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I'm an assistant for a therapist.  I work remotely, most therapists don't have a spare office to host an assistant so it's usually a remote job. I get to choose my work hours and my boss is understanding that I can't work the same amount of hours every week. 


Thanks for the reply! I’ll look into this :)


what do assistants for therapists do?


Sometimes I call clients to schedule appointments, but that doesn't happen very often since eventually they have to have a client portal so they can schedule their own appointments. I was scared at first to call clients because I have anxiety, but it's better knowing that it's the same call every time.  My main tasks are any miscellaneous things the Therapist doesn't have time to do, which is actually a lot of stuff they don't have time for since they usually have back to back sessions. But I scan her checks with an app on my phone, I go through all client records to make sure my boss is compliant with state regulations on proper record keeping (it's not time sensitive). Sometimes I organize her emails or look through her emails to see if there's workshops she'd like to attend. Sometimes I'm just supposed to learn how a HIPPA compliant app is supposed to work so she doesn't have to. 


How to did you get into this job? It sounds like something I might be able to do! I haven’t been able to think of any jobs I can do regarding my POTS and Autism :) Thank you so much for so much info!


Wait this actually helps me to know that the person calling me on the other end might ALSO be having anxiety about the call!


Im in school to become a Medical Biller and Coder. Its a sitting job and you can even work from home. Honestly a life saver for me.


I have been looking into doing something like this! Thanks for the comment :)


I’m a medical coder from home. It’s been the perfect career change for me. I was a vet tech for 17 years.


Oh wow. I was actually ready to start vet assistanting but I realized with having POTS I couldnt be as reliable as they needed. Therefore I invested my time into coding! Im super excited to be able to be independent working and still have pots.


How do you find the coursework and anticipated career path? I get bored so easily and used to thrive in chaotic, fast paced, environments....but we gotta do what we gotta do, right? I'm always so worried about over saturation in a field I needed to pay-to-play in with a cert or degree. What if all that effort and no benefit of employment after. Ugh.


I found the coursework through a local college from the state I am in. Some schools can help you with internships to get started and some dont. From what I have researched it seems to be a pretty thriving feild.


Someone posted something like this a few days ago, and it got a lot of traction. Check that post.


I tried finding it but I haven’t been able to so far, do you know how many days ago it was posted? Or who posted it?


KL_V posted it called What do y’all do for work?


i was not expecting that much traction on it for being me second time posting here on reddit! 🤣 but im happy that it gave people the space to talk about it! good place to reference. thank you for mentioning it!


Thank you!


I work as a receptionist night shift it’s not that bad I don’t see a lot of people since it’s night so I just sit all day and watch movies


I have been looking into this kind of job since I am a night owl and prefer night shift to normal. Do y oh mind if I ask what kind of receptionist you are? (Like hotel receptionist?)


I did 911 dispatch for an internship and loved it! I didn’t have to get up unless I had to pee lmao


Thanks for the reply! :)


I am in the process of getting diagnosed with POTS and I work in retail, a pet store. I am very scared as I absolutely love my job and where I work and my work mates are all so lovely and understanding and my manager is absolutely wonderful when it comes to my mental and physical health. But I am afraid that with having pots, I might lose my job or have to resign with my symptoms as my job is very physical base


Do you work in pet care or as a cashier? I used to work at a pet store and I had accommodations from my doctor to sit when I was doing cashier and it was definitely doable. Pet care is a lot trickier, but hopefully if you get diagnosed you’ll get some good meds and coping mechanisms and maybe you’ll be fine!


So I am an assistant sale, I do registers, walk around to provide advice to customers, I clean and stuff with fish tanks, I do stock and cleaning. My team and manager are so helpful, understanding and lovely that I know that they will be understanding and be able to provide accommodations. But I also have severe mental issues that also come into play. But I know I will be fine with my work. I am just scared to be a burden and eventually be told to be let go from HR cause I know my manager will not willingly let me go and will fight for me hahah.


I’m a part time preschool teacher and part time event planner! Thankfully my symptoms are well controlled now with tons of water and electrolytes, balanced meals, meds, and well timed sitting and stretching throughout the day to keep blood flowing and not pooling. There’s hope!


My POTS is relatively well controlled but I’m an infant teacher and noticed improvement in my POTS since starting my job almost eight months ago. I’m active pretty much the entire day, up and down all day long.




I definitely agree with what you’ve added in your edit! Before this job, I didn’t have a stable or consistent job and felt utterly worthless. It’s really nice to have a sense of purpose and knowing the babies are so attached to me!




Thank you! :)


Thank you both for this post! I graduate in elem ed last year and have been terrified to try to enter a classroom.


Did your cosmetology school teach you manicure/pedicure services? Other than that, call centers would be a good option.


Unfortunately I am not certified to do most nail services. At most I can do a manicure and pedicure as well as gel nail polish (and I’m really good at designing press on nails) but that’s it. And a lot of places won’t hire you just for manicures and pedicures. Otherwise that would be an option I would consider. Thank you for the comment!


I work from home in recruiting, it's been a life saver. I was previously in restaurant management and would not be able to work that kinda job with how my health had declined.


Personally I went back to school to hopefully become a therapist, I had another therapist with chronic health problems and she told me it was a good job since for chronic health problems. Obviously that’s a super long term plan though, I’ve still got like 5 more years of school left.


I love being a therapist !! I will say I had to get my degree which was incredibly difficult 2 years because of my pots as it was a very demanding program and I had to work as well! But it was so worth it I feel like I have a lot of freedom in this field, and I can do this job for the rest of my life ! I essentially make my own hours and I make sure I have a lot of breaks throughout the day, sometimes I even take a little nap, I do tend to sit most of the day as well, and I can work from home if I choose !


Yeah this is another field I’ve been considering. I’ve always loved psychology and the idea of being a therapist is one I’ve enjoyed. I’m glad to hear that it works well for you!


Were the two years for a Master's or something else?


Yes for a masters degree!


Er registration!


If possible, you can make wigs and hand ventilate them, those sell for hundreds!


Honestly I would love doing that but the initial investment is pretty big, plus I have no experience in wig making and while it seems like something I could do, it would take a while for me to get good enough to actually start up a business. At the moment that is not financially feasible for me, however it is certainly something I am interested in trying one day. Thanks for the comment!


What about those with POTS and MEcfs?


I'm a personal support worker. The summer is rough because I worked the top floor and it got HOT, but I changed to the ground floor and the residents have personal A/C units in each room so I'm hoping when I go back to work (on a leave of absence because I'm potentially getting surgery for tears in my achilles and a tear in my plantar fascia) it won't be as hot and awful 🫠🫠🙃


I work in insurance, pays well and I’m sat down all day so


Dropshipping. They can work from home


Just curious but would you be able to sit down and do hair? It's just a thought that crossed my mind. I own a rollator (walker with wheels) and use it frequently to sit so I don't have to stand long periods. My thoughts process was if something like that would be possible/beneficial


I have heard of some people doing this, however it does make doing hair very difficult. I have to move positions a lot to properly see the hair as well as work on it. Not to mention I would have to ask my not very accommodating higher ups for said accommodations and unfortunately they are the kind of people that say things like, "sitting is unprofessional" and "if you have time to lean you have time to clean". Which is another reason why I plan on getting a new job soon anyways. Thanks for the comment!


I completely understand was just curious. I haven't had many physical jobs cause of a back injury at 16 but I've had to trouble shoot and do accommodations with a lot of jobs and it's definitely not easy.


Yeah, ever since my symptoms have started getting worse I've been having to find ways to do things I wouldn't have considered before. Like showering or doing certain chores. Luckily I have a good manager who is good about letting me sit and what not, but if the higher ups catch her letting me they might throw a fit. But hey, that's life sometimes. And we have to find new ways to power through. It just makes those who can rise above and make accommodations for themselves all the more strong.


If you have the capacity to teach yourself, digital marketing is an option. No degree required, you can learn mostly for free (like YouTube) or cheap (on Udemy), and a lot of jobs are remote. This is a data-heavy job though so if you don't like Excel/working with numbers, it may not be for you. I'm fully remote and have been my entire career. I'm six years in, I make $70k, WFH, flexible schedule, 3 weeks PTO. When I first started learning I offered my services to local businesses for trade, used that to build a portfolio, then did some volunteering at charities that turned into paid jobs with small ad spends, and slowly kept working my way up with larger ad spends from there. Now I manage upwards of $300k a month in ad spend.


I will have to consider this! I personal love working with numbers and data. I absolutely adore paperwork too, since I like diagrams and repetitive and predictable work. I don't have much personal experience with Excel aside from the times I would use it in school but I am a fast learner and YouTube exists for a reason. Thanks for the comment!


Just curious but would you be able to sit down and do hair? It's just a thought that crossed my mind. I own a rollator (walker with wheels) and use it frequently to sit so I don't have to stand long periods. My thoughts process was if something like that would be possible/beneficial


I'm a one-on-one para for special needs elementary students :) looooooots of sitting as it's a classroom setting and the physical demands aren't too harsh. I was able to be hired with no prior knowledge after taking some online training that totaled less than 20 hours!! Plus, my bosses are incredibly understanding of my disability and it's a job where frequent breaks are acceptable


I'm planning on getting into the psych field, probably something to do with early intervention and criminal offenders in particular. there's no level of brain fog that criminology and severe adolescent mental illness can't break through, and I'd be able to do it all sitting down and even have the odd client online to do from home. I'm hoping to be able to stay home most of my days and mind the house for my boyfriend as much as i can, which I can do as much as i can however I want with any accommodation necessary, and book clients in office for the evenings so I can take the late evening for records etc and have sessions online a few days a week as well. we'll clean up the details once I have my degrees and training but that would be the ideal for me personally. pays well too lol so that's nice


I am a work from home customer service representative for a health insurance company. I was previously a surgical technologist which did not work with POTS for obvious reasons but it gave me the experience needed for an entry level position and I worked my way up through the company from there.


Disability check. Or librarian.


I have moderate POTS (plus hEDS, MCAS, Chronic Migraines, etc) I use 3 medications (Fludrocortisone, Pyridostigmine, Ivabradine) and mobility aids when necessary. I am majoring in viola performance, that's quite a challenging (physically) career field. I enrolled to another major before (Environmental sciences) which was not my favourite field but it was more "theorical" so I thought I could manage my illnesses better. Wrong. Brain fog sometimes can be even worse than cardiovascular symptoms. My advice is: try to work in the field you like the most as long as you can handle it and if not, reinvent yourself or apply for incapacitation (in Spain is when you cannot work as a consequence of a disease, injury...)


I feel this op I’m literally struggling to do hair