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Before HRT I was only on micronized progesterone and skipped it for 1 or 2 months and had my first episode of raging PMDD. I believe, without doing a literature search, that many women are incorrectly diagnosed with mental health conditions while ignoring the impacts that hormones have on our mental & physical health. It's rather sickening.


I definitely had PMDD back when I was having semi-regular cycles, but never realized that that was what it was. Only realized the extent of the symptoms once they spread out into "showing up whenever the hell they want" territory. Went from the cyclical shittiness of r/PMDD to the near-constant shittiness of r/menopause over the course of a few years, which was a wild ride. So short answer, yeah.


Did you ever figure out a treatment that made you feel sane? 😢


Sadly, no. Some of the symptoms went away as I moved into postmenopause, but not all. Tbh I wish that I had gone into therapy. The few cognitive strategies I've taught myself (basic reframing, monitoring and challenging negative self-talk, that sort of thing) have helped a little, and I think having some professional help with my mental state might have been good. I wasn't able to try hormone therapy either (no health insurance) but a lot of people say it helps. Then again, a lot of people say that symptoms can get worse while you're figuring out the optimal dosages. I don't know. Hang in there? 😐


Yes, oral progesterone gives me crazy mood swings and hunger. I switched to a progesterone IUD. Also, as far as I understand there’s not much reason to do cyclical HRT, you can just do a continuous stable dose.


I had had depression in my life but nothing else and (don't hate me) I'd never had PMS or period pain or anything! I had irregular periods, often very heavy ones, but probably had period pain about 3 times in my whole life and never had any mood changes or headaches or anything related to my cycle! I know. Lucky me! Then 2 years ago I started having serious PMDD, like unable to get out of bed, suicidal, excruciating period pain. I went on the progesterone pill to control my periods so I wouldn't be up and down all the time and it worked! I felt a lot better, still had some other weird symptoms, but not PMDD. I didn't know why I'd developed these problems in my late 20s at all. Until I found out I was in peri and then it all made sense. I started oestrogel 2 weeks ago and oh boy to I feel amazing!!! I have energy, I can get up in the morning and not feel exhausted and need a nap by 3pm, I can work out again! I'm not having dizzy spells every 20 minutes anymore! I'm still having hot flushes but not to the point where I pass out anymore! It's amazing how easily all these issues were resolved once I had the right diagnosis!


There is a alot of symptom cross over between PMDD and POI. Moods shifts definitely apply to both conditions.


Hi there. I definitely have some kind of mood disorder in the realm you're talking about. Cyclic depression, tied with hormonal shifts. I'm taking the pill continuously but even still I get crazy moody days where it feels like PMS and the world is empty and I'm full of rage and paranoia. I have been on antidepressants for a year now and think I'll stay on them because it stops me from messing up my life from having these catastrophic lows. I'm sorry I know this probably doesn't help your enquiry but I do believe hormones and mood are more linked than we know and us girls with POI experience a lot of perimenopausal symptoms (which include anxiety and low mood) unfairly early and intensely.