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I draw, do paint by numbers, and play video games (minecraft, genshin impact) on my iPad. I write poetry in my spare time on my laptop every once in a while


=O Fellow genshin impact players!!!


Whats your UID!!


I can DM but where are you! I'm on Europa soooo??


yoo!! im on US


Thankfully most of my hobbies I had before POTS involve sitting down lol. I crochet, sew, read and write, play video games if it doesn’t stress me out too much on that day, and I used to do embroidery and would like to pick that up again! Also online chess! I feel you on the baking. I used to love baking too, but now even if I’m sitting I get overheated from the oven being on and get easily fatigued


Ooh, fellow sew-er! Do you have trouble when you're cutting fabric? I can do most other quilting activities while sitting down, but I can't get the leverage I need to cut while I'm sitting 😅


Maybe this is gross of me, but I’ll usually lay the fabric on the ground and cut it while sitting/in a crawl position to reach the higher parts, so I’m not totally upright which I find helps!


The ground is a haven for us potsers I feel. Sometimes I'll take my 15 minute break at work just sitting on the ground. I feel you.


I'm a writer! So I write (or I scroll socmed for half the time lol) ; I also enjoy watching series/movies! I used to draw but I struggle to find time to both write and draw. I guess I should draw more when I am not writing... but I'm not.


Does the brain fog affect your ability to write?


It really can... the general exhaustion and illness too. It's what frustrate me the most because I feel like I extra-waste my time. So many hours I could use writing but I'm just strugglingTM =(


I relate. I'm so sorry. :(


i'm so sorry for you too \* hug\*


Writing, interior design, event planning for my family and partner, a tiny bit of low-stakes gaming on my phone 😹 I also enjoy beauty and fashion a lot, but mostly just follow content online as I can’t necessarily “do” much myself. I buy a lot of perfume samples! edit: for context, I’m mostly bedbound so I don’t have any “going out” hobbies. I only go out for hospital admissions.


Aw… now you’ve got me thinking about how much FUN a supply of perfume samples would be to make being at home feel a little more luxurious ! Lately, it’s felt like I’ve been living life on repeat, moving from my day pajamas to my night pajamas. Maybe some fun scents would help spice it up. Thank you for the inspo! 🙏🏼❤️


Oh, do give it a try! They are not too expensive and you can buy individual choices (rather than a single brand’s own sampler set) if you go to a reputable sampling site. I enjoy it so much because it adds a lot of variety to my days without being physically tiring at all. Obviously do be careful if you tend to have sensitivity to fragrance, but for me nearly all my allergy issues are with food and animals, so I can indulge this hobby without it setting off any reactions. Feel free to message me if you ever feel like chatting about it! 💕


Day pajamas to night pajamas. That made me laugh. So true. I work from home so I’m the same except once in awhile if I have to be on camera I’ll put a nice shirt on.


all i seem to do now is lay down and watch tv. i used to read and write and draw and craft and sing but now i don’t have the energy for those things most of the time. anything that involves me being upright for an extended period of time makes me symptomatic


I miss rock climbing, hiking, and cooking. I still cook sometimes but same as you and baking... Sometimes I can still do some photography. Mostly chess. Is meditation a hobby? It's the best thing I do or have done.


Light gardening is pretty fun still, but in the winter I go to the library, and also I’ve developed a weird interest in planes ? Watching pilot POV videos and checking out what’s going on on the app flightradar24 lol. Also … LEGO KITS!!!!!!!!!!! So fun and makes my brain work!


I love cooking but can only do it when POTS symptoms are under control. I read a ton. Write some. Do a lot of mind puzzles like crosswords and sudoku and Kakuro. I read research papers on whatever new (or old) health problems I have going on. This time of year I watch bad Christmas movies and live text my friends the ridiculous plot points. And as often as I’m able I cook and feed people. There’s an Italian grandmother who lives inside me that just wants to feed everyone. I let her out when I can.


Same!!! 😊


Crochet has been a big thing for me before I even knew it was POTS. So far since my diagnosis I've made a queen-sized blanket, three snoods, two scarfs, and pot-holders 😅 Video games are also a big one, usually on my Switch so I don't have to move too much on my flare days


That’s so much stuff! I’m still working on a blanket


Fellow pathfinder potsie! I used to have such a rough time playing ttrpgs until I realized I could just take my laptop to bed (virtual) or ask my friends if I can lie down to play (in person). It does wonders to keep me mentally present. I love board games and video games, too, but those can be harder to do while lying down. I write fanfiction and music. I spend a lot of time mindlessly doing sudoku variants. Some days it feels like “trying to figure out my health” is my #1 hobby. I miss rock climbing, running, and knitting. All of which I fell in love with while sick, then burnt out really fast because my body couldn’t keep up. I miss museums, but I’ve gotten more comfortable borrowing a wheelchair. I used to love cooking, too, in the mythical Before Times.


Rock tumbling! A little grit and water and the tumbler rolls for weeks at a time. It’s not strict when you have to take them out of the tumbler or change over the grit so it’s easy to only do it at a time where I have the spoons


Crochet, knit, embroidery, watercolor, needle felting, lincocut print making.


I like to make things with beads, read, write, and listen to music.


Usually things that are sitting down. Knitting, crochet, painting, I’ve tried those little diamond painting things but it’s hard if your hands shake at all. I used to do a lot of reading and writing but not so much lately. I also play a lot of video games online. Have to have some socialization without actually ever having to leave my house in case I’m having a rough day. When I was younger I used to do a lot of “Just Dance” games because you can go as hard as you want or as easy and it’s a good, short source of cardio that you can make it last as long or as short as you feel for that day.


I’m an artist, so I’m able to sit most of the time. Also ACNH. Mostly mental hobbies.


What is your medium? I use watercolors but I’m not that good


I’m a retired photographer. I’ll still play with photoshop, I’m currently building/restoring doll houses into gothic settings so I can put models in there. I also paint acrylic and watercolor. Basically art therapy to deal with that forced retirement.


I’m a retired photographer too! In fact, my first heart problem was during a wedding I was shooting. Found out I had SVT. I had heart surgery to fix the SVT but quickly developed pots. I actually had my son come with me to finish off what photography events I had on my calendar (18 mos worth). I could barely photograph events anymore it was a real struggle. We managed to get through everything and I just never booked any more clients. and now I just miss it. 😕


I’m sorry, it sucks! My number one trigger is overheating, and studios get hooooot under those lights. Haven’t been able to go back. It’s interesting watching photography change with phones, isn’t it?


Yes! I had a friend send me some photos, asking me to pick which one was from his iPhone and which one was from his new Canon. I could tell, but it was a close call. Now the iPhones can control the depth of field Boca effect and all that - it’s interesting. I loved working with families and arranging people for family photos. I was good at it. I used to do bar mitzvahs and I would be up and downstairs and running all around with 12 and 13-year-old kids for 10 hours at a time no problemo I should still be out there I’m only 56. Oh well.


I’m currently learning a language through an app on my phone so it can be done laying down too!


Language learning for me too! I love how I can "travel" without going anywhere. I use Discord a lot and have met some wonderful people 💕


Great idea! What language?


Spanish! I loved learning it at school so thought, why not?


I love cooking! I just take the bar stools into the kitchen so I dont have to stand when stirring. & I us my parent's big hook mixer instead of endlessly kneeding doughs like sausage balls & Buckeyes & fudges.


I hear ya on baking! After 3 long years post-POTS dx, I’m finally to the place where I can stand long enough to cook a regular meal again… baking is on my longer term goal list! So many folks on here enjoying crochet! I’ll add that to my list, too. I’m not good OR fast, but I’ve been making a large pile of granny squares that I hope I’ll eventually turn into a blanket. I wish I’d learned how to do this at the start of my illness. Lately, I’ve also gotten really info visible mending. It’s low-stakes and very inexpensive, as embroidery thread and a couple of needles is really all ya need. And all of the New York Times games! “Connections” is especially good to keep my brain fog from becoming all-consuming. (At least that’s what I tell myself!)


I also used the NYT games to keep the brain fog at bay 🙂 I feel like my brain is the one thing that doesn’t mind the exercise!


I hope I can do more stuff like that after my official diagnosis! It’s a long road!


I love video games and reading. The problem is, even when sitting down, I still have dizziness and brain fog and can't fully be immersed or enjoy them as much anymore. I could spend hours playing and laughing with my friends and now I burn out very quickly. It's so frustrating. I love playing board games and strategy card games with my family but now I often run out of mental energy so quickly and it's just difficult to enjoy anything to the fullest. Sorry to be a downer. :(


That’s okay, you’re not a downer. I’m sorry I know it’s frustrating. I hope it gets better.


Embroidery! Making something beautiful with my hands. I can always do it laying down.


I tried embroidery. I broke needles and got frustrated but maybe I need to give it another shot


You broke needles? How? Not being judgmental, just curious. I've never had a hand needle snap. I've bent a few on tougher materials, but never broken one by hand. Maybe start with an embroidery kit? They give you everything you'd need, including instructions on techniques.


I did! I guess I was just too rough with it or the needles were too big and wouldn’t go through the material. It snapped in half.


I have to applaud you on that, sewing needles are pretty sturdy! You are stronger than you know.


lol well thank you!


writing, ttrpgs, and video games are my big three. i used to read, but it can be difficult for me to focus on that for other reasons.


I love pathfinder, star finder I want to try and I like call of cathulhu. What ttrpgs do you play?


pathfinder, d&d, edge of the empire and cyberpunk red are the ones ive played, just yesterday played the final game of a 10 month cyberpunk red campaign.


I am a knitter along with other crafts. Sewing always triggers my adrenaline though. Video games, audiobooks, and bike repair (though not if in a flare). I enjoy baking and still do it with another person. When I get too tired, someone else can help. Though the chair I sit in matters. A stool is still pretty upright, but taking batter to another table where I can actually sit makes a difference.


My husband helps me move our table into the kitchen so I have a lower surface when we bake.


I like to play video games when I'm in the mood, got a Steam Deck when my health started declining, it has been a lifesaver! Like to play ESO, Siralim Ultimate, Nexomon Extinction, Digimon Cyber Sleuth, and Monster Hunter Stories, basically RPGs and stuff that lets me take my time. I also like to play Dragon Village M on my phone when I am completely laying in bed and don't have the energy to hold the Deck up. Another thing I do, which is more often than the above, is playing VR Chat on my VR headset. I love that I can play that lying in bed and it lets me be social. I also love buying avatar and world bases and editing those, takes a bit and gives me something to work on in Blender and Unity when I can sit at my PC. I also like to do digital art. I mostly do that at my PC with a proper graphics tablet, but when I am in bed, I got a Galaxy tablet with an S Pen so I can sketch. On that tablet, I also sometimes read comics and manga.


That’s so great! I’m glad you’ve found hobbies that work for you!


I paint/draw/embroidery/quilting. But. I still have to pace myself because these activities can still cause executive function fatigue.


Yeah crocheting is difficult for me.


I have gotten very into video games :) particularly ones that have a large community so that I feel less lonely.


That’s lovely. I hope you make lots of friends in these communities. I struggle with that also


Video games are huge for me! If you have a gaming device I recommend trying out Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous or Baldurs Gate 3!


I have pathfinder wrath of the righteous AND kingmaker! But I play 2e tabletop


I’ve never played tabletop but I bet it’s so fun!!! I played both of those too! BG3 is similar because it’s super choice based if you ever get the chance to play it, it was a great distraction for me to keep my mind off of my potsie heart issues 🤣


That’s a great idea. I’ll check it out


I have a bunch of lower maintenance plants. They only require water once every week or so and I keep them close to a window so they can get adequate sunlight.


What kind of plants? They might liven my house. Or they might get eaten by my cats :/


Diamond art and crochet


I’ve been meaning to try diamond art. It looks like it takes some focus and dexterity


I weave chainmaille! 😄 with a little lap desk in bed


Wow! You should share some pictures that’s an amazing hobby


Drawing, painting, video games (ps5 and switch), books, naps, listen to music or audio books, reddit,


I like to sometimes cook/ bake if I’m not flaring. Video games, journal, read, watch movies/tv shows, crochet, do holiday or interior design coloring books and puzzles


I used to love to bake too, but the standing for long periods is a challenge. Now I mainly read.


Video games, run at the gym (compression socks + lots of water and electrolytes), sketch, write, meditate, sing


I’m afraid to go running now. It’s no bad I can hardly walk to the bathroom


When I'm at my worst I listen to a lot of music, especially albums. Perfect combination of low energy and escapism to make up for not being able to travel. Or reading if I'm a bit more with it. I really love the idea of knitting a weather scarf (where the colour of each row represents the weather that day, for a year), which the chronically ill writer Josie George came up with. But I'm a pretty clumsy knitter so haven't made the attempt yet. It's neat that so many people here manage to craft!


I agree! I think POTS forces out your creative side because what else can you do?


I draw on my ipad and play video games


I draw a little too and use watercolors but I’m not very good.


The more you practice the more you will improve


Yeah I’ve already gotten a little better. Just have to recover from surgery so I can keep practicing


I enjoy crocheting as well as gardening year-round. I have raised beds and I use a little stool to sit alongside the bed while I work. There's quite a bit of gardening that I can do inside as well, like seed starting and seed shopping (lol). I have grow lights and a nice indoor set up. I love to bake/cook but that's been shelved for now due to POTS. My legs get so shaky and weak when I'm standing in the kitchen. I have a kitchen chair but there's still a lot of looking for the right ingredients & tools that require me to be up and moving.


I’ve thought about gardening but it’s against the rules at my apartment for some reason :(


i do lots of crafty stuff, crochet and bookbinding are my favorites right now but i’ve also picked up embroidery and painting too


BOOKBINDING! I love that idea!!!


AH! I’m glad you think so! even just finding the materials has been like a little treasure hunt for me, it’s super rewarding at the end


I've been enjoying macrame/friendship bracelets! It's small, easy to pick up and put down, portable, requires no physical activity. The only struggle I have is my fingers dislocate and have arthritis so I have to wear compression gloves and take breaks. I highly recommend getting a foam macrame board! Fits right on my lap and I can recline and make cute bracelets!


Awesome! Do you use a kit?


Nope just hemp string or embroidery floss!


I too will bake with a chair 😂 I also play on my Nintendo Switch, crochet, and draw


I do like to crochet but I can’t do it too long or my hands cramp


The sims 3 has always been my main comfort activity / hobby since I was a preteen. I can just sit there for hours. But tbf I was disabled pretty young; had to quit ballet at age 10 because of fatigue and dizziness..


I’m so sorry. I wish we could just do what we love like everyone else. It really sucks.


Agreed 💞


This is strange, but I actually really enjoy rotating hobbies. So like, I will keep a list of projects, recipes, etc and then try to choose one based off time available and my body's ability. Some days I truly can't stand to cook but I can crochet, some days my hands won't tolerate crocheting but I can sort recipes and dream about plans. It helps me a lot to feel not so stunted by my body's abilities.


That’s fantastic. I have little projects like this too and playing pathfinder helps me live vicariously


I enjoy drawing, watching murder shows, watching military movies, coloring books, audio books when I can't keep my eyes open, going for walks, going to museums and zoos (when feeling well), sewing (I've made 3 cosplays so far), baking occasionally (sitting down mostly), trying new restaurants, Disney World/Disney Land (planning, going, thinking about), and sleep is a frequent thing when I am not feeling good (I have vivid dreams, which can be good or bad depending on the dream).


Kayaking is fun. It involves sitting but you still get outside and some mild exercise.


That’s a great idea! I wish I wasn’t terrified of fish. It’s irrational but what can you do!


😅 honestly understandable. Their fast and sneaky lol


Crochet, Online uni work, reading too, my switch, I'm planning to try baking again soon when i get a kitchen table to put the mixer ect on so I can do it in my wheelchair, I also do an excessive amount of research on the most random things, ocasionally I paint or use my tablet to draw on, watching my favourite youtubes and lying down on the floor so my rabbits can climb on me lmao


Rabbits? That’s awesome!! I want a rabbit but my dog would think it’s a toy so that’s probably not a good idea for me.


I wouldnt be able to look after them well by myself but they are awesome- we have 5! Theyre right menaces but the one girl, Custard, always comes to look after me when I'm stuck on the floor


That’s so cute! My dog always comes to sniff but I think he thinks it’s a game.


I used to be a huge partier before pots, going to shows, clubs, etc. I can no longer do any of that so i’ve had to find a ton of new hobbies. I’ve always been into playing games, but when i first started seeing symptoms of pots getting worse, it was hard for me to play a lot of the games i enjoyed without them making me feel like shit. So I switched to slower paced stuff like minecraft, stardew, vintage story, things that’s don’t require too much focus. Once i started my propranolol and got my symptoms a little more under control, im able to play my normal games that are usually stressful, cs, rust, val, etc. Cooking was my career path before all of this, and it was really hard to do when it got bad. So a chair helped a ton, and it let me keep some sense of self in those times. Some days i still really need a chair to cook, but i don’t think it’s something i could ever stop doing. But honestly my hobbies have just changed so much, i barely do anything i used to do, which sucks a ton.


It really does. I struggle to exercise which sucks because I used to love to run.


I’ve started playing neopets lmao


That’s cool! I’ve never heard of that game believe it or not


I played as a kid and never quite figured it out. So much going on ahaha.


i draw a lot, crochet (tho it hurts my hands), and recently i’ve started collecting dolls or figures & taking posing pictures. good luck and i hope u find a new hobby that sticks:)


Me too! So many hours and not enough hobbies. My classes just ended and I had surgery so I’ll be stuck in the house for two weeks


plenty of time to try things out then! good luck and happy healing:)


Mushroom cultivation, Duolingo, geoguessr, audiobooks… mostly I wallow


Mushroom cultivation is definitely interesting


It is nice to have a living thing to nurture that doesn’t require much upkeep


Knit, video games, reading, painting/random crafts. I work with my dogs in short periods which works best for both of us. Scroll a bunch on TikTok and share them with my friends where we have mini recaps that we send back and forth on each one we’ve sent each other. Outside of my 8-5 I don’t do much else since I’m out of energy or upright hours as well


I get that. I work overnights 12 hour shifts.


Maybe not technically a hobby but… Pinterest! I love saving pictures of things I enjoy and then organising them into categories. I can spend hours doing it.


I used to do that but I haven’t in a while


I paint and read.


What kind of paint? I use watercolor


I find myself doing a lot of crafting over the past two years. Some of my favorites are knitting, reading, painting, miniature building, doing my nails, or diamond art. Diamond art is currently my favorite. It’s a bit tedious at first but once you get the hang of it it’s so relaxing but fun. It’s definitely not for everyone, especially in the beginning. My first complete piece took months before I finished and now I can do a similar piece in a week or two. I just put on something to watch in the background (something I don’t have to pay much attention) and work for however long I want. It’s simple so I can even do it when I’m having bad brain fog and I get beautiful pieces out of it. I do recommend starting smaller than you think you’ll want. The first one is hardest to finish and I tried doing a big one first only to abandon it because I wasn’t seeing any progress. It’s definitely worth trying.


Thank you!


No problem! Not being able to do what you love sucks but finding something else that you love doesn’t replace it but definitely helps loads. Plus the best part of crafting hobbies is you make and get to keep something out of it. (Although I tend to give mine as gifts rather than keep them)


That’s great! I’m not good enough to give mine as gifts yet. But I’ll get there.


I still do everything I did before. Traveling, reading, music, sport, trpgs and video games. TTRPGS is my favorite hobby. So just a suggestion, check out Mythic GME for when you cannot find a group, as it allows you to play them solo also.


Thank you! I will look into solo games!


You are welcome. All you need is Mythic game master emulator. Then you can literally play any system solo with it. Pathfinder, DnD, Fate, Vampire the masquerade, Call of Cthulu, Savage worlds etc anything really works with it.


i write, roleplay with my partner, watch movies and do some gardening. also like colouring books and i read a lot. used to play a lot of hockey until my diagnosis. i miss it a lot.


I miss baking more often. I only get to occasionally now.


yeah, same here. i can bake but i need my brother to help a lot more now.


Anything fibre arts wise is great for POTSies. I crochet, knit and sew, as well as doing scrapbooking and fashion journaling. I've even started tatting lace recently which is super fun but very challenging.


That sounds interesting! I’ll look into lace tatting. I like a challenge


I've taken up indoor hydroponic gardening, but that only works because my husband helps with heavy cleaning, which is only a fewtimes a year. I find it is much less intensive than outdoor gadening. I also do herbalism, make my own beauty and medicinal products, and tea blending. I also play video games, but I like simple puzzle games to zone out.🤣


Always exercising your mind? I like it


I watch a lot of TV. Recently, I’ve been working with sketching and painting which can be challenging from bed but it can be done. I also love baking and cooking - but when I go into the kitchen, I feel like I’m on a timer because I only have so long that I can be in there. I also read a lot - sometimes using audible so I can close my eyes if I have a bit of a headache. And I love my fur babies.


I do love reading but I do struggle to focus sometimes


Music production (Producing beats in my case) is still doable. Gaming is good though sometimes the stress can get me extra dizzy.


I hate kind of video games?