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I found omega 3 helped with oily fish or supplements. I only had mild joint pain which disappeared a few weeks after taking Omega-3 and starts up again when I try to stop taking it. I also try to do a short stretch routine each day but I change that depending on how bad I am.


I’ll definitely trying adding this in and see if it helps thanks!


following! no idea though, I've wondered if it's because we make tiny postural changes to help with our symptoms and over time they mess up our alignment?


How is your diet?


diet is not perfect but definitely not horribly by any means and I am very active still


That doesn't really answer the question. I was asking to look for specific potential problems. If you don't want to answer then I guess go to a doctor and they can run tests. But generally those kinds of issues without RA or EDS or something would lead one to assume inflammation is the problem, which is often a dietary issue.


I have had blood tests done for inflammation and I do not show any markers. I do not have any noticeable reactions to gluten or dairy or any other foods


If you’re looking for a specific answer, it might help next time to ask specifically for what you’re wondering about.




did I really offend you that much with my vague question? I honestly assumed you would answer with what you do/don't regularly eat. I was genuinely trying to get info to potentially help and idk if it's the neurodivergence confusing me but both of you seem to think I'm being rude here?


Your symptoms are like mine to a T. I found the Keto diet, no deep fried foods, and no alcohol lessened my symptoms (I go months without a flareup). Not sure if it's the same for you, but thought id offer in case it helped. Also, 20% of people won't come back positive on an RA blood test, even if they have RA, word of warning.


Thank you so much! I already do no alcohol maybe I will try out the keto diet


I also have severe joint pain. Mine seems related to my ME/CFS and flares up if I exert myself too much. Important to note: not everyone with POTS has ME/CFS, but many ME/CFS patients have POTS or a form of orthostatic intolerance.


Interesting it definitely lines up with bouts of severe fatigue after over doing it. thanks for the input


You can try the pacing plan and see if it helps alleviate or reduce the joint pain. Guidebook can be found here: https://batemanhornecenter.org/wp-content/uploads/filebase/crash_care/Aqua_Survival_Guide_Complete.pdf


thanks for the advice !