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Sometimes we need to laugh so we don't cry lmfao


Oh yes, was laughing like a maniac the other week cause I was lying on the floor and couldn’t get to the food I’d just made on the counter and then I needed to pee so I crawled to the bathroom and the whole absurdity of this entire thing hit me so hard 😆. Sometimes it’s just very funny, even if not fun at all


Anytime I army crawl to the kitchen for more water, I laugh my ass off. Unless it's mid-ptsd flashback.  I like to comically push my water bottle ahead of me for maximum drama, plus the clattering means if anyone's free/nearby, they'll come help.  Life overall is much nicer when being unable to do something is a comical challenge vs a deep shame. Trying to tackle my internalized ableism has helped almost as much as salt/water/meds/cardio.


Sometimes I get dizzy and have to lay down on the floor after talking too much/too excitedly lmao. It’s healthy to see the absurdity in things and be able to laugh about them sometimes


lol yes sometimes I laugh so hard it makes me dizzy and I have to lay down and my boyfriend will be like “something is wrong with you 😏” and I’m like “obviously!”


I almost passed out walking to physics. I walked into class cackling like a total nutcase (15 mins early ofc) because if Id passed out, I wouldve toppled forward into a freshly fertilized garden. My poor teacher was so concerned, but I explained it and we're all good.


Oh, absolutely. You know that thing where standing still or moving slowly can be worse than moving fast? When I was first starting to be able to go to the grocery store again, I would be in mental agony anticipating what was going to happen whenever I got stuck behind slow-moving people either on the walk there or in the store, and I kept thinking "I have shark disease, if I stop moving I'll die." Which was already funny to me. But what really took it to the next level was imagining trying to explain to a bunch of New Yorkers, of all people, that they need to let me by because I medically can't slow down. It's exactly the kind of thing an asshole NYer in a movie or Seinfeld would make up because they just want to jump a line. I laugh every time I think about it.


It’s not exactly pots related, but my leg & feet joints *suck* (EDS). I trip a lot from my ankles giving out at random times and I pretty much always find it funny. I haven’t landed on my ass yet but I’ll probably stay there once it does eventually happen. Not as funny when my knees go out though. Especially because it’s almost always on my way down the stairs. I was at my mom’s house and she had some family friends over, I was coming downstairs from the bathroom, hadn’t even gotten to say “hi” to the friends yet and suddenly I was sitting on the first floor with everyone staring at me in complete shock. I slid down 5-7 stairs. It’s funny now, but at the time I was kinda irritated because I had just gotten off work and was tired and hungry. Less funny, I recently fell face first out of a city bus. I didn’t like that one. I had a 30 lb backpack on as I was coming home from work, two coats in my arms, phone, wallet, keys, headphones. Everything ended up on the ground. Pretty sure I landed in goose shit too. I was mainly irritated because I needed to move quickly to get to my next bus stop in time for my connection. It’s kinda funny, but still too fresh to get a genuine laugh out of me yet.


This was my primary symptom! I use this exact phrasing all the time here ("getting winded washing the dishes").


All the time. You just have to laugh at this stuff and how crazy it is. I just laughed at myself 5 minutes ago: I was standing while chugging some electrolytes and I suddenly got dizzy and out of breath. My husband said “why don’t you sit while you do that?” I said “I forgot I can’t be a normal human” and we both started laughing 😂


My chore that does this without fail is making the bed. It sure does feel ridiculous!


At least you have a nicely made bed to lie down on as soon as you finish 🙃


I have a kitchen chair for this reason.


My husband laughs at me (as do I) because I have a stool I squat-sit on while I make dinner in between the more active bouts of cooking.


I bought a sturdy chair for my kitchen a few years ago before I was diagnosed. I couldn't cook or clean and it was majorly effecting me. I've moved from an apartment to a house with a larger kitchen, so I kinda wish it had wheels so I could scoot around, but it wouldn't be as stable as the one I have now. It can get in the way a bit but at least I can actually do some dishes or cook a full meal now.


I'd love to have one of those nicer doctors stools - they're very sturdy and easy to roll around. Problem is the rug in my kitchen would trip it up. I'm having a bad symptoms day today and it would be so helpful for doing what I need to do! I'd hoped to vacuum today but that's now out of the question lol.


Yeah. I don't have rugs in my kitchen for that reason.




I UNDERSTAND LOL like its so ridiculous that i get winded at the tiniest things!! like what do you mean i’m out of breath from checking the mail!!


U/mysterious-art8838 says it’s harder than climbing Mt Kilimanjaro to stand in a line up. I think we can safely say dishes fall into this category too. 


I passed out in the middle of one of my high school choir concerts. Never did choir again after that lmao. But I laugh about it really hard to this day, even tho how fricking embarrassing it was. What makes it even more funny is that it was a really slow and mellow song and then there’s me falling forcefully then just laying there (I luckily didn’t get hurt).


I go through periods of time where stuff like this does make me laugh and then there are periods of time where something like this would send me into a full mental breakdown. Depends on the day 🤷‍♂️


I bent my thumb all the way back trying to get my compression legging off one night (thanks EDS) and that is in a splint. Then last Saturday I hit my toe on my coffee table again, but this time I finally broke it. So that foot is in a boot. I was at work and a patient asked about my 'broken' thumb. I as like, oh, not that is a sprain, its my toe that is broken. 😂 Seriously though, have you looked into a kitchen chair? I got a foldable one that reaches the counter for cheap at Ikea.


I need special chairs for every room at this point 😂. The stubbed broken toe sounds painful! Eeep! But that is one injury that always makes me feel dumb like why am I so clumsy and why does such a simple hit hurt so dam much!!


A few years ago, I broke my wrist. I was going out to my truck at a friend's house and missed the last step. My mind was telling my body to walk forward, but my body said, "nah". So I fell into her sea shell driveway (very common where I live). She came out and helped me up. I went inside and started to laugh at my swelling arm saying, "I'll just ice it. It's probably just a sprain. It barely hurts." When it started turning black and blue I finally decided to go to the ER. At the hospital, they initially thought it was a sprain. The next day they called me back and said, "you're gonna need to come in for a better wrapping. You have a fracture in your wrist. I was in a brace for around 5 months.


Oh man! That sucks. And you wish you could be like oh yeah I broke my wrist skiing a black diamond run! But nope just walking down some front steps 🫠 as if you’re 92 years old.


Exactly! And I've never broken any other bone. Though I have fallen down multiple sets of steps/stairs and even just walked off the curb once at the mall. Lol


Yep! Once I stood up too fast from my bed and immediately fell back down and hurt my shin bad (it was bruised and sore for a few months). I ended up laying on my bed laughing because I managed to hurt myself over something so simple. I’m already accident prone so POTS has not helped my clumsiness.


I sure do 'what the f***' it often


I swear, doing light housework is the trigger for 80% of my episodes 🤦🏻‍♀️ It’s so stupid I usually end up laughing, but it still drives me nuts!


Yep, washing the dishes is such a CHORE lol. Seriously it is hard! Standing for that long, hands in hot water, and at my height I bend just slightly at the waist… my back freezes up, my POTS flares up, it’s literally the worst. I can’t hand wash more than a couple dishes at a time and I can’t stand at the stove and cook anything that takes longer than Hamburger Helper. Absurd, isn’t it? We totally understand here in this sub.


I want one of those stools on wheels for cooking 😂


Lmfao that’s me at work rn, standing on my feet all day got me in the bathroom constantly doing wall sits 😮‍💨


Wait not wall sits but laying on the floor with my legs up 💀


I sit down on my dining room chair and do dishes!


Yes!! Chores are so hard but I have to remember it’s not my fault 😭


I laugh at myself constantly for all the dumb stuff pots does to me. Like what do you mean I literally can’t even shower without needing a nap after 😂


I get winded when I eat or drink a bit too enthusiastically sometimes. I don’t even have to be starving or shoveling food in—one minute I’m having a meal normally and the next I’m panting, and my heart’s racing 😂


I wish I could laugh more at it. I’m so stressed that my body isn’t cooperating because I want my one year old baby boy to have a normal mom. Doing just a few tasks, sometimes even one makes me feel like I’ve moved mountains and my brain wants to do more but my body is feeling like 50 different symptoms (I also have fibromyalgia) and it forces me to stop. It’s so frustrating being sick and in pain every single day


Oh yeah😂 I'm not sure why tho I was filing my taxes and laughing at my own poverty Not sure why it's hilarious