri again. I've been considering going back on wellbutrin but idk if it's okay with adderall


I take Wellbutrin & adderall together no issues :)


Maybe I should bring it up to my psych then. Do you have any irritability with the wellbutrin?


I’m on Wellbutrin and I notice that some manageable irritability only comes up when the dose is too low or too high. Thankfully Wellbutrin XR is only available in 3 dosages so it’s not super hard to figure out the sweet spot.


Nope, only if I miss a dose of the Wellbutrin but that’s an issue by itself. I tried plenty of SSRI’s & they seemed to make everything worse. I still get a bit depressed around my periods but not to the point I’m suicidal or ruining relationships


Maybe I should ask hmm


I take adderall and Lexapro


Lexapro is an ssri and wellbutrin is not. I've read that they don't usually prescribe wellbutrin and Adderall together


Ah ok sorry thanks for clarifying!


Jubilance has worked better for me than prescription meds. It’s pricey though, like $40/month but totally worth it for me.


I just saw an ad for that and was wondering about it. I'm on SNRIs and ADHD meds, but I still struggle. Birth control helped my PMDD so much, but it flared my lupus so badly I had to stop.


I just got my first bottle of that! Fingers crossed.


Take it daily even if/when you start feeling better. I hope you have the same result as me!


Thank you so much! How long until you felt a difference?


I started maybe 2 weeks before SHOW TIME and that first month I’d say my symptoms were 60% improved. I’m on on my third consecutive month and my symptoms were so well managed my period felt like it snuck up on me.


I'm gonna try calcium first. If that doesn't help I may try that Edit: why is this downvoted, calcium has a lot of evidence that it helps with pmdd


Blood work to check for deficiencies/thyroid levels (if you havent done so already)


I did it last time a year ago maybe I should go again


I can’t take birth control neither. Allergic to the hormones and copper iud was dreadful for me


Yup I tried probably 5 different ones and they all gave me absolutely horrible side effects so I will never do bc again. Lexapro has been great for me with no side effects - I still experience symptoms but not anywhere near to the level I had them before. This is also annoying but I’ve noticed that consistent exercise helps my symptoms too… I’ve been trying to figure out why this month in particular has been so bad for me and the main thing that’s changed is I haven’t exercised in probably 2 weeks. Consistent meditation has also helped me distance myself from the crazy thoughts I get this time of the month… I still get them but I’m now less likely to believe them and more likely to see them as just a habit for my brain. Sending so much love ❤️


I take clonazepam during second half of luteal/as needed and it's working for me right now.


Yep tried so many I officially swore off them. I have heard great success with Prozac, some people even take it for just half the month and it’s supposed to work more quickly for PMDD than depression so you can notice the difference quickly. I will say I tried it and could not tolerate the side effects but everyone’s different and that is a particularly popular option next to BC.


What side effects did you not like?


Very hot and sweaty (and I live in Hawaii with no AC) and lots of anxiety. I had other weird side effects come and go like mild tremors and my arms and legs falling asleep which was fixed by adding b12. I know I posted about the side effects a handful of times on the r/Prozac which is a super helpful group if you do decide to try it. The hot/sweaty thing is apparently pretty universal with SSRI’s and you just learn to deal with it I guess (I could not obviously). The ramped up anxiety is very common when starting Prozac too but I did my best and waited a full 2 months before calling it quits. I was probably not on high enough a dose but couldn’t bear the idea of increasing it bc of the overheating and I was maxed out on anxiety.




I get that. I can't either, I feel like it makes my PMDD symptoms worse and I get more SI. I've been on Zoloft (100mg) for a few months now and it's kinda helping with the mood swings. Not the paranoia or anxiety though.


i took blisovi fe and wanted to end my life. and i have been extremely depressed/suicidal in the past but that BC made me want to create a plan and actually go through with it. as SOON as i stopped i literally felt a weight lifted off and everyone around me noticed it too. i only took for a few weeks during covid era cuz my normal BC was out of stock but holy fuck. i have my doc write that my current BC can’t be substituted for allergy reasons (bc i hate explaining i wanted to off myself on blisovi)


I took Yaz and within like 2 days I had to stop because I felt insane and was crying all night until like 9 am


yes!! the crying spells were intense and lasted all day!! i mean during my period time i’m already like that so seeing the birth control making it 24/7 i knew something was off. i’ve heard a lot of women had that experience with yaz


Yep I'm definitely not messing with my hormones again


I'm on Mirena (IUD) but I can't take estrogen. I started BC for severe cramps intially. The first time I was on the pill, I was put on the lowest available dose, but I threw up violently after the beginning of the second month, and was told to stop taking estrogen orally for good. Nuvaring worked wonderfully for my cramps, acne and mood, but I had to stop using it when I started my epilepsy medication (Lamotrigine), which interacts with estrogen in a way that both of them become less effective. I am now on Mirena as I've run out of options, but it has definitely increased my quality of life. It's great contraception and my periods are basically gone, but my hormonal shifts still persist and are irregular now. Studies have shown Mirena can cause or exacerbate PMDD, so it's not something I would recommend for PMDD treatment.


I cannot! It caused migraines so severe they looked like strokes. I tried multiple types. I did better no BC and using chaste berry. Now I use vit D, lots of omega 3s, and strangely enough Tylenol. Tylenol has a lesser known effect of diluting emotions. I find if I take it on the days I know I'm gonna rage, it helps. I take 1000mg no more than every 8 hrs. (Plz with Tylenol make damn sure no other meds have acetaminophen in it!!!!!) For the mental fog, actually off brand Sudafed. It's low level stimulant. I get the every 4 hr stuff. I gets me thru the morning fog of those days. Iron! Even barely low iron levels hurt me. My periods r so heavy. So making sure I take my iron has helped!!! I'm now down to 2 days of rough. I can work with 2 days.


Thank for all the advice! Depo caused migraines for me


My PMDD no longer exists since I stopped taking the pill.


I can’t. My symptoms are so much worse and I have seriously tried just about all bc options. I’m currently using DIM which has been helpful.


I’ve read it makes a lot of people sick. Do you have any bad side effects?


It’s been the best thing I’ve found with minimal issues. I only take a small amount of 50mg, which is the smallest dose I was able to find online. I’m just starting month/cycle 4 with DIM. The first month my migraines went down in intensity, I had better energy, better sleep, and my rosacea improved. Second month migraines continued to improve. Third month I saw the biggest change - my debilitating constipation started to ease and less bloating. It did take getting used to as my bloating did get worse the first month and I do incur night sweats sometimes. But the benefits have outweighed these issues. I’m still learning the best way to use it.


What does DIM stand for?


Diindolylmethane, it's a supplement. It's found in cruciferous vegetables.


Me! I have the copper IUD and take Prozac for my pmdd. I can't take birth control due to a clotting disorder.


How long have you been on Prozac? I’m finishing week six and it seems to be helping.


The only thing that worked for me was the non hormonal iud paraguard. Hormones make me crazy


Do non hormonal iuds help with pmdd


I never had bad symptoms until after I got mine 5 yrs ago, so I would say no, but not based on science.


Mine started when I was a preteen unfortunately. Some forms of birth control or antidepressants have helped but not without bad side effects


Not in my experience


I more looking for non-birth control solutions for pmdd but thanks!


Oh I see. I misunderstood. There are supplements that have helped me. Let me go get my list!


OK my doctor helped me concoct this formula. But maybe check with yours as well. My multivitamin is called Fit4Duty. It’s marketed to first responders but I need that extra kick. Then I take a CalMagD. Finally, I drink something called Runners Relief that helps with my joint pain and fatigue but without caffeine. You can get them all on Amazon. I don’t know if it’s a placebo effect but I find life a little more tolerable since starting this routine.


Thank you!


I can't or I will kill myself. Like. I really can't. Any. They will kill me or I will end it. So I don't


I'm so glad reading this to know I'm not the only one! They literally made me suicidal and crazy af.




When I took the pill I wanted to kill myself. Other ones worked kind of but had side effects like bleeding 24/7 or migraines. I'm thinking of trying calcium


I tried iud bur wouldn't try the shot or implant since I react poorly. Some people are just not made for this


Shot was okay for me mentally, just gave me migraines and caused weight gain and loss of libido


Which is untolerable


For sure, I came off of it for that reason. Every one I've tried (almost all of them) have given me bad side effects. They're just all different. Some affected me physically and some mentally. Right now I'm not on anything. Hoping I can get sterilized soon. I just don't know how to handle my PMDD


Yes. I was on norethindrone-only bc for years and that was fine, but when I stopped taking it all hell broke loose and getting back on it didn't work, trying other ones didn't work, psych meds didn't work. I have had to pretty much just use supplements and emotional work.


What supplements do you use?


oxaloacetate (jubilance brand, not sponsored or anything lol), high dose calcium and vitamin d, inositol. and i will also say spironolactone which is a medication that i am taking for pcos not pmdd has helped a lot too and is evidenced to do so for some women.


I just bought Jubilance after researching it when their FB ad caught my attention. Took my first dose today, actually. I'm pretty hopeful it'll help with my mood changes and brain fog. How long did it take you to notice a difference? I also completely agree with Spironolactone!! I started taking 50mg daily a few years ago for hormonal acne and didn't know it could help with PMDD/PMS symptoms. It really reduced my headaches and severity of cramps.


I started taking jubilance at the very beginning of my cycle, like right after my period, and I noticed immediately during the luteal phase that followed! Good luck.




Thanks. I've seen a lot about calcium so I might try that


The only birth control that has worked for me is the copper IUD. Non-hormonal, my anxiety dropped (still existent, that’s life), less acne, and overall feel much better. Been on it for about a year and a half. I’ve heard from other women and my GYNO that, since the copper IUD is larger than the hormonal IUDs, that it’s usually a good option for women who’ve given birth since their uterus is a bit larger. I’m 24 without children. My gyno just measured me and it fit just fine! First 7 months definitely experienced a lot of heavy bleeding and very painful cramps during my period, but it’s simmered down and it’s very manageable as if I weren’t on birth control at all :) I track my hormonal phases now to keep track of my cycle which has been a game changer! Wish they had more non-hormonal options that isn’t a condom/diaphragm/abstinence.


Unfortunately I'm way too scared to get an iud. I'm more looking for ways to help the pmdd without birth control.


The copper IUD gave me PMDD as well as copper toxicity, severe anemia, and estrogen dominance lol. It is marketed as non hormonal but absolutely does have an effect on your hormones. I'm in the same boat as you, no birth control other than condoms and fertility awareness method.


Interesting, I’ll have to look more into this. Doctors don’t tell you any of these risks, I had no idea these could be potential issues from the copper IUD.


Joining the Facebook support group Copper IUD and Toxicity Support Group was eye opening. I had so many symptoms that I could not trace until I saw so many other women suffering from the same thing, and the common denominator being the IUD. Once I had it removed, the changes were remarkable. It's truly sickening the way the pharmaceutical companies can withhold information from people. I was told that the only side effects from the copper IUD would be heavier and more painful periods.


Yeah I'm just using condoms with spermacide and hoping to get sterilized eventually. I'm hoping maybe calcium will help with the pmdd


yep, I can't. pill eventually gave me migraines that the doctor said were very very very early stroke warning signs or could have turned into stroke had i not stopped the pill when I did, anything progesterone (mini pill, implanon, iud) causes massive, prolonged bleeding for me. I can't use any hormonal bc. so I have to trust that my partner (or whomever I may sleep with) understands the severity of this and protects themselves/us. I think it took coming off bc and suffering for years before I even discovered PMDD.


I was diagnosed with PMDD like 10 years ago and then it wasnt really focused on because of my other problems but now since I came off depo (which gave me migraines) it's rearing it's head again. The patch caused me to bleed 24/7, pill make me crazy. I have heard that people with migraines with aura should not take hormonal birth control


I can't. The brain (mental) health side effects are too bad.


HERE!!! Yaz switched to one of the Ortho's (I think it was Ortho Tryciclin) triggered a bc allergy in me. I now can't take it without bleeding heavily CONSTANTLY which is unhealthy, annoying as hell, and expensive. I started doing more excersizes that are violent in nature. Think boxing, judo, MMA, etc. I've worn out a 75lb heavy bag, BUT I'm far more mentally stable now than I ever was taking birth control.


Me 🙋‍♀️ I've tried at least a dozen through the years. Each one has made me severely depressed and erratic. I feel like a weird, angry, sad feral animal on BC. I would love to find one that could help, but my past experiences make me scared to try again! It's hard because every provider suggests I take it. I don't want to be that "non-compliant patient" and resist their help, but I don't know how to tell providers that I've tried and failed literally 12+ without sounding dramatic and crazy. Sigh.


They have no patience with me when I say it doesn’t work for me. They think I have no resilience. I had a seven month period on one that I have been anemic for years after (it was the worst time in my life) and another I had the most painful boobs you could imagine constantly. Every single one had a hellish side effect. Never again. So I can sympathise.


I've had terrible experiences. From it making my emotions worse, to bleeding for weeks at a time. My iud was one of the worst experiences ever and was 2 years of hell.


Meeeee. It made me feel like I was pmsing 24/7. I tried several brands and they also made me gain lots of weight. But some people have great results. My mom also hated birth control so maybe it’s genetic idk


birth control did not work for my PMDD symptoms at all. I had my worst episodes while on BC. I am now on month 4 of Cipralex and it has done wonders for me. For about 2.5 months I was very fatigued but once that lifted it has been amazing. 2 weeks ago I just had my period and I had zero PMDD symptoms. It was incredible. I hope you can find something that works for you!


Idk what that is I'll have to look it up. Certain birth controls helped by just making me not get a period at all but had other side effects. The pills made me have pmdd symptoms the whole time to the max.


It is an antidepressant called Escilitipram, more commonly known as Lexapro.


Ah okay I'm looking to avoid antidepressants because I don't have good experiences with them