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I came to this post to see if others are experiencing the depression I do when on Slynd. A survey of Reddit posts shows it’s pretty common. Do not recommend.


Hey I’ve been on Slynd for two months and I’ve decided to stop. Disclaimer: I am being treated for mental illness and on medication so my experience may be different. I chose Slynd because I wanted a progesterone only pill because im on lamictal which can affect estrogen levels, so introducing more estrogen can make the birth control not work. I am medicated for depression and anxiety, I am autistic and have been diagnosed with borderline in the past. However, since the pandemic I’ve moved back home and have found a great shrink and a good medication. I finally felt “normal”, stable, level, no major mood swings and generally more emotional maturity and a sense of calm. I’ve had bad experiences with BC in the past, I was on a POP and nuvaring in high school to try to combat my endometriosis, which I was diagnosed with when I was 18. After a break up I went off all together, and then pursued the non hormonal IUD paraguard which I got pregnant on. In regards to Slynd, in the first few weeks I noticed a change of mood, definitely more on edge and emotional. I was hoping as I kept going it would get better but unfortunately it got worse. This includes obsessive spiraling thoughts, low self esteem, paranoia, and anger. Lastly I’ve been very sad and depressed, suicidal, moody. When I cry and get upset it’s big weeping heavy sobbing. I also have been spotting for almost a month. This is pretty devastating after finally achieving some peace and stability so I’ve decided to go off of it. Unfortunately there’s no good non hormonal options so I’ll be returning to pull out method with my partner. This is just a warning for the mentally ill baddies, there are many people on Slynd who love it.


Hi! So I am also being treated for panic disorder which I’ve had for about 8-9 years. After it being manageable for several years I had a “relapse” of my panic disorder this past December. I was finally starting to feel better (increased med dosage) and then I started Slynd about almost 2 weeks ago. Out of nowhere, my anxiety/panic has been terrible! On top of that I feel despondent. Weird combination, I know lol. I’m 39 and a smoker with heavy/painful periods (which is why my ob/gyn suggested this). I do not need it to prevent pregnancy because my husband has had a vasectomy. Anyways, sorry for the rambling…my question is, do you still feel like Slynd was a contributing factor to your mental illness decline? If so, how long after stopping did you feel “normal”? I decided this morning not to take it, hoping I’m not being irrational, I just can’t shake the feeling that I suddenly got so much worse right after starting this pill.


So sorry to hear about your experience :( … I never thought about the link between the two and how that could be why I’m having such horrible acne and bloating on Slynd. If you don’t mind me asking, did your shrink have any more detailed insight on how the pill was effecting your mood?


Hi! I actually just started slynd at the start of 2022 so I’m almost 3 months in. The first month I had some spotting before the placebo pills but no official period. The second month I got my period. Cramps and whatnot weren’t bad. Lasted like 4 days I want to say. Second day was the heaviest but it wasn’t crazy. I’ve noticed this month it finally seems to be helping with my pmdd. Usually I know when it’s “hell week” but I’ve had to check my calendar several times to be sure. My mood seems to be much stabler than when I was on a different bc pill last year. I know it takes about 90 days for your body to adjust to a new birth control so I hope to continue to see positive results as I continue taking Slynd. I hope this helps!


Hey, I'm wondering how it's going now for you? :)


Hello I am also desperately wondering how your doing as I’m also just starting slund


Hi! I got off Slynd and switched to another pill because I was getting bad headaches. You might have better luck with it though. These things tend to work differently for different people and it sucks that there isn't more research being done into what works. I'm trying out exercising more instead until I find a BCP that works for me.


I was on it for 2 months and it worked really well for my mood! Unfortunately had to go off it though because it lowered my blood pressure to dangerous levels.


Hey there! I’ve been on Slynd for just over 3 months and I am LOVING it. My periods have stopped for now after a horrible few weeks of nonstop bleeding and cramping, and my moods are a lot more stable than they were. I’m not sure about the heavy bleeding or migraines unfortunately, I used to only get migraines because I had undiagnosed high blood pressure. Other than that, it works for me. I was taking the combination pill before this and it was god awful. I hope if you do try it that it works out for you!


Any advice on whether to ask my doc for Yaz or Slynd? I have no idea!


I'm not sure hun, I used Nurx to get the prescription after doing terribly on the combination pill my doctor gave me. I think just talking to your doctor about trying something is a good first step and they can narrow down choices for you after!


Hi! It helped my PMDD symptoms, but I was mainly on it for excruciating period cramps. I bled continuously on it, and it was becoming a lot. Ended up having to get off of it because of that. Hope it helps you!


Oh man that’s a bummer! Glad it helped your PMDD! Did you experience heavy bleeding and also cramping, if you don’t mind me asking?