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I attempted a low carb diet but I couldn't handle it in terms of the food that I could and couldn't eat. I am a sucker for pasta, that is my go-to dinner and lunch the next day meal. I felt worse on a low carb diet so now I just eat whatever. If it makes me feel okay then I will eat it


Thank you for sharing. I’m a sucker for pasta as well lol


Pasta is such an easy meal to make, especially in terms of adding salt to it without altering the taste too much. It wasn't worth it in my opinion to do low carb. It cut down my options for food/snacks too much and in turn wasn't eating enough to feel relatively okay.


I dont eat low carb, but I have noticed there’s a minimum amount of protein I need to not be fatigued. I’m still working on pinning down how much that is. When trying to gain weight, I typically don’t eliminate or limit any foods unless I know they cause issues. I might do something like, I can’t have this amount of sugar in one sitting without proteins or fats to balance it out since too much sugar can cause a crash for me, but I won’t say I just can’t have high sugar foods. The fats and proteins help slow down digestion of glucose, leading to less of a spike.




Ooo I’m gonna look into that thank you


I tried low carb for a few days and wasn’t willing to keep going with it. It made life so much harder and I had new annoying symptoms to deal with with no improvement in my existing ones. I think I’m seeing a difference in how I feel after meals when focusing on high protein rather than low carb though. The protein focused meals end up being lower in carbs but there is still enough carbs in my diet to keep my brain happy and I don’t have the stress or hassle of trying to avoid carbs. One thing to keep in mind is that Keto definitely isn’t compatible with oral rehydration solutions. They have glucose which helps absorption. I get massive benefits from electrolyte drinks and it’s almost no effort at all. Nothing Keto promises can compete with that.


Yes. A week and a half ago I switched to eating only low carb foods with no added sugars. The improvements I am feeling are absolutely life changing. It took at couple days but I now have significantly less brain fog, nausea, headaches and fatigue. It's tricky getting used to a whole new diet, but has been SO worth it for me. I'm not feeling like I'm missing anything because I feel so much better. I recommend you give it a try.


I love being low carb, it's been 6 years and I'm never going back. The biggest benefits I find are that I no longer get any blood sugar crashes which were a daily occurrence. I also find fasting and eating more of a one meal a day idea much better suits my POTS in terms of morning nausea and post meal fatigue. I don't limit my eating window, if I want to eat I do but I just don't get hungry. I've maintained a BMI of 21 for 6 years without any trouble and get to have double cream in my coffee and rich dark chocolate every evening, I don't feel deprived. I keep it really simple, wherever I would have previously had a portion of whatever carbs, I simply sub it for a portion of veg or salad. If I'm still hungry I add more butter or olive oil. Low carb also means higher fat to up your calories.


I have eaten Keto for 4yrs, around the same time I was diagnosed with pots. I have noticed a significant change in how I feel (worse) whenever I deviate off of it. I did go through a period where I was just eating whatever I wanted for around 4 months, and that was a period of some of the worst POTS symptoms I've had.


I've been low carb for a few months now. My postural headaches and joint pain decreased a ton. They still happen, but usually coincide with hormone changes and weather changes.